o o o Tenth Songfest Set Feb. 23-25 Barbershop quartettes and quartets will warble in Forest Grove next February 23-24-25 to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the nationally-famous All- Northwest Barber Shop Ballad contest and Gay Nineties festival. The colorful songfest was start ed nearly ten years ago as a one- day one-shot contest by the For est Grove Gleemen. The event proved so popular that a second was held, It became an annual affair. The girls will again kickoff the three-day festivities on Thursday evening, February 23, announces Gleemen Chairman Eddie McVay. They will compete for the wo men's Northwest championship and $J50 in prize money. Male quartets will have the spotlight Friday and Saturday evenings. They will compete for the coveted Northwest ballad crown, trophies, and $1000. Entries are being currentty sought for both men’s and wo men’s contests. Details may be received on request from Eddie McVay, P.O. Box 13, Forest Grove, Oregon. Want to save the automatic way? You can’t beat the payroll savings plan for purchase of go vernment savings b nas. Ask your employer about it. Local Project Leaders To Train December 1 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY. NOV 24, 1 «155 MAKE A ROOM DIVIDER ‘How to Use Plaids and Stripe's’ will be discussed when home ex- tension project leaders from the Timber Route, Keasey, Mist-Ne halem and Vernonia units meet next Thursday, December 1, in the teachers lunch room at the Washington school in Vernonia. The meeting is scheduled start at 10:30 a m. and close 3:00 p.m. An attractive room divider 1» ; 9-inch lumber for the shelves . ... and ... made vf 1 by ... 12-inch 1 by anJ frame, and 1 by 4-mch lumber for the door framing. The lower portion may bo equipped with sliding doors, or with hardwood plywood display panels on one side. Make the completed divider and slide it in place. Fasten it to one wall, ceiling and floor. Project leaders are asked bring sack lunches and their own beverage. Also they will need scraps of plaids and stripes they may have on hand and a dress using plaids or stripes. The dress may be either homemade or rea dy made. Some of the most interesting materials on the market today are plaids and stripes but skillful use of these materials requires thought, time, and patience. Plaids are for everyone in the family, so leaders will discuss how to choose them to suit the individual as well as how to read them—that is whether they are balanced or unbalanced. Other points discussed will be how to select patterns and how to check them to determine whether the plaids and stripes can be matched perfectly, and how to place the pattern on the material so that the plaids and stripes will match at center, front and back, underarm, collar, sleeve and skirt. Handcraft Club Displays Wares Appearing this week in the window of Steers’ Vernonia Va- Thehe comes a time in every i riety store is an attractive dis- man’s life when the charm of play which is drawing much in living seems to lie in the past. —Office Supplies at the Eagli terest and comment. The many beautiful and useful items there r— may prove to be idea sparkers for the coming Christmas gift season. Undoubtedly the good St. Nicholas will study this display with much thought be- Save dollars on your Christmas shopping at these fore making his rounds on the low selling out prices. eve of December 25th. Each and every item so at- Many Items $3.00 to $7.00 Under Wholesale Cost. tractively displayed there is tht handiwork of members of the Handcraft club of Nehalem Circle No. 881 Neighbors of- Woodcraft. Handcraft club members make these and many other beautiful useful and salable items when they meet each month in the homes of members. Any member of Neighbors of Woodcraft may join the Handcraft club and learn MEN TO TRAIN to make these and other items useful as gifts and profitable as FOR REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS money makers when sold. Age 21 to 60. Must be residents of this county two or more years. Competent appraisers receive $325 to $400 per mont I* Farm experience valuable. BARGAINS GALORE! JUNES STYLE CENTER WANTED! November Snow Affects Winter Hay Supplies There’s a good chance that h prices will be going up b.fore spring. Indications arc that hay prices are apt to advance more than grain and mixed feed prices thanks to the heaviest Nov ember snow in years. Here is a good opportunity for the livestock operator to stretch his hay supply, but it is important to remember that it’s too late to use grain to stretch hay after the hay is used. Stepping up the grain in the ration right now looks like good insurance. It might be a wise move to do some figuring on the cost of the total digestible nutrients of the differ ent feed components, too. Some of the low priced grains may sup ply a pound of digestible nutrient for less cost than from a high priced legume hay. An OSC bulletin, “Feeding for Milk Production,” pnlvides some very good information on this subject and at the same time gives tables on the composition of some of more common feedstuffs WAITE VERNONIA EAGLE. VERNONIA. OREGON or I di'» larga,f Christmas Specials! H H Silvertone 21" TV With Record Player H $19.95 Table Radios H Special for Christmas FROM $199.00 COMPLETE WITH BLADE AND CHAIN s250 Electric Griddle Electric Covered Fry Pan H Electric French Fryer H o, MODEL $15.95 $18.95 $27.95 PRODUCTION Of PORTABILITY PERFORMANCE i f Costs so little, cuts so lost, handles so easily it can pay for itself in a few H 17" Admiral Hospital weeks Weighs 20 lbs four sites, 12" to 24" blade and chain Size Portable TV H E-Z TERMS—GUARANTEED SERVICE WORK H There's o McCulloch Chain Saw for EVERY wood cutting |ob FROM $242.00 COMPLOT WITH BLADE AND CHAIN OAKES RADIO SHOP FROM $322.00 COMPLETE WITH BLADE AND CHAIN H Phone HA 9-3653 Riverview »KHXHZHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHi Vw MODEL 4-3OA SUPER 33 Extra power one man sow for last Increased superformance, horsepower; cutting in big timber Light in weight, outcuts any saw in its price dost easy to operate Weighs 31 lbs Six sites. 14" to 42" blade and choin Weighs 22 lbs Four sites. 12" to 30" blade and choin. “FROM $372.00 COMPLETE O FROM $2»6.OO COMPLOT i WITH BLAD« AND CHAIN Save 7% to 10% on fuel by setting your thermo stat at a lower temperature at night. Qet all the oil heat you pay for by using Standard Heating Oils. They burn completely without soot, or odor. Every drop is pure heat. O Let us start our automatic delivery service today. You’ll never have to worry about being caught without fuel oac^our Housewarmer takes over. O LYMAN HAWKEN AND SON Phone HA 9-6066 WITH BLADE AND CHAIN FROM $457.00 COMPLOT ^HTR BLADE AND CHAIN MODEL 73 MODEL 99 i All McCulloch Chain Sawi an comploto with blade and chain ... No additional cotta! I your local MtCulloth doctor for domonitratlont VERNONIA TEXACO SERVICE PHONE HA 9 3462 VERNONIA. ORE. 5