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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1956)
1 THURSDAY. FEB 9, 195« THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mr. and Mrs. John Kanarva fom Gwinn, Michigan. were guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs C E. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Bass and daughter from Monmouth spent the week end with relatives here. Mrs. Ray Lamping and small son, Ray Jr were here last week end from Madras, Oregon. HAS ANYONE seen Bess Nichols glasses? Gold flecked plastic frames with chain attached. Re ward. Stic Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hartman and family from Seaside visited here last week end with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lamping Sr., Major and Mrs. C. H. Lamp ing and family and Technical Ser geant Robert Lamping were din ner guests Monday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson at Pittsburg. ANNUAL VALENTINE candy and food sale. Sundlands. Feb. 11. Ruth Circle. 4t3c Joff Theatre THURS.. FRI. FEB. 9 10 FEMALE ON THE BEACH Joan Crawford - Jeff Chandler SATURDAY FEB. 11 COUNT THREE AND PRAY Van Heflin - Joanne Woodward SUN., MON. FEB. 12-13 TO HELL AND BACK Audie Murphy k. SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE WITH THESE VALUES' Tang Salad Dress ing Qi. Jar 46 Hunt's Pork and Beans No. 2't can 19c Del Monte Chunk Style Tuna For 83 6' '-OZ Can 3 Minute Instant Mashed Potatoes 2 Packages 39 White Hulless ulless Pop 2-Lb. Pkg. Corn Sunny Jim Pure Concord Grape Jam 59c 40-oz. Jar Nabisco Fig Newtons Cookies <» CC' 14‘«-ox. Pkg. For 03 Sunkist Fey Oranges $089 G3 Oranges per carton Za Pure Ground Beef. Ground Fresh $1 00 Daily Lbs. 1 THESE PRICES GOOD AS LONG AS PRESENT STOCK LASTS 3 MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS Deliveries Twice Daily 10 A M. It 3 PM—Ph. HA 9 3492 * r i Albert Childs received word January 25 of the death of his brother, Charles Childs of Al bany, following a long illness. Charles Childs had played a pro minent part in Oregon politics for many years. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kullander last week end were her sister and husband, Mr and Mrs. G. C. Smith, from Inde pendence. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Easter moved recently to Monte Rio, California. Mr. Easter was here last week end to get their household goods and was an overnight guest of his wife’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Per ry McFarland. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor of Portland were week end guests of Mrs. Taylor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sawyer. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davit were in Portland Sunday to visit with Mrs. Davis’s sister, Mrs. Leora Norman, and her family. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Rittel of Portland are the parents of a five pound, 15 ounce son bom last Thursday, February 2, at Ema nuel hospital. Proud grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. Cass Ber- gerson. Mrs. Bergerson went to Portland Wednesday when moth er and baby came home from the hospital and will help care for the new grandson for a time. Art Gardner attended Lions cabinet meeting and dinner at the Columbia Athletic clul? in Portland Äst Thursday. SWEETHEART DANCE. Feb. IL H.S. Gym. Semi-formal. Music by Swingsters. Singles SI. couples $1.50. 5t2c Suzie Sue Alexander, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chet Alexander, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Be mis at Camp McGregor. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Graves of Tigard spent Saturday with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Graves. After attending funeral services for her sister Mrs. Mildred Jlean in Portland Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Risley of Klamath Falls, stayed overnight with her father and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cates, leaving for their home Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pollock and family were in Jewell Sun. day visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pope. Mrs. Omar Poynter returned horn? Sunday after spending al most three weeks in Portland at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lyle Hildreth, while having medi cal care and recuperating from her recent serious illness. FOOD SALE Sat., Feb. 11. Bush Furn. Mt. Heart Club, 611c Mr. and Mrs. Judd Greenman were in Vernonia Tuesday on business and calling on friends. The Greenmans plan to leave Portland March 3 for San Fran cisco where they will embark March 5 on the Lurline for Hawaii. They will leave there April 2 and after docking will go to Los Angeles for a visit with Mr. Greenman’s sister b"fore re turning to Portland about April 10 Announcements have been re ceived from Mr. and Mrs. Walter Appli of Rhododendron, Oregon of the arrival of a daughter. Shel by Anne, January 30 Mrs. Appli is the former Mary Pat Caton. John Erickson was taken to Providence hospital in Portland last week for medical attention. Mrs. Wayne Eckman and daugh- co/rpfcfcfy au fon Wctcifi iti "c?icn eliminates lint, inoHu'ra end venting problems Sa vehouraof back I reaking work, end weather worrira, make fawe r clothca laut longer with g« nlla indoor drying. Juat load your Maytag, dial time and heat, lilt out damp dry for ironing or tlufT- dry for folding. No lint trap to clean. No drip pan to empty. No outside venting needed. ,95 EASY *990 TERMS ZZ.J SUNDLAND’S ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE Vernonia Phone HA 9-3333 786 Bridge ter Kathy of Fresno, California and Rev. and Mrs. Delbert Dow and daughters Marcy and Sheryl from Jefferson, Oregon, were here until Wednesday with their mother, Mrs. E. J. Douglass. Mrs. Douglas went to Jefferson with the Dows Wednesday. ANNUAL VALENTINE candy and food sale. Sundlands. Feb. | 11. Ruth Circle. 413c Earl Eckerson was taken in the Vernonia ambulance to the Veter, an's hospital in Portland Sunday for medical attention. A group of friends of the Del bert Dows from the Pedee church which Rev. Dow has served were here Monday for the funeral of E J. Douglass. They were Mrs. Fritz Kerber and Susy, Mrs. Gus John, Mrs. Frank Sheythe and Mrs. Smith. HAS ANYONE seen Bess Nichols glasses? Gold flecked plastic frames with chain attached. Re ward. 6tlc Relatives of E. J. Douglass who were here for funeral services Monday were Mrs. Roy Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miller, Mrs. Harry Miller and Art and Hubert Herring of Portland and Mr and Mrs. Frank Miller of Forest Grove. Barney Bjornson of Keasey Rt. was brought by ambulance to the offic-1 of Dr. Eby for treatment last week after which he was hospitalized. Brandford (Red) Russom of Mist route, who returned home December 3 from Alaska where he was working because of a leg injury, entered Good Samaritan hospital in Portland Monday for surgery and expects to be there for another week or more while recuperating. SWEETHEART DANCE. Feb. 11. H.S. Gym. Semi-formal. Music by Swingsters. Singles SL couples SI.50. 5t2c Tcm Tucker. Mrs. Tom Wolff and Zona Tandy had identified numbers posted at Brunsmans by Wednesday morning of this week. Mrs. Paul Gordon was in Port land Sunday, Monday and Tues day of this week to attend the annual conference of Oregon- Washington chamber of com merce executives which was held at the Multnomah hotel. E. E. Dove, superintendent of Vernoma high school, will leave Portland at midnight Friday for New York from where he will go to Atlantic City, New Jersey to attend the annual convention of the American association of school administrators. On his way home from there he will also at- ttend the meeting of the national association of secondary school principals in Chicago. Harold McEntire will attend a meeting for district school sup erintendents in. Portland Satur- day. FOOD SALE Sat.. Feb. 11. Bush Furn. Mt. Heart Club. •tic | I I | City Librarian Lists New Books The Vernonia library board has recently purchased books for the library shelves as follows: How to Decorate and Light Your House, Stephenson; Inside Africa, John Gunther; By These Words, Great Documents of Am erican Liberty, Selected and piac- ed in their contempory settings. Paul Angle; Th-' Notebooks of Major Thompson, Pierre Dam- nos; Parrakeets, Herbert S. Zim; Master Plots Annual Volume, Es say Reviews of 100 outstanding b< Kiks published in ths U.S. dur. mg 1954. Also two new books have b'-en placed on the Heath Memorial Shelf. They are: The Columbia. by Stewart Holbrook (The 50th Rivers of America Book) and Birds of the World. Paul Barruet. Books received as gifts recent ly by the library include: Life of An American Workman, by Walter P Chrysler: The Road is Yours, a complet? chromel'' of the automobile, by Cleveland and Williamson and Long Rope. Eliza beth Lambert Wood, (teenage). DATES TO REMEMBER i Elk Herds Seek THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 9 Vernonia Extension Unit—Christ ian church, 10:30 a m. Lampshad'-s Mt. Heart Rebekah lodge—JOOF hall, 8.00 p m. High school assembly—H.S. gym. 1:15 pm. Dedication of flag and marching banner. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 10 Mist-Nehalem Extension Unit home of Mrs. Zella Bellingham, 10:30 a.m. Lampshades. Vernonia Extension unit—Christ ian church, 10:30 am. Lamp shades confined. F O E. and Auxiliary—Eagles hall 8:00 p.m. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 11 Sweetheart Dance — Vernonia high school, 8:00 p.m. March of Dimes dinner and Bowling association games — Dessy’s, 6:00 p.m. Vernonia Grange—hall near golf course, 8:00 p.m. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 13 Lions Club dinner meet—Wash ington grade school, 7:00 p m. Ladies night. Knights of Pythias—IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. District officers train ing meet with Grand Chancel lor Harry Wood. Rainbow Girls—Masonic Tempi?, 7:30 p.m. Chamber of Commerce board of directors—West Oregon office, 8:30 pm. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 14 Timber Route Extension Unit— 10:30 Vernonia grange hall, a.m. Lampshades. Shrove Tuesdaj- hotcak? supper —Winema grange hall, Birken feld, 5:30 p.m. VFW Auxiliary—VFW hall, p.m. Odd Fellows lodge—IOOF hall. 8:00 p.m. PEO—home of Mrs. Ralph Val- piani, 8:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY Nehalem Chapter, OES—Mason ic Temple, 8:00 p.m. Sweet hearts on parade. Boy Scouts — City park cabin, 7:00 p.m. Youth Delegate Tells of Trip 11 Several groups of people in Co lumbia county last week heard Donna Lingle, Internationa! Farm Youth Exchange delegate to Greece, speak about her experi ences and show colored slides on Greece. Donna grew up on a farm in the Boring area. She graduated from Oregon State college last spring and left during the sum mer for Greece as an exchange delegate. Since returning from Greece in November, she has made many appearances before social, civic and educational groups to relate her experiences. In Columbia county she spoke to the Scappoose and St. Helens high school students and the St. Helens and Scappoose Kiwanis club. She stayed with 19 different families in Greece and therefore had an opportunity for many pic tures of family life as well as places of interest in Greece. Several delegates are selected each year in Oregon as well as other states to go to foreign countries and live with different farm families for a period of 3 to 4 months. These delegates are chosen for their interest in this program as well as their past re cord of leadership in farm. com. munity, and social life. Foreign delegates also come to the United States for the same period of time and live with farm families. Money for this program is raised by civic groups, farm organiza tions, 4-H clubs and other inter ested in the program. Food Near Mist MIST — Sunday morning down the highway half a mile from Mist a herd of elk was seen that had come out to feed. There were 11 cows and a bull elk. Th-y seem to be hungry and were not frightened as they kept right on feeding, al- thought what thsy found in the deep snow was hard to detect. Mrs. Austin Dowling and Ber nard were in Clatskanie Friday shopping. George Jones was a Vernonia shopper Friday. Earl Knowles was home from Vernonia a day or so last week. Mrs. Deane Leimkuehler from Vernonia spent part of the week end with the Austin Dowling fa mily. The next regular MHC will be with Mrs. Lloyd Beach at Bir- kenfeld on February 23. The county roads are closed to hauling now owing to soft ground rain soaked, snow and freezing weather. Frozen water pipes, snow and freezing weather seems about the only news these days and th? Ground Hog saw his shadow. Well we shall wait and see. Lincoln Peterson has not been feeling at all well. The Chas. Sundlands are away on a two months vacation trip to Mexico and other points of in terest. 4-H Conference Draws Leaders Leaders and junior leaders from Columbia county attended the an. nual state 4-H club leaders con ference at Oregon State college in Corvallis January 25, 26, and 27. The enrollment was the largest for any state leaders conference in the history of Oregon 4-H club work. The attendance for th-' an nual banquet, held Thursday evening, January 26, sponsored by the Sears Roebuck Foundation was over 400. This highlight ot the conference is an inspiring time for 4-H club leaders as they watch 4-H club members from various parts of Oregon being awarded the most outstanding ho nors available in the state, most of which include college scholar ships. The main topic at the three day meeting was how to develop a specialized train ng program for volunteer 4-H leaders. Those attend'ng this years con ferences w 're: Mrs. George Ha per,. Yankton, president of th» Columbia county 4-H leaders a . sociation; Mrs. Evelyn Heaih, Vernonia, who was official delegate to the conference; and junior leaders Carolyn Heath, Vernonia; Anneatta Tiacy and Joanne Bentley, Raimer; Eileen Avis, Columbia City, Lorana Hin shaw, St. Helens; Betty Stephens, Warren. County extension agents. Mrs. Margaret Allyn and Robert H. Stevely, accompanied the l?ad- ADMIRAL Radio C. GIRARD DAVIDSON, former assistant secretary of the U. S. department of interior, has filed for the office of Democratic na tional committeeman from Ore gon. TV GUARANTEED SERVICE 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. — All Makes OAKES RADIO SHOP Phone HA 9-3653 — Riverview' with pleasure I Famous for flavor . .. bright, sparkling Olympia hits the refreshment mark for millions of discriminating westerners. “It s the H ater” that makes the difference -OLYMPIA BREWING COMPANY. OLYMPIA. WASH U • A * Nowadays, the hands that rocks I the cradle usually receives a dol lar an hour. XNXHXHXHXHZHXHXHXHZHXHXH3 H KING’S Grocery - Market H H X Phone HA 9-6015 Riverview H At th» Mil» Bridge H "Wh»ra Your Money Buys Mor»“ X H ALWAYS — Top Quality H ALWAYS — Best Prices H H X ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery H H —From your home-owned independent grocery H I H Trade Independent. H H SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING. WE BRING X H i ZHXHXHXHXMXHXHXHXHXMXHXHX Appliances Low Down Payment 12 Months to Pay. Deep Freezers, Refrigerators, and appliances of all kinds. ■4 -* •*■ -*