What Healed The Boy? GEORGE N. TAYLOR Portland. Oregon —‘Come heal my son or he will die. So the nobleman said to Jesus. At that Jesus answered the man—“Except you see signs and wonders you will not be lieve.” So it was that Jesus must go to the boy and do some miracle or the man would not believe. But the man came back with—"Come at once or my boy will die.” Jesus saw faith in the man and said — "Go your way; your son lives.” So the man went and he found that the fever left the boy at the very time Jesus said that he was well. At that the noble- man and his whole household believed. John 4:46-53. But Jesus must yet take their every last sin and die for them. You also have eternal life when you receive Christ into your heart as the Son of God who died for your evary last sin. From then on God builds you up in his word, the Bible. This space sponsored by a Seattle family. Hunters Return With Three Deer MIST — Walter Mathews cut his finger quite badly at the J & H Mill Monday. He was tak en to the doctor for stitches. The hunters returned Sunday from a weeks hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roeser, Butch, Paul Wikstrom and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kyser. They got three deer. Robert Wiester was a Portland business motorist Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hughes arc looking after the farm and mill while the Claude Johnson family is away on a two-week hunting trip. They left Sunday. The WMS will meet this week, Wednesday, at Miss Shirley Berg’s home on the Fishhawk. —Office Supplies at the Eagle— GEMS OF THOUGHT REWARDS The consciousness of having done a splendid action is itself a sufficient reward. —Cicero Fidelity finds its reward and its strength in exalted purpose. —Mary Baker Eddy The world awards its prizes to men of firmness and self-reliance, —Anonymous Blessings ever wait on virtuous deeds, and though a later, a sure reward, succeeds. —William Songreve No man who continues to add something to the material, intel lectual, and moral well-being of the place in which he lives, is left long without proper reward. —Booker T. Washington The most solid comfort one can fall back upon is the thought that the business of one’s life is to help in some small way to re duce the sum of ignorance, de gradation and misery on the face of this beautiful earth. —George Eliot 7:30 p m. — Evening church ser vice. Wednesday cottage prayer and social meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lindsay, Pittsburg. j j i j | AN AVERAGE OF 10,500 PARIES ARE BORN EVERVOAH IN THE UNHED STAtLS THIS IS MME THAN SEVEN RR MIHUIt I . More fhart half of all women employed nt the LI $ are mamed andhvmy with fatr hoshandstüne fourth are smyte X The. reeu.nderart: -■ dewedJtuened,or sepanrM It takes five years and $20,000 to train a rookie into a fully competent police officer.tir After fra to seme other work because ot po<>< pay in I the law entuiLement tieid si "¿Z AT THE CHURCHES Discharge from Army Received Board of Directors report to members once each month on Friday of first full week. IWA Hall, 8 P.M. Guy I. Thomas, President Mona M. Gordon, Secy.. Manager Office at City Hall VERNONIA LIONS CLUB MEETS EVIRY MONDAY EVENING V.F.W. Hall Bill Vlcek, President 3-56 Ron Paris, Secretary V. F. W. VERNONIA EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN Rev. F. M. Knoll Sunday, October 16, 1954 Morning — "The God Who Is In TREHARNE — Kenneth H Advance.” West received his U.S. Army dis Evening — "Fruit Bearing.” charge October 6. He is now liv Wednesday — Ruth Circle meets ing at his home on Timber Rt. at the home of Mrs. William Mrs. Lura Shipley of Hillsboro Tucker at 1:30 p.m. visited the past week with her | Wednesday at 7:30 p m. — The son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and I midwek service and Sunday Mrs. Harold Shipley. School board meeting at the Mr .and Mrs. Wm. A. Grieling of home of Rev. and Mrs. F. M. Portland are visiting their daugh Knoll. All Sunday School ter, Mrs. Florenz West, and Ken workers are urged to be pre neth. sent. Week end guests from Portland of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Quinn, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH were his father, Fred Quinn, uncle Reverend Everette Murray Mr. Gastineau, sister Myrtle Car 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. penter and son Jimmie. 11:00 — Morning worship. Sharlee Gibson, daughter of 6:30 p.m. — Training union. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Gibson, is on 7:30 p.m. — Evening worship. the sick list this week. 7:30 p.m. Wed — Prayer service Mary Joe Eide spent the week ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC end with her parents, Mr. and Rev. William Delplanche Mrs. Wm. Falconer. First and second Sundays Mas’s Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker motored to Buxton Sunday af ternoon and called on the Otto Stowells. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carmichael Friday and Saturday were Chuck Roehm and Mr. Les lie of Portland. Saturday Mr. A film presentation of a deci Carmichael, Mr. Roehm and Mr. sive moment in history which Leslie went hunting. changed the beliefs and’lives of untold millions should be done with the utmost fidelity and the finest craftsmanship to prove it self worthy of its subject. Judged on this basis, "Martin Order of Eastern Star Luther” is a superb film triumph. Nehtiem Chapter 153, O. E. S. Here in dramatic fashion is told Regular com the life and works of Martin munication first Luther, the German priest whose and third Wed. questioning mind & spirit caused of each month a religious upheaval in 16th cen at Masonic Tem tury Germany that spread ple. All visiting throughout the world and that sisters and broth, has never been resolved. ers welcome. To separately analyze the in Lucille Tomlin. W.M. gredients which make this a great Mona Gordon, Sec'y. 1-56 motion picture would be mislead ing, since they blend into an ex Knights of Pythias citing whole. Hardings Lodge No. 116 Truly a picture worthy of every Vernonia, Oregon one’s patronage, it will be shown October 22 at 7:30 at the Wash Meetings 1.0 O.F. ington grade school. The film is Hall, Second and sponsored by the Vernonia Minis Fourth Mondays terial association. Each Month will meet the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at the LO.O.F. ! hall. Albert Tandy. Chief Patriarch Wm. D. Shafer. Scribe 1-56 I MT. HEART REBEKAH LODGE Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings of each month in the LO OT. Hall. Silvia Wolff, Noble Grand Edith McFarland. Vice Grand Gertrude Schalock. Rec. Sec y. Cora Lange. Financial Secretary Mathilde Bergerson. Treasurer 3-56 American Legion VERNONIA pesT lia Meets First and Third Monday of each mondh. AUXILIARY 1-56 and Third Tuesdays at 7:30 a.m. Third, Fourth and Fifth Sundays Mass at 11:15 a.m. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Ervin F. Leake. Minister Sunday, October 16, 1955 9:30 am. — Bible school. 11:00 a.m. — Morning church service. Sermon theme, "Which Will You Choose?" Nursery. 7:30 — Song Fest. Sermon theme, "Beginnings in the Ministry of Jesus.” Wednesday evening — Mid-week service. ASSEMBLY OF GOD 2nd and Maple L. A. Shelton. Pastor 9:45 am. — Sunday school. Clas ses for all ages. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship 7:45—Evangelistic service. 10:30 p.m. — Radio program — KEX Portland 7:45 p m. Wed. — Midweek pray er service. "Repent ye therefore, and be con verted that your sins may be blotted out.” Acts 3:19. VERNONIA BRANCH LDS 9:30 a.m., Sunday — Priesthood meeting. 10:30 a.m. — Sunday School con venes under supervision ot Axel Olson. 12:00 Noon — Sacrament ser vices under direction of Earl P. Genzer, Branch President. 10:00 a.m. Tuesday — Relief So ciety convenes under supervi sion of Erlene Olson Sr. 7:30 p m. Thurs. — Young People MIA group meets at community SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST G. Merlin Kreischmar. Pastor Services on Saturday: 9:30 a.m. — Sabbath School. 10.-45 a.m. — Preaching, mission ary programs or Bible study. TIMBER FRIENDS CHURCH (Meeting in Timber grade school.) Pastor. Harold Ankeny Sunday School 10 00 a m. Worship Hour ll 00 a m. Evening Service 7 30 pm. (meeting in pastor’s home) Thursday Evening, Family H ur —7:30 p m. Quaker Hour. KEX Sun 9 00 a m. NAZARENE CHURCH Harry Burk. Pastor 9:45 a m. — Sunday school. Bob Mitchell, Sup’t. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. 6:30 p.m—Young Peoples «»'rvice. 7-30 p.m. — Evening service. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. — Prayer meeting. VERNONIA BIBLE CHURCH Glenn B. Campbell. Pastor Pete Raney, S. S. Supi. Sunday, October 9. 1955 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school, clas ses for all ages. 11:00 am. — Morning worship Sermon, "And Jesus Stood Still " 6:30 p m. — Study classes for all ages. 7:30 p m—Evening service. ’ Subject, "Laborers Together with God.” 7:30 p.m. Wed. — Bible Study and prayer meeting. Study Eziekial Chapter 37. John Barger. Chancellor Commander Oscar G. Weed, Secretary Vernonia F.O.E. (Fraternal Order of Eagles) Meets Every Friday 8 P M. 858 1st Ave. Vernonia W. N. Noakes. W. P. Chas. Cederburg, Sec'y. MIST — A shower was given last Tuesday at the Robt. Math ers home for the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Lea Enneberg Many lovely and useful gifts were received and delicious lunch was served by the host'ss, Mrs. ! Mathews. Mrs. Charles Hanson was plea- I santly surprised Saturday night | when her children gave her a party, it being her birthday. Two lovely cakes ware made, one by Mrs. Kulju of Portland and on'1 by Mrs Norman Hansen. Nice gifts were received and a good time was had. PORTLAND RESOURCES Cash on Hand and Due from Banks. United States Government Bonds. . . Municipal and Other Bond*................. Loans and Discounts—Net................... Stock in Federal Reserve Bank........... Bank Premises (Including Branches). Customers’ Liability on Acceptances Interest Earned........................................... Other Resource*........................................ $151,972,420.55 295,599,006.89 73,916,374.76 292,505,416.88 1,080,000.00 8,572,652.62 149,244.50 2.475.330.52 1.292.401.53 $827,562,848.25 LIABILITIES $ 18,000,000.00 18,000,000.00 19,363,634.03 Capital.................................................. Surplus................................................. Undivided Profit*............................. 55,363,634.03 5,042,637.41 149,244.50 585,000.00 762.003,269.70 4,389,641.16 29,421.45 Reserve* for Interest, Taxes, etc Acceptance*....................................... Dividend* Declared........................ Deposit*............................................... Interest Collected Not Earned. . Other Liabilities................................ $827,562,848.25 This sfofemenf includes 61 branches in Oregun HEAD OFFICE: PORTLANO. OREGON UNITED STATE» NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLANO OREGON'S OWN STATE-WIDE BANK MtotwUf Federal Deposit liwvreere Corporo’io* 7-56 Vernonia Lodge No. 246 ^ZJ^I.O.O.F- Meets Every Tuesday 8 P M. Shelby Cook. Noble Grand Truman Knight. Secretary Young Couple Given Shower The United States National Bank OF 156 A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. 8r A. M. meets at Masonic Temple. Stated Communication first Thursday of each month, at 7:30 p.m. T. F. Tomlin. WM. Walter Linn. Sec'y. 1-56 THE HOUSEWIFE'S FIRST CHOICE ALWAYS Order today from— SAM'S FOOD STORE Fine Groceries Meat — Produce 9 hall, Buxton, Oregon. Date Set for 'Martin Luther' Regular meetings: 2nd and 4th Pythian Sisters Wednesdays. 8 P.M. 1 Vernonia Temple No. 61 V.F.W. Hall. Meetings: I.O.O.F. Hall Campbell. Commander Second and Fourth Wednesdays Jim Cox Jr. Adjutant of each month AUXILIARY—2nd and 4th Tues. Alice Weed. M.E.C. Maevs Brimmer. President Alice Buckley. Secretary 2 56 Betty Hawken. Secy. 4-55 Columbia Encampment No. 89 CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST (Colored) J. C. Foster. Pastor 9:45 a.nt. — Sunday school 11-12 a m. — Morning worship. 6:30 p.m.—Young Peoples service 8 p.m. — Evening worship. i 7:30 p.m. Tuesda; and Fridays— Prayer Meetings. Welcome to all to worship with us | LODGE AND CLUB NOTICES VERNONIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE THURSDAY, OCT 13, 1955 THK RAkJlJf. VKRNON1A. ORE Free Delivery Phone HA 9 5591 «