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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1955)
% Flood Waters Surround Nell Thacker's Home TIMBER ROUTE — Mrs. Nell Thacker was surprised Wednes day evening when she arrived home after a visit to the Carl Wienecke home, to find her house surrounded by water. Friends and relatives watched through the night with her, but fortunate ly the water stopped rising be fore it got in to her house. Mrs. M. E. Eide and daughter Jacqueline of Banks spent Friday and Saturday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falconer. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Riggles of Buxton, spent Tuesday night with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds and Earl. Mrs. Nell Thacker, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Galloway, Tamara and Tommy were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Smith Sat urday evening, in honor of Ron nie Smith’s birthday. After Ron nie opened his present Mrs. Smith served birthday cake and ice cream to her guests. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Justice, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Justice of The Dalles, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Justice and sons were Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Justice at their home in Portland. Overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale, Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs. Will Sanders of Oakville, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beck and children visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Marlott of Portland Christ mas day and Monday. Robert Reynolds returned home from the hospital Friday where he had undergone surgery. He is progressing well. Mrs. Blanche Bergerson and Don, Mrs. Florenz West and Ken had Christmas dinner together at the West home. ADMIRAL Radio TV Appliances • • Low Down Payment 12 Months to Pay. CHRISTMAS SPECIALS NOW AVAILABLE Deep Freezers, Refrigerators, and appliances of all kinds. GUARANTEED SERVICE 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. — All Makes OAKES RADIO SHOP Phone HA 9-3653 — Riverview Family Gathers fit Crawford's TIMBER ROUTE — Guests at the Ed Crawford home for Christmas dinner were their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hoff and son Bradley from Astoria; son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bush, Candy and Richard from Portland; Mr. Craw ford’s sister and daughter, Mrs. 1 H. C. Tallman and Barbara of I 1 Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Harry i Culbertson of Vernonia. Later THE POPULATION OF CHINA IS INCKtASIHt in the day a son and his family 8V 12,000.000 VtARLV. WITH A WPVLATk X OF APPROXIMATELY 5SA.OOO.OOO,CHINA HOLOS Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Bush from SLAKLY OKE -I l UKTH Of THE WCKLO'S PEOPLE. Salem and two children and a daughter, Mrs. H. G. Kauffman and four children from Astoria called at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walker in Portland Friday. Mrs. Exie Weaver arrived home from Grants Pass Friday where she had been visiting. She re ports the busses were all tied up there Thursday due to high water AT THE CHHRCHES and when she came home, watei FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH was still over the highway. Ervin F. Leake. Minister GEORGE N. TAYLOR Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beck called I Sunday, January 1, 1956 Portland. Oregon on T. L. Pierce while in Portland 9:45 a.m. — Bible school. Christmas day. There were 20 sheep in the pas 11:00 a.m. — Church service. Ser Paul Weaver spent Friday night ture and one jumped out. How mon them?, "Facing the Fu with his cousin Earl Weaver, and ture with Paul." many were left? So asked teach visited his uncle Robert just horn ? er.—“Nineteen were left,” shout 7:30 p.m. — Evening church ser from the hospital. vice — Sermon theme, "The Friends and relatives were hap ed the class. All so shouted ex Joy of Giving and Receiving.” py to learn that Paul Weaver won cept Sammie. So teacher told 6:30 p.m. — Youth Fellowship. the grand prize in the drug store Sammis to think Wednesday, January 4, 7:3J pm. contest Saturday. again. Now hear —Midweek service. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jessee visited Sammie—"Teach at Harold Shipleys Monday, to er, you may know VERNONIA EVANGELICAL watch the football game on T.V. numbers but you UNITED BRETHREN Rev. F. M. Knoll Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Reynolds don’t know sheep. Sunday, January 1, 1956 were host and hostess to twenty I f one sheep ! 9:45 a m. — Sunday School. Clas seven relatives at a pot luck din jumps out they ses for all ages. ner at their home on Christmas all follow: none 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. day. Mrs. Eva Jacobs and daugh are left.” Isaiah Sermon: "In New Pathways." ter Jo and her nephew called of old said it — Nursery for small children. briefly in the afternoon. “All we like 6:30 p.m. — Youth Fellowship. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver sheep have gon? and children visited Mr. and Mrs. astray. We hae turned every one 7:30 p.m. — Evening service. Sub- Forrest Reynolds for dinner on his own way and the Lord has Thursday evening. laid on Christ the sins of us all.” GEMS OF THOUGHT Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Dobyns —Isaiah 53:6. There you have WORDS from Forest Grove visited Mr. and God, man and Christ. We sin Mrs. L. N. Thornbrugh Sunday ned; God laid our sins on Christ Be temperate in thought, word, afternoon. and He died for us all. Your and deed. Meekness»and temper Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds, part is to Believe on Christ as dy ance are the jewels of Love, set Earl and Mrs. Exie Weaver were ing for you and at that God gives in wisdom. in Portland Tuesday on business. you eternal life. —Mary Baker Eddy Lauretta Weaver of Camp Mc This Message sponsored by an Words. I think, are the one Gregor is spending the week with Seattle family. great exhaustless charm and re- ' her cousin Cheryl Reynolds. source of life. —Gamaliel Bradford Sarah Hess Humphreys The finest words in the world Dies In California are only vain sounds if you can TIMBER ROUTE — Jex? Miller not comprehend them. —Anatole Franc? Order of Eastern Star received word of the death of his Words — the coins minted by Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. mother, Mrs. Sarah (Hess) Hum the tongues of men with which phreys, at Redding, California, Regular com realization may be purchased. munication first Tuesday, December 20. She was —Hervey Allen at the home of a son, Rollin and third Wed. There are no synonyms. Every of each month Humphreys, with whom she had word has a precise meaning of its been living. Besides these two at Masonic Tern- own, or a shade of meaning that J pie. All visiting sons, another son, William, of Los distinguishes it from every other Angeles also survives. Mrs. Hum sisters and broth, phreys, who was 91 at the time word. ers welcome. —Woodrow Wilson of her death was a sister of Cur Lucille Tomlin. W.M. The style of an author should 1-56 tis, Quedo and Jerry Hess and had Mona Gordon. Sec'y. lived many years on the old Hess be th? image of his mind, but Knights of Pythias home place south of Vernonia. the choice and command of lang Hardings Lodge No. 116 Joe Miller went to Redding last uage is the fruit of exercise. —Edward Gibbon Vernonia, Oregon Saturday for his mother’s funeral. His wife went as far as Mosier I Meetings I.OO.F. where she stayed with her moth Two Weeks Vacation Hall, Second and er, Mrs. McClure and family. Fourth Mondays Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Thack Here Ended Monday Each Month er and Kenny sp'nt Christmas TIMBER ROUTE — Mr and day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stanley and sons John Bargar, Chancellor Mrs. Harrison Gouge. left Monday for their home in Commander A family dinner was held at Agoura, California after spending Oscar G. Weed. Secretary the Grange hall Christmas day a two weeks vacation at the home for Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lindsley. of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pythian Sisters Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lindsley Stanley. Vernonia Temple No. 61 and son, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hib- Meetings: I.O.O.F. Hall Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Polzel and Second and Fourth Wednesdays ler and sons from Eugene, Mr. and children of Portland wer? home of each nfbnih Mrs. J. W. Lindsley and children with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. from Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stanley for Christmas day. Alice Weed. M.E.C. 2 56 Verne Lindsley and children and Alice Buckley. Secretary Guests Christmas eve of Mr Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith and fa. and Mrs. Selwyn Graves were Vernonia F.O.E. mily. their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil (Fraternal Order of Eagles) Mr. and Mrs. James Calhoun bur Thacker and Mr. and Mrs and Charlotte of North Bonne Oliver Graves. After dinner they Meets ville, Washington spent the week had their Christmas tree for Dana Every end with Mr. and Mrs. Sam and exchanged their gifts. Friday Smith. Mr. and Mrs Art Kirk were in I P M. Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn Graves Portland over the week end with and Dana were at the home of her their daughter and son-in-law, 858 1*8 Ava. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schaffer and Vernonia Thacker for Christmas day. family. Teacher Wrong ject: “Christ In Exodus: God's Passover.” Tuesday, January 3 7:30 p.m. — Brotherhood meets at the church. Wednesday, January 4 1:00 p m. — W.S.W.S. at the par sonage. 7:33 p.m. — Midweek service at church. VERNONIA BIBLE CHURCH Glenn B. Campbell, Pastor Pete Raney, S. S Supt. 9:45 a m. — Vunday school, clas ses for all ages. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship 6:30 p.m. — Study classes for all ages. 7:30 p.m.—Evening service. ’ ST. MARYS CATHOLIC Rev. William Delplanche First and second Sundays Mass at 7:30 a m. Third, Fourth and Fifth Sundays Mass at 11:15 a.m. VERNONIA BRANCH LDS 9:30 a m., Sunday — Priesthood meeting. 10:30 a.m. — Sunday School con venes under supervision oi Axel Olson. 12:00 Noon — Sacrament ser vices under direction of Earl P. Genzer, Branch President. 10:00 a m. Tue>day — Relief So ciety convenes under supervi sion of F.rlene Olson Sr. 7:30 p.m. Thurs. — Young People MIA group meets at community hall, Buxton, Oregon. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Reverend Everette Murray 9:45 a m. — Sunday school. 11:00 — Morning worship. 6:30 p.m. — Training union. 7:30 p.m. — Evening worsh p. 7:30 p.m. Wed. — Pray.r service NAZARENE CHURCH Harry Burk, Pastor 9:45 a m. — Sunjay school. Bob Mitchell, Sup't. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship 6:30 p.m—Young Peoples service, 7:30 p.m. — Evening service. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. — Prayer meeting. TIMBER FRIENDS CHURCH (Meeting in Timber grade school.) Pastor, Harold Ankeny LODGE AND CLUB NOTICES VERNONIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Board of Directors report members once each month Friday of first full week. IWA Hall, 8 P.M. Guy I. Thomas, President Mona M. Gordon, Secy., Manager Office at City Hall VERNONIA LIONS CLUB MEETS EVERY MONDAY EVENING V.F.W. Hall Bill Vlcek, President Ron Paris, Secretary V. F. W. Regular meetings: 2nd and 4ih Wednesdays, 8 P.M. V.F.W. Hall. Don Campbell. Commander Jim Cox Jr.. Adjutant AUXILIARY—2nd and 4th Tues. Nora Redmond, President Betty Hawken. Sec'y. 4-55 Columbia Encampment No. 89 will meet the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at the LO.O.F. halL Albert Tandy. Chief Patriarch Wm. D. Shafer, Scribe 1- MT. HEART REBEKAH LODGE Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings of each month in the I.O.O.F. HalL Silvia Wolff. Noble Grand Edith McFarland. Vice Grand Gertrude Schalock. Rec. Sec'y. Cora Lange. Financial Secretary Mathilde Bergerson, Treasurer 3-56 American Legion VERNONIA POST in Meets First and Third Monday of each month. AUXILIARY First and Third Tuesdays 1-56 W. N. Noakes, W. P. Chas. Cederburg, Sec'y. 7 56 Vernonia Lodge No. 246 Meets Every Tuesday 8 P M. Shelby Cook. Noble Grand Truman Knight. Secretary THURSDAY. DEC 29. 1955 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA, ORE. 1 54 A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. ft A. M. meets at Masonic Temple. Stated first Communication Thursday of each month. st 7:30 p.m. T. F. Tomlin, W.M. 1-54 Walter Linn. Sec'y. 7 Sunday School 10 00 a.m. Worship Hour 11:00 a.m. Evening Service 7:30 p.m. (meeting in pastor’s home) Thursday Evening, Family Hour —7:30 p.m. Quaker Hour, KEX Sun 9:00 SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST G. Merlin Kretschmar, Pastor Services on Saturday: 9:30 a.m. — Sabbath School. 10:45 a m. — Preaching, mission ary programs or Bible study. 7:30 each Thursday, prayer meet ing at the church. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST (Colored) J. C. Foster. Pastor 9:45 a.m. — Sunday schooL 11-12 a.m. — Morning worship, 6:30 p.m.—Young Peoples service 8 p.m. — Evening worship. 7:30 p.m. Tuesda; and Friday»— Prayer Meetings. Welcome to all to worship with uj ASSEMBLY OF GOD 2nd and Maple L. A. Shelf tn. Pastor 9:45 a m. — Sunday school. Clas ses for all ages. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship 7:45—Evangelistic service. 10:30 p m. — Radio program — KEX Portland. BURNS TV AND RADIO REPAIR ’ Service Calls Taken Daytime and Evenings Phone HA 9-5441 Ho Down Payment On Approved Credit EASY TERMS BURNS TV AND RADIO 763 2nd Sf. — Ph. HA 9 5441 ITS HERE! the ROYALpottabl EXCLUSIVES THE VERNONIA EAGLE PHONE 191 VERNONIA J hik : hzhzhihihii : i »: xhixhihxhxhxhxhihxhxhxhihihihxhx ^ H BE SURE OF THE BEST WITH NBC PRODUCTS— X H X H X H X H X H X H X FINE Groceriea H Meati—Vegetable« Ritz Crackers Snowflake Crackers Triangle Thins Honey Grahams Cookies Shredded Wheat ALL MADE BY THE NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY AVAILABLE AT---- SAM’S FOOD STORE Free Delivery HA » 5501 H X H X H X H X H X H X X H KHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHSHXHXHXHXHXHXHXMXHXHXHZHXMXHXHS