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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1955)
« THURSDAY. DEC 15, 1955 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—Real Estate $200 PIANO EQUITY Will sell for $50 00 Baldwin Acrosonic Spinet. Full guarantee. Bench in cluded. Call Credit Department OREGON MUSIC COMPANY 1000 S. W Morrison Portland, Oregon 50tlc MODERN 4-rm. house with nook. Large attic, large lot. Inquire ev enings at 998 First Ave. Phone HA 9-5165. 5013 FOR SALE Oil heater and stove board $10 See Vem Sykes at Vernonia Auto 49t3c 1.OOKING for a special Christ mas gift’ Come see my organdy and silk cocktail aprons; organdy and print practical aprons; lunch eon cloths, tea towels; bun warm ers and other things My home, 758 Weed Ave , Mrs. M. J. Lamp- >! FOR SALE One good dinette set; one dresser. See them at 208 North St 49t3 FOR SALE: One wringer-type electric washing machine. $50. Call HA 9 3838 49t3c PIANO BARGAIN, near Vernon ia Fine condition, very easy terms. Write for information to Day Music Co., 808 S E Morrison St., Portland, Oregon, then go I m k at it. 4!>t.'lc BARGER ELECTRIC REPAIR Rewinding, repairing, refrigera tors. Rebuilt motors and refrig erators for sale. Phone HA 9- 1'." FOR SALE: Used chain saws. Ted’s Saw Shop, Riverview. 22tfc CASH PAID for furniture, live stock, machinery, tools any time Forest Grove Auction, L. R. Senff and C. W. Christiansen, owner? and auctioneers. Phone 7615. l«tfc SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill dirt. Call HA 9-6829, A.G. Os- tiandei. 26t52c FOR SALE—Real Estate INCOME PROPERTY TWO 3 room houses on 50x100 lot. Both modern, including wiring for range. 32x24 garage. Present rent on both $67.50. Live in one, rent the other. Full price $5000, very good terms. HOMES 3 BEDROOM modern home wir ed for range. Close in. Well insulated. Fruit and utility rooms. Price $2750. $500 will handle. LOCATED close to schools and < hurdles ■— 5-room modern house on 75x100 lot; 2 blocks to grade or high schools. Lots garden y space, singk? garage Price only $4750. Very good terms. 4 ROOM modern house wired for range. 2 lots Price $2500 good terms or will take car or pickup tn deal. SEE ME for farms and acreage DON BAYLEY. BROKER Palace Cafe Bldg Ph. HA 9-5225. 47tlc CLASSIFIED RATES MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 words or less. Words over min imum. 2c each. Three inser tions for the price of two. CARD of Thanks 8c Notices: 80c. THE EAGLE assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads pub lished in its columns, but in case where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typo graphical mistake occurs. POETRY accepted only as paid matter. Rate: 5c per type line. BLIND ADS with answers to be handled by the Eagle: Mini mum charge 80c. No informa tion given relative to such ads. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER WED. NOON EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK S PAPER. NO information on classifieds will be given out until after paper is mailed. OPTOMETRISTS Dr. V. J. Horne and Dr. R. V. Lance Across from Texaco Wednesday 9 to 5 THE VERNONIA EAGLE Printing — Office Supplies PHONE 191—VERNONIA. ORE. done, NOW THAT moving is we’re back in business. HERE’S a home on 1 acre. Cane berries, strawberries, g a rden, trees, barn, garage, woodshed. House has 2 bedrooms. Comb, living-dining room, kitchen, util ity room and inside plumbing. Only $2670 full price. Terms ar ranged. TRADE this for timber or acrea- age of equal value. Painted, re- finished 2-bedroom home with living room, dining room, kitch en and shower and 16’ by 20’ util ity room. $4990. THIS beats renting. Home and 25 acres with 16 acres in culti vation and creek. $2900 full price $500 down. HERE'S one in Timber, Oregon. 7-room well built home on con crete foundation. Fireplace, city water, electricity, bath room. Cir culating oil heater. 27 acres, 4 cleared $3750 full price. Terms arranged. WE HAVE had inquiries for log ged off acreage, any amount. Contact us if you wish to sell. BUMP AND MEYER - Properties and Insurance Inc. 1930 Council St. Forest Grove, Oregon Call Adam Koch, Forest Grove Phone 3956 50tlc FOR RENT FOR RENT: one bedroom house burns wood. In good shape. 847 3rd St. 50tl HOUSE for rent in good shape. Oil stove and electric water heat er. 847 Third St. 49t3 FOR RENT: 3-room house. Phone HA 9-5946. 49t3c FOR RENT: Furnished Apt.; electric stove and hot water; 4 rooms and bath; heating fuel turn. Inquire 117 North St. 48tfc APARTMENT for rent. 2 bed rooms, bath, dinette, living room. Completely furnished. See Hazel Shipman at Drug Store. _____________________________ 37tfc SERVICES COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE Dr. Votaw Optometrist No Appointment Necessary Sundland Building Tuesdays 10:30 WOMEN’S BOWLING Won Lost Dessy’s 33 23 The following eleven books are Sam’s Food Store 31 25 the ones just placed on the shelf Vernonia Drug 27 29 by the ministerial association: Brunsman Hdwre 21 33 Take a Look At Yourself, John High team game, Dessy’s, 810; I high team series, Dessy’s, 2368; Homer Miller; In the Twinkling high individual game, Hazel Du- of an Eye, Sydney Watson; There senberry, 184; high individual fore Stand, Wilbur M. Smith; The series, Pat Galloway and Hazel Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life, Hannah Whitall Smith; The Dusenberry, 509. Splits: H. Dusenberry, 3-10; Secret of Happiness, Billy Gra Mary Lou Normand, 5-7; Margie ham; Peace With God, Billy Gra Aldrich, 5-6; Claudius Gibson, ham; He Upset the World, Bruce Barton; The Christian’s Chal 4-5, The women’s team composed of lenge, L. A. Reed; The Burden Is Dolly Laird, Lila Rauch, Alice Light, Eugenia Price; Behold Gwin, Marguerite Burton and Ha Your King, Florence M. Bauer zel Shipman went to Forest and The Power of Positive Think Grove for a return match last ing, Norman Vincent Peale. These six books were recent do Sunday which they lost by a nations for the religious shelf: score of 2012 to 2030. The Way to Christ, Meisner Eck Women bowlers will hold' a Christmas party at the alleys next hart; Religion in Illness and Health; Wine of Morning. Bob Monday. Jones Jr; The Lion and the Lamb, INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Gerald Kennedy; Sweet Singer Won Lost of Israel, Mai I. Reich and Sym Dessy’s 40 16 bols of the Holy Spirit, C. Gor Mill Market 32 24 don Brownville, D.D. Bob’s Union 28 28 Other books of similar type Long-Bell 12 44 currently in the Library are: High individual series, Leon- Fulton Ourslers books, The ard Rauch, 513; high individual Greatest Story Ever Told, The game, Leonard Hauch, 198; high Greatest Faith Ever Known, and team senes, Mill Market, 2781; The Greatest Book Ever Writ high team game, Mill Market, ten; Mr. Jones Meets the Master, 964. Peter Marshall; A Man Called Peter, Catherine Marshall; Life is CITY LEAGUE V 7on L^st Worth Living, Fulton J. Sheen; The Man and the Book Nobody Radiant Cleaners 40 16 Knows, Barton; Just For Today, Oakes 36 20 All God’s Children and Three Lyle’s Barber Shop 19 37 Minutes a Day, James Keller; Nehalem Service 17 39 High individual series, J. The Catholic Encyclopoedia Dic Schade, 557; high individual tionary; The Perfect Journey, game, J. Schade, 212; high team Frieda Jones; The Cross and the series, LylVs Barber Shop, 2669; Crown, Norman Beasley; The high teanf game, Lyle’s Barbei Book of Morman and Revised Edi- i tion, Holy Bible. Shop, 899. Bibical novels include: Schdem Asch’s: The Apostle, Th? Nazarene, Moses, A Passage In The Night, Mary and Three Cities; Nathaniel N. Weinreb: Esther and The Babylonians; Lloyd Douglas: The Robe, The Following is the box score data Big Fisherman, The Shape of for last Friday night’s game be tween the two Loggers teams, Sunday and Magnificent Obses V“rnonia and Knappa. See story sion. Frank Slaughter: The Song of page 1. Ruth; and others. Vernonia (37) I Religious Books FOR SALE—General FOR SALE tank type vacuum cleaner; small writing desk; good .«led; also services as baby sit ters. Mrs. Blanch King and daughters Phone HA 9-5052. 53t3c Bowling Results i Library Lists FG FT 2 6 Fluke 0 2 Bush, R. Ostrander 0 2 1 3 Crowston, B. 0 0 O’Brien 1 2 Bush, J. 0 0 Peters 1 0 Akers 0 Shaw 0 1 0 Howard 1 Crowston, D. 0 Total 15 7 Knappa (55) FG FT 4 Reierson 0 Saukka 4 4 Backanan 3 0 1 0 Hah Hunt 8 5 2 2 Barendse Knapp 0 0 West fa 11 0 0 Chappelle 0 0 Hendrickson 0 0 Total 22 11 PF 2 1 2 4 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 16 TP 14 4 4 5 0 4 0 2 0 o PF 0 1 3 1 1 2 0 0 2 1 11 TP Ö 12 6 2 21 • 2 37 0 0 0 55 LEGAL NOTICE_______ to 6:00 Saturdays 2:00 to State B Champs Post Net Win 6:00 39tfc SHOE REPAIR SERVICE Bar ger, Stoney Point. Or, work can be left at Steer's Variety Store. ____________________________ 28tfc WANTED__________ ___ COOPERAGE LOGS AND BLOCKS Wanted: Old growth yellow fir logs and blocks over 30” in dia meter any length 4 ft. or over. Wood Log grade and better. Wes tern Cooperage Co. Log Dump, St. Johns Mill, Portland. Ore. Phone AV 6-0611._________________ 49«4c WANTED: Fir and Cedar stump age (standing timber). Nieder- mover Martin Co.. Portland Trust Bldg . Portland 4. Oregon. CApi- tol 2-9581. 48t7c EXPERIENCED woman wants day work or baby sitting, your home days or evenings. Celestia Denison, first house on left on Third St Riverview 50t3c HIGHEST cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery. Forest Grove, Oregon Phone 128-_________________________ 14tfc OFFICE SUPPLIES \\ Ml \B1.E TO YOU AT THE VERNONIA EAGLE NOTICE: The County Court of Columbia County, Oregon, has appointed Tessie M Aultman as Administratrix of the estate ot RALPH CONWAY AULTMAN, Deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present them with proper vouchers to the Adminis tratrix of said estate at the offic es of the Vernonia Eagle, Ver nonia. Oregon, within six months from December 15. 1955 TESSIE M AULTMAN Administratrix BUSH & BRADLEY Attorneys for Administratrix PUBLISH: December 15, 22 and 29. 1955, January 5 and 12. 1956 NOTICE: The County Court of Columbia County, Oregon, has, appointed HAROLD R BRIM MER as Administrator of the Es tate of JOSEPH WILLIAM BRIMMER, Deceased. All per sons having claims against said estate are required to present them with proper vouchers to the Administrator at the offices of the VERNONIA EAGLE, Ver nonia, Oregon, within six months from November 24, 1955. HAROLD R BRIMMER, Administrator BUSH & BRADLEY Attorneys for Administrator PUBLISH Nov 24. 1955 ________Dec. 1, 8, 15 and 22, 1955 One million five hundred thou sand miles were flown in engi- I neering flight tests last year by one type V S medium bomber. I Children Visit Santa Claus MIST—Mr. and Mrs. Clair De vine took their children, Cheral and Ricky to Portland Monday evening where the children vis ited Santa Claus. Mrs. Margie Cozard visited for a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wickstrom. George Banzer was an Astoria business visitor one day last week. Sunday evening visitors at the Sam Devines wore Mr. and Mrs. Ted Glenhart from Hillsboro; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Root and two sons and Ella Roeser from Scappoose. Mrs. Austin Dowling was a Clatskanie visitor Saturday. Barbara Jean Keasey Married in Portland Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Keasey an nounce the marriage of their daughter. Barbara Jean to Robert Memovich at the Grace Monroe chapel in Portland December 11, 1955. Maid of honor was Miss Katherine Keasey and best man was Ralph Memovich. After a wedding trip to South ern Oregon and California, the young couple will be at home in Portland. Cancer Society Meet Attended by Ladies Attending the annual training conference of the American Can cer Society held frtim Friday, De cember 9 through Sunday, De cember 11, at the Multnomah ho tel in Portland were Mrs. B. J. Horn, commander of Columbia county and Mrs. Norman Ham nett, captain of Vernonia area. Mrs. Joe Walker, captain for Rai nier and Mrs. Ruby Bavik, cap tain for St. Helens, were also there for the three full days of participation in the training and educational work. Henry Blanchard of the New York office directed the training and the featured speaker at the Saturday luncheon was Dr. John F. W. King of New York who is Christmas Party Is Postponed TIMBER ROUTE — Mrs. Ro bert Reynolds, Mrs. Forrest Rey nolds and Mrs Harry Weaver cal led on Mrs. Leaon Odam Tues day afternoon. Mrs. Odam is postponing her Christinas party due to the death of Mrs. Flora Whitmire. Lula Chambers and Andy An derson of Dallas spent Sunday visiting her mother, Mrs. Exie Weaver and other relatives and friends. Mrs. Weaver returned to Dallas with her daughter for an indefinite visit. Mrs. Robert Reynolds and Earl spent Friday afternoon in Port land on business. Maxine Reynolds, Dorothy Rey nolds and Thelma Weaver call ed on Rose Mary Smith Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and Mrs. Pauline Tisdale were in Forest Grove and Hillsboro Sat urday Christmas shopping. director of services for the so ciety. Other county officers who were unable to attend are Mrs. Lona Weidman, secretary and Mrs. Bob King, treasurer, both of Ver nonia. SHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZH3I H H Remember to Shop H H r i 's Variety H H H H H For Ä11 Your Christmas Needs H BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS H H H H H H H H H KHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHS 1I ■ IT’S NEW...IT’S PACKED WITH POWER— H omelite Neighbors Gather to Help with Quilting TIMBER ROUTE — Mrs. Nell Thacker, Mrs. Wilbur Thacker. Mrs. William Falconer. Mrs. Mae Wienecke, spent Thursday with Mrs. Harold Shipley, helping her quilt. Mr. and Mrs. Selwvn Graves and Dana called on her mother snd father, Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker. Sunday evening. Jacqueline Eide was a guest of her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. William Falconer from Tuesday to Saturday of last week. 5 HP 20 POUNDS CONVERTIBLE FOR CHASING CHAIN SAW Alive with power, the New Homelite Model 5-20 brings down trees up to 6 feet in diameter, slices through 20 inch trees in : Vernonia Golf 20 seconds. Has more big features, more power per pound than any other chain saw ever developed. AND Country Club ; • Big 5 hp for faster cutting MORE ROWER FOR FELLING ance and low maintenance. It can be converted in minutes for clearing land or cleaning out brush and undergrowth. 14* and 54.00 $6.50 i $13 00 Doz. : Golf Clubs Golf Bags Bag Boys • High compression, short stroke eng no The new Model 5-20 is precision built for dependable perform CHRISTMAS PACK GOLF BALLS Wholesale prices go up! Jan. 1. Beat the increase. | • Light, light 20 pounds for easy handling 14* bow saws are available for plunge cutting and standard guide bars from 14' to 60* for pruning or Jelling big tree* ASK US FOB A FREE DEMONSTRATION LIGHTER FOR LIMBING SEE FOR YOURSELF TED’S SAW SHOP RIVERVIEW AT FIRST — VERNONIA, OREGON