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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1955)
Library, U of 0 VOLUME 33, NUMBER 45 Campaign for Funds Nears $500 Point PHONE HA 9-3372 THOSE WHO ARE IN IT VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON Lions Slate Hotcake Feed For Saturday Undertaking to Raise Funds for Community Project Work of Club Business Firms Being Solicited; Canvass Of Homes io Come The United Fund drive in Ver nonia is progressing nicely, ac cording to Darrold Proehl, gen eral chairman in charge of the here. Most of the business firms had bc"n contacted and made contributions and those that had been turned in up to Wednesday noon showed a total of about $500, or approximately one-eighth of the total quota. Business men aiding in the so licitation of firms were Bill Horn, Marvin Kamholz, George Hahn, Wilbur Davis, Art Gardner, Jay Hall, Floyd Bush. Sam Hearing and Bob King The following business firms are assuming responsibility for soliciting personnel within their organizations: Vernonia city hall, post office, Vernonia Auto Co., elementary schools, high school, Columbia Tree Farm, Long-Bell, U. S. National bank, and West Oregon. Solicitation of the residential districts will be carried out by women’s fraternal and club groups, each of which will take an area. Ashley Services Held at Astoria Funeral services for Aldon Harold Ashley of Mist who suc cumbed to a heart attack while at work at the Mist Lumber Company mill last Friday were held Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 at the Huehes-Ransom chapel in Astoria. Reverend Evern Harsh man officiated and soloists were Mrs. Harshman, Bernard Dowling and Miss Shirley Borg. Inter ment was in the Ocean View cemetery. Mr. Ashley was born at Brook field, Washington January 21, 1900. He received his education there and then engage^ in farm ing until 1940 when he and his family moved to Mist where he continued farming. Only in the last few years had he engaged in ether work. On June 2, 1932'he was mar ried at Castle Rock, Washington to Inger Hansen who survives him. Besides the widow, he is sur vived by a daughter. Bertie Lu; a son. Harold; three brothers, Leonard of Maywood, California; John of Brookfield. Washington and Roscoe of Kelso, Washington and four sisters, Mrs. John Kil- kelly of Kalama, Washington; Mrs, Fred Peterson of Portland; Mrs. Oscar Lutschinger of Ar cadia. California and Mrs. Frank Bianchard of Wauna, Oregon and many nieces and n?phews. Sheriff Dates Business Sale A sheriff's sale of equipment in the Pal Shop, confectionery, is listed for Friday. November 18, by a notice posted Tuesday at that piace of business "by Sfczncer Younce, deputy county sheriff. The notice lists delinquent tax es from the 1950-54 fiscal year to th present in t^e amount of $1354 39. Ownership of the busi ness is listed in the name of Vir ginia Robertson. License Exams N ot . 18 A drivers license examiner will be on duty in Vernonia Friday, November 18, 1955, at the city hall between the hours of 10 a m. and 4 p m , according to an . - uncement received from the Secretary of State’s office. Per- • -es or re asked • applications well ahead of the scheduled closing hour in order to assure time for completion of the required license test Members of the Lions club ar? busy juggling cups and plates and limbering up their flipping arms so as to be ready to start the job of making and serving hotcakcs Saturday at Jay’s Cafe which he has mad-1 available to the club for the annual hotcake feed. Serv ing will begin at 6:00 am. and will continue all day. Hotcakes will be accompanied by eggs, coffee and milk and the club I members will work in teams or, Nolin I. Collins, son of Mr. and ’ two hour shifts. No price is set for the meal, Mrs. Irvin Collins, entered the U. S. Airforce September 12 and but customers will contribute as has been receiving his basic they see fit with the assurance training at Parks Air Bas? in that the funds will all be used by the club for worthwhile com California. munity projects. In the program Bob Bâtes who is now at is the providing of glasses for Paine Air Base in Washington children who could not otherwise spent the week • nd here with his have them, the building of a com munity kitchen in the city park, mother, Mrs. Harold Dimbat. the annual Christmas lighting Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shipley program and Christmas baskets. In addition to being assured received a letter from her son Staff Sgt. Jack Gat'-s in New excellent food, everyone can con Foundland, telling about a moose sider the pleasure of being serv hunting trip he had been on. The ed by such a handsome group of hunting party started from Ste men? vensville, went to St. Georges, hired a horse cart and 'guide, drove eight miles into the woods, left the horse and cart with an Indian family, rented a canoe like boat and then went by water six miles further into the interior This year’s basketball season is where the guide had a rough ca bin. At dawn the next morning scheduled to open with the Co they were on their way and were lumbia River league jamboree out of camp about three hours here December 2, word from hlgn when Gates shot his moose, a cow school officials indicated a few that weighed over 500 pounds days ago, and the Loggers have dressed out. This was thb first already started preparation for the opener and the league sched moose that he had ever bagged. More Those Who Are In It Page 4 ule that will follow. Carlton Mo ran is coach. The schedule for the 1955-56 season lists 22 games starting with the Pacific U frosh here De cember 6. Other games on the schedule are: Dec. 9 — Knappa, there. A cordial invitation has been Dec. 13 — Neahkahnie, here. issued by the Vernonia Studv Dec. 16 — Hood River, there. club and the city library board Dec. 23 — P.U. frosh, there. to all the residents of Vernonia Jan. 3 — Knappa, here. and vicinity to attend a coffee Jan. 6 — Wy’East, there. at the library in the city hall next Jan. 10 — David Douglas, here. Wednes-day afternoon from 2:30 Jan. 13 — Scappoose, here. to 4:30 o’clock. This is to give Jan. 17 — St. Helens, there. everyone an opportunity to meet Jan. 21 — Seaside, there. the librarian, Mrs. Gordon, and Jan. 24 — Rainier, here. to become acquainted with the Jan 27 — Clatskanie, here. facilities of the library. It is Feb 1 — Neahkahnie, there. hoped that people who are not Feb. 3 — Hood River, here. now using the library will come Feb. 7 — David Douglas, there. and get acquainted and start Feb. 10 — Wy’East, here. availing themselves of its service. Feb. 17 — Scappoose, there. A guest for that afternoon will Feb. 21 — Rainier, there. be Miss Eloise Ebert, administra Feb. 24 — Seaside, here. tive assistant to the state librari Feb. 23 — St. Helens, here. Mar. 2 — Clatskanie, there, an. j State Tournament Eugene Net Season for Loggers Listed Public Invited To Library Tea GOP Announces County Rally CHAMBER SETS DINNER MEET 10c COPY Co-op Sets Date Of Annual Meet Guest speaker for the member ship me.eting of the Vernonia chamber of commerce dinner I The approximately 2200 mem- . meeting, Thursday evening, No ; bers of West Oregon Electric co vember 17 will be Robert E. Mc operative have been invited to at Coy, executive director of the tend the annual meeting of the Oregon development commission. organization this Saturday at the He is also editor of the Newslet Legion hall for a full program ter, Progress in Oregon, publica including reports, the election of tion. three directors and a speech by The dinner will be at the Le Gus Norwood, executive secre gion hall, at 7:00 pm., and will tary of the Northwest Public Pow be open to the public. Tickets er association. will go on sale this week. This year’s meeting is sched uled to open at 10 a m., but regis Again, the chamber urges peo pie to investigate befor" they tration will start at 9 o’clock. buy. Flash reports have been received from the Oregon Cham ber executives warning of maga zine subscription salesmen using the disabled veteran pressure ap proach; solicitations of advertis ing in publications with limited Charles H. Schmidlin 67, a na circulation and food freezer clubs, whereby freezers are sold filled tive of Portland and lifelong resi with food and refilled as needed. dent of the Buxton-Vernonia Installment financing covers this community passed away Sunday whole operation. The flash re evening at the Veteran's hospital port urges prospective buyers to in Vancouver following an ex check the late of interest charg tended illness. Recitation of Holy Rosary was ed. held Tuesday evening at 8 p m. at Fuiten’s Chapel in the Grove, Forest Grove with Father Wil liam Delplanche of the North Plains Catholic Church officiat ing. Funeral services were held Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. at Fult Final rites for Rupert Arland on’s Chapel in the Grove with Miller who was killed early Mon Rev. C. E. Dockstader, chaplain day morning in an automobile ac at the Veteran’s hospital in Van officiating. Interment cident on Sunset highway near couver, the Clatsop county line will be was in the Buxton cemetery. Charles H Schmidlin was born held this afternoon at two o’clock at the Bush Funeral chapel with April 19, 1888 in Portland, living Reverend E. F. Leake officiating. there until moving to his present Burial will be in the Vernonia i farm home in the Buxton-Ver- | noma community in 1895. He Memorial cemetery. I had lived here continously since Mr. Miller was born at Burnt- WOflflS tn LfnctHn county. Oi»w«>n, - M WWMMt'W September 12, 1932 and had lived War I, during which he saw ser all his life in Oregon. He came vice with the A.F. F. in France. to Vernonia about a year ago, and Mr Schmidlin had throughout his was employed by the Long-Bell lifetime been an avid hunter and Lumber Co. he was a member of the Vernoniq Surviving are his mother, Mrs. I.OO F. lodge. ^lary Miller of Vernonia; two | He was united in marriage to sisters, Mrs. Isabell Davie of | Theresa Smejkal at Button on Sweet Home and Mrs. Bethel ] September 5, 1920 who survives. Rodewald of Florence; and two I Also surviving are seven child brothers, George and John of ren, Ambrose Schmidlin, Buxton, Vernoma. George, Henry and Paul Schmid Schmidlin Rites Ai Forest Grove Rupert Miller Service Friday H. S. Students Examined Dr. R. D. Eby and Dr F. C. Nachtigal were at the high school Wednesday to give physical ex aminations to all freshman and transfer students in accordance with the state physical require ments. THURSDAY. NOV 10, 1955 lin, all of Banks, Harold, Leonard I and Lillian Schmidlin all of Ver- i nonia; a sister, Mrs. Emily Han sen, Portland and nine giand- children. Mr. Schmidhn’s six sons served as pallbearers at the services with James Nolan serving as vocalist. Lodge rites were rendered by the Vernonia I O.O.F. Lodge. Three districts will name direc tors to fill the expired position, for which district nominations have already been made. Nam ed as candidates for the three dis tricts at these meetings were: Lee Wooden, district 1. Elsie, Jewell, and Hamlet; Lyman Hawken. dis trict 4. Vernonia, and Louis Kel ly, district 6, North Washington county. Other nominations may be made from the floor at the an nual session. The afternoon session will open with a movie and will be follow ed by the main address, "The Use of the Earth for the Good of Man," by Norwood He was also the speaker for the 1954 annual meeting and was very favorably received at that time. * Other parts of the program for the day include appliance demon strations, group singing musical numbers and the cake baking con test which is open to all mem bers Prizes will be awarded to the three cakes judged best. Lunch will be served at noon to all members and their fami lies wearing a voting membership lapel button and door prizes will be awarded at the close of the meeting. The cooperative has be-'n in ex istence since February 1, 1945 and has again published an an nual report which lists a balance sheet through September 30, the sources of income and distribu tion of costs items among other points of information concerning the business. Schools Observe Education Week An all school issembly is be ing held at 2:30 this afternoon in the Washington ■? hool auditor ium in commemoration of Educa tion week and Armed Servic s day to which the public is in vited. ’ In observance of education week, parents have been visit ing school and < n Wednesday about 18 parents of fourth grad? pupils enjoyed having lunch with them in the cafeteria Committee in chr ge of the general planning and arran ments for education week w. re Mrs. Launee Miller, Miss Hel n Obermeyer, Mrs. P's? Ste >, Mrs. Wilma Thomp n, Walt r Harris and Lyle Frazier. Window Painting Contest Backed Republicans of Columb a Coun M rchants of th- Vernon ty will stage a county-wide rally chamber of commerce are spon Wednesday, November 39. witrd soring a window painting contest. received from Mrs. Pauline Bran- Thanksgiving theme, for the stu- . denfels. county chairman, indi dents of the grade school and th ■ cates. State Republican k-aders high school under the supervision will be on the program and the of Cerolyn Feasey and Nancy meeting will also introduce th? Chalrrf?rs, art instructors for the organization of a Republican club local schools. in the county. • The prizes furnished by these The dinnea meeting will tak<- merchants are many and varied place in th» Shrine hall. St. H and include an electric clock, lens. Co-chairmen in charge of boxes ot candies, merchandise arrangements are C E Ellis, St. orders and cash Thr-?e p rsons. Helens and Carl Brandenfels, • • commerce, will be asked to judge these windows. Sadie Hawkins Dance Set The Girlf League at Vernonia high school has issued a cordial invitation to all the towqgpeople to attend the Sadie Hawkins cos tume • will be . m the high school gym Saturday evening, November 19 Theme • will be Ha and prizes will be given for the best costumes. Refreshments will be served Jamboree Date Named • At the regular meeting of the • it was decided to hold the grade i • ' 1 ba Kotba^j jamb- :« .* at St Helens December 2. Vernonia teachers at the meeting were Dar rold Proehl, James Johns, Marvin Wiggans, Dan Lawler and Lyle Frazier. PICTURED above is a acena from the Junior p’ay, Gramercy Ghost, a two-hour iu»pen»e comedy which will be presented in the high school auditorium at 8 00 o clock tonight. From right Handing are Wynetta Dyer. Marjorie Reynold». Dick O’Prien. Donna Buckley. Ruby Sharon Aldrich, and Jim Davie»i front row. Ron Anderegg. Jan Garner and Danny Fletcher. cait but no pictured are Don Hol»ey and Jerry Bu*h. filled left to Well». In the