10 THURSDAY, NOV. 24, 1955 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. « Á VT nu íes tt> «í BRUNSMAN Hardware and Electric; NEW AND OUTSTANDING VALUES ON OUR 9c TABLE FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS and FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGES Screwdrivers.. Bowls Mugs, Glasses, Dishes, Brushes, Fun nels, Chore Girls, Dishrags, Etc. Genuine Prestone Antifreeze $Q25 Gallon • ) Quart 85c Ladies Nylon Hose From Kenosha Mills. Values io $2. Sizes ty 8<y to 11 fir «n ti Beautifully Regularly S ‘1 t t t • « Rubbermaid sink mats drainboard mats. Shower mats. Shelf Cushions, Base Cabi net Mats. Sample line. Values to $3.50. Your Choice PL K W OO D 4x8x'«” $3.95 SIMPSON BOARD 4x8x%” $2.35 CEILING TILE Box of 60 Sq. Ft. $7.95 HARDBOARD 4x8x\ ’ MASONITE 4x8x3/16” $3.20 Pin-up Lamps Should build but one fire a season, refuel on average every twelve hours, remove ashes three times montli’y. Auhleys are popular in our coldest states — many heating entire homes, schools, stores. Hardwood recommanded, all types woed successfully used. See your Ashley dealer. l Goulds Amazing NO-TANK PUMP Arvin Table Radios $17.95 to $27 95 Complete Water System. No Tank Needed $| zrtQ5Q Priced At A Floor Lamps $14 95 Value Electric Heater. Both radiant and reflecting heat. Three-speed con trol Si) I 95 Only ¿u 1 Thermador Electric Heater with Fan. Thermostat Control. Special S-g Q95 Only 1 ¿7 Laurel Automatic Electric Blankets 245 Sunbeam Electric Srg a 95 Blankets gZj. Airtight Heaters $5.50 - $6.30 - $7.25 NEW 1955 MODELS fimana Freezers Famous Lincoln C Batteries $ -g g 7 Exch. Price I 1 Marshal Wells Beau tiful Super Walltone. Gal. $5.19, Qt. $1.65 Table Lamps $4 50 to $12.95 Gold Seal Bel-Nor Blankets $ a 95 $6.95 Value ¿L Purrey Reversible Wool and Rayon blan kets. $12.95 $a>95 Value M Large Galvanized Garbage $£*95 Cans................. ij New Coleman Oil Heater. Regularly $60 Value Now Only 495 Fiberglass Pouring Wool Insulation 20- lb. bag covers sq. feet 2-in. 98 Thick Special $30 Allowance on Your Old Washer on this Big Double Walled Speed Queen Washer with pump $i QQ50 Only lOiJ Biltright Clothes Drying Rack Special All Metal Ironing Boards $5.95 $7.95 - $10 95 - $1.3.95 Ironing Board Pad and Quilted Cover Neoprene ram Coats Neoprene rain Pants Electric Sunbeam Razor $7 50 allowance on your old razoi. Non* Ico Razor NEW 1955 FRIGIDAIRE SPECIAL 9-CUBIC FOOT FREEZER- REFRIGERATOR Gleaming White Toil et Beat $ a 8! Special Æ UNCLAIMED NUMBERS 74108 - 74328 - 74251 New Frigidaire Thrifty Pair 4 Pc. Bedroom Set with cabinet headboard with 2 sliding doors New limed oak $-g *)(Y>9 finish $179 00 Value JlOtJ A GREAT NEW FRIGIDAIRE "THRIFTY-30" ELECTRIC RANGE Here’s big range luxury in only 38-inches of space' But it’s full of everything that counts with an oven that goes clear across, big enough to bake 6 pies. Cook- Master^Oven Clock Control turns oven on and off automatically while you’re away, New styling—choice of colors! See it right away! Mod.l SOV-91 Spcl 26 SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS Do your shopping early. A small do posit will hold any doll or toy io Christ- mas. Model Shown RV-38 30" At the Lowest Price Frigidaire History Virtue Walnut Charcoal Dinette Set with Azune Saigon S^rviO Chairs Special | Virtue Gray Pearl Table With 4 Green Pearl 5WA 50 Chairs Special | ¿7 Mayti." Tqiare Washer. Like Special on new, beautiful designs in Biltwell daveno and club chairs which can be used as rock er New, Exotic $-g ^QSO >239 00 Value 1 | J Other sets $149.50 and $169.50 ROLL ROOFING sioas Model Shown, fully automatic washer with washing, float-over rinsing, rapid dry spin. Porcelain finish on top, lid and drum Model shown, electric dryer. Lifetime porce lain drum, adaptable to 220 volts or 110 volts A PRIVILEGE AND A PLEASURE TO LIVE IN VERNONIA YESTERDAYS FIVE YEARS AGO From The Eagle. Nov. 23. 1950 The annual library silver tea held last Thursday added $47 to the library building fund A capacity crowd attended the West Oregon Electric Co-op meeting last Saturday at the Le gion hall Board of directors nainid to t?rve for the coming I year were Lee Wooden, Noble Dunlap. Harry King, Paul Gor don. Russell Peterson, Frank Gcnzer and Fred Knox Electric heat was installed in the Vernonia post office this week. Sandra Brown was named as queen of the VFW carnival-ba zaar held at the IOOF hall Sat urday night. TEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle. Nov. 22. 1945 Members of the Nehalem Vai ley Cooperative Electric associa tion at Jewell voted to consoli date with the West Oregon Co operative Lew’s Place was entered by thieves early Sunday morning who took $40 in cash and $30 worth of merchandise They wrecked their stolen Portland car near Treharne And left it then stole car from Jake Berger. which was found abandoned in • 24 HOUR THERMOSTATIC WOOD HEATERS Springtight Clampon Lamp Shades pTÍY' 98c Value 0 ti au a a 3 t! GUNS — AMMUNITION ELECTRIC WIRING — NAILS HARDWARE — SPORTING GOODS PAINTS — LINSEED OIL — TURPENTINE Portland The eaught. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bateman left on a trip to Covington, Okla- homa. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle. Nov. 22. 1940 The first selective service ques tionnaire to be received in this area came to Carl Allen Ander son of Timber Rt His order num ber was 5 and the questionnaire was the fifth to be mailed Ex- actly one half hour was required to fill out the blank. Among the 33 persons in Co lumbia county who got citizen ship papers at St Helens Monday of this week were five from the Vernonia area John McMullen, Mist; Esther Pumala. Clara Chambers. Dennis Ryves and Charles Johnson, Vernoina A true fnend knocks before he enters—not after he leaves. STOCK SIGNS • • • • • • • -pa'--ing For Rent. No Minors Allowed No Peddlers Allowed. No Hunting. At M iutely No A4mittance. '■ Fishing or Hunting Without Permission THE VERNONIA EAGLE sarjddng _ 6uninzd