THE WOOD RAT WOOD RAT ©1934 National Wildl.f, Fadaration .. T^ur‘sts *n the comfortable wilds" of the Western United States are frequently annoyed by the activities of "pack rats” that run actively in and out of cabin windows storing things that mav or may not have value to humans and frequently could have no pos sible value to the pack rats. ■ Members of the genus Neotoma range practically from coast-to- coast in North America, being found from Pennsylvania to Cali fornia represented by one species or another. In the East they are called "Cave rats” or "Wood rats ; in the West, almost univer sally, "Pack rats.” They seem to develop habits suitable to the environment. In the Western mountains they build nests of trash among the rocks. In de serts 'lheir nests may reach a bushel in volume. Where bur- Featuring... • ■ • ABOUT YOUR PROPERTY TAX WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT TAXES? rows are easily found among the ledges their nests may be much also accurately reporting their (Part II) less elaborate. In California the YOU CAN HELP YOUR property. species there represented may I COUNTY ASSESSOR . . . Each citizen should have an ac live in live oak trees. | The assessor must be adequate tive and healthy inquisitiveness These rats differ from the com ly staffed with technical and about assessment matters. Such mon Norway rats most conspi clerical help. Appraising is seri issues as utility ratio, the meth cuously by having hairy tails in ods used in appraisal of real pro ous business. Good mature judg stead of the relative hairless tail ment is not acquired cheaply. Do perty, the standards for setting found in the better known ani what you can to assure the asses relative value between classes, mal. Pack rats’ tails are not sor that he is adequately staffed. are questions which ought to be scaly as are those of Norway rats. discussed in every active commu The assessor needs continuous nity. Each citizen owes it to him Pack rats are probably not pro assistance from the public. Mar self to become interested in the miscuous in their breeding habits ket value, like the purchasing affairs of the several offices of his as are the Norway rats and many power for any goods, is partially county. related animals. The unusual lite determined by the actions of each story is something like this. Jan WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT citizen of the community. Certain uary and February are the breed TAXING DISTRICT BUDGETS of your citizens make observa ing months of most importance. Freedom in local government tions of these changes and arc The young, 2 to 4 in number, are able to recognize changes in value. is good both for the community born from February through May. Do what you can to assure that and for the individual. If, how The young open their eyes when the assessor is adequately inform ever, this “good" is to flourish 17 days old and are weaned by and to grow, each citizen has a ed. the mother when 3 weeks old. In dual responsibility. First, he The assessor is dependent up spite of the weaning the young must maintain an ever awakened on many citizens for honest re may stay with the moth°r for and vigilant interest in all of some time. The father is not al porting of personal property. Each these local affairs. Second, he taxpayer owes it to himself to lowed to stay with his family must exert a spirited interest in while the young are immature or properly report all taxable value any acts and proposals that may requested. At the same time he at least in the family group. The affect the general welfare of his mother makes a remarkably good should see to it that others are local taxing districts. Local gov parent. rather heavy for a rat. The ears ernment is not self operating. To Including the tail, the average are relatively large. The animal the contrary, its very lifeblood pack rat may be fifteen and one- is reddish brown above and white is dependent upon your partici half inches long. The tail may or nearly so beneath. The East pation. your considered judge be six and one-half inches of the ern, southern and some of the wes ment, and your cooperative ac total length. The weight may be tern species have tails that are tion. cne-half pound and the fur is less bushy than some of the best Thus the taxpayer must assume known pack rats. his rightful place in the workings Pack rats are edible and may of local government if it is to thus provide food for lost per function properly. The equaliza sons since they are easily caught. tion accomplished through reap The National Wildlife Federa praisal and the help provided tion through these notes in your through appeal procedure for in newspaper, through the stamp dividual assessments all help de series and through its other a< - fend equity in taxation. How tiitives, attempts to help you un ever, this is not enough. In addi derstand the environment in tion, the taxpayer must interest which you may be living. Here himself in the affairs of and in in our wood rats or pack rats we the conducting of business in the Property have animals that are relatively local taxing district. common but not too well known. taxes originate for the most part Their flesh and their stored food from the local scene. They can »upplies may some time mean the best be controlled there. Here difference between life and death are some suggestions for study ot co you. Get to know them better. taxing district affairs: —E. Laurence Palmer Every citizen should know something about the taxing dis Too many people mistake spec tricts in which he finds himself tacular effort for success. located. Where are the district I THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE offices located? Who are the dis trict officers? For what purpose was the district organized’ What changes in the district is proposed for the coming years’ Every citizen should inform himself about the costs of doing business in each taxing district. How much does it take to edu cate the children’ What portion of this bill is paid for by the State of Oregon’ What portion from the property tax? Whit are the other sources of revenue? How many children will be edu cating next year? Five years hence’ Each citizen should examine the extent of service afforded by the several taxing districts. Could we do it cheaper without this service? Is the service too ela borate? Is the service geared to greatly benefit the few at a fixed cost to the many? Peas 7 Each citizen should exercise his right to determine the extent of budget through voting Vote at elections which are called to determine bonds or special levies, and carefully select the director-» who are to govern your taxing district. Make certain that you know just what is going on in your tax ing district Are these elections properly advertised’ Is the beard acting on behalf of the citizens’ Is the taxing district living witn- m its covenant to the people’ Each citizens should participate with groups that study taxation problems. Many organizations sponsor programs and speakers who discuss this subject THE POWER TO TAX CAN BECOME THE POWER TO DESTROY'!!! Do Not Allow This to Happen to You'!! cornpfefe/y 3a torriatic Water film Action eliminates lint, moisture and venting problems Save hoursof backbreaking work, end weather worries, make’ fewer clothes last longer with gentle indoor drying. .Just load your Maytag, dial time and heat, lift out damp dry for ironing or I’.ulT- dry for folding. No lint trap to clean. No drip pan to empty. No outside venting needed. Hudson House Olives — String Beans — Corn THURSDAY, NOV 24, 1955 EASY TERMS 229 95 SUNDLAND'S ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE 786 Bridge Phone HA 9-3333 Vernonia NEHALEM MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone HA 9-6341 VOTES FOR BOY OR GIRL OF YOUR CHOICE IT’S NEW...IT’S PACKED _ WITH POWER . 20 POUNDS convertible FOR CLEARING I CHAIN SAW Alive with power, the New Homelite Model 5 20 brings down trees up to 6 feet in diameter, slices through 20 inch trees in 20 seconds. Has more big features, more power per pound thae any other chain saw ever developed. • Big 5 hp for faster cutting POWER FOR FELLING • Light, light 20 pounds for easy handling . High compression, short stroke engine The new Model 5 20 is precision built for dependable perform ance and low maintenance. It can be converted in minutes for clearing land or cleaning out brush and undergrowth 14' and 18' bow saws are available for plunge cutting and standard guide bars from 14' to 60' for pruning or feHing txg trees. ASK US FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION SEE FOR YOURSELF FOR UMRING TED’S SAW SHOP RIVERVIEW AT FIRST — VERNONIA. OREGON Camera and Projector Brownie Movie Camera Outfit - $59.20 Light Bar, Camera, Case V VOTES 10% Down Holds Until Christmas Brownie Movie Outfit - - - - $99.50 H omelite FASTER Christmas Lay-Away Electric Trains............................... $22.50 Argus C-3 (Camera, Case, Flash) $66 50 Argus C-4 (Camera, Case, Flash) $99.50 Argus Auto. 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