Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, November 24, 1955, Page 3, Image 3

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    "Crowd" Attends Meet
Of F. L. Girls Club
Joyce Howard Is Wed In Portland
In a beautiful candlelight cere­
mony Friday evening, November
11 at Temple Baptist Church la
Portland, Miss Marilyn Joyce Ho­
ward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Joel Howard of Vernonia and
Daniel R. Christensen, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Christensen of
Hillsboro, were united in mar­
riage. The double ring ceremony
was performed by the Reverend
Dr. Linus Johnson.
The bride given in marriage by
her brother Bill Howard, wore a
brown suit with brown and
bronze accessories and carried her
white Rainbow Bible with a white
Thanksgiving Observed
By Pinochle Club
Individual pumpkin pies serv­
ed at tables decorated with
Thanksgiving jnotifs were en­
joyed by members of the Fri -nd-
ly Pinochle club last Friday at
the home of Mrs. Art Davis.
For the afternoon of play which
followed the dessert luncheon,
Mrs. C. L. Johnson played for
Mrs. Claud? Gibson Sr. and Mi’s.
Lyman Hawken Jr. played for
Mrs. Joe Vanderzanden
Prize for high score went to
Mrs. R. L. Thompson and for se­
cond high to Mrs. Hawken, each
of whom were delighted to re­
ceive the beautiful potholders
made by the hostess.
The next meeting will be De­
cember 2 at the home of Mrs.
Wm. D. Shafer.
Former Resident
Married Friday
Because nf inclement weather,
and brown orchid. Her only 41-
tendent was her sister, Miss Bar­ only three members attended the*
bara Howard, who wore a brown meeting of the F.L. Girls held last
Kenilworth Presbyterian church
suit with rose beige accessories Thursday evening at the home in Portland was the scene Friday
and carried a nosegay of yellow
I of Rene Brady, but they report of the wedding of Miss Winifred
and pink baby roses. Henry
Barbara Romtvcdt, former Ver­
Christensen was best man for his ■a most enjoyable evening.
nonia resident, to Paul Nelson
Delicious refreshments were Holmes, son of Dr. and Mrs John
The wedding march
was played by Miss Frances Kas­ served by the hostess.
T. Holmes of Escondido, Californ­
per and candlelighters were Lar­
Place for the Christmas party ia. Rev. Colin G. MacRae offic­
ry and Henry Phipps, friends of will be announced later.
the bride.
The bride, daughter of Mr and
A reception followed in the so­
Mrs. Fred Romtvedt of Portland,
cial room of the church. The
was given in marriage by her
beautiful wedding cake was cut
father. She wore the white tulle
and served by Miss Carolyn Chris-
and satin dress and finger-tip
tofferson. Miss Beverly Kolberg
veil with pearl and sequin tiara
served punch while Mis* Frances
formerly worn by her sister, Mrs.
Kasper poured coffee.
Four new members were receiv­ Jack Vincent, and carried a
Mrs. Christensen is a graduate ed into Nehalem Chapt. r No. 153. white Bible with an orchid.
Miss Mary Helen Romtvedt,
of Vernonia high school, where Order of Eastern Star, Wednesday
she was active in school affairs. night, November 16. They were maid of honor for her sister, wore
.The couple left for a honeymoon Mrs. Claud Shaw. Mrs. Bill Oling­ a crimson rose velveteen frock
and carried a crescent of white
at the Oregon beaches, after er and Mr and Mrs Ronald Paris
Thanksgiving fruits. vi etable.-, spider chrysanthemums.
which they will live in Eugene
etc., for the Masonic and Eastern
Clark Jones was best man, and
| where the groom is employed.
Star home should be taken to th’' ushers were
William Barsler,
post office this week. The mem­ Joseph Steiner and Donald K.
bers are reminded that Christmas Moon, all of Longview, Washing­
gifts for the guests of the home ton.
should be brought to the- temple,
A reception in the Fireplace
either next meeting night or on room of the church followed the
the Social club Christmas party­ ceremony. The newlyweds will
Mrs. Geneva Killingberg and night, December 14, so that they be at home in Portland.
I Mrs. Edith Hall were hostesses may be taken to Forest Grove
for a stork shower held at the early enough to b- wrapped.
There will be election of offi­
Killingberg home last Wednes­
day evening for Mrs. Lotus Mc­ cers and birthday party for tho§e
Experi Tonsorial Work
having birthdays in the last quar­
Vernonia, Oregon
After an evening of games and
visiting, the many lovely gifts
Eastern Star
Initiates Four
BIRKENFELD — Norman Mills
attended the auto show in Port­
land. Denny Jepson and Louie
Mills were in Portland over the
week end.
Mrs. Mary Williams and Lee
Williams of Madras were visit­
ing their sister. Mrs. Elsa Rich­
ardson and niece, Mrs. A. G. Bel­
lingham this week.
Mrs. Lois Lousignont from
Merrill, Oregon is visiting friends
in the valley and has been stay­
ing with her son Donald in Clats­
Donald Jepson has bought a
new 1956 Ford.
Harold Ashb-y met his mother,
Mrs. Inger Ashley and Bertie Lou
from Beaver and they all went
to Longview for Thanksgiving.
Delmer Jepson has been in
Portland on business for several
The Pick of
7 >
Famous Toys at
phone HA 9-6641
- '
Qusilhy Costs No More
soft one-piece collar • •
• can’t sag or wilt ever
Gifts That Please -- They'll Be
Enjoyed for Years and Years
z .
you can’t even iron
■ ■
• _
fold-line is woven right in »•
Diamond Ring Seis
Priced From
never needs starch or stays ;
$35.00 to $350.00
Coton, Elgin and Hamilton Watches
Birthsione Ring
Electric Razors
All Makes
Schafer Lifetime
served for Christ­
ianas by a small
down payment.
Official Watch Inspector, S. P 4 3. Ry.
i I
A handkerchief-soft collar that s
guaranteed not to wrinkle or wilt! That’s
what we call amazing, and you will,
too, when you wear the Van Heusen
Century — America’s fastest-growing single
shirt. The Van Heusen Century collar
can’t curl or crumple, wilt orevrinkle ...
stays fresh and neat through the longest,
hardest day ... no matter how much
you punish it. Wives’ delight, too.
So easy to launder. Just ifl»n the collar
flat with one stroke — flip! — and it folds
perfectly because the fold-line’s woven
right into the fabric. And note this!
Van Heusen Century shirts last up to
twice as long as ordinary shirts, yet
they cost no more. $3.95
Portland Motor Show Draws Local Folks
Stork Shower Is
Given Wednesday
were opened and displayed. De­
licious refreshments were served
bo the guests who were Mrs. Fred
New President Elected
Grosche, Mrs. Leona Haverland,
By V.F.W. Auxiliary
Mrs. Irene Minger, Mrs. Gertrude
Mrs. Lucille Hickman,
A regular meeting of the VFW
auxilary was held Tuesday even­ Mrs. Mercedes Proehl, Mrs. Jua-
ing. Order of biffin ess was ac­ nia Steele and Mrs. John Vike.
Those sending gifts who were
cepting the resignation of Maeva
Brimmer as president. Nora Red­ I unable to attend were Mrs. Flor­
mond was elected and accepted to ence Akers, Mrs. Vera Willard,
fill the office for the remainder Mrs. Mabel Graves, Mrs. June
of the year and was installed by Wilson. Mrs. Glenn Rainwater,
Myrtle Cox, past district No. 2 Mrs. Edith Crowston, Mrs. Henry
Meiwes, Mrs. Maeva Brimmer,
Next meeting. December 13th, j Mrs. Myrtle Oakes and Mrs. Lona
will include election of chaplain Weidman.
and the Christmas party for mem­
bers of the auxiliary. A progres­
For those who need an invest-
sive dinner will offer an evening I mint with a current income, the
of entertainment next week for j series H savings bond is perfect.
the auxiliary members and their It pays interest by government
I check each six months.
THURSDAY. NOV 24, 1955
You II be amazed at the
Century Shirt
with the new soft collar that
won’t wrinkle