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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1955)
I Nehalem Conductress Participates In Drill PEO Sisterhood Hears Author Wedding Rites Read by Uncle I Visit Is Made To Sister In Hospital NATAL-PITTSBURGH — Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Davis and i and Mrs. Ira Peterson drove to Mrs. Sam. L. Hearing attended a Portland last Tuesday to visit Mrs. William Bndgers was hos reception in Portland last Satur Miss Margy Carol Penney, Mrs. Peterson’s sister, Mrs. Anna tess for the P.E.O. Sisterhood No day evening given by Roosevelt daughter of Mr. and Mrs Jack C. Bierman, who is confined to the vember 22 at which time Mrs. chapter, OES, in honor of Eddie | Penney of Portland and J±»e Lewis hospital there. Wilma Thompson was in charge Cox, grand sentinel. Mrs. Davis I Snook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil participated in an addendum in ( About 50 mmbers and friends of the program, ‘’From the Sub Snook of Vernonia were united enjoyed a pot luck dinner and lime to the Ridiculoua,’’ which his honor given by the conduc in marriage Friday evening, No social evening at the Natal was a review of some of the tress group from Portland and vember 25 at 8:00 o’clock, at Grange last Wednesday. articles Mrs. Thompson has writ vicinity. Lynch Baptist church in Port Mrs. Susie Fowler accompanied Now a member of the Roosevelt ten and had published in various land. Rev. Lowell C. Powers, her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. chapter is Mrs John Titus, form magazines. uncle of the bride, officiated. and Mrs. Weston (Buz) Pembie Mrs. Thompson gave a review er Vernonia resident and past The bride given in marriage of Hillsboro to Portland Thank matron of Nehalem chapter. Her of the incidents leading up to the by her father, wore a white em writing of her articles and of her daughter is conductress of Roose- broidery dress with fingertip veil giving day where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Pem desire to do creative writing. veh chapter this year and carried a white Bible and bie. The Weston Pembles came ---------------------- Many of the articles were writ ! white orchid. home with Mrs. Fowler for the ten while she lived on a farm Miss Margaret Seaders, maid week end. Sunday evening Mr near Clatskanie and were very of honor, wore a lilac lace dress and Mr- Rex Pembie were sup humorous and entertaining. and carried a bouquet of lilac per guests. All returned home The next meeting will be De rosebuds. Bridesmaids were that evening. cember 13 at the home of Mrs. Carolyn Leichner and Alice Thanksgiving day dinner guests Evelyn Heath. Snook who wore pink lace dres of th-’ Ralph Valpianis were Mrs. Vernonia Temple No. 61, Py ses and carried pink rosebuds. A. W Ryan; Mr. and Mrs. O.B thian Sisters, met last Wednes Russell Snook, brother of the Berndt; Mr. and Mrs. W.M. SHOP AT HOME AND day evening with all the officers groom, was best man. Usher.-; Workman and two children and in the chairs except Mrs. Omar were Don Morgan and Carl Hol- Mrs. E. Corsiglio of St H lens Poynter, protector, who was ill. sey. Mr. and Mrs. DeVere Hershey First nomination of officers was A reception was held in the and Mike and Jimmy Mullins made and second nomination and WITH THESE VALUES' election will take place at the church after the ceremony. were Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Snook are at Mrs. Hershey's parents, Mr and next meeting, December 14. Skippy Dog Q 15-oz. home on A. Street in Vernonia. Mrs. Albert Childs, in Vernonia That meeting will also be the Food Cans annual Christmas party with gift exchange. Members having se Many Guests Visit Ajar Cleanser cret pals will bring gifts for them At Sam Devine Home and others will bring gifts for a Giant Size £ cans number exchange. Secr“t pals MIST — Recent guests at the will also be revealed and new Sweetheart Toilet Soap i home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam De ones will be drawn for the com The program planned by the vine have been Mr. and Mrs. Max ing year. Mist community club for Novem Oblack of Natal; Lois Slunkard Bath Size Bars A contribution was made to the ber 19 which was postponed be and Mr and Mrs. John Thornton community Christmas fund for baby from Corvallis; Mr. and Libby's Spaghetti & Meat treats for the children at the an cause of the snow and freezing and weather, has been rescheduled Mrs. Carl Danielson and their Balls nual Christmas program. for this coming Saturday evening, granddaughter Margaret Swan Following adjournment, re 16-oz. Can £i cans December 3, and will go on re son of Raimer and Mr. and Mrs. freshments were served at tables gardless of what the weather Robert Hilliker. decorated for Thanksgiving by Idaho Red Beans Mr. and Mrs. Van Holding from man may send this way. Mrs. Oren Weed and Mrs. E. E. An excellent evening of enter ' Merideth, California have been 2-Lb. Pkg. Garner. Mrs. Larry Garn-r and tainment will include the Colum visiting her sister, Mrs. Roy her daughter Susan from Seaside bia Cordsmen chorus and quar Hughes and brother Claud John Hershey's Chocolate were present for the social hour tet, western music by a popular son. also. Mrs. Mathilde Bergerson TV and radio entertainer, tap Syrup, 16-oz. Can The Lester Closners entertain received the hostess prize. dances by a rodeo queen, marimba ed her mother and other guests Occident Pancake and and vocal solos and an interna from Camas, Washington during Waffle Mix tional beauty contest in which the Thanksgiving holiday. Friends Are Invited to Mrs. Austin Dowling and son 8-Pound Bag contestants will represent many Reception Tea Sunday Bernard were in Longview Tues foreign countries. The program will be followed day. Friends are invited to attend Karo Syrup, Maple A Oc Lincoln Peterson called on the the reception tea at the IOOF hall by an auction, games and refresh Flavor, Quart bottle Austin Dowlings Monday. from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Sunday ments. The public is invited to attend is being given by Ver Swift's Premium Bacon, which nonia Temple No. 61 in honor of I and is promised an evening of un Three Granges to Have Sliced Thick Mrs. E. E. Garner, grand press usual and enjoyable entertain , Joint Installation 2-Pound Package correspondent for the Grand ment. Funds raised will be used Public installation of the offi Temple of Oregon, Pythian Sis for the various community pro ' cers of the Vernonia, Natal and jects of the club. ters. THESE PRICES GOOD Winema Granges will be held AS LONG AS PRESENT Friday evening at 8:30 o’clock at Engagement Announced STOCK LASTS Thanksgiving Dinner the Vernonia Grange hall oppo For Jeanette Dass site the golf course. An install Held at Natal Grange ing team will be here to exempli Mr. and Mrs. Ike Dass of Natal The members of the Natal fy the ceremony. are announcing the engagement Grange, their families and their of their daughter Jeanette to friends gathered at the Natal hall Sell it with an Eagle Want Ad. Marion Grant, son of Mr. and last Wednesday evening for a Mrs. A. L. Grant of Silverton. No Deliveries Twice Daily community Thanksgiving dinner 10 A.M. & 3 P.M.—Ph. HA 9 3492 date has been set for the wed which took place of the usual ding. Grange meeting. B etween 35 and 40 persons enjoyed the occasion 4-POINT TRUCKING SERVICE which featured an abundance of food which sent everyone home CASON SUPPORT happy, even though a bit too well TRANSFER Local fed LOCAL Pythian Sisters Note Holiday SAVE 3 9 Mist Program Saturday Night QQc <3 3 36 4 O JQc *3 25 95 93c MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS BUSINESS Transfer and Household Moving Sell it with an Eagle Want Ad. VERNONIA SANITARY SERVICE o CASON TRANSFER Long Distance Haul ing. Anything Any where in state of Ore. WILBUR DAVIS Refuse and Garbage Collecting. Agent BEKINS Tranfer It Storage for oai-of-atate Household Moving HELP KEEP OUR CITY CLEAN WE WILL DO THE PACKING—CONTAINERS FURNISHED • : : !• automatic Waterfilm Action eliminates lint, moisture and venting problems Sa vehoursof hack breaking work, end weather worries, make fewer clothes last longer —with gentle indoor drying. Just load your Maytag, dial time and heat, lift out damp-dry for ironing or fluff dry for folding. No lint trap to clean. No drip pan to empty. No outside venting needed. EASY TERMS 'QOn'5 ZZiJ jUNDLAND'S The cry of “Fire” brings an instant picture to vour mind — your own home going up in flames and everything in it de stroyed. If that happens. Fire In surance provides the only certain indemnity • you’ll receive to help you rebuild. Be sure that your insurance is adequate in the light of today's prices! : VERNONIA 11 INSURANCE Bill J. Horn. Agent ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE 786 Bridge Phone HA 9-3333 Vernonia ! Phon» HA 9-S203 — Vernonia 905 Bridge Street THURSDAY. DEC. 1, 1955 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE Men Attend Stock Meet NATAL-PITTSBURG — Mr. and Mrs. John White of Birken- feld were Thursday evening call ers at the Noble Dunlap home. Mrs. Dunlap has been ill with the flu the past week but is much better at this writing. James Moran and Reed Hold ing attended a 4-day stockmen’s meeting at Spokane recently. The Ray Taylors were home from Abmov, Washington over the holiday week end. Mr. and Mrs. Oakley Cripps were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs Jake Neurer Mr. and Mrs W. A. Parman and J Thanksgiving dinner guests of friends in Portland. Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mathews were: Mr and Mrs. Walter Mathews and daughter; Mr. and Mrs Al vin Wright and son. Alvin of Manzanita; Mr and Mrs George Mathews and Mrs. Mathew’s son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCrosky of Long Beach, Wash ington. Miss Virginia Mathews of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. L. P Mathews and sons, Stanley and Martin. 3 | Calendar of Events Full for OES Members The next meeting of the Ne halem Chapter No. 153, O E.S. will be Wednesday. December 7 at which time the annual election of officers will take place. Those havings birthdays in the last quarter of the year will be hon ored. Members are reminded to take fruits, vegetables, juices, etc., to the post office, to be tak en to the Masonic and Eastern Star home at Forest Grove. Christmas gifts will be collected for the guests there at social club Christmas party December 14 and at chapter. Do-Si-Do Squares io Dance Saturday Night Members of the Do-Si-Do square dance club and their friends will promonade and swing and sway again Saturday night to the call ing of Glen Hawkins when they meet at> the V.F.W. hall at 8 00 o’clock. Visitors are always wel come. It’s hardly worthwhile to think unless you expect to act. WE FEATURE MILK PRODUCTS AT THEIR BEST The wise shopper who has tried our products knows she’s receiving the best there is. Why don’t you have us deliver to your home or pick up our pro ducts at your favorite in dependent grocery. You, too, will agree with the multitude. 3RIRV PRODUCTS CO. Grade A Pasteurized Milk & Cream PHONE 471 ZHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXH^ ■ KING’S Grocery - Market « x Phone HA 9-6015 "Where Your Money Buys More" Riverview || At the Mile Bridge 5 WHAT HELPS INDEPENDENT 2 i BUSINESS HELPS YOU. TRADE * 5 INDEPENDENT. £ H SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING, WE BRING % I H 1^HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHf