THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE. THURSDAY, DEC 15, 1955 5 \ Here's a chance to stock up on wonderful Christmas foods A SHOP AHEAD!! AVOID LAST MINUTE RUSH! chance to do the bulk of your shopping now, leaving yourself free for other holiday affairs in the last days before Christmas. You’ll find the grandest assortment of foods we’ve ever offered and gift money left over when you shop at Safeway. Bring the family in today... enjoy Christmas food shopping at Safeway! PRE-HOLIDAY VALUES AT SAFEWAY NOW I BIG HOLIDAY FEATURE AT SAFEWAY CuNtu/ For Festive The very finest chock* filled with the choicest se lection of fruits and nut meats. Occasions it's... .'v’x ¿ twm CALIFORNIA NEW CROP NAVELS These are the new crop California navels, best for juiee and for eating. Add one to the children’s lunch box. They’re healthful and refreshing any time. BOS Medium Size 3S-Lb. Box PER LB. Plump Berries Ripe and Meaty 34-Lb. Box PER LB. CRANBERRIES 1-Lb. Bag 25C GRAPEFRUIT 8-Lb. Bag 59C Arizona White Marsh Seedless Crisp — For 8«ilads Moonbeam Pumpkin Hunt's Tomato Sauce Tigard Baby Walnuts Pooch Brand. Balanced Diet fcr Pets 12 DOG FOOD Royal Satin Finest Pure Alt Vegetable PITTED CHERRIES Cl QQ/* 1-lb. pkg. (J 1 EQ 2l/2-lb. *1-3tJ Fluff-i-est Miniatures QQ/* MARSHMALLOWS 8-oz. Pkg. W c and H Bro” n or Q QQ/* POWDERED SUGAR Z 1-lb. Pkgs. ^3C CHOCOLATE DROPS Light and Dark ASS'T. CHOCOLATES PANCAKE FLOUR 89C 2 32-oz. Bot. 45C Pint 29C 6 Can Pack BEST BEER Twelve Varieties BEVERAGES Blossom Time COTTAGE CHEESE RAISIN DATE SNAILS 9-oz. Pkg. 25C RASPBERRY TWIST 6*/2-OZ. Pkg. 23C ALMOND COFFEE CAKE 8*2-OZ. Pkg. 30C Ea. Roll HURRY! TERRIFIC SAVINGS ON NEW KITCHEN CRAFT FLOUR Safeway's long-standing guaran tee of complete satisfaction ap plies to every item Safeway sells. Yes, groceries, meats, and pro duce. Should any purchase fail to please in any way . . . your money back. A Wonderful New Enriched Flour That Works Wonders with Any Recipe Save 16c c Save 10c 10-LB. BAG 5-LB. BAG r-la 40-oz. Pkg. CQ/* Qt. Bottle OOC Crisco or SPRY SHORTENING Golden SUNMAID RAISINS Aborted Variety MIXED NUTS Quick or Regular QUAKER OATS Lalani PINEAPPLE JUICE Highway QQ/* 3-lb. Can o*C 15-oz. Pkg. 25C 1-lb. Pkg. 49C You’ll be glad your Christmas turkey came from Safeway Order one today; we have one for you all the way from 4 to 30 pounds—Each one guaranteed to eat sweet and juicy right down to the last morsel. 3-lb. Pkg. 43C 26c Can 18< 46-oz. Can Under 10-Lbs. POUND No. 303 Dennison 16-oz. Can 29C CHILI CON CARNE Sea Trader 2 No. »/2 Cans 55C TUNA FISH Duchess Quart Jar 59C SALAD DRESSING Edwards 1-lb. 95C 24b. S1.89 COFFEE SWEET POTATOES _________ 1-lb. Can 97C MJB COFFEE FREE FREE TURKEYS AT SAFEWAY We will give away absolutely FREE one 12-lb. Turkey each week between now and December 23. Drawings will be held in our store on Saturday, December 17 and Friday, December 23. Come in and register today,. Must be 18 years of age No purchase required. Presence at drawings not required as winners will be notified each week. Remember only two more drawings left, so hurry in and register. Winner of December 10 draw ing was Julius Enevoldsen. I * /IE/* FLEET MIX Neutral Flavor MAYDAY OIL FREE 15-oz. Pkg. 35C SAFEWAY'S Big Meat Values For This Week End YOUNG 1955 U.S GRADE "A” OVEN-READY 4-lb. Pkg. 3/C Biscuit Mix Delicious COFFEE CAKE LOAF Popular Brands CAKE MIXES 11-oz. Pkg. W ci nc co qc FLOUR 10-lb. •M-Uu 251b. **•** Sperry 55 25' Nestles. Brand Finest Quality QQ/* Pillsbury Kit 1-LB. PKG. 13-oz. Pkg. * Nestles. Brand Eastern Brand Cragmont ___ I Topped with Sugar Icing IOC 12-oz. Pkg. 39C SEMI-SWEET MORSELS 2-lb., 3-oz. Pkg. 98C QUICK COCOA CIGARETTES Carton Regular Size $1-73 4 No. 2 Cans Sl-00 Roxbury . want! CINNAMON ROLLS 8-OZ. CANS TOILET TISSUE, Reg. 2 for 27c fl A r you Scott Brand Cans83< I ite 3 •> t .. POLLY ANN PASTRY "SPECIAL OF THE WEEK ’ NO. 303 CANS Crisp and Meaty. Adds Zest to Holiday Menus 3 No. 21 z 2 Cans *LUU Honeybird Tart 5 Reg. 3 for 25c APRICOTS 15C For 49C 19C Each BANANAS 3 ] Ito Vi«««. the one Firm and Meaty Golden Beauties Fancy Quality for Those Good Holiday Pumpkin Pies Your Choice ot Black Knight or Sundown you'll find Firm, Green 3-Lb. Can 79C ROYAL SATIN SHORTENING 54,00 CUCUMBERS Florida Grown Indian Rivers GRAPEFRUIT Lb. 15C CELERY An outstanding value containing more than half fruit and nut meats, yet low in price. and here 63' Average Two to Three 10 to 16-Lbs. POUND Pound ib. 53C CUT-UP FRYERS SWIFTS ORIOLE OR MORRELL YORKSHIRE Arm Cut USDA POT ROAST U8DA CHOICE Tender Plate Cut« BOILING BEEF 100'. Pure. Ground Fresh Daily GROUND BEEF USDA CHOICE Standing B-ef RIB ROAST USDA CHOICE f Full Cwt. Bone In ROUND STEAK 3afe*ays own brand of Wonderful PORK SAUSAGE lb. 59c 19c lb. 39C ib.79C ib.75C ib. 45C lb. Prices in this advertisement are in effect through Saturday, December 17. at Safeway m Vernonia. We reserve the right to limit quantities. No sales to dealers or their representatives. Sliced Bacon 3 $1.00 35= Fancy Hams........ lb. 53c I-Lb. Pkgs. I,ean. Smoked, Sugar-Cured SPECIAL WEEKEND VALUE 1 POUND PACKAGE Finest fancy quality Del Monte, Armour Star, or King hams 10 to 16-pound average, whole hams or full shank half only . . . Morrell Pride HAMS, 9-lb. can PICNICS, 3-lb. can S6.79 Each $2.59 Each 57* Long I»l«nd 17 to 22-Lbs. POUND 49' Eviscerated 1 ib. 59c DUCKLINGS ARMOUR STAR OR DUBUQUE CHRISTMAS HAMS Specially priced for the family desiring ham for the Christmas table. 16 to 18-lb. deep smoked hams, a real value at SAFEWAY. Shank End Piece, 6 to 8-|b. Av Lb. 39C Butt End Piece, 5 to 7-lb. Av. Lb. 45C Center Cut« QQ/* Ham Slices Lb. Center Cum Ham Roasts, 2 to 3-lb Rhanfc Half Whole or Full QQ/* Av. Lb. ?JO/* lb. «C