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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1955)
2 THURSDAY. DEC. 1, 1955 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Kamholz of Goldendale, Washington were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kamholz and family Thursday and Friday of last week. They were all guests of Mr and Mrs. Harry Ford at Forest Grove for Thanksgiving dinner. Reverend and Mrs. Ervin Leake went to Portland for Thanksgiv ing dinner with their daughter who was unfortunate enough to live in the area that was without power for about three hours right at the time needed for dinner preparation. HAM DINNER Sat. eve. Dec. 10. starting at 6:00 p.m.. IOOF hall. Also cedar chest drawing. Mt. Heart Social Club. 48t2c Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Pace and family attended a family gather ing at the home of Mi and Mrs. Frank Bennett at Foiest Grove on Thanksgiving. A n n o u n c ements have been leceived here of the arrival of a 9 pound, 9 ounce daughter, Lin- da K at the home of Mr and Mrs. Vern Hershey at Beaverton on November 19. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Hiebcr en tertained her mother, Mrs. Anna Wall, and her two sisters and families, Mr. and Mrs. Tod Bow erman and children and Mr. and Mrs. George Noyer and son George and Mr. Noyer's mother for dinner Thanksgiving. Mr. Noyer was not feeling well that day and the next day was hos pitalized for a ruptured appendix He is at Good Samaritan hospital and recovering slowly. Gathering at the home of El len Hanson for Thanksgiving din- CHRISTMAS TREES WANTED Top Prices for Good Full DOUGLAS WHITE And NOBLE FIRS We Will Pickup Call or Write JIM GIBBONS, 1022 NW 22nd, Portland, Oregon Phone CA 8-1936 or CA 7-6906 Evenings ner were Mr .and Mrs. Ralph Hanson and family of Port Orford, Mrs. Martha Hanson and family of Forest Grove, Mrs. Vern Han son and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Wilson and son, formerly of Bed ford, Iowa, now living in Ver nonia. Guests at the Byron Kirkbride home Thanksgiving day included Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Kirkbride, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kelly of Beaverton, Mr. and Mrs. J. R Kirkbride and daughter Barbara Ann, of Hillsboro and Anna Beth Hall of Garabaldi, Oregon, who remained to visit for an indefinite time. Mr. and Mrs. William Arm- strong and children of Seattle, Washington, her son, Dean Tar- roch; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ander son and daughters were Thanks giving day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Huntley. Week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Adams were her broth er and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Don Price and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Benjaman of Bremerton, Washington; Mr. Adam’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Anderson of Portland. Mr. Price has just recently re turned from Alaska and will be in the states until March. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kirkbride and Mr. and Mrs. G. C Kirkbride attended the golden wedding an niversary of her sousins, Mr. and Mrs. Sebee Howard in Hillsboro Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Hansen and children spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. Gunder Paulson of Seaside. HAM DINNER Sat. eve. Dec. 10. starting at 6:00 p.m.. IOOF hall. Also cedar chest drawing. Mt. Heart Social Club. 4812c Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bass. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Rainey, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dripps, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Bass and Henry Bass were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Randolph (Cotton) Bass of Hillsboro on Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jessee and Mr. and Mrs. Nels Hogb”rg had Thanksgiving dinner together at the Hogberg home. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Counts and children from Roseburg were- holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Minger. Also there were Mrs. Minger’s two brothers, Dick May who is attending ’Portland State college, and Bill May of Vernonia. Mrs. Paul Gordon spent the week end at Bremerton, Wash ington with her sister and fami ly- Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sawyer left DOLLS ELECTRIC TRAINS SEWING MACHINES — BEAT THE CLOCK GAMES DOCTOR KITS - NURSE KITS — ERECTOR TRUCKS TRAINS TINKER TOYS — LUNCHEON SET REPEATING CAP PISTOLS — GENE AUTRY RANCH OUT FIT — SUPER BOATS — DOODLE BUGS — STUFFED TOYS — PICTURE PUZZLES — SPORT BALL KIT. rue COST MT MILLICH ucome foom rut MOK TWK OOLLMS if Many of antiquity's at last 2,000 closely The suiamp vegetation THE OJPREY, A BlKD WHICH FEED5 EXCLUSIVE!.* ON FISH, HAS A reversible O uter -roa.if it catches all or its food > h its talohs last week for California to visit daughters who live there. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Davis were at Seattle for Thanksgiving with her daughter and family. Her daughter and grandchildren returned here with them and Mrs. Davis took them back to Seattle Monday. Word reached here last week end of the death in Turkey of Lester Collins, former Vernonia resident who was in Turkey in the employe of an oil company. His wife, the former Margaret Tousley, was there with him. No details were available. Mr. and Mrs. George Feil call ed on her brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Huntley Thursday. Mrs. Ted Horn left Sunday evening for Mississippi after re ceiving word that her father was critically ill. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Holmberg from Kuskokwim, Alaska arrived last Wednesday at the home of her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Ruhl. They left Sun- day for San Francisco and Los Angeles to visit other relatives and plan to visit here again later before returning to Alaska. Holiday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Frank were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brown and two daughters from Sweet Home Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Spreecher from Hillsboro and Mr. and Mrs Murvel Frank and family. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Whitsell and family from DeLake visited here last week end with his moth er, Mrs. Zoe Whitsell, and sister, Mrs. Elgus Frank and her family. Week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith were his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hienan of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Smith and Linda of St. Helens spent Thanks giving day with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith. HAM DINNER Sat. eve. Dec. 10. starting at 6:00 p.m.. IOOF hall. Also cedar chest drawing. Mt. Heart Social Club. 48t2c Guests for Thanksgiving dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Thomas were his sister and husband, Mr. and Mi’s. Tom Turk from Gaston and his nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs Frank Turk and their son Roger from Cor- nelius. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Berger- srtYi and family of Tacoma arrived at the horn? of his sister and hus band, Mr. and Mrs Marvin Meyer, last Tuesday evening for th» Thanksgiving holidays. Other guests at the Meyer home on Thanksgiving were Mr and Mrs. Jack Bergerson and Mrs Mathilde Bergerson of Vernonia and Mr. Meyer's mother, Mrs. Otto Meyer of Hillsboro. Mr .and Mrs. W. V. Lindley had as their guests for Thanks giving dinner Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Ackley and daughters Wanda and Linda from Central Point, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Garn-ir and daugh ter Susan from Seaside, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Garner and Glenda Hahmeyer. Pearl Adams spent Thanksgiv ing at Cathlamet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Culbertson and family came from Roseburg Wednesday evening to spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. El more Knight. Mr. Culbertson had to return to Roseburg Thursday but came back on Saturday to take his family home Sunday. While here they also visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Culbertson. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. DeHart and David and Mr and Mrs. Frank Lange were dinner guests Thurs day of Mr. and Mrs T. L. DeHart and Sunny Leigh. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Marcum and children drove here from Bay City early Thursday morn ing and took Mrs. Marcum's par- < nts, Mr. and Mrs. Art Kittleson, with them to West Linn for Thanksgiving dinner with the Kittleson’s oth’r daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Don Riley. There also were Mr. and Mrs. Art Kittleson Jr. from Portland. Mr and Mrs. Bill Horn had as their guests Thursday her broth er and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon McRobert from Beaverton. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Messing, Walter Porterfield and Mrs. Cas sie Livingstone enjoyed Thanks giving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Schoenhienz in Port ■ land. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Porterfield and fa mily of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Weed went to Seattle last Wednesday and on arriving there received word of the death of Mrs. Weed's sister at Springfield, Oregon. Their son Melvin brought them back to St. Helens Thursday evenin-,’, and Mr. and Mrs. Elza Weed took them on to Springfield for the funeral on Friday. While there, they also visited Mrs. Weed’s mother, Mrs. Alice Meats, who observed her 97th birthday this week. Guests al the Joe Eggert home on Thanksgiving were Mr. and Jog Thratrv THÜRS., FRI. Mrs Harry Eckland and sons Bill and Jim. Mrs. Anna Part ridge and Charles Cederburg. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carlson of Longview were here Sunday to visit her sister and husband, 1----- - . Mr. and Mrs. Ron Paris and their family- Dick Gwin. Wayne Aldrich, and Mike Grady were all home from OT I. to spend the holiday with their families. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Kuehn and family of Elgin. Oregon came by here last week to take her father M B Steers Sr to Sumner, Wash ington with them for Thanksgiv- home of an<»ther daufh■ ter, Mrs. J J Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Kimball and their little granddaughter spent Thanksgiving here with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Willis. Mrs. Robert Kimball is in Good Samaritan hospital in Portland where she had an operation on her leg two weeks ago, a follow up of a previous operation which was necessitated by an automo bile accident. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence New were dinner guests Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Aldrich Jr. Mrs. Marie Frazee was in Port land for Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Linn. Da- vid and Sharon spent last week end at Prosser, Washington with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. George Higdon. Described as a Mississippi ga thering was that held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Horn Thurs day which included Mr. and Mrs. Dee Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Potter and Mrs. Vellie Golden. Mrs. Launee Miller, first grade teacher at the Washington school, visited at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. Larry Caramella at Mil waukie over the week end. Mrs. James Walters and her daughter Christy from Chico, California spent all last week hero with her mother, Mrs. Mary Lan phear and uncle, Norris Soden. Last Thursday, her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. George Brett from Longview, Washing ton joined them here for Thanks giving dinner and the celebration of three birthdays, that of Mis. Lanphear, her daughter Mrs. Brett and granddaughter Christy, representing three generations. DATES TO REMEMBER Thursday. December I Past President’s Parley, Legion Aux., Home of Ruby Biggs — 1:00 p.m. Extension project leader’s train- ing meet Teacher’s room. Washington school, 10:30 am. Woodcraft — IOOF hall, 8:00 p. m. A.F.&A.M. — Masonic Temple, 7:30 p.m. Election of officers. Vernonia Study Club — Home of Mrs Evelyn Heath. 8:00 p m. Winema Grange — Birkenfeld, 8:00 p.m. Friday, December 2 Homemaker’s county committee— Horue of Mrs. Elmer Loyd. Deer Island, 10:30 a.m. Columbia Encampment No. 89— IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. F O E. — Eagles Hall, 8:00 p m. Joint Installation of officers for Vernonia, Natal and Winema Granges — Vernonia Grange hall, 8:00 p.m. Saturday, December 3 4-H officers training meet — McBride school, St. Helens. Do-Si-Do Square Dance — VFW hall, 8:00 p.m. Monday, December 5 Lions Club dinner meet — VFW hall, 7:00 pm. American Legion — Legion hall, 8:00 p.m. Past Chiefs Club — Home of Mrs. Wilbur Davis, 8:00 p.m City Council — City hall, 8:00 p.m. Tuesday. December 6 American Legion Aux. — Legion hall, 8 :00 p.m. Odd Fellows lodge — IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. Mt. Heart social club — Home .of Zoe Whitsell, 8:00 p.m. Boy Scouts — Park cabin, 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 7 O.E.S. Masonic Temple — 8:00 p m. Election, birthday party. Guests Thursday at the Homer Gwin home were Mrs. Edna Gwm and Miss Dorothy Gwin of Port land. Kathleen Sauer and Bruce Hoyt. BEN'S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon Sell it with an Eagle Want Ad. IT’S NEW...IT’S PACKED WITH POWER H omelite FOR BUCKING DEC. 1-2 THE GIRL IN THE RED VELVET SWING Rav Milland - Joan Collins SATURDAY DEC. 3 TALL MAN RIDING Randolph Scott - Dorothy Malone SUN.. MON. DEC. 4-5 THE TALL MEN CONVERTIBLE FOR CLEARING Clark Gable - Jane Russell 5 HP 20 POUNDS CHAIN SAW Alive with power, the New Homelife Model 5 20 brings down trees up to 6 feet in diameter, slices through 20 inch trees in Featuring 20 seconds. Has more big features, more power per pound tha« any other chain saw evea developed. • B t 5 hp for faster cutting Hudson House MORE ROWER for felling • light. Bght 20 pounds for easy handlint • High compression, short stroke engine The new Model 5-20 is precision built for dependable perform ance and low maintenance. It can be converted in minutes for clearing land or cleaning out brush and undergrowth. 14’ and Olives — String Beans — Corn 13 bow saws are available for plunge cutting and standard guide bars from 14’ to 60’ for pruning or felling big trees. All gift wrappings and Christmas Peas cards double votes until Dec. 8. NEHALEM TELEPHONE HA 9 6254 Vernonia, Ore MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone HA 9-6341 LIGHTER FOR LIMBING ask us for a free demonstration SEE FOR YOURSELF TED’S SAW SHOP RIVERVIEW AT FIRST VERNONIA, OREGON