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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1956)
6 THURSDAY, MAR 22. 1956 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General BIG PROFIT for your spare time. Trap and bring in alive squirrels, coons, skunks, chipmunks, etc. For full information inquire Jim Cay wood at old high school gvm 12t3c FOR SALE: 2-year old Holstein- Guernsey cow. $80. Fresh this week. Art Kittleson on P.O. Mel linger road. 12tl FOR SALE: Two fresh cows, two more fresh soon. D.H.I.A. test, high average. J P. McFarland. Phone HA 9-5946, 12t3 FOR SALE. Ferguson 30 tractor with super 6 loader. An excep- tionally clean unit. Also has an 8 ft. 1HC tandem disc. S and K Tractor and Equipment Co. Hills boro, Oregon *4 mile east of Shute Park. Ilt2c EASTER LILIES and other flow ers. Place orders early please. HA 9-3704. Riverview Green house. 1H3 FOR SALE Easy Spindry washing machine. Perfect condition. In quire of Bill Wilson at Hahn’s. 10t3c BARGER ELECTRIC REPAIR. Rewinding, repairing, refrigera tors. Rebuilt motors and refrig erators for sale. Phone HA 9- 6933. 46tfc FOR SALE: Used chain saws. Ted’s Saw Shop. Riverview. 22tfc CASH PAID for furniture, live stock, machinery, tools any time. Forest Grove Auction, L. R. Senft and C. W Christiansen, owners and auctioneers. Phone 7615. ltttfc SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill dirt. Call HA 9 6829, A.G. Os trander. 26t52c FOR SALE—Insurance Twelve members made baskets Friday, March 9, at the regular meeting of the Mist-NehaLm ex WANTED tension unit. The project leaders I WANTED: Farm listing, large or were Mrs. N. Hanson and Mrs. small. Have buyers waiting. Ed | J. Howry. Mrs. E. Larson gave a very in L. Winter, Realtor, AT 2-7334, teresting report about the cloth 545 N E Killingsworth, Portland ing and customs of people living 11. Oregon. Or call or write M on the island of Ceylon. Mrs. F S. Thompson, farm salesman, Busch announced that the home 12tfc nursing Red Cross oourse will be BU 9-0577. postponed until after Easter. Be cause so many are interested, a night class as well as an after noon class will be given. Those BLACKBERRY interested should contact Mrs. GROWERS Busch and tell her whether they Banks Frozen Foods. Inc., is want afternoon or evening meet anxious to contact anyone in^ ings. teresied in raising cultivated Mrs. J. Howry announced about blackberries. Write or phone the meeting of the four units from this part of the county. It Al Da vies will be March 29 in Vernonia. All 281 or 439, Banks. Oregon 10t3c membe'rs who made garments in the tailoring workshop are asked WANTED: Livestock of all kinds; to model them at this meeting. cattle, horses, hogs, sheep. J. W. Johnson, Vernonia, Oregon. Ph. LEGAL NOTICE Ha 9-5897. 8t6 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT WANTED HIGHEST cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone 126. 14tfc SERVICES SUN GLASSES Your Glasses Duplicated Or New Prescription Made Dr. Votaw Optometrist No Appointment Necessary Sundland Building Tuesdays 10:30 io 6:00 Saturdays 6:00 12tfc ALLSTATIC, founded by Sears, gives you more for your insurance CHIHUAHUA stud service. dollar. For auto, fire and person A K C. registered. Phone HA 9- al liability insurance, see or phone I 6901. Ilt3 your local Allstate Insurance agent, Patrick J. Vandehy, 19th SHOE REPAIR SERVICE. Bar Ext., Forest Grove, Oregon, or ger, Stoney Point. Or, work can phone Forest Grove 2333 for ap I I be left at Steer’s Variety Store. 28tfc pointment. 52tfc 2:00 io FOR SALE—Real Estate LEGAL NOTICE HOMES TRADE OR SALE: 4-room mod- ern house, 1 acre land 4 mi’.e out. will trade for home in Ver- nonia. Price $4500. <> ROOM modern house, wired for range. Repair shop and wrecking yard in connection. Located in Clatskanie. Trade for acreage with or without house near Vernonia. Price $4500. 3 BEDROOM range; lots i Close in. Price $; OFFICIAL CALL FOR BIDS VERNONIA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOOL DISTRICT 47 JT. VERNONIA. OREGON Subject: ROOFING St aled bids will be received by R. M. Aldrich, Clerk, School Dis trict 47 Jt , Columbia County, Vernonia, Oregon, until April 10, 1956, 8:00 o’clock p m. for roofing the Washington Grade School at Vernonia. Oregon, and will then and there be opened and publicly read aloud Bids received afte. the time fixed for opening will not be considered. Plans. Specifications and Con tract Documents may be examin ed or may be obtained at the of fice of Darrold Pro'*hl. Supt., Washington Grade School, Ver nonia, Oregon. No proposals will be considered unless accompanied by certified check, cashier's check, or bid bond (with authorized surety company as surety) made payable to the Owner in an amount of not less than 5' of the amount of the bid. Surety bond will be required in accordance with terms of contract documents. The school district reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for th<* opening thereof or before award of the contract, unless said award is delayed for a period exceeding 30 days. R M Aldrich, Clerk F.rst publication March 15, 1956 Last publication March 22, 1956 llttt 117 ACRES. 60 in cult on Nehalem river, incl room modern house, bam anti garage. Also irrigation system. Some pulp wood. Price $13.700 $5000 will handle. 8 ACRES, borders on Rock Creek, all cleared and level. 2 houses and large bam. Price, $3500 Good terma. Close in. SEE ME for farms and acreage. DON BAYLEY. BROKER Palace Cafe Bldg. Ph HA 9-5225 lltlc FARM FOR SALE.. *•» mile north Buxton. 46 acres Cultivated, 34 acres, 4 acres strawberries Crops of hay, wheat, and oats in. Three bedroom house, 2 are upstairs. Oil heat. Equipment and stock included Close to church and school. See owner, Homer A Bennett. 728 E Walnut St., Hills- boro, Oregon. llt8 FOR SALE 4 rm. modem house, completely furnished 843 East Ave.________________________ 10t3c FOR RENT_____________ APARTMENT, furnished. $40. unhurt. $30. Large bdrm, liv ing rm, dining rm. Electric range, automatic water heater See at 117 North St. HA 9-3642 _____________________________ 12tfc HOUSE for rent Wired for el *e- tric range. Inquire* at 847 Third St______________ 19t3 LOST AND FOUND WILL pen in phon- Agnes PERSON finding Parker post office Tuesday please HA 9-6058 and leave word Barker. 12tlc Baskets By The Dozen Made At Unit Meeting NOTICE: The County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County, has appointed the under signed as administrator of the es. tate of Rexford Arnold Normand, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are re quired to present tttem with pro per vouchers to the undersigned at the office of the Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia. Oregon, within six months from the 8th day of March. 1956 John «Normand. Administrator Gardner and Reeder, Attorneys 10t5c MOCCASIN AND THE C0KN SNAKE HAVE BEEN KN l WN TO LIVE 21 VEAKS. By Marvin Kamholz Last Wednesday’s meeting of the Highway 99W Alternate as sociation here marked an anniver sary of the organization, one year of existence that has been fruit ful from the standpoint of accom I plishment. Under the leadership of Presi dent Art Ostrander the associa tion has been organized on a sound basis with representation on its board of directors from the communities interested in pro moting this alternate route. This representation has coordinated population centers along the 77- mile route being promoted as ne Notice is hereby given that th:* ver has been done before. undersigned as administrator of State Senator Robert Holmes, the estate of Laura M. Porterfield, the evening's guest speaker, point deceased, has filed his final ac ed out one important fact direc count in the county court of the tors should not forget as they state of Oregon for Columbia work on association business dur county, and that Monday, April ing the second year. It is this. 16, 1956, at the hour of 10:09 Be patient if progress isn’t as fast o’clock in the forenoon of said this year as during the first year. day and the court room of said He has a good point to consider. court has been appointed by said The first year of the association’s court as the time and place for efforts brought about the recon- the hearing of objections thereto naisance survey of the alternate and the settlement thereof. route, this report having been Dated and first publication authorized by State Highway En March 15, 1956. gineer R. H. Baldock last year. Date of last publication April This report, which was presented 12, 1956. Wednesday evening, provides a Walter O. Porterfield, basis upon which the association Administrator can continue its efforts. The sur John L. Foote vey pointed out the amount of St. Helens, Oregon work needed, where needed and Attorney____________________ 1 lt5c estimated costs to provide a suit NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT able roadway for the alternate Notice is hereby given that the route and is a sizeable step in undersigned as administrator of development of the road. the estate of Andrew M. Parker, Another aspect about improve deceased, has filed his final ac ment of the alternate route is that count in the county court of the it will provide a better market state of Oregon for Columbia road, especially those portions be county, and that Monday, April tween Forest Grove and McMinn 2, 1956 at the hour of 10 o’click in ville and between Vernonia and the forenoon of said day and th * Rainier where much of the heavy i court room of said court has been work is outlined in the survey as appointed by said court as the being necessary. A better mar time and place for th.*' hearing of ket road for the Vernonia Rainier objections thereto and the settle part would have allowed truckers ment thereof. using that route to operate more Dated and first publication this winter because the roadbed ' March 1, 1956. would be constructed to better Date of last publication March withstand heavy hauling during 29, 1956. bad weather. Albert L. Parker, Administrator | With the good start made in its John L. Foote, St. Helens, Ore- ( first year, the association may gon, Attorney. 9t5c j very well accomplish even more in the second year. NOTICE TO CREDITORS STRANGE DRESS AND DlFFEKCNT CUSTOMS ARt HO LONGER, RARE ON THE AMERICAN CAMrUS «^ALMOST 3S.CO0 1 OKI IGN 5IUDENT5 ARE ENROLLED IN INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER LLAKNINj IN THIS COUN1KY. Rainwater Farm Changes Hands TIMBER ROUTE — Mr and j in Seaside. Mrs. Martin Rainwater have sold Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn Graves their farm on Timber Rout? to and Dana and Mr. and Mrs. Wil Dean Woods from Idaho. He will bur Thacker were dinner guests take possession April 1 and the Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rainwaters will move to- Ver Silver. Later in the evening, nonia. Mr. Silver entertained his guests Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn Graves with pictures taken this winter of and son Dana had dinner and snow scenes. spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Greiling of her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Portland, were Sunday guests at Thacker. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Johnson, the home of Florenz West. The Treharne Birthday club Mrs. Dolores New, Debbie and Mrs. Nell Thacker spent Sunday met Thursday, March 15, at the home of Mrs. Lynn Reynolds, in honor of her birthday. A buffet luncheon was served at noon, after which the hostess opened her many beautiful gifts. Guests present were Mesdames Sarah Cox, Dorothy Reynolds, Maxine NATAL-PITTSBURG—Mr. and Reynolds, Sylvia Falconer, Rose Mrs. Don Hall and family of Mor mary Smith, Mae Wienecke, Pau ton, Washington, were Saturday line Tisdale, Florence Beck, Jan** visitors at the Lloyd Beach home Miller, Florence Kirkbride, Leaon in Birkenfeld. Sunday, both fa Odham, Florence Reynolds, Pat milies visited at the Robert Ma Weaver, Thelma Weaver and the thews home. Also visiting at the hostess. The next party will be Mathew home were Mr. and Mrs. held at the home of Sylvia Fal Larry Brady and family of Ver coner March 22. nonia. Mrs. Lena Mathews substituted at school a few days last week for California Trip Made Mrs. Wright, who was ill. During Mill Shut-down Mrs. Good and Mr. and Mrs. TIMBER ROUTE — Mr. and Clen of Portland were Sunday visitors at the Clyde Henderson Mrs. Art Kirk, their daughter home. The two ladies are sister and her family, Mr. and Mrs. E and niece, respectively of Mrs. M. Schaffer of Portland, left Portland March 7 for Los Angeles, Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hender California, Mr. and Mrs. Kirk son and family of Portland spent to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Omar Sunday at the Clyde Henderson Armstrong, former Vernonia resi dents, at Longbeach and Mr. and home. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Turner Mrs. E. M. Schaffer to visit his and son, Tom of Pendleton were father, Paul Schaffer. While in overnight guests at the home of California the Schaffers and the Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wolff, Thurs Kirks also visited Palm Springs day. Guests for dinner that even and Tia Juana, Mexico, returning ing. also, were Mr. and Mrs. Ken home March 15. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Lockwood neth Tupper. The Turners left Friday afternoon for Portland for of Portland were Sunday visitors a short visit with the Robert and at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. George Turner families and other Art Kirk and Mrs. Florenz West. Mrs. Myron Parrish was in Ver relatives and friends who had gathered at the George Turner nonia Monday visiting friends. home. Mr. and Mrs. Wolff mo Georgia transferred from Ver tored in that evening to join the nonia high school to Molalla high group and the evening was spent and returned home with her mo ther. in visiting and singing. A surprise birthday party was Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Valpiani drove to Portland Sunday after held at the home of Mrs. Geneva noon to visit Mrs. P. Valpiani. who Killingsberg Friday, March 9, in is critically ill in the Providence honor of her birthday. A buffet hospital. luncheon was served, after which Mrs. Killingsberg opened her gifts. Guests included mesdames Vera Willard, Ethel Hall, Betty Jones, Isola Fowler, Florence Ak ers, Mickey Rainwater, Gene Ak ers and Hilda Justice. Mathews Home Has Many Guests In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County. In the matter of the estate of WOMEN S LEAGUE George C. Engelke, deceased. Won Lost Notice is hereby given that the Sam’s Vood Store 70 42 undersigned has been appointed Dessy’s 65 47 administrator of the estate of Brunsmans 46 66 George C. Engelke, deceased, by Vernonia Drug 43 69 the County Court of the State of High team game, Brunsman's, Oregon for Columbia County, and 827; high team series, Vernonia has qualified. All persons having Drug, 2350; high individual game. claims against said estate are Shirley Hill, 204; high individual hereby notified to present the series. Shirley Hill, 533. Splits same to me at Post Office Box picked up: Dolly Laird, 3-10; Pat 651, St. Helens, Oregon, with Galloway, 5-6; Shirley Hill, 5- vouchers and duly verified with 10; Rene Brady, 2-7. in six months from the date here of. INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Datid and first publication Won Lost March 8, 1956. 73 39 Date of last publication April | Dessy’s Mill Market 63 49 5, 1956. Bob’s Union 59 53 David B. Williamson, Long-Bell 29 83 KEASEY ROUTE—The Keas- Administrator High individual game. Vern ey extension unit met at the David B. Williamson, Attorney Boy Recuperating from Dusenbury. 235; high individual home of Mrs. Herb Counts on 10t5c Recent Tonsillectomy series. Bill Nelson. 561: high team Wednesday, March 14. The sub game, Dessy’s, 1028; high team ject was the making of reed bas NATAL-PITTSBURG—Jimmie CLASSIFIED RATES series. Mill Market, 2780. kets with Mrs. Walt Parker and Mullins, son of Mrs. DeVere Her MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 CITY LEAGUE Mrs. H A. DeWitt as project shey, who had a tonsillectomy words or less. Words over min Won Lost leaders. A few were able to fin performed Thursday came home imum. 2c each. Three inser Oakes ish their baskets but for those Saturday from Portland and is 714 404 tions for the price of two. Radiant Cleaners 64 48 who didn’t another meeting was doing very well. POETRY accepted only as paid Lyles Barber Shop 47 Mr. and Mrs. Oakley Cripps of scheduled for this Wednesday at 65 matter. Rate: 5c per type line. Nehalem Service 414 704 the home of Mrs. Larry Brady. Vernonia were visitors at the THE EAGLE assumes no finan High individual game, R Nor Those attending besides the Jake Neurer home Sunday. cial responsibility for errors mand, 221; high individual senes. leaders were Mrs. Frank Mor Mr and Mrs. Lawton Waddell that may appear in ads pub R. Normand. 528; high team game ris, Mrs Harvey Christensen. received word Sunday evening lished in its columns, but in Oakes, 967; high team series, Ne. Mrs. Perry McFarland. Mrs. Ted that his brother. Henry Waddell case wheie this paper is at halem Service. 2682. Keasev, Mrs. George Martan. had pass'd away at Roseburg. fault, will reprint that part of The team championship tour Mrs. Larry Brady and Mrs. Ted Time of services is unknown as an adv. in which the typo nament was held Sunday. March | DeWitt yet. graphical mistake occurs. 18. Oakes won with a score of 1 Mr. and Mrs Thomas Holce of Mr and Mrs. Don Hall visited BLIND ADS with answers to be 2102. Dick Elliott captured al) | at the Larry Brady home over Forest Grove and Mrs. Clarence handled by the Eagle: Mini events with a total of 1723. the week end. New of Vernonia were Sunday mum charge 80c. No informa Mr. and Mrs. Adair of Port afternoon visitors at the Robert tion given relative to such ads. land and Mrs. and Mrs Stark of Mathews home. NO information on classifieds will ROYAL Hillsboro spent Wednesday aft The baby son of Mr and Mrs. be given out until after paper ernoon with Dad Counts. The eve Crawford is ill with a severe Th» World ’ s Firzt is mailed. women were interested in the chest cold. TRULY MODERN CARD of Thanks k Notices: 80c basketry project and watched the Mrs. Tressie Michener of Port Portable Typewriter NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ladies at work land was an overnight guest of ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED Mr. and Mrs Herb Counts i Mr and Mrs Robert Lindsay. AFTER WED. NOON EXCEPT THE VERNONIA EAGLE Ph. HA $-3372 — Vernonia. Ore. made a trip to Hillsboro on Mon Miss Margaret Michener came for FOR NEXT WEEK'S PAPER. day. her mother Sunday afternoon. Bowling Results Extension Unit Makes Baskets