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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1955)
THURSDAY, DEC 29, 1955 : ft THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE MARSH ALL-WELLS BRUNSMAN Hardware and Electric! FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS and FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGES : THIXOTROPIC ALKYD HARDWARE — SPORTING GOODS — GUNS — AMMUNITION PAINTS — LINSEED OIL — TURPENTINE — ELECTRIC WIRING — NAILS NEW AND OUTSTANDING VALUES ON OUR 9c TABLE *4 Pint ’s Pint Pint Quart Gallon I' Screwdrivers Bowls Mugs, Glasses, Dishes, Brushes, Fun nels, Chore Girls, Dishrags, Etc. 1955 Floor Model Fri gidaire Refrigerator. 7.6 Cu. Feet OPEN THE DOORS fiND YOUR ROAST ROLLS TO YOU! $1.05 $1.90 $6.75 Virtue Walnut Charcoal Dinette Set with Azune Saigon Chairs. Special Virtue 7-piece dinette set. Gray. Special Solid MapleDinette Table, 6 Chairs 79 99 New exotic colors in Biltwell Da- veno and Club Chairs. Persim mon, Rose Beige & Forest Green. $239.00 Value Mall Model 389 Electric $r> Drill Less $5 trade-.o Any Hand or Electric drill. Neoprene rain Coats $Q O Neoprene Rain $Q Pants Ö Simmons Mattresses and Box Springs $39.95, $49.50 and $69.50 Each Sunbeam Electric Blankets $ KNEE BOOTS WITH STEEL SAFETY TOE Goulds Amazing NO-TANK PUMP Complete Water System. No Tank Needed Priced At A Famous Lincoln Car Batteries Exch. Price Biltright Clothes Drying Rack. Special $4.35 New Coleman Oil Heater. Regularly $60 Value $ Now Only Purrey Reversible Wool and Rayon blan kets. $12.95 $rx95 Value M Swing Rockers Priced From SE/ERE V/.NTER PREDICTED. KEEP WARM AND COMFOR TABLE WITH THERMOSTATI CALLY CONTROLLED WOOD BURNING HEATERS. Fan-Gio Elec. Heaters $12 95 and $19.95 Large Automatic Draft Controlled Norwester Heat'r. Top can bi used for $ Cooking Roll-Away Bed with Innerspring $ Mattress ..... All Metal Ironing Boards $5.95 $7 95 - $10 95 - $13.95 ROLL ROOFING S2.60 $2 95 $3.55 Ämana freezers $349.90 Gold Seal Blankets $6.95 Value Ironing Board Pad and Quilted Cover 45 lb. 55 lb. 65-lb. 90 lb. Red or <>rean r rigidaire Imperial 39 Range NEW SHIPMENT $14 Hip Boots. Felt Lined from Knee to Toe. PLYWOOD 4x8x4" $3.95 Metal Bunk Beds com plete with Simmons Inner Spring Mattres ses. Special Deluxe Gold Seal Li noleum $ 95 Rugs. 9x12 Gold Seal Linoleum 95c and $1 yard Pin-up Lamps 24 HOUR THERMOSTATIC WOOD HEATERS Airtight Heaters $5.50 - $6.30 - $7.25 Solid Maple Rocker Made to Last A Life- time $ Special 145 Table Lamps $4 50 to $12.95 Solid Maple Rocker With Cushions Special $30 Allowance on Your Old Washer on this Big Double Walled Speed Queen Washer with pump $-| QA 50 Only ... lOi/ Gleaming White Toil et Seat '$ 69 Special i Large Ashley Auto. $ Downdraft Heater Med. Size Automatic Ashley Heater SIMPSON BOARD 4x8x%” $2.35 CEILING TILE Box of 60 Sq. Ft. $7.95 HARDBOARD •ixBx’4" $265 6-Year Mattress Only MASONITE 4x8x3/16" $3.20 New Counselor Hath Scales Special COME IN AND GET YOUR 1956 CALENDAR . - ' AROUND THE FARM Quite often there is treated seed left after planting with it's attendant problem of what to do with it. Sometimes it can be saved for the next planting sea son. but it needs to be handled with caution to make certain that it is not used for food pur- poses or animal feed Some setxi treatment chemicals contain dyes that are visible on the seed and others do not. It is good to have all seed that is treated with poisonous chemicals plainly marked with a tag The tag should indicate what material was us'd to treat the seed along with a wanting not to use the seed for food or f'ed Many materials used for seed treating cotitain mercury. The agricultural chemistry depart ment of Oregon Stale college can make tests for mercury com pounds on seed if there is any question About one half pound of seed is toquired. We also have information in our tiles on a method of testing for "Arasan” or "Ceresan” on seed $4.95 Folding Laundry cart with nylon wheels Specially 98 Priced At Fleet Air Refresher 79c Can c Special Floor Lamps $14 95 Value 4 Pc. Bedroom Set with cabinet headboard with 2 sliding doors. New limed oak $ finish. $17900 Value Sunbeam Razor $7.50 allowance on your old razor. Norelco Razor UNCLAIMED NUMBERS 78885 79074 Large Oakland Fireplace Heater Small Oakland Fireplace Heater IT'S A PRIVILEGE AND A PLEASURE TO LIVE IN VERNONIA BY DON COIN WALROD County Extension Agent This method of testing could be done by most farmers with sim- pie equipment that most every kitchen would have and is a color test. "What should w? do for control of lice on our cattle," is a ques tion that we have been getting rather frequently the last few weeks Cold weather of late has been ideal for a build up in louse population, for it is usually only at this time of year that prob- lems are encountered. Even a few lice can result in a considerable loss to the cattle owner through lower gains in meat, milk production, or loss of vitality of young animals. Indi cations of the presence of lice can usually be not ’d by exces sive rubbing or scratching and the loss of hair in small irregular patch«'»— usually about the tail head, withers or th« twist The bite that each louse makes every time it takes a meal of blood causes the itching and loss of hair. There are many effective con trol materials and a number of ways of applying them, such as dipping, spraying, dusting, wash ing. or providing self-treating. Each way has certain noints or advantages, and some such as the dipping or spraying are more ef fective. All methods give satis factory control if a thorough job is done. Some of the more com- mon materials include DDT, methozchlor, rotenone, and TDE, Chlordane, lindane and toxa phene. For the small herd owner, dust- ing or using a self treating de- vice probably are the most prac tical in that very little cost in equipment is involved. For beef cattle a 5 or 10 per cent DDT dust would be in order, For dairy cattle Methoxychlor would be best as DDT should b- avoided on dairy’ cattle. Rotenone could be used in either <ase and.has the added advan- tage of controhng warbles or grubs However, it does not have the residual action of some other materials and will need to be re peated in about 17 days for ef fective louse control. Plans for a low cost home made self-treating device, along with instructions for preparing insecticides to use with it, can be obtained from all county agents. In the crops night school at Clatskanie, sponsored by Chuck McGee. Vo-Ag instructor, green chopping of pasture cam' up for brief discussion last week. In the way of providing additional information on the subject, it might be well to note some of the results that some of the experi ment stations are reporting. Information from Beltsville, Maryland shows that on a survey of 18 Michigan farms that green chopping increased the cost of forage 32 per cent over conven tional dairy grazing On a typi cal Pennsylvania farm the green chop necessitated $3.250 invest ment for equipment and the pur chase of 3 additional cows. In Pennsylvania on 12 acres of pas ture there was $800 more income by green chopping If the opera tor needed to purchase equip ment. about $175 of this profit would need to go to pay on the equipment. 11 HERE'S HOW RESTORE ANTIQUE FURNITURE Often battered or broken an ; species and texture can best be tiques can lie restored by means matched upon the advice of of a few simple repairs. your local lumber dealer. If the joints are loose, leave Eliminate small scratches the piece in a hot. dry room with fine emery cloth, “OO’’ for several days before disas sandpaper, or drv steel wool. sembling. ~ Remove old glue To raise dents, place a wet pad from the joints with a cloth over the dents and apply heat dipped in hot water, with an iron. Use natural wood Broken parts . make good pat- filler to fill small holes and terns for new parts. Wood match the stain with a cotton swab rather than with a brush. In finishing new wood to match the oid. apply stain sparingly, gradually achieving the desired tone. To reassemble, use a good modern wood glue. Pad the c clamps la ups to protect the wood. If the old finish is in good condition, it may be cleaned with turpentine or mineral spirits, and refinished with oil or wax. Apply wax_____ several times a day for several days, allowing each coat to dry. Beautiful natural wood is often found under scverabgoat« of paint. Remove the ollfinish with paint or varnish remover. Work a small area at a time On porous wood apply a mix ture of one teaspoon of liquid drier in H pint of linseed oil at weekly intervals for five weeks. Rub in sparingly with a clean cloth. Finish with wax.