New Car, Pickup Placad In Use by Mist People « THURSDAY, OCT. 13, 1955 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. BY DON COIN WALROD County Extension Agent <]/7\Commandments Tke KIJ Of Safety 4 AROUND THE FARM Extra nitrogen and boron ap- amounts are present. Conversely, plied to part ot his walnut or if adequate amounts are not pre chard paid off in a heavier nut sent the walnut does not grow crop for H R. Harvey, Scappoose. well and yields are reduced. This Instead of the usual six pounds of ammonium nitrate per tree also applies to alfalfa and a few that he uses, Harvey doubled the other plants that have a relatively rate and applied 12 pounds of high boron requirement. ammonium nitrate per tree along This is a good time to look at with 10 pounds of borax. The borax is not applied annually, as some of these crops that need Alfalfa in particular an excess can be just as detri boron. mental as a deficiency and can needs consideration, Tor many fields of alfalfa that we have even kill the tree. Harvey recently sent in soil seen are showing a need for ex samples from his orchards area tra boron. These boron deficien to the state soils laboratory, and cy symptoms in alfalfa have re when he did so he told us of this sulted in much research on the little experiment. The results subject. When boron is deficient, are pretty much in line with long the alfalfa leaves near the tip or time experimental trials con growing point are yellowish and ducted by USDA research worker sometimes even reddened. The John Painter at Oregon State lower leaves usually remain a College. To date Painter's trials healthy green color. The plants have shown that increases in are usually stunted as a result of walnut yields have come about a shortening of the terminal in primarily through the use of in ternodes. Flowers usually fail to form creased amounts of nitrogen. Walnuts need sunshine, too, as and the buds appear as light was evident from the results of brown or almost white dead tis the walnut crop of last year when sue. The first cutting of alfalfa is a very poor crop resulted when always without sym- the amount of sunshine was low. almost toms, but they become apparent Boron is not an element that will stimulate yields if adequate in the second and third cuttings. Usually they are more pro nounced in seasons of drought or dry conditions. In a wet season the yellowing and other symp I Radio TV Appliances toms may be masked even though there is a reduction in growth. i * Ixiw Down Payment If your alfalfa stand is show • 12 Months to Pay. ing some of these symptoms of We Have Just Added Picture yellowing and stunting now, it Tube Rebuilding Equipment to would be a good plan to have to Save Your Old, Weak Tubes soil tests made to determine how !! GUARANTEED SERVICE much boron is needed by your 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. — All Makes particular field. Without a test OAKES RADIO SHOP the amount of boron to apply can Phone HA 9-3853 Riverview only be estimated. MIST — Clarence Kyser has recently purchased a new car. The Roy Hughes have a new pickup. Roy Hughes and Bernard Dowl ing were in St. Helens Saturday. Bernard brought home the yel low truck that has been under going repairs in St. Helens the past week since the breakdown on the run from the J Si H Lum ber mill to Westport. 1 Treat every gun with the respect due a loaded gun. This is the first rule of gun safety. 2 Guns carried into camp or home, or when otherwise not in use, must always be unloaded, and taken down or have actions open; guns always should be carried in cases to the shooting area. young trees, to say nothing of the time and care given these trees to get them started. 3 Always be sure barrel and action are clear of obstruc tions, and that you have only ammunition of the proper size for the gun you are carrying. Remove oil and grease from chamber before firing. \ An article from the Nutrition Council of American Feed Manu facturers association recently crossed our desk. This article warned that some feed salesmen exploit the supplement field to the detriment of the feed industry and livestock and milk producers. They advised caution when sales promotion tactics claimed that special mixtures of minerals and vitamins would prevent or cure brucellosis and mastitis; that they will improve herd health, reproduction capacity, or increase milk production. Supplements may be claimed to contain use ful bacterial cultures to stimulate rumen functions. The council stated that such claims have little or no basis m fact. 4 Always carry your gun so that you can control the di rection of the muzzle, even if you stumble; keep the safety on until you are ready to shoot. 5 Be sure of your target before you pull the trigger; know the identifying features of the game you intend to hunt. 6 Never point a gun at anything you do not want to shoot; avoid all horseplay while handling a gun. 7 •• * Unattended guns should be unloaded; guns and am- munition should be stored separately beyond reach of chil dren and careless adults. 8 Never climb a tree or fence or jump a ditch with a loaded gun; never pull a gun toward you by the muzzle. ’ T dm T ral ’ 9 Never shoot a bullet at a flat, hard surface or the sur face of water; when at target practice, be sure your back stop is adequate. 10 i i -V A' \ in quantities to anyone interested in advancing the cause of hunt- LOCAL I — Vernonia CASON TRANSFER • Long Distance Haul ing. Anything Any where in state of Ore. BUREAU. 250 East 43rd Street, New York 17, N. Y. MA to be 20 pounds. This pretty well points out the fact that apricot trees are not 1 I adapted to this area. We can't blame folks for trying, but know ing that this is one fruit that we can't grow in this area may save farmers and home-owners con siderable in cash payed out for Phone HA 9-S254 Transfer and Household Moving BUSINESS ing and shooting safety. Send requests to SPORTSMEN'S SERVICE Anyone in Columbia county harvesting apricots? Th? agri cultural census figures for last year show that 25 farms reported having a total of 62 apricot trees Fifty-one of these trees are young trees while 11 of them are of bearing age. The total amount of fruit harvested was reported VERNONIA DRUG CO. CASON TRANSFER SUPPORT 'A Reprinted from WATCH THAT MUZZLE, a leaflet supplied free GET 2 FOR THE PRICE OF 1 . PLUS A PENNY! 4-POINT TRUCKING SERVICE . I Avoid alcoholic drinks before or during shooting. ■». The Norvin Wikstrom family were down from Vernonia Sun day visiting his folks, the L. P. Wikstroms. Mr and Mrs. Irving Knowles entertained Mr. and Mrs. Earl Doran from Seattle last Tuesday. Ernest Lane was in ths village Sunday. He stopped off on the hunting route. Agent BEKINS Tranier & Storage for oat-of-tiaie Household Moving HELP KEEP OUR CITY CLEAN WE WILL DO THE PA ck . hg — luii TAINERS FURNISHED Connect to New Sewer Portland Concrete Sewer Pipe with Put in a permanent job and save the difference. SEE YOUR LOCAL MATERIALS DEALER I manufactured by « : Portland Concrete Pipe & Products Co. » Portland, Oregon 5819 S.W. Macada m SNZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZH^ * KING’S Grocery - Market | 3C Phone HA 9-6015 Riverview “Where Your Money Buy* More" At the Mile Bridge *g* NO WORK - NO WALK £ NO WAIT J u When you shop by phone here, x p find Remember — x X « YOU RING — WE BRING H x 5 S Exciting new functional styling draws all eyes to the finest trucks on the American road—new Fords! CiHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHf Now! Most horsepower per dollar! : > i » : NEW ! More horsepower In every model ... up to 26% more! Every engine Short Stroke! • : t 1 i I I i I I i I J » I : « Waferfilm AcCon eliminates lint, mcistura and venting problems « » : ■ ; I I NEW ! New styling, new "leadership look"! Over 280 models, from Pickups to BIG JOBS! Save hcMirF of bark btvn king work, «•nd weather worries, make fewer clothes Inat longer with gentle indoor drying. »hurt load your Maytag, dial time and heat, lift out damp dry for ironing or t!ufT- dry for folding. No lint trap to dean. No drip pan to empty. No outside venting needed. EASY TERMS ZZiJ I » < NEW ! Bigger capacities! New Driverized Cabs! New Lifeguard safety features! I SUNDLAND'S Ceiwparltwn ef abows how much piston travel is ».vd by Short Stroke en gine Result: lea* friction, leas wear, more kso M c power. W O Now—'58 Ford Trucks give you a choice of serrn Short Stroke Y-8’s and a Short Stroke Six. Horsepower increases up to 261?. More power to get you rolling faster, save you time all the way! Afore horse- porer per dollar than any other truck line — proved by comparisons of net horse power and suggested list prices of all trucks! New Drirerized Cabs with fuTl-wrap windshields cut driving strain. New Life guard feature« give you protection you can't get in any other truck! See the new Ford Trucks now, at your Ford Dealer's! No other truck gives you all of these ’56 features NEW! 8-ft. "1 g-ton" Express for bulky loads. Also, 61j-ft. lockup. GVW 5,000 lbs. NEW! Deep-center Lifeguard steering wheel helps protect driver from steering column. Only Ford has it! No extra cost. NEW! Lifeguard door latches give added pro tection against door» jarring open in an accident. NEW! 13-volt ignft, n for better starting, better performance, greater electrical reserve. NEW! "Spedal” Y-8 engines with exclusive hood air scoop, 4-barrel carburetor and dual exhaust system for extra power and performance! NEW! Tubeless tires run 25’ cooler, five extra mileage! Standard on every Ford Truck! NEW1 Sodium-cooled exhaust valves in heavy- duty engines operate as much y 225* cooler! NEW! Full-wrap windshield standard on all cabe. New full-wrap rear window at low extra cost. q e.C-A. o ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE o -86 Bridge Phone HA 9-3333 Vernonia SEE YOUR NEAREST FORD DEALER o o .