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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1956)
Library, U of 0 VOLUME 34. NUMBER 12 10c COPY VERNONIA. COLUMBIA COUNTY. OREGON PHONE HA 9-3372 Follow-Up Due Fix to Talk Council Tallis Road Association Marks Anniversary with White House At Banquet Building Code First Dinner Meeting, Election Regulations Conference March 28 Date Sei For County Committee Session at Si. Helens Eldon Fix, athletic director at Lewis and Clark college, Port land, will be the guest speaker tonight, Thursday, for the an nual athletic banquet at the Le gion hall. This year’s affair, as usual, is sponsored jointly by the Lions club and American Legion Aux iliary, the former handling de tails of financing and invitations and the latter meal arrangements. Each Lion member will be ex pected to purchase two tickets, one for himself and one for one of the boys. Fathers and others interested may also attend if de sired. Tickets are selling for $1.25 for the ham dinner. Chamber Board Letter Considered Monday; Zoning Also Proposed Monday night’s city council meeting was devoted mostly to consideration of a proposal made by the Vernonia chamber of com merce board of directors to give attention to the establishing of both a building code ordinanc? and a zoning ordinance. The * two proposed ordinances were discussed by the chamber board Monday of last week and a letter written the council set ting forth the proposals which were considered Monday of this week. An ordinance defining build ROBERT HOLMES, state senator, spoke Wednesday night last ing codes is now in effect for th? week at the annual Highway 99W Alternate road meeting. He city, but relates only to the busi emphasized good work of association and urged continued effort Mrs. Ethelle Tousley, 68, for ness section and to th? town as to accomplish goal of group. mer Vernonia resident who had a whole. However, the council been in hosDitals in Portland | will ask City Attorney Carrol F. Highway 99W Alternate road rectors, who had served one year and Astoria since 1949, died Wed j Bradley to obtain the wording of nesday, March 14, in an Astoria such an ordinance so that it can assertion celebrated its first by appointment, were reelected, hospital where she had currently be given further consideration at ■ birthday late Wednesday, March and later the group reelected Os been a patient for two months. a later meeting. 14, at a turkey dinner in the Ma trander president; Kletzing, vice sonic Temple at Vernonia, when president; Homer Waltz of Forest She suffered a stroke more than The zoning ordinance was also six years ago and had since been discussed, but no action taken. President Art Ostrander of Ver Grove, treasurer (he reporter $698 an invalid. L. R. McNair appeared at the noma rapped the gavel for the in the treasury) and Mona Gor Mrs. Tousley was born October meeting to ask about th.? policy I first annual meeting. Attendance don of Vernonia, secretary. la, 1887 in Alabama. She lived for cleaning up lumber piles, was 75. as a child in Batesville, Mississip trash, etc., and pointed out that During a short business meet The good fortune and outstand pi, and later made her home in a pile of old lumber in the vicini ing accomplishment which has ing of the newly re-elected di McAlester, Oklahoma, for many ty of his home, if removed, would marked this group from the out rectors lots were drawn to deter years. In 1940, she came to Ver improve the area. Marshal A. D. set was demonstrated anew when mine the length of time of term nonia and in December of that Lolley was asked to contact the Vice-President Ralph Kletzing of for each. For three years: Ralph year, was married here to her owner about doing away with the Carlton handed Mr. Ostrander a Kletzing, Carlton, George Camp late husband, Fred J. Tousley, a r.uisance. report, fresh from the office of bell, Longview. Art Ostrander, well known Vernonia resident The only other item of business State Highway Engineer R. H. Vernonia; for two years: Keith who died at Astoria in 1953. She Monday was the issuing of an Baldock setting out the results of Schrepel, Yamhill, Homer Waltz, was a member of Nehalem Chap order that a street light be in a reconnaisance survey of the Forest Grove and H. R. Barker, ter No. 153, Order of Eastern Star; stalled at the corner of Cougar route from McMinnville to Rai Rainier, (or substitute); for one Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge; Chap street and First Avenue. nier via Carlton, Yamhill, Gaston, year: James Stannard, McMinn ter BS, P.E.O. Sisterhood and the Forest Giove, Banks, Manning, ville, W. M. Heesacker, Gaston Vernonia Study club. Buxton, Vernonia. Pittsburg and and Everett Haney, Forest Grove Surviving are th» step-child Apiary, with notations on the Ralph Kletzing, editor of the ren. Mrs. Harold (Mildred) Akc:- cost of bringing the highway on Carlton-Yamhill Review, was au stedt, route 4, box 144, Astoria; this route into a condition suit thorized to go ah 'ad with the Mrs. Archie (Ethel) Adams. Cath able for a bypass of Portland brochures. lamet, Washington; Mrs. Marga from McMinnville via the Long ret Collins, Los Angeles; Miss The Girls Athletic association view bridge to Kelso, Washing FUTURE MEETINGS SET Marion Tousley, Olla, Louisiana at Vernonia high school has is ton and junction with highway The next meeting of the assoc and R. W. Tousley, Clarkston. sued an invitation to the St. 99. iation was set for June 13 at Gas Washington and several grand Patrick’s dance which will be Required will be new construc ton and the September meeting children. Also, a brother-in-law, held at the high school gym tion on 52.3 miles of this 77-milo at Longview. Howard Sherman, and a sist -r-i- from 8 to 12 Saturday evening. course, at an estimated cost of Dinner at the Masonic Temple law, Mrs. McMahon survive at Music will be provided by re $4,742,000. This will call for clas: was served by the Order of Eas Batesville, Mississippi and a cords. B roadbed, 22 foot pavement, tern Star of Vernonia. number of nieces and nephews Highlight of the evening will four foot shoulders and 14-inch Among the guests introduced in the east. be the selection and crowning of base. by Ostrander was Judge Harry Funeral services for Mrs. Tous a king from the five candidates Soabold of Washington county; ley were held here at 2:00 p.m. selected March 1. They are Gary SECTIONS TABULATED Commissioner Clyde Henderson Saturday at the Bush Funeral Wright, senior; Denny Jepson, Of this amount, $1,750,000 is of Columbia county and Com chapel with Rev. F. M. Knoll of junior; Dane Brady, sophomore; 1 scheduled for expenditure be missioned Newman of Yamhill the Evangelical United Brethren Mr. and Mrs. Art Gardner re church officiating. Burial was in Marvin Mask, freshman and Don tween the McMinnville junction county. The and the outskirts of Forest Grove. ceived a telephon'’ call from the Vernonia Memorial cemetery. Cook. Paul Bunyon club State Senator Robert Holmes candidates will be escorted Sat their son, Lt. Lloyd G. Gardner, On the other end. working of Clatsop county spoke briefly. urday night by five members of who has just returned from southward from Rainier to Api He commended the association on the G.A.A. executive board as Puerto Rico with his wife, Nor ary, or 6’a miles of Class B. its progress, observing that as follows: Pat Brissett, Georgia ma, and daughters Linda and grading will be $225,000; paving long as the members remain de Parrish, Loretta Mills, Janice Susan. Lt. Gardner said the trip $290,000 and right-of-way, $45,- dicated to their goal, eventual Garner and Deloria Olson. from Puerto Rico was made by 000. This amounts to $560,000. success will come. He suggested commercial airplan? and took From Apiary to Pittsburg, 14 patience if things do not move six hours, whereas the trip over The band concert to be given miles of class B roadway will with the same rapidity they have to the island was made by boat by the combined bands of Rai cost $1,570,000 Southward from during the first year. and took seven days. They • ar mer and Vernonia high schools, Pittsburg through Vernonia to “The more people we can at rived in New York City on the directed by Robert Belieu, Rai Treharne, the cost will run $750,- tract to take membership in 13th of March where they picked nier, and Wm. B. Johnson, Ver 000 for 7.28 miles. From Tre Highway 99W Alternate Road as up their car which had been nonia band instructors, will be Eigh V"rnonia teachers attend harne southward to the Washing sociation, the more quickly will shipped by boat two weeks ahead presented in the Vernonia high ed a meeting of the planning ton county line, the 4.77 miles come your improvement,” Holmes of their departure. They journey school auditorium next Wednes committee of the Columbia coun was paved in 1954 at a cost of said. "There’s something magic ed on down to Baltimore, Mary day, March 28. ty education association Tuesday $92,000; from the county line about a wife membership roster. land to visit friends, then on to The program will include over evening at the home of Pat Cody to the summit, a distance of 2 8 Above all, invite the women to Indiana to spend a week with tures. marches and popular num. at St. Helens. The meeting was miles, widening and paving will join your cause. The power our Mrs. Gardner’s parents. bers to provide an excellent even proceeded by a delicious potluca cost $112.000 women wield goes beyond under They will leave Indiana March ing of music. Ensemble and solo I dinner. Between the summit and Bux standing ” 21 to report for school at Ft. numbers by various band mem Plans for the meeting^ during ton, southward, a stretch of 5 11 Rucker, Alabama where he wiil bers will be intersperced. the coming year were outlined miles was paved and widened in HOLMES ADVISES ACTION study for 20 weeks. Tickets sold previous to the and arrangements made for a 1952 at a cost of $86,500. The Holmes suggested further that date which had to be cancelled dinner meeting in April at St. 9 75 miles between Buxton and a legislative committee, brief d Robert Bates was here from due to storms will b-’ good for Helens at which officers for next Forest Grove is labeled on the and prepared to carry the mess Paine Airbase at Everett to see this date. Band students now year will be installed. highway engineer’s map as ade age of the new highway, be his mother, Mrs. Harold Dimbat. have tickets on sale for those who Those attending from Vernonii quate. sent to the 1957 legislative as wish them or they may be pur were Eugene Dove, Miss Olga This survey, undertaken sever- sembly in Salem It is time, he Pfc. Richard Fulton of the chased at the door. Peterson, Mrs. Deane Dowling, I al months ago at the behest oi pointed out, that a number of Marine detachment of the USS The Vernonia band will go to Darrold Proehl, James Johns, Ycrktown. left San Francisco for Raimer tomorrow night for pre Mrs Evelyn^Heath, Mrs. Noma the road association, was read by speakers with the same grasp of Kletzing at the meeting, and a the highway potentialities as Japan March 19. Callister and Mrs. Mathilde Ber- sentation of the program there. vote of thanks was given the Cliff Elliott, McMinnville Cham gerson. state highway commission and ber of Commerce, who has ap Bill MacDonald has completed Girls to Sell Lilies the state highway engineer for peared in behalf of the associa his basic training at Parks Air Cub Scouts to Meet Fri. the celerity and completeness of tion in an effective manner on a Ra inbow Girls, under the di Base in California and is now number of occasions, be in readi At the Cub Scout pack meet I the project. attending radaf school for 19 rection of Maryon Peters, local ness to talk at any time It is weeks at Scott Air Base in Illin- chairman, will conduct the an ing to be held this Friday evening OFFICERS ELECTED likely a number of smaller or at the Washington school, den 2 nual sale of Easter lilies for the o.s Friends who wish to write ganizations represented in the Shortly after the improvement him may use the following ad fund for crippled children and with Mrs. Glen Gibson as den area might desire a thorough map was passed around the mother, will present a skit and dress William E MacDonald. adults this Saturday They will AF 19548631. Flight 0236-3317 be on the streets with the lilies Den 6. Mrs. E. E. Larson, d'-n tables for scrutiny, an election briefing on highway 99W alter mother, will serve refreshments. meeting was held. All eight di nate. from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. PATS, Scott AFB. Illinois. The follow-up conf?rence for Columbia county on the White House conference on education will be held at the McBride school in St. Helens next Wednesday evening, March 28. at 7:30 ac cording to Mrs. L. L. Wells, chair man of the governor’s committee on education for Columbia coun ty. Also working on the commit tee in charge of arrangements are Ed Condit, president of the Columbia county school board as sociation; Darrold Proehl, presi dent of the Columbia county ed ucation association and Glen Hawkins, along with represen tatives from other communities. At the meeting next Wednes day, state delegates to the White House conference will be heard after which the assembly will be broken up into discussion groups on the various phases with pre pared chairmen in charge of the groups. Summaries of these dis cussions will conclude the pro gram which will be followed by a social hour with refreshments served by the St. H?lens PTA. Purpose of the conference is to bring a report of the-White House conference to the people at the “grass-roots”. Indicative of the part this con ference has, along with others in the state, is the word of Gover nor Elmo Smith on the subject' "One important aspect of these conferences is the need for fol low-up meetings in various por tions of the state to report what has been accomplished and the implication for local school dis tricts in our state. Th? impor tance of these additional meet ings cannot be overstressed. The need for this program has long been felt and was a, part of the earlier planning in the state and it is among the recommendations from the President’s committee. “These conferences will be worth your time, and may deter mine the future of public educa tion in this state.” Tousley Service Here Saturday St. Pats Dance Bid Is Issued THOSE WHO ARE IN IT Bands Set New Concert Date Teachers Attend County Meeting THURSDAY, MARCH 22. 1956 PTA Selects Officers for Coming Year Movie Viewed Monday Instead of Lecture Scheduled for Evening A movie, "Hymns of the Na tion," featuring Arturo Toscanini was shown to a good crowd at the meeting of the Parent Teach ers association held Monday night at the Washington school. This was used in place of the expected lecture and film on the subject of reading when it was found that the scheduled speaker would not be present. Two saxophone quartet numbers were presented by members of the high school band, Carolyn Heath, Jim Davis, Marjorie Reynolds and Pat Bris sett. Report of the nominating com- , mittee, Darrold Proehl, Mrs. Earl King and Mrs. R. C. Lind say, was heard and officers for the coming year were elected as follows: President, Mrs. Charles Minger; vice-president, Mrs. Eail King; secretary, Miss Apphea Koch and treasurer, Mrs Mathilde Bergerson. They will be install ed at the next meeting. Mrs. Minger and Mrs. King were also elected as delegates to the state convention to be held at Eugene April 17, 18 and 19. A report on the savings stamp project sponsored by the P.T.A. in the elementary school showed that the program was meeting with very good success. The planter given to the room having the best attendance of parents at the meeting was re linquished by th- senior class which won it at the February meeting, to The kindergarten, taught by Mrs. Wilma Thompson. Cattle Disease Low In County Columbia county’s 1955 record of brucellosis control of cattle show only *4 of one per cent re actors. Twenty-nine bangs reac tors were found in the 11,177 cattle tested that are over 2 years of age. This number of reactors is a drop from last year when .46 per cent reactors were found by the county veterinarians testing for the State Department of Agricul ture, Testing annually is compulsory for both beef and dairy cattle, says Columbia county extension agent, Don Coin Walrod. In working toward a better animal health program for th ■ county, the dairy committee of the Columbia county Agnculturel Planning council, under th ■ chair manship of Jack Leu, Goble, has requested that steps be taken to have Columbia county become a modified certified accredited Bru cellosis free area. Jenkins Service Held In Portland Funeral services were he'd Monday, March 19 at 2:30 p.m. at the Colonial Mortuary in Portland for Murphy Mildred Jenkins of O-A Flat, Vernonia. Burial was in the Rose City cem etery. Mrs. Jenkins is survived by her husband, Elijah; children, Willie J., Caroline E„ and Sam uel E. Jenkins; mother, Mrs Hattie Nelson and sisters, Mrs. Camell Butler, Mrs. Opal Rob erts and Mrs. Irma Nunn Pre-School Clinic Sei The annual pre-school for all children who are t kindergarten or first g the first time next f held April 13 from at the Washington freshments will PTA x