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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1955)
6 THURSDAY, NOV. 3, 1955 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General A Wood range, good 1 LADIES ready-to-wear for sale. condition. $25. House 106, O.A | Stock and equipment at inven tory cost. Inquire of June Willis. hill.____________________ 44tl | 42t3c FOR SALE Cabbage for kraut. I FOR SALE; SERVICES_____________ 3c lb. Ready lumbine plants. now. Also Co- • Drop a card. Ed I LET US iron for you. Only $1.00 Siedelman, Timber Rt., Vernonia, • per hour. Bring your ironing to Minnie Horn Oregon. 44tl j O.A. Flat 331. buckle 42t3 FOR SALE: 1-H.P. G.E. electric j motor used 6 mo. 115-230 60 | cycles, single phase, $50. Also, I COMPLETE OPTICAL twin burner circulating oil heat er, two 50 gal. drums, valves, tub ing, pipe. A-l condition. $25. E. Roth, Capitol Hill. 44t3 I SERVICE Dr. Votaw PIANO BARGAIN Famous Baldwin discontinued model. Reduced $283. Regular Baldwin 10 year guarantee. Bench included. Contact im mediately Wholesale Department. Oregon Music Company, 1000 S. W. Morrison, Portland, Oregon. _________ 44tlc Optometrist No Appointment Necessary Sundland Building Tuesdays 10:30 to 6:00 Saturdays USED conventional washers, all in good condition. Priced from $30 up. Hahn Hardware. 43t3c 2.00 io 6:00 39tfc SHOE REPAIR SERVICE. Bar ger, Stoney Point. Or, work can be left at Steer’s Variety Store. 28tfe TOO LARGE for our home. 72" Walnut dining table, 6 chairs, buf fet, all in good condition; a beau tiful set. Phone HA 9-3317. 1213 ---------- - i WANTED FOR SALE: Washing machine, j MIST LUMBER COMPANY innerspung mattress, half bed LOGS WANTED and cotton mattress, all for ol) 8” to 14" dia., 12’ to 22’ lgth, $48; Coleman oil heater, $50.00. See 16" to 40” dia. 12’ to 22’ lgth, $48; Bob Montgomery at Safeway. 12" to 40” dia., 24’ to 48’ lgth, $50; ,-------------------------------------------------- 42t3 8” and over dia., 8’2" logs by the FOR SALE: Used chain saws. cord $19; 14” and up dia., 14’ Ted's Saw Shop, Riverview. length only $49; hemlock, white 22tfc fir and spruce logs accepted at $37; Columbia River scale to be CASH PAID for furniture, live used. We also receive rough stock, machinery, tools any time sawn lumber and cants for re Forest Grove Auction, L. R. Senft loading. Cash weekly or daily. and C. W Christiansen, owners Days, phone North Plains 70. and auctioneers. Phone 7615. ( Evenings, phone Keystone 9-8326, Htfc Bracey Neal. 33tfc SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill dirt Call HA 9-6829, A.G. Os trander. , 26t52c FOR SALE—Real Estate FOR SALE: 4-rm. house; bath and breakfast nook. Has hot water heater, wired for range; oil stove. On 2 lots; nice garden spot; well with electric pump for irrigation. Priced to sell. $600 down, rest like rent. Seventh St., Riverview. Can be seen by contacting Don Wantland. 990 Weed Ave_____________________ 43t6 HOMES LOCATED close to schools and churches — 5-room modern house on 75x100 lot; 2 blocks to grade or high schools. Lots garden space, singk? garage. Price only $4750. Very good terms. 4 ROOM modern house wired for range. 2 lots. Price $2500 good terms or will take car or pickup in deal. 2 BEDROOM modern home, full basement, wired for range. Close in. Price $4500. $500 will handle or make offer. 2'BEDROOM home wired for range; 6 lots. Price $3000 Con sider logging equipment on deal Good terms. 4 ROOM house, approximately acre. Full price $790. Very good terms. SEE ME for farms and acreage. DON BAYLEY. BROKER Palace Cafe Bldg Ph. HA 9-5225. 421 le BETTER THAN 35 percent re turn on your investment. 7 apts. 25 sleeping rooms Gros sing $6000 per year. Better than $12,000 yearly potential. Due to ill health, owner will sell for $15,000. $5,000 down OUR OWN home and income, too, inthese two furnished ren tals. $800 down and the rent from one will make the pay ment» on both. Better hurry on this one CHEAPER than rent, are the payments on this 3 acres on the highway Small home, just right for a couple $900 down RAISE BEEF or sheep on this ir rigated ranch Good barn, ther buildings. $7500 donw. balance, terms RAISE EVERYTHING you need on this city half acre. 2-bed- r>x>m home large garden chick en house, garage, other build ings, fruit. All for $4000 BUMP AND MEYER Properties and Insurance Inc. 1930 Council St. Forest Grove, Oregon Call K<ah HA 9 3655 or Forest ( Grove 4061___________________ 42tlc Close the door to 'excess and I thcie is more chance of success. HIGHEST cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone 126. 14tfc FOR RENT FREE RENT. 6-rm. modern house, barn and out buildings. 150 cords of pulpwood, most of it a winter show. No charge. Dave Coons, Rt. 1, Clatskanie, Oregon. Phone 12R20 after 6:00 p m. ex- cqpt Friday._________________ 42t3 APARTMENT for rent. 2 bed rooms, bath, dinette, living room. Completely furnished. See Hazel Shipman at Drug Store. ________________________________ 37tfc CARD OF THANKS I WISH to express my sincere thanks to all the friends who sent me cards, flowers and gifts while I was in the hospital and during my convalescence. They all help ed so much. Elizabeth Brown 44tl WORDS CANNOT adequately express our deep appreciation for the many kinds and sympathetic acts that came to us at the time of our recent bereavement. M. B.. Steers Sr. and family. 44tl CLASSIFIED RATES MINIMUM charge 4Cc for 25 words or less. Words over min imum. 2c each. Three inser tions for the price of tw<> CARD of Thanks & Notices: 80c. THE EAGLE assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads pub lished in its columns, but in case where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typo graphical mistake occurs. POETRY accepted only as paid matter. Rate: Sc per type line. BLIND ADS with answers to be handled by the Eagle: Mini mum charge 80c. No informa tion given relative to such ads. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER WED. NOON EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK S PAPER. NO information on classifieds will be given out until after paper is mailed. :Phone HA 9-3462 J NEHALEM VALLEY ! • chartered Greyhound brought 29 members of FOR SALE—Real Estate MOTOR FREIGHT Bowling Results Temple Mother Named Wed. Temple No. bus Delphi 13 of Forest Grove to Vernonia last Wednesday even ing for a visit to Vernonia Tem ple Ny. 61, Pythian Sisters. Following the ritualistic open ing, Elma Friday,. past grand chief and past supreme represen tative was escorted to the altar for introduction and given grand honors. During the evening, Mrs. Pearl Wilkerson, a charter member of Vernonia Temple, was escorted to the station of the M.E.C. who announced to her that she had been chosen by the Temple as Temple Mother to succeed Fan nie Owens who passed away dur ing the summer. M. E. C. Alice Weed presented Sister Pearl with a rosebud corsage. Under- the good of the order, members of Dephi Temple asked permission to retire, and on re entering, formed a circle at the front of the room into which Les- ta Garner, grand press correspon dent, was escorted and honored with a floral degree and presented with a gift from Delphi Temple. Ruby Daniels entertained the group with vocal solos. She was accompanied by Mrs. L. II. Thom as. After adjournment, a cake walk was held with all the cakes going to lucky Forest Grove visitors. Refreshments of sandwiches, pumpkin pie and whipped cream were served at tables made very festive with Hallowe'en decora tions. Hostess committee were members of the Past Chiefs club. The hostess prize was drawn by Alic-' Weed. Tonight, members of Vernonia Temple will go to Hillsboro for the sixtieth anniversary of Phoe nicia Temple. Mist Club Plans Annual Program mist — Th? M H.C. mot last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Irvine Knowles The 19 members present enjoyed a mo<t delicious dinner at noon During the busi ness meeting program details for the fall festival were completed. The next meeting Will be the third Thurs in November on ac count of Thanksgivne and Mrs. Chas. Sund'and will be hostess. The annual program, auction, concessions and supner to be held Saturday evenin'.'. November 19. has many new features this year. A radio entertainer featuring Western music accompanied by the ]955 st. Paul rodeo queen. Miss Danielson will bn present. The Columbia Cordsmen. a ouar- tet from th« Cordsmen and Ber nard Dowline will provide mu sic. Other variety r ■•’nbers will h« 'neb'd^d. also. Thn r»ro<rrnm will s'nrt nunintiv at 8 00 o’clock. At th"4 Ch^p ^nm^ ovr»* ♦hn 'vppk end to takr4 in the °lk hunting wptp Tnd WaHr'r Pat K”1!”. Tom Ppt O’PnaV^ .TnV»n Pnlo p” f»*nm Portland. 'Tv.n proup weren’t at all success ful M** p^d M’’*® AHnn A«*^| pv and Port’0 T nn <*nenf ^atiirdav even in'* a* the Pha^. Hanger hnmo Georeo Jnr»«c and Tom P»d- Hnrk were Clatskanie motorists Sa*’»rdav Mrc Darr’n^or from Everett. Washington Jq vKifin<* her daugh ter. Mrs. Robert Wiester. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has filed his Final Account and Report in the estate of CHARLES F HIEBER. Deceased, in the County Court of Columbia County. Oregon, and the Court has fixed Monday, the 21st day of November. 1955, at the (jour of 10 o’clock a.m. of said day, in the County Court Room in the County Court House at St. Helens, Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and settlement thereof. MELVIN GLEN HIEBER. Executor BUSH & BRADLEY Attorneys for Executor Publish: October 20 and 27, 1955 November 3. 10 and 17, 1955. | OPTOMETRISTS: Dr. V. J. Horne and Dr. R. V. Lance Aero*« from Texaco Wednesday 9 to 5 ADMIRAL |{ Radio • • TV Appliances Low Down Payment 12 Months to l’.n CHRISTMAS SPECIALS NOW AVAILABLE Deep Freeiers. Refrigerators, and appliances of all kinds. GUARANTEED SERVICE 9 A.M. to 6 P M. — All Makes OAKES RADIO SHOP I • i INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Lost Won 10 22 Mill Market 11 21 Dessy’s 16 16 Bob’s Union 27 5 Long-Bell High individual game, Homer Fuller, 216; high individual series, John Schmidlin, 520; high team game, Dessy’s, 963; high team series, Dessy’s, 2743. CITY LEAGUE Lost Won 12 20 Oakes 13 19 Radiant Cleaners 18 14 Nehalem Service .21 Lyle’s Barber Shop 11 High ________ individual game, Jack Schade, 201; high individual ser ies, M. Mullins, 543; high team game, Nehalem Service, 917; high team series, Nehalem Service, 2714. Lost Won 13 19 Sam’s Food Store 13 19 Dessy’s 17 15 Vernonia Drug 23 Brunsman Hardware : 9 High team game, Vernonia Drug. 790; high team series, Des- s.v's, 2279; high individual game, Dorothy Gwin, 189; high indivi dual series. Ruth Hult, 497; splits, Claudine Gibson. 5-6-10. 5-7; He len Obermeyer, 4-5-7; Marguerite Burton, 5-7. Natal Grange Announces United Fund Benefit Pomona Grange Saturday Slates Canning Contest The Natal Granee will hold a Harvest Auction at the Natal hall. Saturday night, November 12, for the benefit of the United Fund drive and other charities. There will be the usual dancing and supper will be sold. The public is invited and anyone wishing to donate toward the auction may bring the articles that night. Columbia County Pomona Grange will meet with Clatskanie Grange on November 5 in the Quincy schoolhouse. This will be the date of the annual State Grange White Satin Sugar can ning contest, the winners to be entered in the state contest at Grange headquarters in Portland the following week. —Office Supplies at the Eagle— IT’S NEW IT’S PACKED WITH POWER ■ ■ ■ H omelite Four Birthdays Honored Monday TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falconer entertained witn a turkey dinner Monday evening honoring tile birthdays of Laura and Neil Thacker, Carl Wienecke and William Faiconer. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Wil- uur Thacker and giandson Dana Graves, Nell Thacker, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wienecke and Mrs. M. E. Eide and daughter Jacqueline of Banks. Mrs. Gus Hult, Mrs. Bud Gib son, Mrs .Sam Smith and son Garry were Portland visitors on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Whit mire and Mr. and Mis Murkling were Portland shoppers Saturday. Harry Weaver, Forrest Rey nolds and Donavan Reynolds bag ged a very large elk Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Turner Daniels called on his sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Whitmire Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Carl Snyder and Mrs. Jerome Whitmire were in Forest Grove, Monday, consulting an optometrist. Mrs. Florenz West and Gert rude Kirk were in Portland on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith had as Sunday dinner guests her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lindsley. The occasion was in honor of Mr. Lindsley’s 74th birthday. I.ater visitors of the day were Mrs. Smith’s brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lindsley. Mrs. Ethel Bollinger of Jen nings, Oklahoma, sister of Mrs. Jerome Whitmir". Vira Kent and Miss Morris of Tulsa. Oklahoma were Saturday and Sundav guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Whitmire. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Greiling are spending this week with their daughter, Mrs. Florenz West. Not having time is a poor ex cuse—you have all the time go ing, and nobody has more. FASTER FOR BUCKING 20 POUNDS CONVERTIBLE FOR CLEARING CHAIN SAW Alive with power, the New Homelite Model 5-20 brings down trees up to 6 feet in diameter, slices through 20 inch trees in 20 seconds. Has more big features, more power per pound than any other chain saw ever developed. • Big 5 hp for faster cutting MORE POWER FOR FELLING • Light, light 20 pounds for easy handling • High comprsssion, short stroke engino The new Model 5-20 is precision built for dependable perform ance and low maintenance. It can be converted in minutes for clearing land or cleaning out brush and undergrowth. 14” and 18* bow saws are available for plunge cutting and standard guide bars from 14* to 60’ for pruning or felling big trees. ASK US FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION LIGHTER FOR LIMBING SEE FOR YOURSELF TED’S SAW SHOP RIVERVIEW AT FIRST — VERNONIA, OREGON