» 8 THURSDAY, DEC. 8, 1955 THE EAGLfc, VERNONIA, ORE. BRUNSMAN Hardware and Electric FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS and FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGES HARDWARE — SPORTING GOODS — GUNS — AMMUNITION PAINTS — LINSEED OIL TURPENTINE — ELECTRIC WIRING — NAILS GE and Sunbeam Steam $ Irons Large Galvanized Garbage Cans Speed Queen Washer with pump $4 Perfect Shape * SPECIALS ON SWING ROCKERS $37.50 - $39.95 - $54.50 Upholstered Occasion al chairs, $ 95 Special $14 Hip Boots. Felt Lined from Knee to Toe. Yacht Mops Large Cellulose Sponge Yacht $V <_ Cone Wringer Mon Bucket Special 6-Year Old Mattress Only 8 SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS Dolls $3.98, $6.98, $7.98 Reg. $299.93, SAVE $40.00 Training Seats With Small Pot ’5“ Mirac Sew Saver Por table Sewing $ Machine. Spec Gleaming White Toil et Seat Special_____ New Counselor Bath Scales $ y45 Special Solid Maple Rock r Made to Last A Life 95 time $ Special Solid Maple Hocker With Cushions and Regular Hassacks from $8 75 to $17 50 New Speed-Heat Unit starts food cooking in seconds. Makes coffee perk, fast. Cooks frozen foods faster, saves flavor, vi tamins. Many other automatic features and conveniences in this new range . . . new styling and choice of colors! KNEE BOOTS WITH STEEL SAFETY TOE 27”x50” Non-Skid Looped Rugs, Special CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS & BULBS Tubular aluminum frame rocking $ horse, only $E95 Roll-Away Bed with Innerspring $ 95 Mattress Sunbeam Mixmaster Complete 75 With Juicer SPEED HEÄT UNIT Extra Large All-Metal 1AM Toy Tea Set f ïïinbeam Sunbeam Fry Pan FRIGIDAIRE ! Daisy Air Rifles $4.95, $5.98, $7 95 I f i I Fan-Gio Elec. Heaters $12.95 and $19.95 Famous Lincoln Car Batteries Exch. Price Neoprene rain Coats Neoprene rain Pants ... ' ■ Simmons Mattresses and Box Springs $39.95, $49.50 and $69.50 Each Genuine Russell productions, fully Framed F Biltright Clothes Drying Rack. All Metal Wagons $2.50, $3.95, $8.25 $11.75 ROLL ROOFING 15 I.b. 55-lb. 65-lb. 90-lb. Red or Green $2.60 $2.95 $3.55 Amazing new "Dry Hands” Ice Service works with one push on the Ice-Ejector Travs. Even more — all the shelves roll out all the way! Top refrigerator section is self-defrosting. Has Meat Tender and Egg Drawer. Pantry-Door has “Picture Window” Hydrator. Butter Conditioner, tail-bottle space and Utility Compart ment. Bottom Freezer is completely separate, has new Roll-to-You Basket. Model CP 120 56 Shown $4.35 4 TV Trays and- Rack Arvin Table Radios $17.95 to $27.95 $2^0 All New Imperial FRIGIDAIRE 12 cu. ft. Cold-Pantry lust push in for a shower jf frosty dry ice cubes Special on Tricycles $9.95, $10.50, $16.50 Special Other models from $219.95 Trade in now! flmana Freezers PLY WOOD 4x8x‘4” $3.95 SIMPSON BOARD $2.35 <x8x%" CEILING TILE Box of 60 Sq. Ft. $7.95 HARDBOARD 4x8x’A” $2.65 MASONITE 4x8x3/16” $3.20 Pin-up Lamps Mall Model Electric $ Drill Less $5 trad-T. Any Hand or Electric drill. Special on new, beautiful designs in Biltwell daveno and club chairs which can be used as rock er' New, Exotic $-| Colors. $239 00 Value 1 I «7 Other sets $149 50 and $169.50 NEW 1955 MODELS i SPECIAL on DISHES 96 pc. Set $60 Value 32 Pc. Set $22 50 Value 44-Piece s<t 34 Piece Pyrex Set With Rack 16 Piece fr Oakland Wood Stove with fire- $ 50 Place Doors 4 Drawer walnut Chest $50 Valu? Table Lamps $4 50 to $12 95 Goulds Amazing NO-TANK PUMP Sunbeam Razor $7 50 allowance on your old razor. Norelco $ Razor Complete W’ater System. No Tank Needed Priced At A . " - Virtue Walnut Charcoal Dinette Set 4vith Azune Saigon Chairs. Special Virtue 7-piece dinette set. Gray. Special Solid MapleDinette Table, 6 Chairs ’79 ’99 -ÍU J. „ Airtight Heaters $5 50 - $6 30 - $7 25 Deluxe Gold Seal Li 95 noleum $ 1 1 V Gold Seal Linoleum 95c and $1 yard Floor Lamps $14 95 Value Sample line of Ther mos Jugs Prick'd From $1 50. $2 50. $3 H5, $4 5'1 All Metal Ironing Boards $5.95 $7 95 - $10 95 - $13 95 Beautiful, weighted decorated glasaes 2 : designs Gift wrapped Regularly 8 for $2 Special 8 for Ironing Board Pad and Quilted Cover $4.95 Folding Laundry cart with nylon wheels Specially 98 Priced At Coleman Oil Heater Regularly $60 $ J zx Now Only COME IN AND GET YOUR 1956 CALENDAR Fleet Air Refresher 79c Can Special All Specially Priced Camillus, Schrade Bo- ker and imported steel pocket knives Priced $Q95 From $ to O Carving Sets, Butcher Knives, Wiss Shears. Special $30 Allowance on Your Old Washer on this Big Double Walled Speed Queen Washer with pump Only . Sunbeam Electric Blankets NEW AND OUTSTANDING VALUES ON OUR 9c TABLE Screwdrivers Bowls Mugs. Glasses, Dishes, Brushes, Fun nels, Chore Girls. Dishrags, Etc. Ladies Nylon Hoi« From Kenosha Mills. Values to $2. Sixes S', to 11 ■ I A PRIVILEGE AND A PLEASURE TO LIVE IN VERNONIA Gold Seal Blankets $6 95 Value 4 Pc Bedroom Set with cabinet headboard with« J sliding doors. New limed oak $ finish $179 00 Value Purrey Reversible Wool and Rayon blan kets. $12 95 $, ,95 Value UNCLAIMED NUMBERS 77428 - 79016