TOWN TOPICS Mrs. Paul Gordan accompan ied friends from Portland to Cloverdale for a reception Satur day evening for Betty Wilkins, chairman of the revision of laws committee for the Oregon grand chapter, OES. They spent the rest of the week end at Newport and while there Mrs. Gordon talked with Mrs. W. J. Armitage who asekd to be remembered to all her Vernonia friends. Mr. and Mrs. Don Riley from West Linn visited here last week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Kittleson. Mrs. Lena Stanton will fly to San Francisco Sunday to spend the holidays with her sons Gale and Louis and their families. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Enevoldsen attended the presentation of Hal- del’s "Messiah” last Sunday ev ening at the high school auditor ium in Forest Grove. It was di rected by Donald Thulean of the Pacific university school of mu sic and included the choirs of the Forest Grove Christian, Metho dist and Congregational churches, I the Hillsboro Methodist church and the Pacific university singers and orchestra. New Year's Eve Carnival Dance Legion hall. Sat. Dec. 31. Music by Swingsiers. American Legion Auxiliary. 50t3c Study Club Members Shown Candle Making Mrs. Evelyn Heath was hostess for the December 1 meeting of the Vernonia Study Club. After the business session, Mrs. Heath gave a very interesting demon stration on candle making. She showed many attractive candles she had made previously. The next meeting will be this evening, December 15, at the home of Mrs. Harry Culbertson. Mrs Darrold Proehl will be in charge of the program on Christ mas wrapping. Mr. and Mrs. John Meier of Vernonia are the parents of an 8-pound daughter, Judy Lin, born December 7 at the home of Mrs. Robert Wyckoff. Recent guests of Mr and Mrs. George Biddle were M-S and Mrs LeSeuer and family from San Bernadino, California. They had recently returned to the states from Japan where he had been stationed for three years and were on their way to Alaska where they will be for the next three years. Persons identified up io Wed nesday morning as holding win ning tickets from the drawing held last Saturday at Brunsman Hardware were Lyle Vroman, John H. Dunn, N. J. Sundquist, Mrs. A. B. Killingberg and J. Townsend. Mrs. Dan Cason returned home Saturday, following a two weeks SHOP AT HOME AND visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roberson in Idanha. She was there to help in caring for their baby boy, born in Salem Memori al hospital, November 25. He WITH THESE VALUES! was named Jeffrey Cason and is the Roberson’s second child. Mr. Fluff. Marshmallow and Mrs. Hamp Roberson are the Cream, 7‘2 oz. jar paternal grandparents. ' New Year's Eve Carnival Dance Rockwood Chocolate Bits Legion hall. Sat. Dec. 31. Music 6 os. package by Swingsiers. American Legion Auxiliary. 5013c I Kraft Caramels Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lewis of | pound package , Banks were Sunday dinner guests I j of Mr. and Mrs. Art Davis. Mr. and Mrs. John Roediger of | White Hulless Popcorn Portland were Saturday evening 2 pound package dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. * Mike Anderson. Earlier in the Tasiewell Grapefruit evening they called on Mrs. Roe- i diger’s aunt, Mrs. Lee Jessee. Sections. 303 can Mrs. Bodenheimer called on | Mrs. Florence Kirkbride Monday Tastewell Cut Green afternoon. Beans. 303 can Mr. and Mrs. Art Davis spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Planters Peanut Butter Mrs. Lloyd Wiggner in St. Helens. 2 pound Jar Week end guests of Mr. and I Mrs. Bill Adams were his sister Nabisco Shredded Wheat Juniors I and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Free Ring in I Leonard Anderson of Portland, Each Package , her brotiier and wife, Mr. and i Mrs. Dan Price, and friends of Surf All-Purpose the family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ben- Detergent. Giant Size jaman of Bremerton, Washington. New Year's Eve Carnival Dance Oregon Dried Prunes, i Legion hall. Sat. Dec. 31. Music Lg. Size, 5-lb. box by Swingsiers. American Legion . 50t3c THESE PRICES GOOD Auxiliary. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs AS LONG AS PRESENT Byron Kirkbride wsre Mr and STOCK LASTS Mrs. J. R Kirkbrido and Barbara Ann of Hillsboro; Mr. and Mrs. Eric Carlson of Garabaldi and Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Kirkbride. Anna Beth Hall who has been a house guest at the Kirkbride home Deliveries Twice Daily returned to her home in Garibal- 10 A.M. & 3 P.M.—Ph. HA 9-3492 I di with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I Eric Carlson. SAVE 21c 22e 35c 29c 16c 14c 87c 15c 64c $1” MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS Eastern Star Elects Officers Rebekah Social Club Chooses New Leaders •The Mt. Heart Rebekah social club met December 6 at the home of Mrs. Zoe Whitsell with 19 members present. Officers were elected for the coming year as follows: Alice Buckner, president; Imogene Brisset, vice-president; Ella Cline secretary and Verda Cook, treas urer. A large group of members of the Eastern Star having birthdays in October, November and De cember were honored and given gifts Wednesday evening at chap ter meeting. Birthday cakes were served for refreshments. Sam Hearing Jr., associate patron, was especially honored. I After adjournment, the annual Election of officers for next Christmas party was held and year resulted as follows: Alvilda delicious refreshments were Hearing, worthy matron; Sam served by the hostess. Hearing, Jr., worthy patron; Lil The next meeting will be Jan- lian Davis, associate matron; Wil ' uary 3 at the home of Verda bur Davis, associate patron; Mona Cook. Gordon, secretary; Janet Bndg- Last Saturday evening, the ers, treasurer; Eva Hearing, con club held its ham dinner at the ductress and Elizabeth Serafin, IOOF hall at which Miss Nancy associate conductress. Lee Akers was announced as the Installation of officers will fol recipient of the cedar chest and low the short business meeting Mrs. Della Hall as the winner of next Wednesday evening. Decem the second prize of two pairs or ber 21. at 8:30 and is open to the pillow cases. public. All friends are invitead There will be a practice of old Sheila Parrish Honored and new officers and courtesv girls on Sunday afternoon at 2:00 With Birthday Surprise pm. Miss Sheila Parrish was the honor guest at a birthday sur prise party arranged by her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Par rish, and her sister, Georgia, last Thursday, December 15 Sunday evening at the Parrish Neighbors of Woodcraft Christ home. mas party, IOOF hall, 8 p.m. Games were played after F. L. Girls club Vernonia Study club, home ot I which refreshments were served Mrs. Harry Culbertson. 8 p.m. I which were highlighted by a I beautifully decorated birthday Winema Grange, Birkenfeld, 8:00 i cake. p.m. DATES TO REMEMBER Guests were Delores Olsen. Sharon Gwin, Donna Bayley. Bo nita Rainwater, Betty Lou Sauer, David Carson, Donald Cook and Jerry DeRoia. Friendship Circle, home of Mrs. Iva Ellis, 1:00 p.m. Friday, December 16 Stamp club, City hall, 7:00 p.m. Columbia Encampment No. 89, IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. FOE and Auxiliary, Eagles hall, 8:00 p.m. Cub Scouts pack meeting, Wash ington school, 8:00 p.m. Drivers license examiner, city hall, 10:00 a m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturday, December 17 Annual Christmas Ball, Vernon- na high school, 8:00 p.m. Washington Canton No. 14 and Auxiliary, Vernonia IOOF hall 8:00 p.m., Christmas party. Natal Grange Christmas party. Natal hall, 8:00 p.m. Vernonia Grange Christmas par ty, 8:00 p.m., open to public. Sunday. December 18 , Eagles and Auxiliary Christmas party, Eagles hall, 2:00 p.m. Christian church Christmas pro gram, '7:30 p.m. Nazarene church Christmas pro gram, 7:30 p.m. Monday, December 19 Lions club Christmas party, VFW hall, 7:00 p.m. American Legion and Auxiliary Christmas party. Legion hall, 8:00 p.m. Rainbow Girls Christmas party for pre-school children, Mason ic Temple, 4:00 p.m. LDS church Christmas program, 7:30 p.m. City Council, City hall, 8:00 p.m. Tuesday. December 20 Annual Christmas program, at Washington school, 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 21 Assembly of God Christmas pro gram, 7:30 p.m. Boy Scouts Troop 201, city park cabin, 7:00 p.m. OES Installation of officers, Ma sonic Temple, 8:30 p.m. public THE EAGLE. VERNONIA, ORE At the meeting held Tuesday of last week by Vernonia Lodge No. 246, I.O.O.F , Al Pindell of Forest Grove, assistant district commis sioner for Sunset Trail district of Masons Seat 1956 Officers • Vernonia Lodge No. 184. A F. & A M., held installation of offic ers last Thursday night at which the following officers were seat ed: Reggie Watson, worshipful master; Dane Brady, senior ward en; Harry Culbertson, junior warden; Dwight Strong, senior deacon; Wilbur Wilson, junior deacon; Stephen Waite, senior steward; Bert Brunsman, junior steward; Walter Linn secretary; Sam Hearing Jr. treasurer; Geor ge Johnson, marshall and Enul Messing, tyler. Reggie Watson was installed by Tommy Tomlin, outgoing worsh ipful master, after which he then installed the rest of his officers. Bill Bond of Forest Grove was a guest for the ceremony. At tonight’s meeting, the lodge will confer the fellowcraft degree on Ralph Bergerson. Twenty crew members arc* re quired to man the huge 10-engine RB-36, the* reconnaissance version of the Air Force intercontinental bomber. THURS.. FRI. DEC. 15-16 SEVEN CITIES OF GOLD Richard Egan - Michael Rennie SATURDAY DEC. 17 A STRANGE LADY IN TOWN Greer Garson - Dana Andrews SUN., MON. DEC. 18-19 THE KENTUCKIAN Burt Lancaster - Dianne Foster Silverione 21" TV With Record Player $l>79ö $19.95 Table Radios Special for Christmas $15.95 Electric Griddle $18.95 Electric Covered Fry Pan $27.95 Electric French Fryer 17" Admiral Hospital $1 J A 95 Size Portable TV E-Z TERMS—GUARANTEED SERVICE WORK 250 OAKES RADIO SHOP *• £ Phone HA 9-3653 --------- Riverview It will help you choose the gifts that will please everyone for years and years. Elgin — Bulova — Croton Watches for ladies and men priced from $19.00 to $100.00 Davey Crockett Timex Westclocks Diamond Sets $39.50 up Watches for the youngsters Watch Bands In any price range Birthstone Rings I WILL BE OPEN UNTIL 8 P.M. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE DECEMBER 19 THROUGH DECEMBER 23 Schick — Remington — Ronson Sunbeam Electric Razors Trade-in allowance for your old shaver Ronson Lighters TW —H0ME indilli town TOWN BENDIX - CROSLEY DEALER m n ▼▼ * * • PAINT — BUILDING MATERIALS 854 Bridge St., Vernonia Jog Theatre Christmas Specials! Tumbler Sets, Steam Irons, Camp Stoves, Boat Seats Fishing Tackle TOYS -TOYS - TOYS Decorations the Portland area council, Boy Scouts of America, was here to present to the» lodge this year’s charter for Vernonia troop 201 which the lodge is sponsoring for the tenth year. Shelby Cook as institutional representative re ceived the charter for the lodge. Registration cards were also given to Shelby Cook, institution al representative; Jewell Lloyd, scout master; Otto Cantwell, ex plorer advisor; Truman Knight, chairman of the scout committee and Lloyd Quinn. C. L. Johnson, and Cecil Johnson, committee- men. At the same meeting, officers were elected for the coming year with Harry Culbertson named as noble grand; Frank Lentz, vice grand; Lester Galloway, treasur er and Truman Knight, secretary. Other offices are filled by ap pointment by the noble grand. Installation will be held early in January SANTA SUGGESTS YOU CHECK THE GIFT IDEAS ON THIS LIST CHRISTMAS GIFTS! A. L. Kullander WATCHMAKER — JEWELER Official SPORTING GOODS Telephone HA 9-6131 I i 3 Odd Fellows Get Charter for Scouts Former Resident Dies Monday in Portland MIST — Irving Knowles took Mrs. Knowles as far as Clatskanie on her way to Portland Tuesday. Word came of the death of Fred Wilson in Portland Monday and Mrs. Knowles went to stay with Mrs. Wilson for a few days. The elder Wilsons were early settlers of the valley. The late Fred Wil son lived here until a few years back when he and his family moved to Portland Mrs. Charles Hansen was a Clatskanie motorist one day last week. Robert Wiester was a Portland business visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Devine were in Hillsboro Monday afternoon. The Lee Enneborgs have moved to Birkenfeld. THURSDAY, DEC. 15. 1955 Watch Inspector, SPAS Ry. for both men and women Jewel Cases A wonderful gift for the lady on your list Silverware Costume Jewelry Electric and Spring Clocks by Long and Marie McDonald. As seen in Life, Mademoiselle, Vogue and Gtamour )