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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1956)
6 THURSDAY, FEB 9, 1956 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General FOR RENT FOR SALE: Electric range, $150; 22 Cu Ft deepfreeze, $350; wash, er-dryer, $100 for equity, assume payments; refrigerator, $20, bdrm, set, $75; single bed, complete, $25; cedar chest, $50; radio, $25; utility cabinet, $25; table and chairs. $10; end tables, lamps, etc. 626 Rose Av?. HA 9-6041 6t 1 hOR SALE; Chicago shoe roller skates, size 7. Never worn. Mrs. Rex Normand Jr, Capitol Hill. Timber Rt 4t3c BARGER ELECTRIC REPAIR Rewinding, repairing, refrigera tors. Rebuilt motors and refrig erators for sale. Phone HA 9- «,93.3 46tfc FOR SALE: Used chain saws. Ted’s Saw Shop, Riverview. 22tfc CASH PAID for furniture, live stock, machinery, tools any time Forest Grove Auction, L. R. Senfi and C W. Christiansen, owners and auctioneers. Phone 7615. ltttfc SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill dirt. Call HA 9 6829, A.G. Os trander. 26t52c FOR SALE- Insurance LARGE furnished Apt., 1 bdrm, No Water and fuel included. mo. $30 per children or pets. Phone HA 9-3642 or see at 117 5tfc N. St. FOR RENT: Small house, suit able for two. Mrs. R. D. Eby, Phone HA 9-3671. 3tfc LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO PUBLIC All county roads are closed to heavy hauling until further no tice. Columbia County Court 6tlc NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS Every person owning or keep ing any dog over the age of eight (8) months within the state of Oregon shall, not later than March 1st of each year or within 30 days after he becomes owner or keeper of such dog, procure from the city marshal of the city in which he resides a license for a fee of one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) for a male or spayed bitch and three dollars ($3.00) for a female dog. Any person who shall fail to procure said license within the time as herein provided shall be required upon procuring such li cense, to pay an additional sum of one dollar ($1.00) for each dog after March 1st. A. D. Lolley, City Marshal 6t3c ALLSTATE, founded by Sears, gives you more for your insurance dollar. For auto, fire and person al liability insurance, see • or pnone phone I your local Allstate Insurance 1 NOTICE ehv. 19th * Notice is hereby given that all agent, Patrick J. Vandehy. Ext., Forest Grove, Oregon, or I property owners who have con- phone Forest Grove 2333 for ap | nected their property to the sew pointment. 52tfc ers within the past six months I and have not made arrangements FOR SALE—Real Eslate | to pay the sewer connection fe* | are violating Ordinance No. 338 HOMES 2 BEDROOMS, living room, and j and are subject to the penalties kitchen, plus utility porch. 1 as set forth in said Ordinanc”. City of Vernonia Wired for range and set up for auto. washer. On 75x100 lot. By Sam L. Hearing, Recorder Close to schools and churches, 6t3c Good garage and woodshed, Price only $4000. Terms. NOTICE: The County Court of 3 BEDROOM horn?, wired for range, lots of built-ins. Close Columbia County, Oregon has ap pointed Oscar E. Enstrom as Ex in. Price $3750 Terms. LOCATED close to schools and ecutor of the estate of CARL U. churches — 5-room modern ENSTROM, Deceased. All per house on 75x100 lot; 2 blocks sons having claims against said to grade or high schools. Lots estate are required to present garden space, single garage. them with proper vouchers to the Price only $4750. Very good Executor of said estate at the of fices of The Vernonia Eagle, Ver terms. nonia, Oregon, within six omnths INCOME PROPERTY APT. HOUSE 4 apts., good loca- from January 4, 1956. OSCAR E. ENSTROM, tion. Apts. rent $30 and $35. Executor Good set-up for couple, live in one. rent others. Price, $4500. BUSH & BRADLEY Attorneys for Executor Good terms. SEE ME for farms and acreage. Publish: January 19, 26, Febru ary 2. 9. 16, 195« DON BAYLEY, BROKER Palace Cafe Bldg Ph. HA 9 5225. 4tlc CARD OF THANKS MR ROBERT S Lindsay and Mr. SERVICES Ralph Valpiani, who made ar- rangements for the funeral of SHOE REPAIR SERVICE Bar ger, Stoney Point. Or. work can I Willie Erickson wish to express be left at Steer’s Variety Store. t i their appreciation and thanks to 28tfe I the following people who gave of their time and money to make possible a Christian burial for COMPLETE Mr. Erickson: Messrs. Henry An- deregg, Noble Dunlap. Albert Schmidlin, Henry Hudson, John Small, Wm. Pringle, Dave Mar SERVICE shall. W N Wood, Turner Daniel, R. J Whitmire, Bud Larson. Jim Cox. Jewell Lloyd. A. E. Wood. H G. Sandon, Cass Bergerson. Optometrist Clyde Henderson, Buster Owens, Clyde Johnson. F W Slemmons, No Appointment Necessary Leslie McMullen, C. L. Ander- Sundland Building son and A. L. Kullander; also King's Grocery, Nehalem Service Tuesdays Station, IWA Local 5-37, the 10:30 to 6:00 Eagles Lodge and Dessy’s. Saturdays •tic OPTICAL Dr. Votaw 2 00 to 6:00 39tfc WANTED___________ NAZARENE church wishes use of piano Anyone having one to rent or to give use of for storage please call HA 9-5721 8t3c WANTED Sewing and dressmak ing. Zoe Whitsell. 409 First Ave. ______________________________ 6t3 WANTED Fir and Cedar piling, preferably long lengths. Phone COLLECT CA 2-9581, Nieder- meyer Martin Co. 715 Portland Trust Bldg., Portland 4, Oregon Itfc HIGHEST cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly call or, write Forest Grove Cream ery. Forest Grove, Oregon Phone 12«.__________________________ 14tfc Th«- hut times to fish are right before you get then* and right after you leave. WE WISH to thank our many friends who sent cards, letters and flowers during my illness. They all were appreciated so very much. Mrs. Omar Poynter •tic OPTOMETRISTS: Dr. V. J. Horn* and Dr. R. V. Lancv Across from Texaco Wednesday 9 to S Mill Accident Causes Loss of Man's Fingers MIST — Ix'onard Scott cut his hand at the Garlock mill at West- port losing all the fingers from one hand The Scotts lived here a few years ago. Mrs L. P Wikstrom was a Hillsboro motorist last Friday. Last reports of Mrs W letter's condition as of Saturday was that she hadn't taken nourishment for two days and was not doing so well. Bowling Results WOMEN’S LEAGUE Won Lost Sam’s Food Store 57 31 Dessy’s 50 38 Vernonia Drug 37 51 Brunsman Hardwre 32 56 High team game. Dessy’s, 855; high team series, Sam’s Food Store, 2390; high individual game, Hazel Dusenberry, 201; high in dividual series, Rene Brady, 513, Splits picked up: Mary Meacham, 5-10; Mary Lou Normand, 5-6; Hazel Dusenberry, 5-7 and 5-10; Alice Gwin, 4-5-7; Ruth Rult, 5-6-10; Hazel Shipman, 5-6. INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Won Lost Dessy’s 58 30 Mill Market 53 35 Bob’s Union 46 42 Long-Bell 19 69 High individual game, T Han- son, 201; high individual series, W. Parker, 495; high team game, Bob’s Union, 955; high team series Bob’s Union, 2684. CITY LEAGUE Won Lost Radiant Cleaners 54 34 Oakes Radio 3444 5344 Lyle’s Barb?r Shop 38 50 30 S Nehalem Service 57>,3 High individual game, D. Laird, 203; high individual series, W Parker, 499; high team game, Ne halem Service, 949; high team series, Nehalem Service, 2649. HERE'S HOW . . . From th* MAKE A MOOERN ENO TABLE By Marvin Kamholz Those who hold positions on the board of directors of the Colum bia United Fund talked over problems of the organization at Rainier last Wednesday night at an emergency meeting called by Philip L. Hickey, president, St. Helens. The emergency was the lack of response to the recent United Fund campaign with the resu.t that just under 50 per cent of the quota was achieved, or a total of $17,531.45 raised against a quota of $35,861.38. Some of the agencies included cannot operate on the proportion of money which will be their allotment from the total with the result that some are planning separate drives later in the year if the UF does not conduct one of its own. One of these is the Red Cross. BOX SCORE This community can point to Vernonia 70 Neahkahnie 65 itself with some degree of pride 15 Rick Bush F Husbeck 12 because contributions here totaled 9 Jon Bush F Bufton 2 60 per cent of the quota, collec- 2 Ostrander C Smith 19 tions amounting to $2326 against 17 B. Crowston G Downie 6 $3875. 21 Fluke G West 8 The result of the Raimer m??t- Substitutions for Vernonia, Crow ston, D. 2; Holsey, 0; Shaw, '). ing was a decision to attempt an emergency campaign later. When Neahkahnie, Bolton, 18. Vernonia 23 41 53 70 that is done, some areas of the Neahkahnie 16 28 43 65 county may be able to increase their percentage of collection, es Vernonia 50 Hood River 54 pecially where contributions 11 Rick Bush F Crown 17 were very low, but it is doublt- 7 Jon Bush F Keyser 3 ful if much of a showing will be 2 Ostrander C Lewis 29 achieved here where financial 17 B. Crowston G Campbell 15 response has already been fairly 11 Fluke G Taylor 6 liberal. I Substitutions for Vernonia: Crow County Judge John W. Whipple ston, D., 0; Holsey, 0; Shaw, 2 Howard, 0. Hood River, Irwin, 4. prepared a review of the juven ile delinquency problem in this Vernonia 11 21 43 50 county last week and in it made Hood River 12 28 43 54 some observations that should be Vernonia 63 David Douglas 42 of interest. He points out that 3 R. Bush F Miller 2 a definite improvement is seen 3 Jon Bush F Schoppe 0 for 1955. The report states: "Formal complaints were filed 4 Shaw Yapp 17 9 B. Crowston G Stewart 0 involving 70 minors, 41 of whom 8 Higley Clark 0 were charged with delinquency Subst .tutions: For David Douglas. and 29 charged as b^ing depend- t Hanson 3, Kramer 2, Mystrom 3, ents. This is an improvement over | Smith 4. For Vernonia, D. Crow 1954 when some 30 more cases j ston 9, Holsey 6, Ostrand.-r 4 and were handled. "The average age of all juven- I Fluke 17. Preliminary: Vernonia JVs 65, lies brought into court was 10 ] years, 54 of whom were boys and I David Douglas JV’s 49. 16 girls. The average age of I children alleged to have been de pendent was five, 17 of whom were boys and 11 girls. “The offenses for which juven iles were charged were: theft 19. breaking and entering 11, posses NATAL-PITTSBURG—Mr. and sion of liquor 8. forgery 1 and as. Mrs. George Turner and daugh sault and battery 1. Only one of ters Tawny and Lori Anne of the theft cases fell in the grand I Portland came Saturday evening larceny class and the remainder I I were petty larceny usually in- to spend the week end at the W R Wolff home and help Lori volving items having a value of Anne celebrate her fourth birth less than $10. One point brought out by the day which was Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Crawford judge was that 48 per cent of and children were Sunday din these cases came from broken I ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har homes, usually where children have been deprived of their na- vey Christenson in Vernonia. Noble Dunlap spent last W d- tural moth'r or father. Another item in the report in- nesday afternoon with Joe and dicates the progress t ing made Pete Banzer near Birkenfeld. Th«' children of Mr. and Mrs. by the county juvenile counselor. Howard Jones of Birkenfeld were The record shows only three were overnight guests last week of their charged with a second offense, grandparents. Mr and Mrs Ro two with a third offense and that bert Mathews while their parents the remaining 37 were first of attend'd a banquet in Portland. fenders. A counselor has been Mr and Mrs. W R Wolff mo working with the court since last tored to Portland Saturday to the October 1 making pre-trial and home of Mr. and Mrs. August pre-sentence investigations and Kuehn where they helped Mrs. giving advice to both juveniles Kuehn, who is Mrs. Wolffs aunt, and parents. All juveniles have been paroled to the counselor and celebrate her birthday. report weekly, bi-monthly or monthly. CLASSIFIED RATES Judge Whipple mentioned MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 other points concerning the prob words or less. Words over min lem. among them: many lacked imum. 2c each. Three inser I goals or spiritual values, less than tions for the price of two. 10 per cent having ever been CARD of Thanks & Notices: 80c. members of a Sunday school and THE EAGLE assumes no finan only two were regular attendants; cial responsibility for errors every effort is being made to that may appear in ads pub eliminate the cause of delinquen lished in its columns, but in i cy; that it was necessary to com case where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of mit only two boys from this coun an adv. in which the typo ty to a school of correction and that juvenile detention quarters graphical mistake occurs. BLIND ADS with answers to be have recently been provided at th? county tail completely isolated handled by the Eagle: Mini mum charge 80c. No informa I from other prisoners. Fourth Birthday Is Celebrated tion given relative to such ads. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER WED. NOON EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK S PAPER. If a screw has loosened up and no longer holds, insert a little steel wool m the hole, then at tach the screw. It will hold se curely. I A modern end table can be made from two 1 by 6-inch boards, 8 and 9 feet long; four 1-inch and three %-inch dowels each 36 inches long, twelve 6- penny finishing nails, and wood glue. , .... Cut boards to be joined 1 inch longer than shown. Clamp each pair of boards with edges to be joined side by side. With a square, mark a single 1 ne across both edges at the middle and at 5-inch intervals each way (three marks at 4-inch intervals on top shelf boards). Mark center of each edge at each of these lines and bore holes % inch in diameter and lti inches deep. Cut 2-% inch pieces from the %-inch dowel. Put glue in holes and on edges of boards, insert dowels, and clamp. Be sure boards are flat. When glue is dry, trim ends to size and mark center points for the 1-inch dowel holes as shown. The eight holes 44 inch deep are finished with a Forstner Bit Use auger bit for the rest. Cut 1-inch dowel to sizes shown, insert and glue. Bore a 5/64-inch hole in ends into each dowel and secure with 6-penny finishing nails. Set nails, fill holes with wood putty, round all rough edges, and finish table with paint or stain and varnish. ♦ MAKE A SCREEN STORAGE CABINET Protect screens by storage in an easy-to-make wood cabinet. Use 1-inch lumber, except for the four 2 by 4-inch legs. Plan dimensions to fit the screens to be stored, allowing room to slide screens freelv. Make panels of edge-glued boards or of tongue and groove lumber. Add a vertical divider and a horizontal panel if screens of two sizes are to be stored. If heavy material is to be stored on top of the cabinet, add a vertical brace in the front. Assemble the cabinet in tho following order: base panel to legs with 6-penny nails; di vider strips to top and bottom panels with 3-penny finishing nails; panels to panels with 6- penny finishing nails. Use glue at all joints. Clean and dry screens thoroughly before storing. S0LK> BACK PANBL. MAKE A GARDEN ENTRANCE TRELLIS A garden entrance trellis may be set in a fence line or over a pathway through a hedge row. Preservative-treated or de cay-resistant wood should be used, especially for the up right 2 by 4’s. Make three “ladders,” as shown in the drawings. The two upright ladders are 9 feet long, with the 1 by 2-inch “rungs” spaced 12 inches apart, on centers. Fasten the rungs to the rails with No. 10 flat head wood screws, 14i inches lollg. The top ladder is 5 feet long. with six rungs spaced evenly. Fasten the top to the uprights with screws 2Vi inches long. Use brass or other, non-rusting screws. Se*. the trellis in place and mark the positions of the post holes. Dig the holes slightly deeper than 2 feet and place crushed stone in the bottoms to level the trellis. Tamp earth and crushed stone around the posts to set them firmly. If a gate is to be added to the trellis, use 10-foot posts, set 3 feet in the ground, preferably in concrete. n r MAKE A LAZY SUSAN A lazy susan server is an a center hole 3/16-inch in di attractive table-center piece. ameter and I ’i inches deep in Use finish lumber v«-irch the bottom of the tray assem thick. First, glue up panels. bly. Bore a *4-inch hole Shape the panels, making three through the lower assembly. discs: 22 inches, n inches, and Finish the wood parts with 8 inches in diameter. The oli- stain and varnish. long piece is 8 4 by 14 inches, Make two 5-inch pivot diacs with the ends rounded on a 7- ■of 1 32-inch sheet metal, each inch radius. Round the edges of with a ’s-inch center hole. all pieces, as shown. Apply non-melting grease Center the oblong piece on sparingly to the pivot discs. the under side of the trav and Assemble the lazy susan with glue it in place. Center the 8- a L inch lag screw. 2*4 inches inch disc on the 11-inch disc | long. and glue the two pieces to Use rubber headed tacks for gether. ¡legs or cover the bottom with When the glue has set, bore ■ felt.