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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1956)
« THURSDAY, FEB », 1956 THE EAGLE, VERNONJA, ORE BRUNSMAN Hardware and Electrici ROLL ROOFING FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS and FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGES HARDWARE — SPORTING GOODS — GUNS — AMMUNITION PAINTS — LINSEED OIL — TURPENTINE — ELECTRIC WIRING — NAILS 20 Gallon Galvanized Garbage Can Special 95 25-Gallon Size s3” Amana Freezers 54 FRIGIDAIRE IMPERIAL PORCELAIN PAIR 45 lb. 55-lb. 65-lb. 90 lb. Green Fleet Air Refresher 79c Can Special New exotic colors in Biltwell Da veno and Club Chairs. Persim mon, Rose Beige & Forest Green. $239.00 $170 50 1 I ./ F OUR GORGEOUS COLORS OR WHITE r____ _ .... Smiley, the dancing clown, ft. tall. He sits, he stands, you can danc? with him. Reg. $6.98. Special Offer Only With $15.00 in Trade TH’XOTROrIC ALKYD ES2ŒEL IMPIUMI AUTOMATIC IVAS HER /MPÍR/AL ULTRA MAT/C ORYÍR DI-56 AUTOMATIC TUAS HER -flexible beyond belief % Pint 14 Pint Pint Quart Gallon Sunbeam Electric Blankets PLYWOOD 4x8x14” _______ $3.95 SIMPSON BOARD 4x8xV’ $2.35 CEILING TILE Box of 60 Sq. Ft. $7.95 HARDBOARD 4x8x14” $2.65 MASONITE 4x8x3/16” ____ $3.20 MARSH ALL-WELLS Large Automatic Draft Controlled Norwester Heater. Top can b? used for Cooking Simmons Mattresses and Box Springs $39 95, $49.50 and $69.50 Each 2 UNCLAIMED NUMBERS 78104 ■ 76318 - 76415 V7I-56 $4.35 Floor Lamps $14.95 Value KEEP WARM AND COMFOR TABLE WITH THERMOSTATI CALLY CONTROLLED WOOD BURNING HEATER''. ___ WCÍ Of S2.60 $2.95 $3.55 New Shipment of Swing Rockers with thick foam rubber Cushions. Beautiful Colors $ 50 Special $4 Other Hocker- from • $1 05 $1.90 $6.75 24 HOUR THERMOSTATIC Here’s the Automatic that’s like "2 washers in 1. Set the new Econo-Dial for the size of the load, the kind of fabrics to be washed. Working hand in hand with the Select () Dial, the amount of water used and length of washing time are automatically adjusted. Saves gallons of hot water. This Automatic spins pounds more water out of clothes, to cut dow n on diving time and cost. Even more, it washes clothes cleaner than you ever dreamed. Sec it today. WOOD HEATERS Special $30 Allowance on Your Old Washer on this Big Double Walled Speed Queen Washer with pump 50 $ Only NEW SHIPMENT $14 Hip Boots. F< Lined from Knee to Toe. 4 Pc. ‘Bedroom Set with cabinet headboard with 2 sliding doors. New limed oak $ 1 Q (159 finish. $179.00 Value _l_Oe7 Med. Siz? Automatic Ashley Heater FILTRA-MATIC DRYER - no venting needed You won’t spend a penny for plumbing or venting, for the amazing Filtrator handles objectionable hot, moist air and lint. Pries clothes soft, fluffy — to the exact degree of dryness yon want. Ozone “sunshine” lamp gives sweet, clean, fresh smell to the clothes. 7-Pc. Deluxe Virtue Dinette Set. Extra large table. 6 foam rubber cushioned chairs with handles $ 12-Piec? Breakfast Set $ « 25 Only-------------- I KNEE BOOTS WITH STEEL SAFETY TOE Oakland stove with fire brick lining and fireplace door. Takes Large Size ,9» Wood 109 OPEN THE DOORS AND YOUR ROAST ROLLS TO YOU! Simmons All-Metal Roll-Away Bed with Innerspring $* Mattress » Regent Stainless steel Steak Knife Regularly $6.95, Special Fan-Gio Elec. Heaters $12.95 and $21.95 $16 Shakespeare Ser vice level wind star drag steel- $ 95 head reel, spec.. Steelhead casting rods Steel and Glass. All Metal Ironing Boards $5.95 $7.95 - $10.95 - $13.95 Special on Arvin table Radios. Beautiful as sortment of colors. $16.95 - $27.95 - $34.95 New Coleman Oil Heater. Regularly $60 Value Now Only LESS THAN WHOLESALE COST Deluxe ».told Seal Li noleum $ Rugs 9x12 Gold Seal Linoleum 95c and $1 yard Goulds Amazing NO-TANK PUMP Complete Water System. No Tank N aeded Priced At A *30 famous Lincoln Car Batteries $ 75 Exch. Price up Biltright Clothes Drying Rack. Special NEW AND OUTSTANDING VALUES ON OUR 9c TABLE o 1955 Floor Model Fri jidaire Refrigerator. 7.6 Cu. 5(1 Frigidaire Imperial 39 Range with new Speed Heat Unit and New Heat Minder Unit Used Frigidaire Re frigerators. All in ex cellent condition. $69.50 and $79 50 Or will r.-nt for $5 O'1 Per Month G.E. STEAM IRON Reg. $17.95. Special Metal Bunk Beds com- plete with Simmons Inner Spring Mattres- ses. 95 $ Special Trundle Beds with in ner spring 50 mattresses Neoprene rain Coats Neoprene Ram $Q Ö SQ Ö Beautiful Candy Stripe Water 4 Glasses • YESTERDAYS RESUSCITATOR it Ito* a part of equipment avai'abla on Vernonia» ambulance. Operation of tha unit was demonstrated last Friday night it tWA hill to officers and board members of ambulance association and another demonitration will bo giv.-n al dal« to be announced later. From left: L. E. Stiff, Earl Aik ns. Mike Anderson. Clarence Larso.i. Sherman Fisher. Jim Cox. C. A. Toothaker. Desmond La rd and B 11 Horn. 9 Mugs, Glasses, Dishes, Brushes, Fun nels, Chore Girls, Dishrags. Etc. IT S A PRIVILEGE AND A PLEASURE TO LIVE IN VERNONIA Cub Seouls Do Good Turn I ''Va Cub Scouts are busy this week 4 Bowls Only distributing Goodwill bags to FIVE YEARS AGO homes as a part of their good turn From The Eagle. Feb. 8. 1951 activities in observance of Boy At the meting of th? city coun Scout week. February 4 to 11. cil Monday night, Alb rt Childs They will collect the filled bags resigned as city recorder, a posi Saturday which will later be de tion he had filled for almost se livered to the Goodwill indus ven years, and Sam Hearing re tries. sign .d as mayor. Mr Hearing I ----- x was then appointed city recorder, and Lyman Hawken, president Goodwill Truck Coming of the council, was to conduct The Goodwill truck will make council meetings until a new ma its next regular visit here Thurs yor was elected. day of next week, February 16. J. A Bush Jr. was pictured with a steelhead weighing 13 13 ounces and Calvin Da THOSE WHO ARE IN IT pounds. vis with one weighing 16 pounds. Technical Sgt Robert Lamping | 23 ounces which they had caught arrived last Wednesday evening I in the Salmonberry and entered from March Field. California for in ths steelhead derby. a visit with his parents. Mr. and ' TEN YEARS AGO Mrs M J Lamping Sr. and his j From The Eagle. Feb. 7. 194S Flight instruction began this brother. Major Clarence Lamping, i I and his family who arc also here.., week at the Vernonia airport wrth Pat Cody of the Cody-Wiecking Aero Service as instructor. The service also planned to fly char ter trips and pleasure rides for those interested. The Vernonia F O E. lodge took 15 candidates to Tillamook for initiation Friday night. Total for the March of Dimes drive here was reported as $605.43. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle. Feb. 7. 1941 Ross Duncan caught a 23-pound steelhead m Rock Creek near his farm and a phone call to Meier and Frank established th? fact none of that size had previously been reported to be takep in this part of the state b^lfook and line. Adventists were holding special meetings in a silver dome tab°r- nacie erected where Bob's Unton Service is now. Barbara Nichols was named as editor for the high school memo- log t