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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1955)
Wedding Rites At Tillamook Bible History Used For PEO Program Topic Sacred Heart church in Tilla mook was the scene of a pretty wedding the morning of October 22 when Miss Marjorie May Wil kerson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burford Wilkerson of Tillamook and granddaughter of Mrs. Pearl Wilkerson of Vernonia, became the bride of Ronald George Vuylsteke, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Vuylsteke of Forest Grove. Reverend Vincent Kop- pert officiated at the double ring ceremony and ten o’clock nuptial mass. The church was beautifully de corated with gold and bronze chrysanthemums and the bride was escorted by her father down an aisle marked with gold and bronze chrysanthemums and large gold bows. She wore a white floor length gown of Chantilly lace and tulle over satin. Her finger tip veil was held in place by a Juliet cap of Chantilly lace trimmed with seed pearls. She carried a cascade bouquet of white fugi chrysanthemums and a pearl rosary, a gift of the groom. Her four attendants and the little flower girl, godchild of the groom all wore floor length gowns and matching caps of for est green crystalette and carried cascade bouquets of gold and bronze chrysanthemums. Following the ceremony, a re ception was held in the Parish i hall. Following it, a brunch was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burford Wilkerson for the bridal party, relatives and out of town guests. In the afternoon, the party went to Portland for a four o’clock • ceremony at Marylhurst college which the bride had attended in which she placed her bouquet on the altar of the Virgin Mary. For going away, the bride wore a grey suit with green accessories. After a honeymoon on the Oregon coast, the couple left for Fort Campbell, Kentucky where the groom is now stationed. He re cently returned from a years ser vice in Germany. Mrs. Pearl Wilkerson was at Tillamook for her granddaughters wedding. Members of P.E.O. met at the home of Mrs. J. W. Nichols, on Tuesday evening, October 25. Mrs. Ralph Hartman was in charge of the program and selected for her subject the history of the Bible, reading scriptures of special sig nificance and giving their appli cation to every day living. Her report was thought provoking and inspiring. . The next regular meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Wes ley Bolmeier on Tuesday evening, November 8. Mrs. Bolmeier will also be in charge of the program. The group expects a visitation and report from the delegate to Supreme convention. I.O.O.F. To Award Pins At Homecoming Tuesday At the homecoming which will be held by Vernonia Lodge No. 246, I.O.O.F. next Tuesday ♦even ing, November 8, service pins will be awarded to several members as follows: 50 years, P. O. Mel linger, Clatskanie; 45 years, G. C Mellinger, Vernonia; 40 years. C. A. Van Alstine, Vernonia; 35 years, C. C. Brown, Arch Cape; 25 years, G. W. Baslington, Neu berg and Frank Lemley, Ver nonia. The lodge will hold a short business meeting at 7:30 after which the meeting will be open ed to the public for the awarding of the pins. Home Ceremony Unites Couple Miss Jeanette Mannen of Forest Grove and Bobby Dejin Fulton, son of Mr and Mrs. R. J. Fulton of Vernonia were married Tues day, October 25, at the horn.' of the groom’s aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Howard. The double ring ceremony was per formed by Reverend Glenn Camp bell before an arch of fall flowers. The bride wore a grey suit with white accessories and car ried a white Bible. Her brick «• maid was attired in blue. Both the groom and his best man. Max Buckner, wore their marine uni forms. Little Patrick Howard, cousin of the groom, dressed in white, carried the rings on a tiny pink pillow. A reception for relatives and close friends was held following the ceremony. Bobby Dean will leave Satur day for California to continue his service in the Marine Corps and his bride will follow, soon. Do-Si-Do Square Dancers Start Season Saturday Members of the Do-Si-Do square dance club will assemble at the V. F. W. hall this Saturday even ing at 8:00 o’clock for the first dance of the fall season. Glen Hawkins will call and refresh ments will be pot luck. Anyone interested in square dancing is welcome to attend. Pinochle Club Members Enjoy Dessert Luncheon Mrs. Agnes Gibson was hos tess for the Friendly Pinochle club last Friday and served a de licious dessert luncheon to her guests before they began play. Members present were Mrs. Cora Lange, Mrs. Margie DeHart, Mrs. Eleanor Thompson, Mrs. Marie Shafer, Mrs. Julia Davis and Mrs. Margaret Vanderzan- den. Mrs. Ruby Bjornson was u guest for the afternoon. Score cards revealed that Mrs. Thompson held high score and Mrs. Lange, low. The club will meet again to morrow, November 4, at the home of Mrs. Vanderzanden. Extension Unit Members Take Gift Wrap Materials Members of the various exten sion units which will be having lessons on gift wrapping next week are asked to take to their unit meeting materials such as gift wran paper, ribbon, scissors, and scotch tape. Name Added To List Of Pin Recipients The name of Cass Bergerson was inadvertently omitted last week from the list of those who received 25 year pins at the meet ing of the Vernonia Lodge No. 184, A.M.&F.M. on October 15. THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE THURSDAY. NOV 3, 1955 Anti-Freeze : Ethylene Glycol Permanent Antifreeze Gives Protection 7 O' Gal. SQ79 ¿ AU Winter Long Qt. 1 m i i 1 t SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE WITH THESE VALUES' Del Monte Tuna Chunk Cans Style 3 Anti-rust. A 50-50 mixture of supreme $1 39 and water protects to 40 below Gal. 1 Western Standard Alcohol Gives low cost protection for normal driving. Protects to 20 below QQ on a 50*50 mixture Gal Ztf CLIFF WHITE UlMle'in Phone ha 9-6641 Do you have the 9” “Magic Touch? ► ” * New DODGE every year for I he rest of your life! Fluito Shortening Çf 3-Lb. Can Od 20c Coupon Attached Nabisco Shredded Wheat Juniors, Free Ring IT Package , 1J Malt-O-Meal, Cooks Ofc in 3 min., Lge. Pkg. Dromedary Honey 'N Spice Cake Mix OCc 19-oz. Pkg. m 3 Fabulous? No, it's fantastic! Each week for four weeks, somebody is going to win a brand spanking new Dodge every year for the rest of his or her life! It may be you! 49 What? A new Dodge EVERY YEAR? Gaines Dog Food, balanced nourishment guaran- 1 J c teed 1-lb. Can A a i Crescent Pure Black Pepper 4-oz. can Pure Ground Beef, Ground 00 Fresh O Daily «J Pounds THESE PRICES GOOD AS LONG AS PRESENT STOCK LASTS $1 MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS io Deliveri.i Twice Daily AM. * 3 P.M—Ph. HA 9 3492 That’s right—as stated in the terms of the Contest Rules! If you are one of the weekly winners of the Grand Prize, you will take command of a new '56 Dodge right away! Next year, it will be exchanged for a new '57 Dodge, delivered to your door! The year after that, a new ’58 Dodge ... and xo on for the rest of your life! I Do you have the “Magic Touch”? Here’s what you do. Visit our showroom today and dweover the “Magic Touch” of Dodge push-button driving... the safest way to drive ever developed. Write a short driving safety slogan (3 to 10 words) on your "Magic Touch” entry blank. Fill it in, mail it. Fours may be selected! Hollywood—here you come! If your entry is selected for any one of the four weekly final contests, you will compete with two other contestants for a "DODGE FOR LIFE” on the popular Lawrence Welk Show from Hollywood, over a national television network. Il will be fun! A few minutes after you appear on the show—you may be the winner of a new Dodge for life? (Naturally, you’re Dodge’s guest in Hollywood—all expenses paid, and what a time you will have!) Come on in today, and get started! HAWKEN MOTORS -- TELEPHONE HA 9-6061 */O P R E S T 0 N E QG±" $34c CAR CHAINS - All Sizes 85 Duncan Hines Sunshine Sponge Cake Mix 17-oz. Pkg. F Supreme Menthol Higrade Alcohol Birthday Dinner Is Followed By Canasta Mr. and Mrs. Dan Richards en tertaint d last Saturday evening with a birthday dinner honoring Mrs. Bob Spencer on her birth day. Other guests besides Mr. | and Mrs. Spencer were Mr. and Mrs. Mike Willard, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Corll, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Woods and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kasper. Following the dinner, the group played Canasta with first prizes being won by Mrs. Spencer and Mr. Corll. 3 Bridge St. VERNONIA, OREGON