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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1955)
THURSDAY, NOV 17. 1955 Yule Seals Being Mailed For TB Aid Funds from Sale io Offset Costs of Health Improvement Almost 7000 letters containing Christmas Seals will go in the mail this week, according to Mrs. Esteela ' Harris, executive secre tary of th a Tuberculosis Associa tion. These letters constitute the only appeal made for funds to support the association's drive against tuberculosis and to im prove the general health of th" county. Seventy-six per cent of the money raised in the county stays here, Mrs. Harris stated. Of the rest, six per cent goes to the Na tional association. One per cent of this is spent on research to find out more about the disease, to learn how our bodies react to it and to hunt and hope for a cure for it. Seal letters may be a few days late in the Vernonia area, Mrs. Harris added, as weather condi tions prevented her making the trip over to Vernonia. Posters will go up a little late, but it is hoped that all those who receive the letters will find it in their heart to make a contribution. Darold Proehl is president ot the association. THOSE WHO ARE IN IT Private First Class Elroy Miner of the United States Marine Corps, left Santa Anna. Califor nia the latter part of August, and is now stationed somewhere in Korea. For the past twenty days he has been on Okinawa Island on special maneuvers. His pre sent address is: P F.C. Elroy Miner 1461149 USMC V.M.A. 251 Eng. MAG. 12 1st F.M.A.W. c/o SPO San Francisco, California. Gordon (Buddy) Fulton, son of Tom Fulton, joined the army re cently and is now at Fort Ord, California for basic training. He would like to hear from his friends and his address may be obtained at the bakery. Mrs. Jim Barker joined her hus band. who is stationed in Municji, Germany, the latter part of Sept ember. They expect to be in Munich about three years. Their address is: A3c Jim Barker A.F. 17403262 6910 Scty. GRU. APOD. 61 Box A. 13 New York. New York • Airman First Class William A. Andrus is now stationed in France, about thirty miles from Paris. His address is: Ale Wm. A. Andrus A.F. 19462960 21st Maint. Squd. APO 247 Box 78, New York. New York Master Sergeant and Mrs. Ir vin Meyer and their family mov ed last week to a location near Fort Lewis where he is now sta tioned. Gardner Attends Lions Meeting Art Gardner attended the sixth annual mid-year state conference of Lions at Newport, Oregon, last Friday, Saturday and Sunday As zone chairman he represented re gion 5. zone 1 consisting of Forest Grove. Hillsboro. Dayton. Amity, McMinnville and Vernonia. The panel discussion period Saturday morning at 10:30 for presidents and others was presid ed over by moderator internation al councilor. George Goodrich and speaker international coun cilor. Earl Briggs Panel mem bers were Al Horsfeldt. Holly wood club; Herb Frank, Tigard club; Guy Fields. Canby club; and Art Gardner. Vernonia club Mr Gardner reports a very fine conference with over 400 present in spit’ of very severe weather Aid Offered New Industry By Senator Lions Feed Nets $198 This year’s annual Lions club hotcake feed will net approxi mately $198 for the club treasury, figures compiled early this week indicate. People who partook of the feed Saturday at Jay’s cafe contributed $207 71 from which some expenses will be de ducted. Among those contributing sup- plies for the affair were L. H. Sargent, case of eggs; Crown Mills, hotcake flour; Sam's Foot! Store, sugar and Nehalem Dairy, milk and cream. This year was the third the club has sponsored the affair. Funds from the feed will be used for community projects. Mall Collection Boxes Get Paint A .noticeable improvement in the process of being completed by the local post office depart ment, is the painting of the mail collection boxes found at several locations about town. The new paint job is transforming the olive green boxes to red and blue with white lettering. They ar» much more readily seen and an attractive addition in any loca tion. The project is the result of a directive issued recently by the postal department and has been going on all over the nation. Lo cally, the boxes have been brought to the post office one or two at a time for painting which has taken some time because of the slow drying paint. In all, Vernonia has seven collection boxes in the business and resi dential areas. Court Declares Road Restriction Truck operators are notified this week of a restriction on the use of county roads by a legal notice issued by the Columbia county court and published to- day. The restriction prohibits the use of county roads for heavy hauling as soon as thawing wea ther sets in and will remain in effect until further notice from the court, The order was issued to prevent a situation similar to that which resulted in the winter of 1949-50 when thousands of dollars of damage resulted after freezing weather subsided Due to weather condition, a much smaller attendance than usual was noted at the tenth an nual meeting of the West Oregon Electric cooperative held last Sat- urday at the Legion hall, Irony of the situation was a film en- titled "Weather" which was shown during the morning ses- sion. After the noon luncheon which was served by the American Le gion auxiliary, the meeting was opened with the presentation of the flag by Stephen Waite, com mander of the Legion and the pledge to the flag by the audi ence and the singing of the na tional anthem, led by Bill Fer- guson. Fred Knox, president of the board of directors, presided over the meeting. He presented Guy Thomas, West Oregon manager, who introduced board members, merchants who had displays and others. Displays were exhibited by Hahn Hardware, Brunsman Hardware, Strong's Electric, the Necchi-Elna Co. from Forest Grove, and by Miss Appliia Koch for the home economics depart ment at Vernonia high school. In the cake baking contest, first prize, a Casco heating pad, was awarded to Mrs. Henry Hunte- man; second, an electric corn pop Neuberger Points Out per, to Mrs. Edwin Siedelman and Need of Low Power third, an electric clock to Mrs. Rates in Northwest F M. Knoll. Judging was done by Miss Koch, home Ec teacher Assistance to obtain financing The afternoon program includ for a legitimate business venture ed numbers by the high school from the small business adminis Dixieland band and solos by Ber tration was assured a chamber nard Dowling, 1 in addition to the of commerce committee last main i address which was given by Gus Norwood on the subject. Thursday wh"n the group met “The Use of The Earth for the with Senator Dick Neuberger in Good of Man ” his Portland office. The • election of directors re- The senator indicated that he suited in returning to office of would be glad to use his influence the ones who had been serving, in securing such a loan if th? namely Lee Wooden for district chamber industrial committee ob 1; Lyman Hawken, district 4 tains an industry that needs as and Lewis Kelly, district 6. sistance. The drawing for prizes named Neuberger pointed out that this lucky ticket holders as follows: state is feeling the effect of th? the person traveling the further- cutting out of timber. He ex- est, Mrs. Norah Keith, electric plained his stand on dams for corn popper; those who régis ter the area to provide cheap power ed before 10:00 a.m.: Mrs. Earl as an attraction for industry. Atkins, big beam lantern; H O. Chamber members who were pre Hanson, electric vibrator; Mrs. sent for the interview were Presi A. L. Ratcliff, electric wall dock; dent Guy Thomas, Bill Horn, Art Mrs. Lona Weidman, Admiral Ostrander and Marvin Kamholz. table radio; Miss Apphiah Koch, The chamber board of directors, corn popper; L. A. Peterson, kit meeting Monday evening, heard chen clock. Mrs. Thomas Adams, a report from President Thomas blinker lantern; Jennie Lusby, of a meeting of the Portland elec, frying pan. Registering after chamber and of a film. “People, 10:00 a.m.: Lovell Shelly, heat Products and Progress.” that was ray lamp; Mrs. Norah Keith, elec shown depicting progress 20 years tric clock; L. L. Wells, Casco heat hence. The chamber will at pad; Fred Heckenliable. heat ray tempt to obtain the film for show Walter F. Sargent, rehabilita lamp; Mrs. Harry Culbertson, Re ing at the membership meeting in tion forester in the Northwest vere ware deep fat fry pan; Pete December. Oregon district for the past four Brunsman, heat ray lamp; Wm. Welcome Rumbaugh, agricul years, has been promoted to the ture chairman, suggested setting post of district warden at Forest I Carmichael, can-o-matic opener; up an advisory council, this coun Grove, it was announced Tuesday i J. K. Barton, corn popper; Mrs. cil to plan a complete program of by State Forester Dwight L. Deanne Leimkuehler, heat ray lamp work for a long-range term in co Phipps. Also, as a token of the member operation with the county agent, Sargent will succeed Edward soil conservation, schools, and Scproeder as ekuut tarsiar of ship of the local cooperative in the National Rural Elcrtrification other interested persons. He was th» 1,764,000-acre district in Cooperative association, four gold authorized to select a committee Washington, Yamhill, Clatsop. NRECA pins were given by draw- to work on such a project. Columbia and Tillamook coun ng to Mrs. H. A. Laschinger, The speaker for the dinner at ties. Schroeder has been assis the Legion hall Thursday night tant state forester in charge of Win. Shafer, Kenneth Lindsley and Bill Wilson. will be Robert McCoy, executive -the state forests division. Following the meeting, Mrs. director of the Oregon state de During his career, Sargent has Guy Thomas was hostess for a velopment commission. The din served as patrolman, assistant ner will be served at 7 p.m. and is district warden, conservation as buffet lunch at the Thomas home open to chamber members, their sistant, researcher and as reha for the speaker, guests, directors families and anyone else inter bilitation assistant with duties of and wives and display suppliers.^ ested. The turkey dinner will b" I reforesting, fire-proofing and re- prepared by the American Le- I establishing timber crops on the gion Auxiliary. big burn and other denuded lands in the northwestern counties. Prior to entering the service in 1942, Sargent work,?d for the Long-Bell Lumber Company. Excellent Bixik Week posters The new district warden is a were turned out by the students 1946 graduate of the OSC school participating in the annual con of forestry. test this year, The winners are Columbia River league officials in the library and the others are recently placed the names of five Fire Trucks Called on display in the merchants win- Vernonia football players on the dows. The fire department was called all-star list for the season just Judges for the difficult job of out Monday evening for the first concluded. choosing three winners each time in several weeks when fire Bush, backfield, was Rick from the grade school and high named to the first team and Jon broke out i n the O v e s o n school groups were: Mrs. George house on A street near Grant Bush. end. and Donald Cook, Hahn, Mrs. John Thompson and tackle, were named to the sec which had been damaged by fire Sam Hearing Jr. extensively several months quite ond team. Honorable mention Winners of the grade school was given Bob Crowston and Roy ago. The fire trucks left the group were: 1st, Roy Reynolds; after every effort had been scene Higley. 2nd, Sunny DeHart; and honor made to be sure the fire was all able mention, Susan Koch. High out. However, they were called school winners were: 1st, Ronnie CZ Men Learn First Aid again about 4:30 Tuesday morning Anderegg; 2nd, Virginia Ray and because it had again broken out A first aid class for employees and this time the house was com honorable mention, Bonnie Rain water. of the Crown-Zellerbach Corpo pletely destroyed. Books will be given these con ration here was begun Monday testants as prizes. The Library night with an enrollment of 25 Board appreciated the work of and Earl Atkins as instructor Th" Bond Sales Higher Sales of U. S. savings bonds in all the students also, and the co group is meeting at the Washing ton school and held the second Columbia county were $70.961 for operation of Mrs. Chalmers and class Tuesday evening. Classes October and $455,199 for the year Mrs. Feasey, art instructors at will be held Monday and Tuesday through October 31 October sales the schools. nights for the next two weeks for last year totaled $23,572 and $293,080 respectively. a total of six classes. Sargent Named To Forest Post Former Resident Taken by Death Funeral services were held in Portland Monday for Russell C. Stanton, son of Mrs. Lena Stan ton of Vernonia who passed away last Thursday. He was a former resident of Vernonia, coming here with his parents when a boy. He attended school at Pleasant Hi 1 and was also a graduate of Ver nonia high school. He served with the U. S. Navy during World War I. He is survived'by his wife, Eula of Portland; a daughter. Ka therine Lowanda Haynes of San Francisco; three brothers, Gale, LaVerne and Louis, and a sister, Mrs. Lucy Uhiin of Glenwood; and by two grandchildren. Weather Cuts Attendance At Co-op Annual Meeting I Poster Contest Winners Named All-Star Places Given Loggers 99 W Directors Investigate Sign Board Costs for Proposed Road; Sponsor Delegate to Conference Sign board for the proposed 99W alternate road was the pnn- cipal topic of discussion Wedn?s- day of last week wh’n directors of the road association met at For est Grove. Information was available for the directors from an association committee which had been investigating costs and layouts Th? Ramsey Sign company has made a survey of the route and had submitted complete informa tion on the number of signs need- ed. locations and prices. The company e will be asked to sub mit a layout for two signs for the next meeting Another topic Wednesday was a proposed brochure which is be ing prepared by Ralph Kl^tzing, Carlton-Yamhill Review publish er, to be printed soon. The association voted to pay part of the expenses for Ev°rett Haney to attend the President's Western Businessmen's Highway conference at Denver, Colorado December 6 The conference is sponsored by the U. S. chamber of commerce and the Denver chamber The next meeting of the organ- ization will be at Carlton, D?- cember 14, and will be preceded by a moose dinner at 7 o’clock Reservations may be made with Mrs Paul Gordon at the city hall Directors present were Evertt Haney and Homer Waltz, Forest Grove, Ralph Kletzing, Carlton, H R Barker. Rainier, President Art Ostrander and Secretary Mrs. Gordon, Vernonia. County Board Meet Attended Glen Hawkins fr^gm the ele- mentary school board of district 47 Jt. and Oscar Weed from the Vernonia Union high school dis trict, attended the county school board meeting held in the St. Helens high school library Iasi Thursday E H Condit, former superintendent of elementary schools here and also former coum - ty school superintendent is presi dent of the county organization A joint meeting of the Colum- bia and Clatsop county groups will take place at Astoria today and a state meeting will be held at Eugene December 9 and 10 Jamboree to Open Court Season Play Preview of League Strength Offered Fans At Annual Competition The Columbia River League basketball jamboree will be held in Vernonia again this year on December 2, according to Myron Vlcek director of athletics and will bring here the six other league teams, Hood River, Scap poose, Wy'East, Clatskanie, Rai nier and St. Helens and a guest team from Knappa. These will be divided into two sides with Hood River, Scappoose, Wy’East and Vernonia representing the East -and Clatskanie, Rainier, St. Helens and Knappa the West. Purpose of the jamboree is to bring together all the league teams and give the fans a pre view of their respective strength and merits, and it also provides funds for the operation of the league and the purchase of tro phies. A crowd of approximately 1,000 is expected to attend. The 240 reserve seats have been al loted equally to the eight com peting schools, and 30 will be available locally at $1.25 each. The doors for general admission will be opened about 6:45 p.m. and general admissions will be $1.00 for adults and $.50 for stu dents. Since this is a league af fair, the local season tickets are not usable for it. PTA Members to See Color Film The monthly meeting ot the Vernonia PTA will be held Mon day night, Nov?mb"r 21 at the Vernonia high school at 8 p.m. A thirty minufe movie. Mike Makes His Mark”, which is in color, will be shown. This movie is produced by the National Edu cational association, which each year tries to produce one out standing educational movie. This is a story of the adolescent boy and his problems in adjusting to school life and the conflict be tween staying in school or going to work. How Mike solves his problem is the subject of the mo vie. The girls chorus from the high school will sing, also An executive meeting of the PTA will be held today, Thurs day, at the high school at 4:00 p.m. Anyone interested is wel comed to come. It is hoped that there will be a good turnout of parents at the Monday night meeting so that perhaps some other class will have a chance at the planter, which is awarded to the class with most parents present Last month the kindergarten class won it Board Re-Elects Year's Officers The same officers that have served on West Oregon Electric's board of directors for the pa.t year will carry on with their du ties for another *year, as the re sult of the election that took plac ■ Tuesday evening at the regular board meeting. Re-elected to positions as offi cers on the board were: Fred Knox, president; Noble Dunlap, vice-president, Lee Wooden, trea surer and Lyman Hawken, secre tary. West Oregon will be amont those represented at a Bonne ville Power administration meet ing of customers at which a dis cussion of new facilities needed for BPA will take place Facts determined from the discussion will be incorporated in the ad ministration's request to congres, for operating funds Cub*. Parents to Meet A pack meeting for local Cub Scouts and parents will be held this Friday night at 8 p.m. at the Washington grade school