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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1955)
6 THURSDAY, DEC 1, 1955 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE. Our Great America iV ty CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General 1 SERVICES_^^^_ 22-FT. TRAILER house for sale. Philip Shafer, Timber Rt. 47t3 FOR SALE 1 H.G. Cat., A ! con dition, power take-off. Also 1 plow, and 1 tand -m disk. Jewel Solomon, end of Sixth St., River view. 47t3 FOR SALE: 2-burner oil heater and pipe, $25. 1042 First Ave. .«flA 9-5855 or inquire at Sam's Food Store. 46t3c BARGER ELECTRIC REPAIR Rewinding, repairing, refrigera tors. Rebuilt motors and refrig erators for sale. Phorre HA 9- «933. ___________________ 46tfc FOR SALE: Roasting hens. Mrs. L. Carmichael, Stoney Point Ro. 46t3c FOR SALE: Used chain saws. Ted’s Saw Shop, Riverview. 22tfc Party Observes Birthday Sunday I N A T A L - PITTSBURG — A large group of relatives gathered at the Robert Mathews home Sun day to help Mrs. Mathews’ mo ther, Mrs. Maude Rogers, of Port land, celebrate her birthday which was Thursday. Those present, besides the guest of honor and the host and hostess were: Mr. and Mrs. Don Hall and son Don nie of Morton, Washington; Mrs. Mary Lynch of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jones and children and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beach, all of Birkenfeld; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Holce of Forest Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Holce and child ren and Mrs. Larry Brady and children, all of Vernonia. W lum Fa LI. compton contese CALIF.. RAN tOO YARDS IN 10.6 ÇFCONPS WEAR1H6 FUU FOOTBALL —_TO66FRy ANP CARRylNö A FOOTBALL — PFC -- <948 VM jf COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE i Dr. Votaw OlSiN ANO 3O1U -resywoR crosstp tw A tlantic INA M--FOOT ROVlBOA-r — Optometrist J No Appointment Necessary Sundland Building Tuesdays fKW'Hó f*OM BATHf. At.. ~ro it rMJcf, /V IB&I \ iVzNMFN IH POWÑTOWÑ WASH iJGTON? P C. WFNTiy EXCAVAT«? pieces of cypRfss wc* WHICH TF5TFPAT LEAST 38.000 I «r/MyrNfo«/ oipa /Z 10:30 to 6:00 Saturdays V J, 2:00 io 6:00 39tfc ■ '*X --r- SHOE REPAIR SERVICE. Bar ger, Stoney Point. Or, work can be left at Steer’s Variety Store. . 28tfc Bowling Results A ROTATING TeiEL/rSlOl CAMERA IN TOP OF FI RE CONTROL TOWER HELP« detect FOREvr fires Thanksgiving Breakfast Attracts Over Eighty WOMEN’S BOWLING BIRKENFELD — Over 80 val Won Lopt ley resid nts from Vinemaple to 28 20 CASH PAID for furniture, live WANTED: Fir and Cedar stump Sam’s Food Store Vernonia gathered at the Winema 26 22 stock, machinery, tools any time age (standing timber). Nieder- Dessy’s 23 25 Forest Grove Auction, L. R. Senfi meyer-Martin Co., Portland Trust Vernonia Drug Grange hall kitchen at Birk.-n- 29 and C. W Christiansen, owners Brunsman Hardware 19 feld for a delicious breakfast at Bldg., Portland 4, Oregon. CApi- and auctioneers. Phone 7615. High team game, Dessy’s, 862; 8:45 am. Thanksgiving morning tol 2-9581. T8t7c litfc high team series, Dessy’s 2365; sponsored by the Birkenfeld high individual game, Marguer community Sunday school. After SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill EXPERIENCED woman wards ite Burton, 194; high individual all the scrambled eggs and sau dirt. Call HA 9 6829, A.G. Os day work or baby sitting, your series, Claudine Gibson, 517; sage. cinnamon rolls and coffee Celestia Denison, first trander. 26t52c home. Splits: Ruth Hult. 4-5 and 8-10; or cocoa they could consume a house on left on Third St., River- Claudine Gibson, 5-7; Hazel Ship FOR SALE—Real Estate time of Thanksgiving was held. man, 8-9; Hazel Dusenberry, 3- The reading of President Eisen INCOME PROPERTY HIGHEST cash prices paid for 10 and 5-7; Mary Lou Normand, hower’s Thanksgiving proclama TWO 3-room houses on 50x100 cream and eggs at your door— 5-10. tion by Pastor Harshman started lot. Both modern, including picked up once or twice weekly— INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE the worship service. The whole wiring for range. 32x24 garage. call or write Forest Grove Cream Won Los group sang, “Holy, Holy, Holy’’ Present rent on both $67.50. ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone Dessy’s 33 15 followed by an accordion solo, Live in one, rent the other. Full 126. 29 19 14tfc Mill Market “Whispering Hope”, by Gary price $5000, very good terms. 23 25 Bob’s Union Johnston. Then a boys quartet, CLASSIFIED RATES HOMES Long-Be 11 37 11 3 BEDROOM modern home wir High individual game, D. Laird, consisting of David Larson, Eric MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 Berg, Vern and Timothy Harsh ed for range. Close in. Well 192; high individual series, D words or less. Words over min insulated. Fruit and utility Daird, 522; high team game, man, sang "Praise Him All Ye imum, 2c each. Three inser rooms. Price $2750. $500 will Dessy’s, 919; high team series. Little Children." After another tions for the price of two. congregational song the Roger’s handle. CARD of Thanks & Notices: 80c. Dessy’s, 2631. girls, Dianne and Donna, sang LOCATED close to schools and CITY LEAGUE THE EAGLE assumes no finan churches — 5-room modern Won Lost "Count Your Blessings” accom cial responsibility for errors panied by their mother. The tra house on 75x100 lot; 2 blocks Radiant Cleaners 35 13 that may appear in ads pub ditional Thanksgiving hym "Come to grade or high schools. Lots Oakes Radio and TV 30 18 lished in its columns, but in Ye Thankful People, Come” fol garden space, single garage. 16 32 case where this paper is at Nehalem Service Price only $4750. Very good lowed. After an appropriate Lyle ’ s Barber Shop 15 33 fault, will reprint that part of terms. responsive reading from the High individual game, J. Nor an adv. in which the typo 4 ROOM modern house wired Scripture, Rev. Campbell of the mand, 196; high individual series. graphical mistake occurs. for range. 2 lots. Price $2500 A. Oveson, 498; high team game, Vernonia Bible church led in good terms or will take car or POETRY accepted only as paid Oakes, 916; high team series, prayer. A duet, “Great is Thy matter. Rate: 5c per type line. pickup in deal. Faithfulness,” by Shirley Berg Oakes, 2674. SEE ME for farms and acreage. BLIND ADS with answers io be and Lauretta Harshman proceed handled by the Eagle: Mini DON BAYLEY. BROKER ed a brief meditation by Pastor mum charge 80c. No informa Predatory Animal Take Palace Cafe Bldg Ph. HA 9-5225. Harshman. tion given relative to such ads. Reported for October 47tlc There was much favorable com NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY Four coyotes and three bobcats ment about the lively, but brief FOR SALE: 4 -rm. house; bath ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED were taken in the county during and breakfast nook. Has hot 'AFTER WED. NOON EXCEPT October by county trapper Far- service and the unusual event. The Sunday School and the water heater, wired for range; FOR NEXT WEEK’S PAPER. oil stove. On 2 lots; nice garden NO information on classifieds will rel West, according to the month Harshmans wish to thank those ly hunters report. * spot; well with elictric pump who helped and those who at be given out until after paper A meeting on predatory animal tended. W? trust it was a bles lor irrigation. Priced to sell. is mailed. control was also held during the sing to all. $iiOO down, rest like rent. Seventh month at which time Melvin D. OPTOMETRISTS: St , Riverview. Can be seen by Smith, district agent for the fish Dr. V. J. Horne and contacting Don Wantland, 990 and wildlife service, and West Dr. R. V. Lance Weed Ave. t.ttii BURNS TV AND explained the predatory animal Across from Texaco control program. Plans for the LEGAL NOTICE Wednesday 9 io 5 RADIO REPAIR placing of bait stations in the NOTICE: The County Court of Plain and Fancy Bows county were worked out. West Service Calls Taken Columbia County, Oregon, has invited stockmen and poultry Tied by Unit Members .appointed HAROLD R BRIM Daytime and Evenings men to report losses. Various boxes and gift pack MER as Administrator of the Es Phone HA 9-5441 Arrangements for the meeting tate of JOSEPH WILLIAM ages were on display for the were made by the Columbia BRIMMER, Deceased All per members of Mist Nehalem Exten county Livestock Association and sons having claims against said sion unit when they met Novem county extension office. ber 18. at the home of Mrs. Les estate are required to present Mrs. Clair Devine them with proper vouchers to ter Closner. thu Administrator at the offices and Mrs. N Hansen demonstrate I Happy Cooking Club ..I th. VERNONIA F.AGI.E, Ver ed the art of gift wrapping in th» Learns Soup Making nonia, Oregon, within six months afternoon. All the members pre The Happy Cooking club met sent learned to tie simple and for its regular meeting at Mrs. from November 24. 1955. ornate bows and ribbons. HAROLD R BRIMMER, Heath's home Monday after EASY TERMS In the morning a business meet school. Administrator President, Glenda Ro ing was held with various com bertson presided. A demonstra BUSH & BRADLEY Attorneys for Administrator mittee chairmen giving reports. tion on making cream of tomato Mrs. Norman Hansen mentioned soup was put on by Glenda Ro PUBLISH Nov 24. 1955 Dec 1, 8. 15 and 22. 1955 that the members are to save bertson and Karen Hoyt. A short Queen Bess coupons for articles business meeting was held after for Azalea house on the Oregon the FOR RENT __ demonstration. The next State campus Mrs. Bus Larson meeting will be held Monday. De >63 2nd SI. — Ph. HA 9 5441 FOR RENT Furnished Apt; gave a report on home life of cember 5, after school. electric stove and hot water; 4 people of Ceylon. Mrs. C. De rooms and bath; heating fuel A vine reported on the program furn. Inquire 117 North St planning meeting on November 48tfc 1. The meeting adjourned for a SMALL THREE-ROOM house, tasty casserole lunch supplied by furnished Washing machine. various members. The December meeting will be Frigidaire. oil heat 124 A St. Phone HA 9 5573. Mrs. T. A. a Christmas party at the home Adams. 47tfc of Mrs. J Howry. Everyone is asked to bring a gift, unwrapped, APARTMENT for lent 2 bed for the patients at Fairview home rooms. bath, dinette. living This meeting will be December Hear about Easy Roberts last Easy's money plut ten cents Friday ? I helped him fount his room Completely furnished See 9. someone else had lost! money —both before and after — Hazel Shipman at Drug Store From where I sit. I wouldn't so believe me. the story's true. ____________________________ 37tfc want to try this "Easy" way to make money. Usually, it takes Easy was on the way to the To Keep Water Rights CARD OF THANKS bank to deposit his “cookie jar” time for a bank roll to grow . . . They Must be Used savings -exactly $24.95 in nick just as it takes time for a friend WE WISH to express our sincere Whenever the owner of a per ship to grow. But by respecting a els. dimes and quarters. He had thanks to all our friends who have I them in a paper bag and as we neighbor's rights - including his fected water right fads to use in so many ways expressed their right to drink coffee, tea. beer or crossed Main Street the bottom sympathy to us in our recent be the water appropriated for a peri buttermilk, whichever and when- fell out. od of 5 successive years, the right reavement. Money went flying. Passers-by ever he Chooses — it's wonderful Mr. and Mrs Dave Marshall to use ceases to exist and failure pitched in to help recover the the solid friendship you can build. to use shall be presumed to be Mrs. Vernon Taylor coins Later on when Easy count You can "bank" on that. Mr and Mrs Jack Marshall an abandonment of water right. ed up, he had $25.06. The "search and Brenda party" had turned up all of Choose your words well—you Mr and Mrs luirry Marshall and family 48tlc can never tell when you will Iffirtfkl, 195Á, I'nized Storci Brnrrrt FmnJtnoA have to eat them WANTED No Down Payment On Approved Credit ■ i I | I i The following children, togeth er with other members of the I. J. Dass family, gathered at the parental home for Thanksgiving: Miss Gladys Dass and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Young of Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Don Armstrong and children of Portland. Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wolff were Mr. and Mrs Leonard Graven, Mr. and Mrs Robert Turner, Mr. and Mrs George Turner and daugh ters Tawny and Lori Ann, all of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Turner and son, Tom, of Pendle ton; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stuve, Dianne and Steven of Dallas and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tupper. All returned to their homes ex cept the Marvin Turners who re mained till Friday afternoon. They visited in Portland and Hood River before returning to Pendle ton Sunday. Mrs. Edna Heenan of Clatska nie called on Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wolff, Sunday afternoon. Guests at the DeVere Hershey home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Chet Pope and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vicars and Robert Hansen all of Portland. The la- dies are sisters of Mr. Hershey. Mrs. E. Corsiglia of St. Helens was a holiday week end gu “st of her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Valpiani. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Birkenfeld who reside in Portland, spent the week end at their cottage here. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frederickson and son of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hender son and sons of Portland were Thanksgiving day guests at the Clyde Henderson home. Trip To Harrisburg Made for Holidays TIMBER ROUTE — Mr and Mrs. Jerome Whitmire spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Al Howe of Harrisburg Thursday they had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Roe Betterton of Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Reynolds had Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Weaver and family. Charles Thomas and son Ken neth spent Thanksgiving day in Seaside with his daughter. H. E. Bender is home this week, due to a case of tonsilitis. Mr. and Mrs. James Calhoun and Charlotte of Sweet Hom? spent Thanksgiving day with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith and family. Oscar Smith, returned home on Thanksgiving day from Sweet Home, where he has been visiting with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Drips and Bob and Mrs. Sine Collins spent the Thanksgiving holiday in Portland with the James Drips family, Fred Drips family and Jim Drips home from Alameda where he is stationed with the Coast Guard. Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Verl Barker were her father, Mr. John Procunier of St. Helens and Mr. and Mrs. Chet Fugate. Mrs. Charles Justice was in Buxton Monday to see her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Kirk. She says Mr. Kirk’s con dition is just fair. : Vernonia Golf i AND : Country Club ; I ! CHRISTMAS PACK GOLF BALLS i$4.G0 $6.50: i $13.00 Doz. | | Wholesale prices go up j {Jan. 1. Beat the increase. { {Golf Clubs { Golf Bags i { Bag Boys TELEPHONE 4715, HILLSBORO Only 3 shopping weeks to secure that new, round bobin Singer portable for Christmas Only $9.95 down and $5.34 per month Consoles $14.95 down and $6.51 per month Yes! We'll give a good, fair allowance on your present ma chine. A card or phone call will bring one out from SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY 343 E. Main St.. Hillsboro Phone 4715 nt HERE! the aw ROYALporfabla BURNS TV AND RADIO From where I sit... Joe Marsh Easy Coins A Quick Profit EXCLUSIVES I THE VERNONIA EAGLE PHONE 191 VERNONIA