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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1955)
2 THURSDAY, DEC 29, 1955 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE Our Oreat America TOPICS OF THE TOW I Mr. and Mrs. Waller Vaughn left last week for southern Cali fornia to sepnd the holidays with their three daughters and their families. Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Meyers were his mother, Mrs. Ida Meyers from Hillsboro; a brother, Art Meyers from Bend; another brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Meyers from Warren and his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ber. gerson and their family from Vernonia who were also there Christmas eve. New Year's Eve Carnival Dance Legion hall, Sai. Dec. 31. Music by Swingsters. American Legion Auxiliary. 50t3c Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cline and family from Sixes came last Thursday to stay until New Years with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Cline. Here for Christmas also were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cline and son Steven from Port land. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vebrees and children from Roseburg were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R M Aldrich. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Johnson were in Portland for Christmas with their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Robert New. Mrs. Paul Gordon went to Cot tage Grove for Christmas with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nelson, and her father, Robert Meranda. Silvia Mae is the name of the 7 pound, 14 ounce daughter who arrived December 14 at the Ore gon City hospital for Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McMullen. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Juola and Deanna from Port Orford came here for Christmas with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Nel son and other relatives. Mrs. W. T. Graves received word Monday of the sudden death of her broth ?r, Edwin Crawford, at Long Beach. California the pre vious day. Mr. Crawford, who was 63 years of age, had visited here a number of times. Mrs. Graves flew to Long Beach Tues day morning. Mr. Graves is staying at Tigard with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Graves during her ab sence. Sandra and Randy Counts from Roseburg, are spending this week with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Minger, while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Counts are on a business trip to New Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Foster are the parents of an 8 pounds, 7*4 ounce son. Gene Charles, born December 16 at Tuality hospital at Hillsboro. Miss Olga Peterson. English teacher at Vernonia high school, left last Thursday for Minot, North Dakota to spend the holi days with her sister. Miss Apphea Koch went to Caldwell, Idaho for Christmas with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thompson and daughters Patty and Vivian spent Christmas in Portland with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Thompson. Christmas dinner guests at tho j home of Mr. and Mrs. Dee Miller were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Horne ' and family and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Potter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Wallace and family went to Port Ludlow, Washington for the holidays with her parents. Mrs. Wallace also plannid to attend a tea at Univer sity of Washington for P.E. ma jors. Mr. and Mrs. Connie Anderson drove to Portland Christmas eve to attend midnight mass. Guests at their home for Christmas were Mr and Mrs. Jack Anderson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Anderson of Cedar Mills. Mrs. Clara Reich and daughter Lottie were here from Portland Tuesday to visit Mrs. Charles Minger. Holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Darrold Pro?hl were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heenan and son from Coquille who were fortunate enough to get through last Wed nesday evening before roads were closed. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sawyer who are in California visiting daugh ters who live there, were not able to return home for the holidays as planned because of flood condi tions. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Peasnall from Astoria were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Schwab. They brought home Kathy Schwab who had been with them recuperating from her recent illness and hospitalization. Mr. and Mrs. Winston Walker and family from Port Orford are spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hearing Sr. and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Weed were in St. Helens Sunday for Christ mas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Elza We d and family. They were joined there by Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Weed and family from Seattle. Another son, Chester Weed, and his family had also planned to be thei but their home. Myrtle Point, was isolated by floods. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hearing Jr. were forced to cancel plans for Christmas in Portland with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Sam Georgt because their young son, Danny, became ill Sunday morning with a recurrence of an earlier illness. Mrs. Carroll Buckley went to Corvallis Tuesday of last week to bring home her daughter Mar garet for the holidays. New Year's Eve Carnival Dance Legion hall. Sat. Dec. 31. Music by Swingsters. American Legion Auxiliary. 50t3c Holiday guests of Rev. and Mrs. F. M. Knoll have been their daughter Betty who came home from Cascade collegy in Portland last Tuesday and will be here until n'xt Monday, and another daughter and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Palmer and son Gary from Yakima. They were all at Oregon City Monday at the home of Rev Knoll's brother. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sandon, Mrs. Paul Gordon, Mrs. Bill Heath and daughters, Carolyn and Har. riet were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Duncan of Portland Tuesday evening. The Duncans decorate their home in competi tion each Christmas. This year they won honorable mention in the fifst division with a very at- DR. L. M. CROSSAN CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN X-RAY — PHYSIOTHERAPY Hours: Daily 9-6 p.m. Except Tues. 9-12 Noon Sat. 9-4 p.m. GENERAL PRACTICE BY NATURAL METHODS 2nd and Bridge Street --------- Phone HA 9-6303 a— At Your Favorite Grocery Robertsons Have Family Reunion x UirtH A "TOTAL WATER AREA Of NEARl/ 80 5OUARE MILE«, ARE FAMOUS FOR THE FI6HTIHG QUALiT/ OF THEIR SQUARE TAIL, TROUT . S ome FOWF5T I IN 5OUTVIEA5TERN STATES CIBA* ANP plant SAAAIL PA-TCMTS OF LAHD oj TMtlR 7REE ( TO PRSVOE ' FOCO FCH2 WUD ‘TURVTy' ANL> dHU GAME x < | /Vrir Yo**'* Bounty hi cnrrptcr öd« its kiamc f POM A DUTCH vVORP MEAMIM6 FARM. IT RATE* BACK TP THE PUTfW FARMER* WUO SYTTIEP ___— a AA n HATTAM inland THREE CENTURIE* AóO. T he CtwòiAS fir jj Ptywooc» inoustr / HAP ITS 0661HNIH6 50 VEAR« AÖO WI1EH SHEETS OF FlR LÏHEER WERE ÖLUEO TOGETHER To MWE PANEL? FOR AM EVHIBlT AT THE 1905 WORLD'S FAIR im portlamp , ore . i UCAM rOAXJT PMOUCTa IMJUCTkMiA. INC tractive display. The Duncans formerly lived here. Dinner guests Christmas day of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Galloway were his mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Galloway of Cave Junction, Oregon; her mother, Mrs. Nell Thacker; her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Smith and their sons, and Hom.r Fuller. Mr. and Mrs. David Hass and four children of Portland, spent Christmas day at home with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Hogberg. Little David stayed for a weeks visit with his grand mother and grandfather. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Adams Christmas were his brother, Robert Adams of Bend, Clint Adams, his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leo nard Anderson of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fulton drove to Fonest Grove Sunday, had their Christmas dinner there and attended the show in the evening. Seas de visitors for Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Han son were his mother, Mrs. Geneva Ilanson; aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Gunder Paulson and three girls; his sister Mrs. Yvonne Thri- bult and twins. A Christmas dinner for their family was held Christmas day by Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bass. Boys and girls home wre Mr. and Mrs. Randolph (Cotton) Bass, of Hillsboro, Mr. and Mrs. Chester (Bo) Bass of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin (Tick) Bass and Hen ry of Monmouth and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Rainey of Vernonih and the grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith visited with their son Elmo Smith and his family in St. Helens over the work end. Mr, and Mrs. Grover Howard and Pat spent Christmas even ing with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ful ton. After they exchanged gifts Mrs. Fulton served pumpkin pie and coffee. Wallace Pollock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pollock had a tonsilectomy Tuesday at Tuality hospital in Hillsboro. Bill Hammack of Chandler, Oklahoma, former owner of Ne halem Market, was in Vernonia Wednesday renewing acquaintan ces. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Peterson and children of Forest Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Smith and daughter from Sweet Home were at the horns of Mr. and Mrs. Mari, on Steers for Christmas. Christmas eve dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Tren ton Garner at Birkenfeld were Mr. and Mrs. Pat Seibel, Mr and Mrs. Larry Garner and daughter Susan from Seaside and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Garner of Vernonia. Mr. and Mr«. Frank Seeley were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Hawken Sr. last week end. Mr. Seeley, who was formerly manager of the West Oregon Co-op here, is now at tending University of Washing ton at Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Frank had all their children and their fami lies with them’for Christmas day. Included were Mr and Mrs. Roy Frank and daughter from Dufur, Mr and Mrs. Elgus Frank and Mr and Mrs. George Robertson j of Vernonia had the pleasure of I having all ten of their children, i five sons and five daughters, with them for Christmas, the first time the whole family had been to gether for twenty years. Present also were all the sons-in-law and daughters-in-law and their 12 grandchildren. For the Christmas party, the dining room at the Odd Fellows hall was used. Present there on Christmas day asdth their parents were Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Robertson and family, | Vernonia; Mr. and Mrs. Will I Pugh, Carry, Mississippi, who ' flew here for the occasion; Mr. and Mrs. Lige Robertson and fa mily, Vernonia; Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Robertson and family, Westfir, Oregon; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ro bertson and family, Vernonia; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ruth, Longview; Mr. and Mrs. Georg.? King, Cor vallis; Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hel ton, Longview; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Robertson, Vernonia and Mr. and Mrs. Larry McMahon, Longview Mr. and Mrs. Robertson moved to Vernonia a number of years ago from Mississippi after several cf their sons had moved west. One of the things which they feel they have to be thankful for is that in spite of being a large family, there has b en no fa.ality or sei*ous injury within their family circle during the past 30 years. Christmas day was also the birthday of Mrs. Pugh. I four sons from Sweet Home, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brown and two daughters from Sweet Home, Mr and Mrs. LeRoy Sprecher from Hillsboro and Mr. and Mrs. Mur- vel Frank and two children of Vernonia. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Linn. Da vid and Sharon were at Troutdale at the home of Mr. Linn's sister, Mrs. Joe Howk for Christmas. Mrs. Marie FrazH was in Port land for Christmas eve with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sutton who re turned here with her to visit Larry's parents on Christmas day. While in Portland they drove through the Peacock Lane dis trict on Stark at 39th street to see the elaborate decorations For the first time in ten year, | Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis had all three of their sons and their fa milies with them Christmas day. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Cal vin Davis and two children from Tillamook, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis and two sons from Clatskanie and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Davis and two children from Columbia, South Carolina who left Monday to return home j after a visit of several weeks here. Mr. and Mrs. Orvel Edwards of Grants Pass who spent Christ mas at Hillsboro with his father, were in Vernonia calling on . I friends early tjiis week. New Year's Eve Carnival Danes Legion hall. Sat. Dec. 31. Music by Swingsters. American Legion Auxiliary. 50t3c Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Hiebsr had as their guests for Christmas dinner Fred Wall from Toledo, Mrs. Anna Wall, Mr. and Mrs. Todd Bowerman and family and .Mr. and Mrs. George Noyer and son from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hall had as guests during the Christmas holidays their daughter and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Cropp and three boys from Yr’ka, Californ ia; Mrs. Hall’s mother, Mrs. Eu nice Murray from Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Murray Brownhill and daughter from Portland and their son Tim Brownhill now stationed at Fort Ord, California, who had a few days at home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Valpiani and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Berndt were Christmas dinner gu°sts of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Workman. Mr. and Mrs. Art Kittleson had as their guests Christmas day Mr. and Mrs. Art Kittleson Jr. from Colton and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lange. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lange were at the Tuality hospital at Hills boro Wedn°sday where they call ed on George Burns, Mrs. Jack Tomlin and George Nichols. They found Mr Nichols able to be in a wheelchair. Mrs. Tomlin was still unable to turn because of broken ribs and was to be there another week or so. Mrs. Maihilde Ber;:rson re turned home Tuesday from Taco ma where she had spent the Christmas week end with her son Clifford and his family. Mr. and Mrs. H?rb Heckenliabl? had as their guests Christmas day his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heckenliable, and two sis ters and families, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schell and family from Aloha and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Williams and family from Salem. Those who held numbers drawn last Saturday at Brunsmans were Mrs. Earl King, Mrs. Joe Eggert. Ted Keasey and George Gattman. Decals can be removed without scarring woodwork or walls if rubbed lightly with rubbing al cohol. now for • I Nuptial Vows Exchanged At Home of Bride's Mother I In a simple ceremony at the horns of her mother, Mrs. B. M. Slemmons, Saturday, December 10, Miss Rosalee Badley became the bride of David McCoy of St. Helens. The ceremony was read by Reverend Harry Burk in the presence of about 35 relatives and friends. For her wedding, the bride wore a white dress with lace overskirt and fingertip nylon veil. She car ried a white Bible with white sa tin streamers tied with blue for- getmenots. A reception followed the cere mony at which the many lovely gifts were displayed. Angel food cakes and coffee were served by the bride’s mother. Mr. and Mrs. McCoy are now at home in Vernonia. I » Richard Bay Claims Bride In a ceremony at 2:30 Miss Virginia George, daughter I of Dr. and Mrs. Otto Gorge, be- j came the bride of Richard Bay. sen of Mrs. Eino Isakson of Mid | land and Henry Bay of Woods; n. , The bride, Who was given in | marriage by her father, wore a I gown of Chantilly lace and whi* • | satin. Her finger-tip veil was held in place by a crown of se d pearls I and she carried an arm bouquet | of red and white roses. Mrs. Dick j Elliott of Vernonia was her ma tron of honor and wore a dress of pastel green. She carried a nosegay of varigated holly cent ered with pale pink carnations. Miss Melvin Lampi of Astoria • and the Misses Colleen Enge, Carol Hall and Betty Scholten were bridesmaids, wearing dress es of pale blue. They carried nosegays of de:p green holly, centered with white carnations and tufts of net. Best man was Dick Elliott of Vernonia and ushers were Paul and Jack George, brothers of the bride. Larry Sutton of Portland and Melvin Lampi of Astoria. After a short trip the young couple will leave for Valdosta, Georgia where Richard will be stationed with the Air Force. He had been employed in Vernonia for some time prior to his enlist ment and is well known here. —Office Supplies at the Eagle— Olympia! Whether you choose it direct from the tap or in bottles or cans, you can rely on Olympia to always taste refreshingly the same. th® Water’ that OLYMPIA BREWING COMPANY. Otympi«. With. U S. A.*® •Jo fi Thea ire THURS.. FRI. DEC. 29 30 JUPITERS DARLING Esther Williams - Howard Keel SATURDAY DEC. 31 BATTLE TAXI Hayden - Arthur Franz SUN.. MON. JAN. 1-2 nuT AS A STRANGER Robert Mitchum pain of Christinas hilts! w<- Join U. S. National's Christmas Savings Club for a prepaid Christmas next year. Save regularly each week any amount you wish (from 50c to $10). At the end of 50 weeks, your Christmas savings —plus interest — will be yours for carefree Christmas shopping. NOTI: A wonderful proscription for hoppy holidays in 1956. • Join Christmas Savings C/vb now. NEHALEM MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone HA 9-6341 VERNONIA BRANCH MfMltl FfOtlAl DEPOSIT p.m. I Sunday, December 18’h at the I I Community church in Westport, I INSUSANCf COtPOtATION