« THURSDAY, NOV 24, 1955 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General FOR SALE—Real Estate 22-FT TRAILER house for sale. Philip Shafer, Timber Rt. 47t3 FOR SALE: Modem 4-rm. house with nook; large attic, large lot. Inquire evenings at 998 First Ave. or phone HA 9-5165. 45t3 FOR SALE 1 H G. Cat., A-l con dition, power take-off Also 1 plow, and 1 tandem disk. Jewel Solomon, end of Sixth St., River view. 47t3 SERVICES FOR SALE: Used chain saws. Ted's Saw Shop, Riverview. 22tfc CASH PAID for furniture, live stock, machinery, tools any time. Forest Grove Auction, L. R. Senfl and C. W Christiansen, owners and auctioneers. Phone 7615. 16tfc i" SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill dirt Call HA 9-6829, A.G. Os trander. 26152c FOR SALE—Real Estate INCOME PROPERTY TWO 3-room houses on 50x100 Jot. Both modern, including wiring for range. 32x24 garage. Present rent on both $67.50. Live in one, rent the other. Full price $5000. very good terms. HOMES 3 BEDROOM modern home wir ed for range. Close in. Well insulated. Fruit and utility rooms. Price $2750. $500 will handle. LOCATED close to schools and churches — 5-room modern house on 75x100 lot; 2 blocks to grade or high schools. Lots garden space, single garage, Puce only $4750. Very good terms. 4 ROOM modern house win'd for range. 2 lots. Price $2500 good terms or will take car or pickup in deal. SEE ME for farms and acreage. DON BAYLEY, BROKER Palace Cafe Bldg. Ph. HA 9-5225. 47tlc IN THE LAST TWO ^r. No Appointment Necessary Sundland Building Tuesdays 10:30 ausu S tiñe , - à FIORIRÀ,CLAIMS THE OLDEST VI COPEN SCHOOL HOUSt IN THE US., BUILT BE FORB TOE REVOLUTIONÄR/ WAR Optometrist . 2:00 to 6:00 SHOE REPAIR SERVICE. Bar ger, Stoney Point. Or, work can be left at Steer’s Variety Store. 28tfc CARD OF THANKS WE WISH to thank our many friends and neighbors for their kind expressions of sympathy and for the beautiful floral offerings for our beloved husband and father. Mrs. Charles Schmidlin Lillian and Leonard Schmidlin Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Schmid lin and family Mr. and Mrs. George Schmidlin and family Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schmidlin I and family Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schmidlin and family Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schmidlin and family 47t 1 WE WISH to express our sincere thanks to all our friends who have in so many ways expressed their sympathy to us in our recent be reavement. Roy L. Raymond Ruby Nash Doris Rose Graden Holmes 47t lc Living will be much simpler when politicians learn to live within our income. BUSINESS The Busy Bee Cooking club of Mist met November 14 at Mrs. John Howry’s. The group played TIMBER ROUTE — Wm. Fal games before the meeting. Dur coner was taken by ambulance ing the meeting, the yearbooks Good Samaritan hospital, were passed out to each member. I to The Mealtime Fun members made Thursday, November 17, for tests cocoa and th.? refreshments con and observation. sisted of cocoa and cookies. Mrs. M. E. Eide and daughter, Jacqueline of Banks are spending A pessimist lives by the th-ory that if a thing isn't wrong, it is a few days with her mother, Mrs. n't right. Wm. Falconer. Christine Bender has been home from school this week due WANTED to tonsilitis. EXPERIENCED woman wants Mr. and Mrs. Ted Marlott and day work or baby sitting, your son Ricky were Saturday dinner home. Celestia Denison, 532 Se guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tis cond Street. 47t3c dale. In the afternoon they visit- HIGHEST cash prices paid for ed Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beck and cream and eggs at your door— family. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Goertzen, picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream Mr. and Mrs. Charles Justice, ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone called on Mrs. Edwin Justice in 126. 14tfc Good Samaritan hospital Satur day afternoon. CLASSIFIED RATES Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Thack I er and Kenny were dinner guests MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 Sunday of her father and mother, words or less. Weds over min Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Gouge. imum, 2c each. Three inser Sunday dinner guests of Mr. tions for the price of two. and Mrs. T. L. Galloway were CARD of Thanks & Notices: 80c. her mother, Mrs. Nell Thacker THE EAGLE assumes no finan and Mrs. Sylvia Falconer. cial responsibility for errors thet may appear in ads pub lished in its columns, but in case" where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typo graphical mistake occurs. POETRY accepted only as paid matter. Rate: 5c per type line. BLIND ADS with answers to be handled by the Eagle: Mini mum charge 80c. No informa I ‘f • tion given relative to such ads. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY • X* ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED » AFTER WED. NOON EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK’S PAPER. NO information on classifieds will » be given out until after paper is mailed. VERNONIA SANITARY SERVICE CASON TRANSFER - Long Distance Haul ing. Anything Any- where in state of Ore. WILBTTR DAVIS Agent BEKINS Tranter k Storage for ojt-of-atato Household . Moving HELP KEEP OUR CITY CLEAN WE WILL DO THE PACKING—CONTAINERS FURNISHED I XNXHXHXKXHXHZHXMXHZHXHZH^ H z H H X Phone HA 9-G015 Riverview M “Where Your Money Buys More’’ At the Mile Bridge H H H KING’S Grocery - Market WHAT HELFS INDEPENDENT H BUSINESS HELPS YOU. TRADE M H H H INDEPENDENT X H K SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING. WE BRING X H ^ hzhzhzhxhxmxhxhzhxwzhxhs pLfty sflnifl for EVERyont hi our 7 K, k * V rfi • • • I II I SAVE TIME! SAVE EFFORT! SAVE MONEY! . . . just bring your 1955 gift list to Miller’s Inc. in Forest Grove! Our store is overflowing with new and delightful gifts for all! Quality is Better, Selec tions are Larger, PRICES ARF. LOWER! .Services to make your buying easier include Gift Wrapping. Budget Terms, Layaway, Easy Term Contracts. Shop for Christmas the Miller Way . . . Today! SPORTING GOODS — TOOLS — HOUSEWARES — TABLE APPLIANCES TELEVISION HARDWARE — AND A HOST OF OTHER ITEMS! y ti WL ■ Y EXCLUSIVES • e • -.. * i«nittl«n(l S»««4 l«l*ct«r. Nt. F«moût M»<lc" Mtrfla.' O THREE ROOM partly furnished house for rent. Also bachelor’s cabsn and one sleeping room. Mrs. Frank Mills, 1st St . RivervuAv 45t3 >1 Only *oy«l lut It. th« TOYLAND IS OPEN NOW! Santa Will Be Here Saturday, Nov ember 2oth 10 to 12 A.M and 2to4P.M •Ml«>t known m«th«4 I«, t»t «U'flhl. •>•7 Bf»Hi ti th« lanily cm «djutt >p«*d oi th« tmwittr I« *1« i MI x A m I (kill. A « * * Phu N«w FibtrflM C*r- ryi«( Cat«. Ut*t««t, AT XRTMENT for rent. 2 bed- ruoms, bath, dinette. living r< • ri Completely furnished See Hazel Shipman at Drug Store 37tfc Choose your words well—you can never tell when you will have to eat them. LOCAL TOYS AND GAMES — GIFTWARES — WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCES furnished W ashing machine, Frigidaire, oil heat 124 A St. Phone HA 9-5573. Mrs T, A. Adan; 47tfc OPTOMETRISTS: Dr. V. J. Horn« and Dr. R. V. Laac« Across from Texaco Wednesday 9 to 5 CASON TRANSFER Local Transfer and Household Moving SUPPORT Wm. Falconer In Hospital FOR RENT » Have you any series E savings bonds coming due in the near fu ture? You don’t have to cash them in, you know. Just hold them and continue to draw In terest for another 10 years. i pcMrs TOUCHDOWN* MT AOUT A rri HERE! the ROYALporfabfe NOTICE; The County Court of Columbia County. Oregon, ha appointed HAROLD R BRIM MER as Administrator of the Es tate of JOSEPH WILLIAM BRIMMER, Deceased All per sons having claims against said «•state are required to present them with prop«1* vouchers to the Administrator at the offices of the VERNONIA EAGLE. Ver noma, Oregon, within six months from November 24. 1955 HAROLD R BRIMMER, Administrator BUSH & BRADLEY Attorneys for Administrator PUBLISH Nov 24, 1955 Dec 1.8. 15 and 22, 1955 i Lost 18 20 22 28 High team game, Sam's Food Store, 843; high team series, Des- sy’s, 2354; high individual game, Emma McDonald, 202; high indi vidual series, Ruth Hult, 534; Splits picked up.: Hazel Shipman, 3-10; Hazel Dusenberry, 5-10; Dolly Laird, 5-6; Marcia Manville, 5-10; Della Vroman, 4-5; Mary Meacham, 5-6. 4-POINT TRUCKING SERVICE cqh securer Cooking Club Members Learn Cocoa Making 39tfc LEGAL NOTICE ,.^1’ — to 6:00 Saturdays I R. Cleaners 2744 WOMEN S BOWLIN^ Won 26 Sam’s Food Store 24 Dessy’s 22 Vernonia Drug Brunsman Hardware 16 JD/WSC*/ HEW yORK VvftKlKEES PRO FOOTeWLL TEA a /, PL/ACf^iCKEP 79 Produ««d m AMCTX Ab >OR£ST PRODUCTO INblSTK l£S. Inc - WE ARE sincerely grateful to friends and neighbors for their many kind acts of sympathy dur ing our sad bereavement. Our appreciation cannot be adequate ly expressed. Mrs. Mary Miller Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and family Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and family Mr and Mrs. Ed Davies Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Rodewald 47tl FOR SALE: 4-rm. house; bath and breakfast nook. Has hot water heater, wired for range; oil stove. On 2 lots; nice garden spit; well with electric pump for irrigation. Priced to sell. $600 down, rest like rent. Seventh St , Riverview. Can be seen by contacting Don Wantland, 990 Weed Avo. 43t6 (SAME — A6A1MST IO m A. 1949 SERVICE FOR SALE: Roasting hens. Mrs. 1,. Carmichael, Stoney Point Rd. 46t3c INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Lost Won 14 30 Dessy’s 27 17 Mill Market 22 22 Bob’s Union 35 9 Long-Bell High individual game, R Ro- bertson and K. Anderson, 184; high individual series, Dessy Laird, 530; high team game, Bob’s Union, 946; high team series, Des- sy's, 2729. CITY LEAGUE Lost Won 13 Radiant Cleaners 31 18 Oakes Radio and TV 26 28 16 Nehalem Service 29 Lyle’s Barber Shop 15 High individual game, D. Laird 202; high individual series, R. Roberson, 532; high team game, R. Cleaners, 958; high team senes, I UE AMT A KAN TFfee fAMM SysrrH OF âROU/INe TIMBEO AS A CROP ON PRIVATE LANDS HOW EMSIMCeS 37. 065,404 AC4FS IN 40 SJATtS. minutes of the OPTICAL BARGER ELECTRIC REPAIR. Rewinding, repairing, refrigera tors. Rebuilt motors and refrig erators for sale. Phone HA 9- BM FOR SALE: Cadillac, 1941, good motor, radio, heater, spotlight. $100 Inquire at Hy-Van Hotel. 45t3 'mvFRÇny of MINNESOTA SCOKEV Twee COMPLETE FOR SALE: 2-bumer oil heater and pipe, $25. 1042 First Ave. **A 9-5855 or inquire at Sam’s Food Store. 46t3c Bowling Results Our Great America ☆ r I N”LlM ,*t*-WI«’»«’ • IbhC« th« nvmb«r «« ' ¡E rV'B FW trvnwitt«« i ▲ i«n t« l| À CM« (v«U«bl«l 7, ' -xv- ' f. -. • ' ii « m ltrwi(«>t rl l"«rto«t i ■ a •'d $ YovcA Control ' erg rgçitlorgd TM. of toyol Typgwrfgr Co , ... ............................................................................................................................................................................................ ;*-5 % THE VERNONIA EAGLE PHONE 191 VERNONIA .6. • 4