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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1955)
1956 Officers Are Seated By Star MR. AND MRS. JAMES R. FRANK Candlelight Ceremony Read fit Forest Grove Church Recently • Candlelight and basksts of over taffeta with a fingertip veil white and yellow chrysanthe 1 held in place by a crown of mums formed the setting for a pearls, and earn d a bouquet of pretty wedding Friday even pink roses. ing, December 16, at the Assem Mrs. Berl Amer of Eagle, Idaho, bly of God church at Forest sister of the bride, was matron Grov"* at which Miss Allene Jack- of honor and another sister, Miss son, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Veda Jackson of Forest Grove, Lee V. Jackson of Forest Grove, was maid of honor. Both wore became the bride of James R. identical dresses of pink nylon Frank, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elgus dotted swiss, ballerina length and P. Frank of Vernonia. carried nosegays of white carna The impressive double ring tions. ceremony was read by Reverend Flower girl was Sandra Amer, Ward Honey. Murvel Frank, niece of the bride, who was dres cousin of the groom, sang “A sed in blue and carried a basket Wedding Prayer” and "I Love of rose petals. You Truly.” He was accompanied Best man .was John E. Frank by his mother, Mrs. H. H. Frank, of Vernonia, brother of the groom, aunt of the groom, who also play and ushers were Richard Frank ed the wedding marches. and LeRoy Sprecher. Candles The brid'», given in marriage by were lighted by Larry Jackson, her father, wore a ballerina brother of the bride, and Charles Length gown of white nylon lace Spear. At the reception which follow WHY NOT JOIN THE ed the ceremony at the church parsonage, Mrs. Zoe Whitsell, grandmother of the groom, cut the wedding cake, and Mrs. J. E. Frank and Mrs. Murvel Frank served coffee and punch. Assist ing with the serving were Mrs. Ward Honey and Mrs. J. M. Green. Mrs. LeRoy Sprecher had charge of the guest book and the gifts were cared for by Mrs. Jim Watenpough and Miss Patricia Green. Following the reception, the couple left for a short honeymoon Drink MILK daily for your trip. For traveling, the bride wore a black suit with red and health's sake, and when white accessories and a corsage you drink MILK know you of white roses. are receiving the best by Mr. and Mrs. Frank returned drinking Nehalem Dairy here to spend the holidays be MILK. Order yours today fore going to Spokane, Washing at your favorite indepen ton where they will make their home while Mr. Frank is sta dent grocery! tioned at Fairchild Air Force Base there. HEALTH PARADE! NEHALEM JRIRV PRODUCTS (0. BEN'S BARBER SHOP Grade A Pasteurized Milk & Cream Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon PHONE 471 [ new comp/efe/y « Pythian Sisters Elect Officers Rebekahs Name 1956 Officers Emil Messing made and pre sented a beautiful myrtlewood gavel to Alvilda Hearing for her own. The new courtesy girls gave a clever little postmans skit for the newly installed worthy ma tron and worthy patron and the Tomlins presented them with gifts from their new officers. Ttie Mizpa benediction was giv en and the reception was held in the dining room. The tables were beautifully decorated and a de licious buffet supper was served 1 I ► V: - s Sa vehoureof buck breaking work, end weather worries, make fewer clothes laat longer — with gentle indoor drying. Juat load your Maytag, dial time and heat, lilt out damp-dry for ironing or f.uff- dry for folding. No lint trap to clean. No drip pan to empty. No outside venting needed. EASY TERMS innn .95 ¿ZU SUN DLAND’S ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE 786 Bridge Phone HA 9-3333 Vernonia f The Do-Si-Do square dance club will hold a New Year’s Eve dance at the V F W hall Saturday even ing which promises an evening of excellent recreation for all square dancers who wish to attend. Spe. cial New Year’s eve festivities will highlight the occasion Refreshments will be potluck and all square dancers are wel- come. THURSDAY. DEC. 29. 1955 VERNONIA, ORE J MR. AND MRS. PATRICK SEIBEL Seibel - Garner Vows Exchanged At a ceremony performed Sat urday at 10:00 a m. December 17, at Our Lady of the Woods Catho lic church at Birk.’nfeld, Miss Marcia Mae Garner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Trenton T. Garner of Birkenfeld, b came the bride of Patrick D. Seibel, son of Mr and Mrs. A. J. Seibel, al*tt> of Birkenfeld. The double ring ceremony was read by Reverend John Babyak of Rainier in the presence of relatives and a few close friends of the couple. Organ music was played by Mrs. L. H. Thomas of Vernonia. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a dress of white moire faille with gold embroidery made with bouffant waltz-length skirt over hoops, with white hat and gloves and gold sandels. Her corsage was of white carnations. Maid of honor was the bride s sister. Miss Janice Garner, who wore an identical dress of aqua with gold trim and sandals and aqua hat. Her corsage was also of white carnations. Best man was the groom’s bro ther, Edward Seibel. i I I | Mr and Mrs Ralph Aldrich had two family parties this Christmas with members of Mr Aldrich’s family gathering 21 strong on Christmas eve and 24 members of her family there for Christmas day. Christmas eve guests were Mr and Mrs R M Aldrich, Edison Aldrich, Mr and Mrs C. Aid- rich, Mr and Mrs Warren Aid- rich and family, and Mr and Mrs. Walter Vebrees and daugh ters from Roseburg. There Sunday were Mr and Mrs. Clarence New, Mr and Mrs j Malden New and daughter Janet from Sweet Home, Mr and Mrs Thomas Holce and family from Forest Grove. Mr and Mrs. Frank Maish and family from Vancou ver. Mr and Mrs Charles Wall and son from Reedsport, Gene Wall who came here from Cor vallis where he is attending Ore gon State college, and Mr. and Mrs. Deri Roberts. i Following the ceremony a wed- ’ ding dinner was served at the home of the groom's parents. The beautiful three-tiered wedding I cake trimmed with white bells I was made by the groom’s sister, i Guests were Mr and Mrs Tren- I ton Garner and Janice; Mr. and | Mrs E. E Garner; Mr and Mrs. I Richard Paul; Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson and Virginia; Mrs. Alene Itzen, Corvallis; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Seibel and family and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Emer son and family, Stanfield; Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Scott and family, Hermiston and Miss Mar garet Seibel, Stanfield. The young couple will live at Birkenfeld. Phone HA 9-3462 I __________________ I I NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT ----------- —----------- —---------- IT’S NEW...IT’S PACKED - WITH POWER H omelite FOR BUCHINO 20 POUNDS FOR CUARINO Family Parties Occupy Christmas Eve and Day Do-Si-Do Square Club To See New Year In I thv v A gl E, 1 On Tuesday ev.ning. Dee tu ber 20. a group of friends and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hearing Jr., neighbors gathered at the Natal were installed as worth matron grange hall, then proceeded to and worthy patron of Nehalem the Max Oblack residence where chapter No. 153. Order of Eastern they surprised and honored Mr. Star, Wednesday evening, Decem and Mrs. Oblack on their 20th wedding anniversary. ber 21, 1955. t I Highlight of the evenings en Several changes in the installa tertainment was a mock wedding tion were made at the last min with Sam Devine as the blushing ute becauss the installing past bride and Silvia Wolff as the grand matron, Mrs. Wm. McKin brow-beaten groom. Noble Dun ley could not come because of lap acted as minister. The bal road condition, which also held ance of the evening was spent up relatives and a large group of playing games, singing, and ad guests from Portland and vicinity miring the many lovely gifts. De who had planned to attend the licious refreshments of cake, ice party. cream, coffee and cocoa were Installing officers were: Instal served to the following: Mr. and ling matron, Mona Gordon; pa Mrs. Lawton Waddell, Mr. and tron, Thos. F. Tomlin; marshal. Mrs. George Mathews, Mr. and Allie Dickson; chaplain, Dorothy Mrs. Robert Mathews and son Sandon; organist, Amy Kamholz. Bobby. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wolff, The matron and marshal were Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson. Mr. last minute substitutes. and Mrs. I. J. Dass, Mr. and Mrs. Other electiv ■ and appointive Nob’e Dunlap, Mr. and Mrs. Sam officers installed with Mr. and Devine, Mr. and Mrs. Clair De Mrs. Hearing were: associate ma vine and children, Robert Kyser, tron, Lillian Davis; associate pat Jeanette Dass, Maxine and Larry ron, Wilbur Davis; secretary. Oblack and the guests of honor, Mona Gordon; treasurer, Janet Mr. and Mrs. Oblack. Bridgers; conductress, Eva Hear ing; associate conductress, Eliza beth Serafin; chaplain, Gladys Strong; marshal, Lottie Swanson; organist, Bess Nichols; Adah, Isa belle Brunsman; Ruth, Louise Hamnett; Martha, Julia Fisher; At the meeting of Vernonia warder, Isabel Culbertson and Temple No. 61. Pythian Sisters, Sentinel, Sam Hearing Sr. held Wednesday, December 14, Esther, Dorris West could not Eula Blount was elected as most get here because of road closure excellent chief to head the slate between Vernonia and Timber, of officers for the coming year. and Electa, Stona Serafin, was in Those who will serve with her California for Christmas. are Mathilde Bergerson, excellent Courtesy girls are: Emma Bush, senior; Eva Poynter, excellent captain; Marie Frazer* Marcia junior; Otilia Heckenliable, mana Manville, Dorothy Olinger, June ger; Alice Buckley, secretary; I Paris and Jayne Shaw. Margaret Cone, treasurer; Mary During the program two beau Sawyer, protector; Jennie Lusby, tiful songs were sung by Bernard guard; ' Launee Miller, pianist; Dowling. “I Believe” and “Song Silvia Wolff, press correspondent of My Heart.” He was accom and Faye Davis, staff captain. Installation will be held jointly panied by Mrs. L. H. Thomas. Mrs. S. 'P. George of Portland, with the knights on January 9. mother of Mrs. Sam Hearing Jr., Lesta Garner will serve as deputy grand chief and will be assisted was a special guest. The newly installed matron, in by Silvia Wolff as deputy” grand her address to the chapter, gave senior and Edith McFarland as as her motto for the year, "Ser deputy grand manager. Following the meeting, the an vice and harmony, for understand nual Christmas party was held ing” and her colors, pink and Gifts were exchanged and secret green. Mrs. Hearing’s dress was a pals were revealed and new ones Delicious refreshments beautiful soft shell pink and drawn. were served by Grayce Bundy, she carried an orchid on a white Bible. Her courtesy girls were Rose Poetter, Alice Lindsay and lovely in a soft shade of green. Rose Miller, The other ladies installed wore pastel colors and carried their white Bibles with pretty large pink carnations on them. The men wore carnation boutonnieres with their black suits. Mt. Heart Rebekah lodge held The presentation of the past matron and past patron’s jewels its regular meeting December 8 to Lucille and Tommie Tomlin with Silvia Wolff, noble grand, was made by Mona Gordon and presiding. At the November 24 meeting, Emil Messing. An impressive Bible signing the following officers were elect ceremony with Lucille and Tom ed: Noble Grand, Edith McFar mie signing the Book, for the per. land; recording secretary, Char manent record of the matrons and lotte Mason; financial secretary, patrons of Nehalem chapter Cora Lange; treasurer, Myrtle throughout its being, was given. Oakes. At the December 8 meet (The Bible had been given by ing, Verda Cook was elected vice past matron and patron, Fern and grand. During good of the or Frank Lane, many years ago.) der, the district deputy, I ,bel Elizabeth Serafin sang a song, Anderegg, conducted an auction words written by Alvilda Hear of parcel post packages, the pro ing, the tune “Together”, ac ceeds to go to the assembly pre companied by Bess Nichols, while sident’s project of coffee makers the Tomlins were at the alter. for the home. Delicious r e f r e s hmerts were The Hearings presented them with, served by the following commit, gifts from their officers. The worthy advisor of Rain tee members: Hazel Cook, Pat Galloway, Catherine Lentz and bow, Bertha Keasey; mother ad visor, Gladys Strong; district de Grace Cantwell. At this time, the puty to the grand master of Ma members held their Christmas sons in Oregon, Walter Linn and party, in which they revealed se Thos. F. Tomlin, master of Ver cret pals for the past year, ex nonia lodge No. 184 A F. and A. changed gifts and drew new names. M., were introduced. Wuterfilm Action eliminates lint, mcistura and venting prcbJems * [ Wedding Anniversary Prompts Surprise Party CHAIN SAW Alive with power, the New HomeMe Model 5 20 bring* down tree* up to 6 feet in diameter, tlice* through 20 inch tree* in 20 seconds Ha* more big features, mor* power per pound lhae any other chain saw ever developed. mori FOWFt roe riuiNO The new Model 5 20 is precision built for dependable perform- »nee and low maintenance. It can be converted in minute* fot clearing land or cleaning out brush and undergrowth. 14* and II* bow saws are available for plunge cutting and standard guide bars from 14* to 60' for pruning or felling big tree*. ASK US FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION SEE FOR YOURSELF FORUMUNO TED’S SAW SHOP RIVERVIEW AT FIRST — VERNONIA. OREGON