Weather Spurs Attendance At Pinochle Club Meeting Icy roads which put members afoot seems to be the impetus needed for 100 per cent atten dance of members of the Friendly Pinochle club at their weekly meetings. Such was the case last Friday when all the members ga thered at the home of Mrs. Julia Davis on Rose avenue. The ladies were rewarded for their efforts with a very delicious new dessert served them by the hostess before they began play. Afternoon scores revealed Mrs Cora Lange as winner of first I prize and Mrs. Mane Shafer as winner of second Mrs. Shafer will be hostess for the club to- morrow. Rebekah Social Club Outlines Activities Th 3 Mt. Heart Rebekah social club met Tuesday afternoon, Feb ruary 7, at the home of Mrs. Su san Fowler. Plans were completed for a food sale to be held Saturday, February 11, at Bush Furniture store. Plans were also made for a planned luncheon for next Wed nesday. February 15, at the IOOF dining room at noon which is open to friends of members, also. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Silvia Wolff at 1 30 pm. March 6. MR. AND MRS. DAVID TEMPLE Nancy Siedelman Married In Vancouver Ceremony January 21 At a ceremony performed Jan uary 21 at Vancouver. Washing ton. Miss Nancy Jean Siedelman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Siedelman of Vernonia, became the bride of David L. Temp!■>, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Temple, of Portland. Going to Vancouver them for the ceremony'were the groom's father; his grandmo ther, Mrs. Clara Temple of Port- WHO PAYS? YOUR PROPERTY is exposed to loss by fire, windstorm and other perils. Who will stand the loss when the property is damaged or destroyed? You will — unless you have adequate insurance to pay for restoring or replacing the loss. Insure NOW with this Hartford agency. land, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Goodman of Vernonia. For the ceremony, the bride wore a gray suit with navy accessories and a ied carnation corsage. In the evening, a reception for the couple was held at the home of the groom's parents. "Let Me Call You Sweetheart", was sung by all the guests and Fred Thomp son sang two solos, “I Love You Truly” and “The Lord’s Prayer,” accompanied by Mrs. Mae Bell Thompson. The wedding cake was served to the guests by Miss Marlen" Lawer and Mrs. Mae Bell Thomp son. Mrs. Janet Fields, sister of the bride, presided at the punch bowl and also had charge of the guest book. Coffee was poured by Mrs. Pat Goodman. The couple will make their home in Portland, and after a change in the weather, will tak" a delayed honeymoon trip to Vic toria, British Columbia. BOYD’« Mi. Heart Lodge Members Attend Plympton Lodge District No. 2, V.F.W., had one of the largest attendances at the Veteran’s hospital in Portland for visitation Sunday afternoon that had been there for some time. Those attending from Vernonia were Mike Anderson, district No. 2 commander; Bert Brunsman, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cox and Mr. and I Mrs. Harvey Redmond. Chief Patriarch's Visit To Draw Many Visitors Bill J. Horn, Agent Phone HA 9-S203 — Vernonia 905 Bridge Street The S.S. club was the new name selected for the former G.G. club at the home of Mrs. Nora Redmond last week. Two new members. Mrs. Della Hall and Mrs. Mary Lee Dübendorf, joined the club two weeks ago at the home of Mrs. Myrtle Cox. After an afternoon of working on their afghans and other projects, re- freshments were served by the hostess, Mrs. Nora Redmond. Local VFW Members Visit Veteran's Hospital Sunday Columbia Encampment No. 89 will be visited by their Chief Patriarch on Friday, February 17 and visitors for that evening are expected from Tillamoox, Clatskanie, Seaside and Astoria. All members are urged to be present. VERN0NIÄ INSURANCE S. S. Is Name Chosen For Former G. G. Club A recession is a period when you tighten your belt. In a de- pression you have no belt to tighten. When you have no pants to hold tip, it’s a panic. like it! SERVED BY FINE RESTAURANTS SINCE 1900 Featuring Hudson House Olives — String Beans — Com Peas NEHALEM MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone HA 9-6341 Six members of Mt. Heart Rebekah lodge motored to West port Monday night to attend the meeting of Plympton Rebekah Lodge at which the assembly president, Edna Bradley of Clats kanie was making her official visit. Those attending were Isa bella Anderegg, Verda Cook, Ha zel Cook, Zelda Vernon, Char lotte Mason and Susan Fowler. Afghan Making Occupies VFW Auxiliary Members THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE Engagemenl Is Revealed Summer Wedding Planned Mrs. P. J Millis announces the engagement of her daughter Faye to Bill Sword, son of Mr. and i M rs. Robert Sword. The wedding is planned for early this summer. 3 Mother Visited fit Seattle TIMBER ROUTE — Mr and Mrs. Bert Tisdale left Monday for Seattle, Washington to visit his mother, grandma Tisdale, who has been ill. They plan to return home the latter part of the week if she improves. Mr and Mrs. Charles Justice were in Buxton Sunday visiting her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. George Kirk In the after noon they had dinner at the home of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr and Mrs. S. H. Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schaffer, Renee and Kirk of Portland, were overnight visitors Monday at the home of her father and mother, Mr and Mrs. Art Kirk. Dinner guests at the home of Nell Thacker Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falconer, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Eide and Jackie of Banks, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Gal- loway, Tamara, Tommy and the hostess. Mr and Mrs. Victor Berg of Birkenfeld wert' dinner guests at the home of her brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carmichael, Saturday evening. Mr and Mrs. Fred Lundgren Jr. and family of Tigard, spent Monday with his father and mo ther, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lund gren. Their son Randy stayed with his grandparents for a weeks visit. Mr and Mrs. Tommy Holce of Forest Grove, Mrs. Maude New and Marsha Aldrich were Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker. Mr and Mrs. Sam Smith were overnight guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Milo Johns in Sweet Home, returning to Vernonia on Tuesday afternoon ROBERT Y. THORNTON Thornton Asks May Nomination Attorney General Robert Y. Thornton announced recently that he will seek reelection as state attorney general in 1956 and will actively campaign for the Demo cratic nomination in th? May 18 primary election. Thornton, a former Tillamook county legislator, said that he ex pected to make a forthright cam paign to keep the office of attor ney general strong, independent and elected by the people rather than appointd by the Governor. “As head of the state depart ment of justice, the attorney gen eral is not merely the Governor’s lawyer; he is the people’s lawyer as well. An attorney general elected by the p-’ople brings to the state government independent and impartial legal advice. While under the law his powers are limited, nevertheless he can, by the judicious use of his office, do much to foster law enforcement and secure to the people the full Children Visit Father advantages of laws enacted for At Counts Home Sunday their benefit and the full safe KEASEY ROUTE — Hawley guards of other laws enacted for Counts and his daughter Sharon their protection," Thorton declar and Mrs. Darrell Devaney and ed. her twin daughters Linda and Thornton was an army intelli Lorna called on their father, A. gence officer in World War II and B Counts at the Herb Counts in private life takes regular mili home Sunday. tary training with the Salem unit -Mr. and Mrs. Ray Repplinger of the U.S. army reserve. He is of Enterprise, Oregon are visit also a member of the board of ing her sister, Mrs. Ted DeWitt directors of Salem’s YMCA, and and her family. assumes an active role in the Larry and Jerry DeWitt are YMCA's Americanization school recovering slowly from bad colds. for prospective new citizens re Mrs. Walter Parker and Mrs. siding in Marion, YamhilJ, Linn H A. DeWitt attend« d ttw axtan and Polk counties. He is mar- sion project training meeting on ried and has one son. basketry at the Vernonia grade school last Thursday. Valentine's Day Featured At Home Economics Club NATAL-PITTSBURG — Mrs. Noble Dunlap was hostess last Work on the V.F.W. Auxiliary Wednesday for the grange home afghan is progressing very fast economics club. Five members with quite a few members turn were present. Following the ing ou^ for enjoyable afternoons business meeting, refreshments working on it. Last Wednesday were served, in keeping with the the afghan was started by six Valentine season. members at the home of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hender Mary Lee Dübendorf. Monday son and children of Portland were eleven members were present at recent visitors at the Clyde Hen the horn? of Mrs. Nora Redmond derson home. to work on the afghan. Mrs. I. J. Dass is staying in i Portland at the Donald Arm strong home for the next week or OES Membership Holds two caring for the children while Meeting Night Spotlight the parents are on a vacation trip. Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack were Nehalem Chapter No. 153, Ord- Forest Grove visitors last Wed Wednes- er of Eastern Star, met nesday. day evening with th? member- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Taylor and honored ship being especially family, who are residing at Am Lucille Tomlin received a nice boy, Washington, were at then- prize for answering a contest home here for several days the most nearly correct. past week. Delicious homemade pies were Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson visit served by the refreshment com ed Monday evening at the Noble mittee of Isab'lle Culbertson, Dunlap home. Ella Cline and Leola Cason. Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack and Larry spent Sunday evening at the Reed Holding home near Legion and Auxiliary Birkenfeld. Attend Conference Members of the Vernonia Am erican Legion post and its ladies auxiliary will go to Forest Grove tonight to attend a district con ference. THURSDAY, FEB 9, 1956 Man is unjust, but God is just; and finally justice triumphs —Longfellow Phone HA 9-3462 NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT I Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beck and girls were in Portland Monday on busi- ness. Word was received Wednesday by Mrs. Florenz West of the ar rival early that morning of an 3 pound, 13 ounce boy at the home of her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Calhoun, of Dex ter, Oregon, The baby has two brothers and a sister, Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs Dell Calhoun of Dexter and Mrs Margaret Gunderson of Portland is the great-grandmother. r IV— S l How Long Since I Your Watch I Was Cleaned ? ■ m ■ ■ ■ Even the finest watch should be cleaned and oiled at least once a year. Neglect today—may mean costly repair bills tomorrow. Let us inspect your watch. It’s worth a few moments of your time to find out whether all’s well. There’s no charge or obligation for this service. WTiy not drop in today ? Jewelry Repaired Glasses Repaired Electric Razors Serviced Pens Repaired A. L. Kullander WATCHMAKER — JEWELER Official Watch Inapactor, S.P.&S, Ry. »ZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZN H H H E. G. PAINE CO s ■ H Formerly of Don's Upholstery H CUSTOM BUILT FURNITURE H H H H estyling ECOVERING EPAIRING R H H Phone MRS. A. A. WOOLSEY H HA 9-5952 H FREE ESTIMATE AND DELIVERY H tHIHIHIHZHIHXHXHIHIHXHIHZ February? No, we don’t have Christmas in February... But you’ll enjoy a merry, prepaid Christmas next December by joining U. S. National’s Christmas Club now ... in February, Do your Christmas saving early... Join our Christmas Club today f