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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1955)
4 THURSDAY DEC 1 1W5 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE AROUND THE FARM County Officers Attend Meetings Nut Growers to Meet Next Week County PT A Council To Meer at St. Helens Whippà*. county Judd* J Wasser. county corr.mav- làoear Harold F Jerær- county ei*-.*k aed Jeannetta Osti—-4. acwnty treasurer, aiiìrded tn* ar_-.-a. of their respect, v* asaoc-anora November 14 V j 1A Joe.- County and filb^t THE VERNONIA EAGLE walnut X a — j brush tre* g two . top zr_d sudes a 2 to 4 3Kfi wood. .AC Ji be t'.ex ».’.a M st of •-•>«!? are »- trea*. grade and pa nere effacarotly t.-a_- < trees and rider; _*> «ili ties lux,«..-./ back ever th* records we f.r.d that Greg'.n holly acre- age is increas.r.g at the rat* of about 50 acres each year. Even •o, the bKLcate that the long range outlook for ho../ J* good Ten years ago ar. ag ricultural planning gro«rp jgg cd that farmers of Co.urr,'..« county consider the prospect nt holly as a crop. Although, little has been planted, it still appears to have g«xxi income pos- zibilities for the man who haa the right situation for it. Production of Chrutmas tm-. M becoming in« rea.ungly imp-.r- tant, in Columbia county as well as the state as a whole To givt a little history of this Christmas tree business, we wdbid like to ciuote Ed Gilden, county exten- s.«xi agent forester for Douglas tounty Ed writes "■Actual planted trees make up a very small portion of the trees • e see at Chrutmas txme M st trees are yjtt as future produced trwns iui c— *—'a. ■ ;<< or farm- an* Li beer, iirj» "'W'.ta: d. yoa* sear, 17 *1 — w-f WeQ J marud a a .r 4 ta Mr- f_"„t 4 Chnscamit V’Wfl artwd P-g^t Sautd at te-g.*.- '«'.r.jee I'.rp ■▼re Esuct fuittie- Maa ..-.vest g^Iu.r- uUMVtM Uia trees had Bea wai-.-w « aged aa lagr*B gent mm. zut-f ia v tt» p-.m ’-j ci neon < . ii* •V ber 7 ard Sth program of the '. ■ ■ . on the t¿* O tï - Ax-Sewing 4-rl Cmb Orjiz-iiM far Werk Mist Club Plans Birthday Dinner MIST — The Wat Help. Circle held their meeting a we ago at Mrs Chas Atx >ut one half of ti attended owing to the delicious dinner was noon. T-- - .. the third Thursday at Myrtle Mathews and be the yearly birthday and tree AU m*sr aeri attend M- and Mrs. and Mr and Mrs. irai to Ajtoru* Sat. ■da; ♦'« *d Wr a.-«: M.-1 Xà'.iWîT’? JRlft - id 3C.-1 :« ‘1-Uf G f nutetíite: aMusifTtm «"• ut it er ..air war n trhanrt m.r tlUtTrtH*’ aur uTi*n4U*ft SviH.uir -nt* Itr «9f*s* » •»•»»* ÄGÄ-.' CFtnrm ■. ! -• orblad Salem ar-d is mg to D.C bv nobile Bi cause of ley are tak- te and Wlll sixteen year old son. itetxLng school ther?. n t_s Christmas holiday. nc? should be gressman N«>r- H use Office Build- !gton 25. DC. al* ■<- ' .r.* U* ir.«« Ms u MOT it t ent il Î1 Tnursta« IT tte 3ew»il. M* ant Al ant eimn-.-i u buntue a lie Mr.. Knuu p-wnutiu upnnr porun v •— ■ Norslad Closes Salem Office December resuneti: iretip leaier -ep: cter X» cxr t ‘••'TtX. iflwuinr ir jn Lt» TTiUmOK, trir ■ Society annual me--ting of con- gsderable .nterest says Don Com Walrod. county extension agent. The society j holding its meet- jig at th* county fair grounds, MiM.-r.-. with starting time set at 9 30 am each day In th* display of equipment. Carl Branden!* Is Yankton, will exKib. his filbert harvester which w as built y>intly by Brandenfcls Brandenfels and Eber Brown. j-zdjcates 1 hat the possibilities of mar. ufactu ring th* machine com- nencaUy are explored Sora* of th" tapics listed on the of th* »ocsety include: ilbert and walnut trees; iliruzers; fertilizer ma- irk of the filbert com- eports of experimental Lizers, aphis and rer crops; filbert and an.mal pests d walnuts. with ar. Eagle Want Ad. Frr Offk lai New.poper of Vernonia, Oregon Marvin KaiahoLz Editor and Publisher Entered as second cla*u mail n attar, Augast 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia. Oregon under the act of March 3, 1873. Subscription price $3 00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley. Else where 13 50 NATIONAL fD Sons Gather For Holiday TIMBER ROUTE — Home fur the holiday with their father ari l mother, Mr and Mrs. Charles Justice, were Mr and Mrs. Glen Justice of The Dalles, who wer ■ here Wednesday and Thursday and Mr and Mr;: Lonnie Justice of Portland who were here on Thursday and Friday. Mrs Edwin Justice returned home from the hospital Wcdne. day afternoon. Mr and Mrs Walter Cox ar.d Carol attended the motor show in Portland Sunday evening. Overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stanley f.r Thank i- giving w re thsir daughter ar.d son-in-law, Mr and Mrs. E F Polzel and children of Portland Overnight guests of Mr. an! Mrs. Ray Stanley for Thanksgiv ing were their daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E F. Polzol and children of Portland. Too often in ironing out trouble someone gets scorched. macs i nt“*’ a ¿unstn K. it , • _ , v - - - M c C ulloch . Chain Sail FROM $v99 OO COMPUTI WT TH BULCM AND CHAIN Vernonia Unit Plans for Party theIotefflV°’e MOOfl PRODUCTION OrPORTABILITY PERFORMANCE îhere $ a McCulloch Cham Saw f EVERY wood cutting job with fGur d brmv h*--i g.-* -t tree !*■>< Th* f ¡rr.prov 1 FROM $242.00 COMPUTI WITH BLADf AND CHAIN ci * aly. rad» With JO years 'A farming ex P*r>ence behind us, these are the •'rp, you want to use on your stand of natural trees 1 luocate area that has trees 4 to 15 feet high Distance be tween »hurls should not be over now for FROM $322.00 COMPUTI WITH BLADf AND CHAIN ng a gin ior by those either about decorations. 1 « er.t •.-ta.a- ment .deas Also, a box will be packed t se.od to Fairview Hordes and all who wish may gifts for it The meeting u open to anyone who wishes to attend MODIl 4-3OA Olympia! Tvr'. » a pack o’ pl***;re in every handy eartzia of f»frv«.-. •< «lirœpis Beer lie eure U> bring FROM $244.00 COMPUTI WITH BLADf AND CHAIN FROM $372.00 COMPUTI WITH BLADf AND CHAIN FROM $457.00 COMPUTI WITH BLADf AND CHAIN MOOtl 73 MOOfl 47 MOOfl 99 AW McCulloch Chain Saws are « rena I«'VK cowmv Water’ that mates th P m * # t f| compiete with biade and chain No additional costs! I $•• yoar Incoi AlcCofloch d aalar for demon.IroHon, VERNONIA TEXACO SERVICE PHONE HA 5-5462 VERNONIA. ORE.