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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1955)
2 THURSDAY, NOV 24, 1955 THE RAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE Eugene Game Brings Visitor Home last week end to visit Mr. and Mrs M B Steers Jr They all went to Forest Grove on Sun NATAL — Floyd Deeds, son day to see the new Peterson of Mrs. Noble Dunlap, spent the Mr. and Mr». Harry L. Bryant est Grove on November 15. The daughter. week end at the parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ray and and three children moved to Ver Tumbulls both taught at Ver BIRKENFELD — Wednesday He had attended the homecoming < Mr. and Mrs. Earl ¿lay of Forest evening the Bible study group nonia recently from Madras. Mr nonia high school last year. He Grove attended the golden wed attended the union Thanksgiving game at Eugene. He returned to Bryant is the new S. P. & S. sec is teaching industrial arts at ding anniversary reception fur service at the Evangelical church . his home in Salt Lake City, Sun tion foreman who replaced Hillsboro high this year. day. Rev. and Mrs. Claude Stephens [ in Vernonia. George A. Jensen who was trans Margaret Buckley, freshman at Mr. and Mrs. Dee Vere Hershey at Turner November 13. ferred to Sweet Home. The Bry Hank Robinson returned last Mrs. Frank Taylor improved so week from a trip to Los Angeles, journeyed to Portland, Sunday ant» have two other sons, one at Oregon state college, was named tending Central Oregon Junior this week as one of ten finalists much better than expected that Reno and other places of interest. afternoon. Mrs. Hershey remain ed in town to do Christmas shop- college at Bend and the other in the contest to pick the Moon she was brought home from the Doc Jones of Castle Rock was I ping and go through a clinic en light Girl of Phi Sigma Kappa. hospital last Wednesday instead in the navy. visiting relatives and friends at , Wednesday. DANCE. Buddy Bond and Sun- The local winner will be enterea of staying all week as had been Mist and Birkenfeld last week. in the national competition for expected. Mrs. Hilda Tupper of Hillsboro sat Riders. Legion Hall. Satur Mrs. Al Sodaback of Jewell was day, November 26. 47tlc the right to be official hostess DANCE. Buddy Bond and Sun in Birkenfeld and Vernonia Mon was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Announcements were received for the August convention of the set Riders. Legion Hall. Satur day on business and visiting at Mrs. Kenneth Tupper. 47tlc here last week of the birth of a fraternity at Glacier national day, November 26. Mr. and Mrs. Weston (Buz) Miss Loren Stiff has been ill the Howard Johnson home in Pemble and children of Hillsboro son, Douglas James, to Mr. and park. Vernonia. Joyce Akers, freshman at Ore for the past two weeks with in Mrs. G. David Turnbull of For- spent the week end at the borne Little Sandra Cahill of Port gon College of Education at Mon fluenza, but is improving this land has been staying with Mr. mouth was a member of the vol- week. Mrs. W. J. Lindsley. Vernonia, and Mrs. James Cahill recently. SHOP AT HOME AND leyball team that defeated a team Mr. and Mrs. George Belling from Willamette university 43 to Mrs. Ray Dorland and daughter 14 last Tuesday evening in the Betty, Mrs. Otto Hartramph of ham moved to Astoria last week. Thursday, November 24 Lawrence Jepson attended a THANSKSGIVING OCE gym. Hillsboro and Mrs. J. R. Sanford. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Graves North Plains drove to Belling business meeting in Warrenton Rebekah Lodge — IOOF hall, WITH THESE VALUES! I and family from Tigard were ham, Washington and spent the Monday evening. 8:00 p m. Election of officers. Betty Crocker Marble Cake week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. week end of November 10 with Friday, November 25 their sister Mrs. Raymond Cham Thanksgiving with Mr and Mrs. Vernonia Grange social night — Mix c W. T. Graves. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. berlin. Saturday the four sisters Melvin Weed and family. 8:00 p.m. 20-oz. Pkg Bert Brunsman is taking an en FOE. and Auxiliary — Eagles L. E. Stiff were his brother and drove over to Vancouver. British wife, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stiff Columbia and spent the day forced vacation this week be hall, 8:00 p.m. Nabisco Chocolate Chip from cause of an attack of mumps. Goldendale, Washington and there. Saturday, November 26 Pecan Cookies Mr. and Mrs. Tom Schoen- 1 Natal Grange party night — Na- In honor of her birthday. Mrs. his sister and husband, Mr. and 9-oz. Pkg. Mrs. Harry Lantzer and son Fred Jack Ma’ was given a birthday hienz and son Stanley of Portland 1 tai hall, 8:00 p.m. from Mt. Home, Idaho. party Monday evening. A des were guests Sunday at the home Monday, November 28 Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hytrek are sert luncheon of cake, ice cream of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Messing. Tastewell Salad Oil c , Lions Club dinner meeting — Mrs. Omar Poynter is recuperat the parents of a son, Charles Al and coffee was served. Those at VFW hall. 7:00 p m. Entertain None Better, Qi. Bot. bert, born November 9 at Tuality tending were Mrs. Jewell Lloyd, | ing this week from a bout with ment by Floyd Bush and sons. bronchial pneumonia which Chamber of Commerce board of Standby Q Qß c Community hospital in Hillsboro. Mrs. E. L. Lloyd, Alice Mills. struck suddenly the latter part Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Avesta Dutton, Rose Mary Smith, directors — West Oregon of Chunk Tuna «JCans O*J Walter McDonald of Vernonia and Mrs. Ben Barker, Mrs. J E. Rose, of last week. fice, 8:30 p.m. I Mr. and Mrs. Ben Westerberg Knights of Pythias — IOOF hall, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hytrek of Mrs. W. J. Lindsley and the hos Hoody's Peanut Butter and Mrs. Eola Devaney of Oswego Nampa, Idaho who are now visit tess. 8:00 p.m. 3%-Pound Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Hunt and left Wednesday to spend the week Rainbow Girls — Masonic Tem $1 55 ing here and helping care for the new grandson. children, Mr. and Mrs. Verne end in Reno. Cookie Jar ple, 7:30 p.m. Persons who had presented Mrs. E. J. Douglas returned to Lindsley and children and Mr. Tuesday. November 29 her home here Friday after being and Mrs. Kenneth Lindsley spent lucky tickets up to Wednesday Odd Fellows — IOOF hall, 8:00 Baker'9 Instant tant 4 in with her daughter and husband. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W’. J. from the drawing held last Sat p.m. 1 Cocoa« ¡ 2-lb. Can I 0 Rev. urday at Brunsman Hardware Boy Scouts — City park cabin, and Mrs. Delbert Dow, at Lindsley. Jefferson for about seven weeks Ed Coates has been confined io - were H. W. Eagon, C. H. Weaver, 7:00 p.m. River Land Fey. Asparagus recuperating from a sprained foot. bed with a case of flu for more and E. V. Robertson. All Green O JO |C Named on lists released last A 6 pounds 9 ounce daughter, than two weeks but is improving week at Pacific University is cut spears Z> 303 cans T'a/ i Patricia Ann, arrived November some this week. 16 for Mr. and Mrs. Jim Peterson George McGee of Salem was in Maxine Oblack, Mist, who is a of Forest Grove. Grandparent., Vernonia Tuesday looking after * pledge of the Theta Nu Alpha Nescafe Instant Coffee, sorority. Satisfy your coffee hunger. are Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Peterson his business interests here. and Mrs. M. B. Steers Jr Mr. ar.d Mrs. Archie Adams DANCE. Buddy Bond and Sun 6-oz. Jar with $ J 49 and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Smith and were here Monday to attend fun set Riders. Legion Hall, Satur 15c Coupon 1 47tlc daughter were here from Sweet eral services for Joe McCollum day, November 26. Miss Emily Fairbanks is in and also called on a number of Standby Fey Tomato OP Tuality Community hospital at persons while here. Juice 46-oz. Can ZsV Harry Culbertson is recuperat Hillsboro where she was taken ing at home this week from surg Monday evening by her sister, FRI. NOV. 24-25 THESE PRICES GOOD THURS., ery performed last Wednesday Mrs. Dave Marshall, for observa the M c C onnell story AS LONG AS PRESENT | Alan Ladd - June Allyson at Physicians and Surgeons hos tion and treatment. pital in Portland. He came home STOCK LASTS SATURDAY NOV. 26 Saturday. Guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. THE PURPLE PLAIIJ Gregory Peck - Win Min Than Glen Hawkins were her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Clif SUN., MON. NOV. 27-28 ford Felton and son from St. Hel PETE KELLY'S BLUES ens. Deliveries Twice Daily Jack Webb - Janet Leigh Mr. and Mrs .O. G. Weed we-, 10 A.M. & 3 P.M.—Ph. HA 9-3492 to Seattle yesterday to spend Group Attends Union Service TOPICS OF THÉ TOWN of Mrs. Smie Fowler. Mrs. Nettie Titus of Seaside spent the past week at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Wm. Pnn- gle. She returned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson were Saturday visitors at the S. C. Hansen residence near Scofield. Robert Hansen of Portland, cousin of Dee Vere Hershey was a Sunday caller at the Hershey home. Mrs. Wm. Pringle was in Port land several days last week, visit ing and also consulting her doc tor. WHY NOT JOIN THE HEALTH PARADE! DATES TO REMEMBER SAVE 35 Drink MILK daily for your health's sake, and when you drink MILK know you are receiving the best by drinking Nehalem Dairy MILK. Order yours today at your favorite indepen dent grocery! A NEHALEM JPIRV PRODUCTS CD. Grade A Pasteurized Milk & Cream PHONE 471 •Joy '¡Theatre MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS Gticf (fef the. cfosesf sfatre. of uour fife. / CO/77Ô //? VX hen a house catches fire, insurance policies... wills.,. deeds... other important possessions are often lost. PROTECT YOUR VALUABLES... Here’s the newest and finest shaver ever made by Schick, inventors of electric shaving It shaves so close it makes anything you shave with now as outdated as a straight razor. z uAy notify yw Super-Honed Head» with New Sharpno»». Honed and finished Io o »harpnew unmatched by any other »hover. Never pull or pluck. Curved Comb» with New Precision. Curved »hope pre»te» down »kin for gentle »hove» Comb guide» eoch whisker into place eo matter which woy it grow». Mi-Power Motor with New Perfection. Snap it on with a touch of the »witch. World • most powerful motor for it» »iso. More than enough power to »hove the toughett whisker». // on tie need Learn how little it costs to rent a Safe Deposit Box at the U. S. National 25r Bank — maximum safety for little more than a penny a day! SAVE S7.50 Your old electric shaver — any make or condition is worth $7.50 as a trade-in. With trade-in pay Rent your Safe Deposit Box ONLY $22.00 | $5 DOWN -50c A WEEK* national cfácf snoney-óz&t ftfaf BANK Vernonia Drug Co. PHONE HA 9-6254 now . the UNrtCO .TATE» NATIONAL »ANK OF PORTLAND VERNONIA, OREGON AN 0 » f Q O N BANK O STIVINO OREGON