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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1955)
6 THURSDAY, DEC 29, 1955 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE, CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General REMEMBER' feed, seed or fer tilizer paid for in 1955 is deduc tible from 1955 income tax. Also, farm machinery bought in 1955 is depreciable in 1955. Hudson Farm Supply, Scappoose, your farm machinery center. 52tlc BABY BATH1NETTE for sale. In good condition. Reasonable. Ph. HA 9 5924 52t3c FOR SALE: tank type vacuum cleaner; small writing desk; good sled; also services as baby sit ters. Mrs. Blanch King and daughters. Phone HA 9-5052. 50t3c FOR SALE, cheap. 2-wheel trail er. 1046 Rose Ave. after 5:30 pm. 51t3 BARGER ELECTRIC REPAIR. Rewinding, repairing, refrigera tors. Rebuilt motors and refrig erators for sale. Phon? HA 9- 6933.________________________ 46tfc FOR SALE: Used chain saws. Ted's Saw Shop, Riverview. 22tfc CASH PAID for furniture, live stock, machinery, tools any time Forest Grove Auction, L. R. Senft and C. W Christiansen, owners and auctioneers. Phone 7615. 16tfc SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fiH dirt. Call HA 9-6829, A.G. Os trander. 26t52c FOR SALE—Insurance ALLSTATE, founded by Sears, gives you more for your insurance dollar. For auto, fire and person- al liability insurance, see or phone your local Allstate Insurance agent, Patrick J. Vandehy, 19th Ext., Forest ‘Grove, Oregon, or phone Forest Grove 2333 for ap- pointment. 52tfc FOR RENT ’ CARD OF THANKS THANK YOU to all the friends who voted for me in the Christ mas contest at Vernonia Drug Co. and helped me win the * electric train. ' Lyle Wilkins 52tl FOR RENT: House, three rooms and bath. $15 p ?r month. One I WE WISH to express our sincere mile north of Vernonia on Rock j thanks to the person whose iden Creek rd. J. P. McFarland, ph. tity we did not learn who pulled HA 9-5946. 52t3 our car from the flood waters al the bridge by old Arcadia park FOR RENT: Clean, nicely furnish last Wednesday evening. ed modern house at 162 A St. In Mrs. L. L. Wells‘and Ruby quire at 1251 Second Ave. or 52tl phono HA 9-3434.- 52t3c FROM ONE proud and happy APARTMENT for rent. 2 bed little boy, my thanks to all rooms, bath, dinette, living friends, neighbors and relatives room. Completely furnished. See who took part in helping me win Hazel Shipman at Drug Store. my bicycle in the Vernonia Drug 37tfc Co. contest. Paul Weaver 52tl WANTED WANTED: Cedar and Fir poles, all sizes. Phon? collect, Capitol 2-9581. Niedermeyer-Martin Co. 715 Portland Trust Bldg., Port land 4. Oregon. ' 52t5c COOPERAGE LOGS AND BLOCKS Wanted: Old growth yellow fir logs and blocks over 30” in dia meter any length 4 ft. or over. Wood Log grade and better. Wes tern Cooperage Co. Log Dump, St. Johns Mill, Portland, Ore. Phone AV 6-0611. 4!)t4<- WANTED: Fir and Cedar stump age (standing timber). Nieder- meyer-Martin Co., Portland Trust Bldg., Portland 4, Oregon. CApi- tol 2-9581. 48t7e EXPERIENCED woman wants day work or baby sitting, your home days or evenings. Celestia Denison, first house on left on Third St. Riverview. 50t3c I WISH to thank all the kind friends who voted for me in the Christmas contest at Vernonia Drug Co. and helped mo win the girls’ first prize, the «record play er. Diana Minger 52tlc I WISH to ‘xpress my sincere appreciation to the Lions club for the visit paid me Chnstfhas eve, for the carols sung, and the basket of fruit they gave me. It was a wonderful expression of the Christmas spirit. Mrs. A. D. Lolley* 52tlc MY SINCERE thanks to all my friends for the cards, flowers and calls which helped so much while I was in the hospital and since my return home. Carl Davis 52tlc WHEREAS, one of the primary responsibilities of the American Red Cross, as a quasigov?rnmen- tal agency, is the relief of human need resulting from nonenemy- caused disasters; and, WHEREAS the Red Cross has long served as the nation-wide agenev through which the American peo ple voluntarily extend assistance to individuals and families with disaster-caused needs, b?yond their own resources; and WHEREAS, the Red Cross is al ready extending emergency as sistance to the citizens of our community in this grave hour of emergency and will follow the sam? with rehabilitation assis tance to all those in need of such assistance; now therefore, I, Lyman G. Hawkun of Ver- nonia as mayor hereby officially designate the American Red Cross as the Official disaster relief agency in Vernonia for assistance to stricken families and indivi duals. I urge all our citizens to extend their full cooperation to the Red Cross in this time of great need. All agencies, both public and pri vate, are requested to extend their full support. I further urge that all indivi duals, groups and organizations desiring to make contributions for the relief of the disaster victims send their contributions to our local Red Cross chapter. All such donations will be used by the Red Cross in the humane task cf caring for the needs of disaster sufferers who are unable to re habilitate themselves without as sistance. SERVICES SHOE REPAIR SERVICE. Bar ger, Stoney Point. Or, work can be left at Steer’s Variety Store. 28tfc HIGHEST cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door— i picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream CLASSIFIED RATES ■ ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 I 126. 14tfc words or less. Words over min 1 imum. 2c each. Three inser J LOST AND FOUND tions for the price of two. j LOST: Irish Setter dog. Answers CARD of Thanks & Notices: 80c. FOR SALE—Real Estate to name of King. Reward. L. S. THE EAGLE assumes no finan Crovatto, Keasey Rd. HA 9-5897. 1 cial responsibility for errors INCOME PROPERTY _____________________________ 52t2 that may appear in ads pub TWO 3-room houses on 50x100 lished in its columns, but in lot. Both modern, including LOST: Lord Elgin wrist watch case where this paper is at wiring for range. 32x24 garage. with gold Haley band. Reward. fault, will reprint that part of Present rent on botl. $67.50. Contact Len Rauch at Radiant I an adv. in which the typo Live in one, rent the other. Full Ch an ts . _____________________ 51t3 graphical mistake occurs. price $5000, very good terms. | BLIND ADS with answers io be LEGAL NOTICE_______ HOMES handled by the Eagle: Mini 3 BEDROOM modern home wir NOTICE. The County Court of mum charge 80c. No informa ed for range. Close in. Well Columbia County, Oregon, has tion given relative to such ads. insulated. Fruit and utility appointed Tessie M. Aultman as NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY rooms. Price $2750. $500 will Administratrix of the estate ot ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED handle. RALPH CONWAY AULTMAN, AFTER WED. NOON EXCEPT LOCATED close to schools and Deceased. All persons having FOR NEXT WEEK'S PAPER. churches — 5-room modern claims against said estate are house on 75x100 lot; 2 blocks required to present them with Christmas Birthday to grade or high schools. Lots proper vouchers to the Adminis Noted With Dinner garden space, single garage. tratrix of said estate at the offic- I Price only $4750. Very good NATAL-PITTSBURG — Mr. es of the Vernonia Eagle, Ver- • terms. and Mrs. Kenneth Tupper enter, noma, Oregon, within six months 4 ROOM modern house wired tamed Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wolff from December 15, 1955. for range. 2 lots. Pnce $2500 at dinner Christmas eve honoring TESSIE M. AULTMAN good terms or will take car or Mrs. Wolff on her birthday, which Administratrix pickup in deal. was Friday. BUSH A BRADLEY SEE ME for farms and acreage. Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Tupper Attorneys for Administratrix DON BAYLEY. BROKER and Mr. and Mrs. W R. Wolff Palace Cafe Bldg. Ph HA 9-5225. j PUBLISH: December 15, 22 and were dinner guests of Mr. and 29. 1955, January 5 dnd 12, 1956 47tlc Mrs. Max Glienke and family in America's fleet of utility air Portland on Christmas day. MODERN 4 rm. house with nook, Mr. and Mrs. Gay Munson of lairgt* attic, large lot Inquire ev craft flew more than 2.8 million Malibu, California spent two days enings at 998 First Ave. Phone miles per fatal accident last year. at the Noble Dunlap residence HA 9-5165. 50t3 They left Tuesday morning to return home. NOW THAT moving is done, we’re back in business. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Peterson of Walla Walla, Washington spent HERE'S a home on 1 acre. Cane Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap berries, strawberries, g a rden, trees, barn, garage, woodshed. Mr and Mrs. Robert McCrosky House has 2 bedrooms. Comb of Long Beach, Washington were living-dining room, kitchen, util Saturday guests at the George ity room and inside plumbing Mathews home. Christmas day Only $2670 full price. Terms ar they motored to Portland where ranged. they were dinner guests of rela tives. HAPPY NEW YEAR TRADE this for timber or aerea Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mathews and son Bobby were Christmas age of equal value. Painted, re- TO ALL eve guests of Mr and Mrs. How fimshed 2 bedroom home with ard Jones at Birkenfeld. living room, dining room, kitch en and shower and 16' by 20' util DR. AND MRS. C. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Holce were ity room $4990 VOTAW AND FAMILY Friday guests at the Robert Ma thews home THIS treats renting. Home and 25 acres with 16 acres in culti APPLICATION FOR DOG LICENSE vation and creek $2900 full price To H F JENSEN, County Clerk of Columbia County. St. Helens, Ore.; $500 down Please send me a dog license for the ensuing year as follows: HERE'S ime in Timber. Oregon. 7-room well built home on con crete foundation Fireplace, city water, electricity, bath room Cir culating oil heater 27 acres. 4 cleared $3750 full price Terms arranged WE HAVE had inquiries for log ged off acreage, any amount Contact us if you wish to sell. BUMP AND MEYER Properties and Insurance Inc. 19.10 Council St. Forest Grove, Oregon Cal) Adam Koch, Forest Grove Phone 3956 SOtlc ' PROCLAMATION Bowling Results INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Won Lost Dessy's 44 20 Mill Market 40 24 Bob’s Union 29 35 Long-Bell 49 15 High individual game, Dave Brunsman, 201; high individual series, Homer Gwin, 517; high team game, Mill Market 961; high team series. Mill Market, 2745. CITY LEAGUE Won Lost Radiant Cleaners 45 19 Oakes Radio & TV 43 21 Nehalem Service 21 43 Lyle’s Barber Shop ' 19 45 High individual game, W. Park er, 191; high individual series, D. Laird, 550; high team game. Ra diant Cleaners, 924; high team series, Oakes Radio and TV. 2593. WOMEN’S LEAGUE Won Lost 38 26 Sam’s Food Store 34 30 Dessy’s 29 35 Brunsman Hdwre 27 37 Vernonia Drug High team game, Brunsman's. 777; high team series, Brunsman’s 2298; high individual game, Alice Gwin, 176; high individual series, Della Vroman, 497; Split, Mary Me^chan 2-7; Della Vroman, 2-7; Mary Finnerty, 5-10; Kath Sauer, 5-7. Power from Tractor Can Operate Milker Electrical power failures are never pleasant for anyone, but for the dairymen they may be particularly disagreeable. Such <• power loss may mean additional hand labor if the dairyman can not operate his milking machines. However, hand milking can be avoided by using the farm trac tor as a source of power, says Don Coin Walrod. county exten sion agent. To use the tractor in this wav, it is necessary to make a connec tion to the intake manifold for the milking machine vacuum line. Most tractors can be used in this way although on some models the intake manifolds are not as ac cessible as on others. Magnetic milkers cannot be operated in this manner. A few minutes spent in prepar ing a milking system to operate from a tractor may save a dairy CHECK PROPER: □ Male □ Spayed Female □ Female man considerable time and labor if a failure should occur, says SCHEDULE OF FEES Walrod. Before March 1st After March 1st Walter Loyd. Deer Island. Paul 1 Male $1.50 $2 5u DeShazer. Warren, and Cecil I Spayed Female $1 50 $2 50 Urie, Goble, indicate that they Female $3 00 $4 t\) use a tractor as a standby power I to operate a vacuum line Others ' Name of Breed of Dog may have emergency electric sys- ! terns such as the Knusel-Kauf- ! Enclosed find Draft, Check. Money Order for $ man Dairy. Scappoose, uses. Name Address Fill the above blank out in full and return with necessary fee. All Licenses Expire December 31st of each year Remit by Check or Money Order Do Not Send Currency ______________ 51t2c OPTOMETRISTS: Dr. V. J. Horne and Dr. R. V. Lance Across from Texaco Wednesday 9 to 5 BINS TMTOTILK r J >Y FRANKLIN J. MEINE I I i GOVERNMENT STORAGE COSTS FORALI PRODUCTS AMOUN I lu ADUU1 $ I MILLION THE COST OF WHEAT STORAGE ALONE RANGES TO MORE THAN ANNUALLY. T t t " 0 J A $150 MILLION DAILV.'T 1 WITH FOUR MILLION ALCOHOLICS,THE UNITED STATES HAS THE BIGGEST ALCOHOLISM PROBLEM IN THE WORLD FRANCE FOLLOWS WITH ONE MILLION ALCOHOLICS Extension Office Has Farm Record Books Farm record books for the com ing year are now available at the county extension office and farm ers are urged to secure books and start keeping their records for the new year, says county extension agent, Lou Oester. Books for two different meth ods of keeping records are avail able. The “cash” book is for a record of all cash transactions mad? for the farm. An inventory book is available to use with it for a more detailed accounting of the farm operation. The “cash” book is designed to aid farmers in making out income tax returns, but can also be used to evaluate the farming program. The other record book is for the accrual method of farm account ing. This method shows any in crease or decrease of inventory and shows the farmer his net worth at the end of the year. It gives a more detailed account of the year of the farm operation and is more readily adapted for an evaluation of the program. Farmers’s who use this method of reporting income for the first time must secure permission from the income tax commission. Accident Causes Minor Injuries TIMBER ROUTE — Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weaver and two daughters Lauretta and Mae, had a car accident Christmas day, as they were driving from Camp McGregor to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Reynolds. In juries were sustained by all, but nothing serious. Week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Quinn were his father, Fred Quinn; uncle. Oris Gasti- neau; sister, Myrtle Carpenter and her son Jimmie of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Buffmire, parents of Mrs. Quinn had Christ mas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Quinn and their guests. Relatives visiting for the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hull were her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Lee of Witchapec, California; his brother and sis ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Hult and son Marvin of Sweet Home. Saturday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Hult were her brother. Bus Lee and friend. Mamie of Hillsboro and Christ mas day Mrs. Hult's nephew, Milton Lee and friend Bonnie of Forest Grove, had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Hult and their guests. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falconer, their daughter and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Eide and daughter Jacqueline of Banks, were guests Christmas at the home of Mr and Mrs Otto Sto well, near Buxton. Mr. Stowell is the brother of Mrs. Falconer. Other guests for the day were Mr and Mrs. Ray Lien of Banks and Mr and Mrs. Keith Wolff and son Steven. Mr and Mrs Roger Quirin and family, former Vernonia residents but now of British Columbia, were callers at the Robert Lmd say home Saturday. Miss Gladys Dass. Mr and Mrs. Thos. Young, all of Seattle, and Mr and Mrs Donald Armstrong and children of Portland were Christmas holiday guests at the I. J. Dass residence Patricia Holm of Portland and ! Jerol Moran ot the U S. Air Force were home for the Christmas I holidays. Standard Typewriter For Rent THE VERNONIA EAGLE admitted 32,935 Germans as The US ____________ ______________ [‘^migrants m 1954 - a higti for European nations.^3 Mexian inHiqrants arrivi»« re totaled 37,8%; Canadians 27,065. 'YESTERDAYS FIVE YEARS AGO From The Eagle, Dec. 28, 195p George A. Remnant was named manager for the Vernonia Branch Commercial Bank of Oregon tc replace Gordon G. Larson who resigned here to accept a position as cashier of the Commercial Bank of Newberg. The Crown-Zellerbach chief forester, Clarence Richen, an nounced completion of the 1950- 51 seeding which included 500 acres on the Columbia Tree Farm The company also reported a har vest of 3600 bushels of cones Judd Greenman was slated to appear on the Vernonia hour radio program over KFG'd on Saturday. TEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle, Dec. 27, 1945 Announcement was made of the purchase of the doctor’s of fice owned by Dr. Tenbrook be fore his death by Dr. Henry Schlegel of Portland. The American Legion announc ed plans for a stag party at the Legion hall Saturday evening Bids were called for carriers on star mail routes which included Mist, Keasey, Timber and Scap poose-Vernonia routes. Contracts were to be let for four-year peri ods. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle, Dec. 27, 1940 The Pleasant Vale school (Kea sey) held a pie social which brought in $17.85 for them. Wendell Kupersmith’s barber shop was awarded first prize by the Business and Professional Wo men’s club for the best Christmas window. Vernonia Bakery (Jake Boss) won second Salmon Fishing Laws Changed Are you going to run a salmon derby in 1956? Are you going fishing beyond the three-mile li mit? Better check the regulations be fore you embark on either of these ventures. Two new laws per taining to fish derbies and salmon landings adopted by the Oregon Legislature during the last ses sion will become effective Janu ary 1, 1956. The fish derby law will limit individual fish derby awards to $25 or less in value. The law further provides that prizes must be "awards of merit in the form of a button, ribbon, emblem, plaque, or other trophy.” Cash prizes and expensive merchandise are ruled out. The salmon landing law will prohibit anglers from importing salmon in excess of the bag limit set by the game commission for state waters Specifically exempt are salmon taken in another state, territory, or foreign country. The law in practice will apply *o anglers bringing in salmon taken outside the three-mile limit off the Oregon coast. As is the case now. a license will not be required to angle for salmon beyond the three-mile li mit. Within the three mil? limit a license is required. Busy Bee Club Makes Christmas Corsages The Busy Bee Cooking club of Mist met at the home of Mrs John Howry. December 17 at 2 30 pm The girls made corsages to give to their mothers for Christmas. During cooking class they made cheese and tuna sandwiche For refreshments the sandwiches wer^ served with Kool-aid