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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1956)
Eight Couples Enjoy Evening of Pinochle Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Johnson were hosts Saturday evening for an enjoyable evening of pinochle which brought together eight couples for four tables of play. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Don Wantland, Mr and Mrs. Don Webb. Mr. and Mrs. R L. Thomp son, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Heck- enliable, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wiggans, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Law ler and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fowler. Tallying of scores resulted in the awarding of high score prizes to Mrs. Wiggans and Mr. Lawler and those for low score to Mrs. Thompson and Mr. Wiggans. The serving of delicious refresh ments by the hostess climaxed the evening. Footprints on the sands of time are not made by sitting down. SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE WITH THESE VALUES' Shower Honors Bride Elect I Mrs. Claude Gibson Jr. and Miss Kathleen Sauer were joint hostesses last Friday evening for a miscellaneous bridal shower honoring Miss Dorothy Gwin whose marriage to Bruce Hoyt will be an event of April 8. For the occasion, 33 of her school mates and friends gathered at the A. L. Saufr home. Games were enjoyed before the guest of honor opened and dis played her many lovely gifts and winners of prizes were Miss Do lores Olson and Mrs. Don Want land. A pink and white color scheme was carried out in decorations and refreshments. A bride doll on the piano was surrounded by pink candles and bows and white wed ding bells and the name Dorothy was spelled out in pink and white above the gift table which was heaped with attractively wrapped packages. Refreshments featured white an gelfood cake flecked with pink and also iced with pink; pink lemonade, pink jello and cookies. A surprise was bestowed on one of the other guests during the evening, also, when Mrs. Clarence Lusby, a recent bride, was pre sented with a lovely yellow ny lon comforter by the girls. In addition to the many lovely gifts received by Miss Gwin from those present, gifts had been sent by Miss Joan Roediger of Portland and Mrs. Lor. n Mills of Corvallis. Our Great America ☆ 4-H Scholarship Is Sponsored THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. 4^^ Pins Awarded by VFW Auxiliary The regular meeting of the V.F.W. auxiliary was held last Tuesday night. Ten and five year pins were awarded to members and election of officers for the next year was held. Celia Laird was elected as presi dent; Della Hall, senior vice-presi dent; Mary Lee Dübendorf, junior vice-president; Margaret Davies, treasurer; Pauline King, chaplain; Dorothy Walker, conductress; Shirley Huss, guard; Ragena Vike, three year trustee; Betty Hawken. secretary; Nora Redmond, Ina Bateman, Trudy Magoff and Shir lee Vike, color bearers; Myrtle Cox, patriotic instruction; Maeva Brimmer, musician. Delegates for district encampment are Myrtle Cox, Nora Redmond and Maeva Brimmer with Dorothy Walker, Della Hall and Jennie Lusby as alternates. Ten year pins were awarded to the following: Louise Hamnett, Ina Bateman, Maeva Brimmer, Myrtle Cox. Pauline King. Marie Ludwig, Jennie Lusby, Eva Poyn ter, Mae Schoenbeckler, Bessie Spofford, Dorothy Walker, Mar garet Walrath, Helen Spofford, Margaret Davies, Imogene Hart man, Wayne Hieber, Kathryn Wyckoff and Celia Laird. Five years pins were awarded to Lilian Greenman, Mary Aldrich, Mary Lee Dübendorf, Emily King, Gert rude Magoff. Rosalie Roediger, Ragena Vike, June Willis and Nora Redmond. Refreshments after the meeting were served by ^|ice Ade, Mar garet Walrath and Jennie Lusby. Chocolate Angelfood Tempts Pinochle Players Mrs. Margaret Vanderzanden served delicious chocolate angel Johnson's Hard Gloss Gio-Coat Vernonia Temple No. 61, Py food cake to the members of the Floor Wax S-g 29 thian Sisters, met in the I.O.O.F. Friendly Pinochle club when they Half Gallon Can hall for their regular me'ting gathered at her home last Thurs March 14. with Most Excellent day afternoon to get them in the Heinz Tomato Ketchup Chief, Eula Blount in the chair. proper mood for an enjoyable c t Three officers were absent due I afternoon of play. 14-oz. Bottles For Successful in winning first to illness in their family or being priz? was Mrs. Eleanor Thomp out of town. Betty Crfcker Ginger Bread Mix son with Mrs. Margie DeaHrt The report on sick members c claiming second prize. found several had been ill but 14'2-ox. Pkgs. For This weeks meetings of the were improving. Erma Johnson had undergone surgery at Port club is at the home of Mrs Tang Salad Dressing Thompson. land General hospital on Satui- Tuesday Shower Honors Quart Jar day and was getting along fine. Mrs. O. A. Drennan Eleven applications for prospec Tastewell Grapefruit Sections A stork shower honoring Mrs. tive new members were read. O. A. Drennan was held at her The Temple voted to sponsor a No. 303 Cans For home Tuesday. After the many scholarship for a girl or boy from lovely gifts were opened, re this community to the 4-H sum 300 Hunts Tomato freshments were served to the mer school at Corvallis which is Members of the P.E.O. Sister Cans Juice following: held in June. hood met at the home of Mrs. Msdames: Dewey Patterson, W. The district convention is to be Sam. T. Hearing Jr., on Tuesday Nabisco Choc. Chip Pecan C. Hartman, C. N. Norris, W O. held in Astoria, April 28,with Ver evening, March 13, at which Cookies S-oz. Pkg. iJt) Olinger, Grover Blount, C. A. nonia Temple demonstrating bal time officers for the ensuing year Nabisco Rice Honey and Wheat Bruce, Tressie Aultman, Alfred loting. Vernonia’s excellent se were elected and installed as fol Honeys. Flavored with Natural Jones. Ernest East, Selwin Graves nior, Mathilde Bergerson will act lows; Honey Qc Oliver Graves, Grover Howard, in that capacity at the meeting. President, Mrs. H. G. Sandon; 7*2- oz . Pkg. For^tJ | A. C. Argo, Ernest Jones and the The members from here will also vice-president, Mrs. Glen Hawk guest of honor, Mrs. Drennan. present a skit as part of the en- ins; recording secretary, Mrs. Mrs. Herman Dickson sent a I tertair.ment. Lesta Garner was Louis A. Thompson; correspond Swift's Sweet Rasher gift but was unable to attend the appointed chairman to prepare the ing secretary, Mrs. W. E. Nelson; Bacon Pound party. skit. The Temple voted to back treasurer, Mrs. Robert C. Lind the Lions club calendar project. say; chaplain, Mrs. Darrold R. THESE PRICES GOOD Lesta Garner won the hostess Proehl; guard, Mrs. William Local IOOF Initiates AS LONG AS PRESENT prize. Practice for initiation was Heath; musician, Mrs. J. W. Ni Warrenton Candidates STOCK LASTS called for Wednesday evening chols; historian, Mrs. Paul A. Gordon. 'Ten members of Warrenton March 21. Delicious refreshments were Th.“ committees appointed were I.O.O.F. lodge brought two can didates here last Tuesday night served by Mahilde Bergerson and as follows: Program, Mrs. Louis A. Thompson, Mrs. Robert C. to receive the first degree which Eula Blount. Lindsay and Mrs. J. W. Nichols; was exemplified by the officers philanthropic, Mrs. Paul A. Gor of the Vernonia lodge. Charter Night Banquet Deliveries Twice Daily don, Mrs. R. D. Eby and Mrs. 10 A.M. & 3 P.M.—Ph. HA 9-3492 Is Attended at Boring Sam T. Hearing Jr.; courtesy, It’s impossible for anyone to Art Gardner attended the Bor Mrs. J. W. Nichols and Mrs. Ben find a substitute for reliability. ing Lions club charter night ban Brickel; telephone, Mrs. L. H. quet at the Boring grade school, Roberson; press. Mrs. Ralph Val- Thursday, March 15. The speak- ! piani and Mrs. William Heath; er of the evening was Internation- I budget and auditing, Mrs. Glen al Director, Al L. Vern Hawn, of Hawkins, Mrs. Darrold R. Proehl Eugene. There wer.t 360 Lions and Mrs. William Heath; educa Phone HA 9-6015 Riverview present representing ninet en dif tional, Mrs. W'sley Bolmeier, "Where Your Money Buys More” At the Mile Bridge ferent Lions clubs. Mrs. R. B Fletcher and Mrs. Dar Glen Hawkins and Art Gardner rold Proehl; ways and means, ALWAYS — Top Quality attended the Lions Club meeting ! Mrs. W H. Bridgers, Mrs. L. H.. and dinner Monday evening, , Roberson and Mrs. R. B. Fletch ALWAYS — Best Prices March 19 at St. Helens. er; home fund, Mrs. Wesley Bol meier; peace participation, Mrs. ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery W. E. Nelson. Elected as dele | Study Club Plans for gates to attend state convention j Library Improvement —From your home-owned independent grocery. to be held in June were Mrs. H. Mrs. Bill Horn presented a G. Sandon and Mrs. Glen F Trade Independent. very interesting review of the Hawkins, the latter to serve as ’ book. “Inside Africa,” by John I alternate. SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING, WE BRING Gunther at the meeting of the I The next regular meeting of Vernonia Study club held last I the group will be held on Tues Thursday evening at the home day evening, March 27, at the of Mrs. Sam Hearing Jr. home of Mrs. Paul A. Gordon During the business session with Mrs. R B. Fletcher in charge held that evening, the club voted of the program. to buy bamboo blinds and an um comtfe/e.'y automne Some men argue religion as brella stand for the city library stubbornly as if they had it. in the city hall. 1 2 2 Officers Chosen By PEO Chapter 47 29 Q Nehalem Assembly No. 18 Confers Initiatory Degree At the meeting held Monday evening, March 12, by Nehalem Assembly No. 18, Order of Rain bow for Girls, Miss Ruby Daniels was given the initiatory degree. The girls also made plans for the annual Easter lily sale which they will conduct on the streets in Vernonia this coming Satur day from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for the benefit of the fund for crippled children and adults. Q MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS THURSDAY. MAR. 22, 1958 Charter Member Honored By Willamette Temple Mrs. Harry Laschinger was one of three charter members hon ored last Thursday evening by Willamette Temple No. 45, Py thian Sisters at Independence. The others were Past Grand Chief Queen Wood and her hus band, William Wood, past grand prelate of the Knights of Pythias. Mrs. Laschinger became a mem ber of Willamette Temple in 1917 when it was organized and has maintained her mem b e r s h 1 p there continuously. T h u r s day evening she was presented with a corsage and given a seat of honor during the program. While at Independence, Mr. and Mrs. Laschinger were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kul lander. They also visited the Kent Bauersfelds and many other friends. Legion and Auxiliary Initiate 17 Members At a joint meeting held last Monday, March 19, by the Legion and auxiliary in commemora tion of the founding of the na tional organization, seven mem bers were initiated into the Le gion and ten into the auxiliary. Mr and Mrs. Harry Culbertson acted as initiation officers for the ceremonies. Members taken into the Legion were Ed T Karnoski, Lloyd Sny der, George Miller, Sam Palmer, Bill Johnson, Charles Duben- dorf and Ralph Sawyer. New auxiliary members are Mrs. Lou- ella Wilson and four daughters, Mrs. Orene Robertson and two daughters, Mrs. Sam Palmer and Miss Marie Atkins. Valley Extension Units Plan Get-to-gether Here The Keasey, Mist-Nehalem, Timber and Vernonia extension units and the past and present county committee members will have a potluck dinner at 12 noon next Thursday, March 29, at the Evangelical U.B. church. A style show will be held for those who have finished their garments in the wool dress shop. A baby sitter will be available. 10HC DISTANCE GETS SMZHZMZHZNSKZNZHÏHZHZHZH3 X H KING’S Grocery - Market H H H H H H H H H H H H H X H _ H KHZHXHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHS SavehourBof backbreaking work, end weather worrier», make fewer clothe» lant longer—with gentle indoor drying. Juat load your Maytag, ciial time and heat, lift out damp-dry for ironing or fluff dry for folding. No lint trap tn clean. No drip pan to empty. No outside venting needed. EASi TERMS $99Q ¿¿¿I ,95 SUNDLAND’S ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE Vernonia Phone HA 9-3333 786 Bridge When you want to talk to someone any where—for any reason—it’s the simplest thing in the world. Just pick up your phone and dial "operator” or ask the operator for "Long Distance, please.” She’ll do the rest. Olympia Water film Action eliminates lint, moisture ar.d venting problems ...with pleasure I As simple as calling cross-town... Simpler, sometimes, if you have the out-of town number you're calling. Just tell the operator the city and number that you wish. You’ll be amazed how quick and effortless are today's long distance calls. Between projects, pause with a cold glass of light Olympia Beer. Then carry on, refreshed 1 I Complete calls faster! Write, phone or call at our business office for your free "Blue Book of Tele phone Numbers.” It's handy for listing the local and long distance numbers you call oftenest. I I I I •“Zt’s the Water" that makes the difference **OLVM»fA BMIRM co«**«* OtvniFtA WASH U • A I 3