Nehalem Valley Gardeners Schedule Wednesday Meet The Nehalem Valley Garden Club will meet October 19 at Virginia Hansen's home at 1:30 p m. The program, to be presented by Shirley Berg and May Mills, will be different mulches and ground covers and care of cactus. Eats will be served by the co-hostesses. Mary Garlock and Irene Kyser. Everyone wel come. ORIGINAL 6 GREAT DAYS! OCT. 17-22 MONDAY thru SATURDAY F - Ask as fir th« Ciurtisy Adrincel SHOPPING LIST I ORDER NOW . . . pick up your mer I A chiodisi any diy during sail. VERN0NIÄ DRUG CO Phone HA 9-6254 BIRKENFELD — The Warren ton Lumber Company signed their lease last week for a portion of the old Prouty mill site. They are building a new mill on the docks, finished ^c4'q to be their product. The mill is nearing com pletion and they hope to start one shift by the first of Novem- Laurence Jepson is presi- Two Concerns Consider Change of Ownership Mrs. Carmichael Hostess To Friendship Circle The Friendship Circle meeting was held in September at th’ home of Mrs. Laura Carmichael. Attending were: Mesdames Ella Wood, Emma McDonald and daughter, Nadine Bean and son. Freda Biggs, Ruth Steers, Isabel Carmichael and daughters, and Gloria Ellis and Iva Ellis. The next meeting will be held at the home of Ruth Steers Octo ber 20. Visitors Greeted at Auxiliary Meeting Seventeen members of Smith- Christensen Aux. 3763 were on hand to greet visitors at their last meeting. Guests present then were the district 2 president, Ruby Buvik, of Warren post 1440 and Alice Cholewinski of Rainier post 1909. Mrs. Buvik made her inspee- tion of the books and give point ers on improving the auxiliary, Refreshments were served by Margaret Walrath, Alice Ade and Jennie Lusby. An invitation is extended to the Tupperware party at the hall this Friday at 8 p.m. Vernonia Sell it with an Eagle Want Ad. Rainy Days Bother You Wedding Rite Read Saturday Marian Wantland and Kenneth Myers of North Bonneville were united in marriage Saturday af ternoon at 2:30 at Vancouver, Washington. The ceremony was read by Rev. Paul L. Kunzman. Mrs. Robert Kimball and Earl Wantland stood up with the couple. Mr. and Mrs. Myers will make their home at Cascade Locks. wash day. We have it — the new, effici- ent, washing service with BENDIX DU0MÄTIC Washing and drying and wash or dry only. Free Pick-up and Delivery Study Club Members Learn Arranging Radiant Cleaners Cleaning 2nd and Maple Streets Waterproofing — Mothproofing u Members of the Vernonia Study club met Thursday evening, Oc tober 6 at the home of Mrs. R. D. Eby for their first October meet ing and heard Mrs. A. J. Rossi of Beaverton explain and demon- stcate contemporary flower ar ranging The club will next meet at the home of Mrs. Paul Gordon October 20. gafe Two Families Change Homes BIRKENFELD — Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bellingham moved Sunday to their new home near Astoria. Mr and Mrs. Wilfred Parman, Mrs. Zella Bellingham and Ar thur Bellingham helped them move into their house in Birken- feld. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Larsen moved to Medford this week end. The Parman boys. Ronald and Dick, were Sunday dinner guests of Laurence Jepson. Mr .and Mrs. Harold Crowston spent last week end with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott at Hills- boro. Darrell Baker received the sad news that his .mother passed away last week end. She has been seriously ill for several months. O-A Club Entertained At Ruhl Home Monday Members of the O-A bridge club were entertained Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Merle Ruhl. For the afternoon of play, Mrs. Mike Anderson held high score and Mrs. R. D. Eby second high. Officers of Crown Zellerbach and Pabco Products Inc. have an nounced that negotiations are un derway for the possible sale of Crown Zellerbach’s interest in Fibreboard Products Inc. to Pab co. Upon completion of the ne gotiations, the matter will be re ferred to the respective boards of directors of Crown Zellerbach and Pabco for approval. Crown Zellerbach and Pabco each owns 50 per cent of the vot ing stock of Fibreboard, a west- tern producer of paper board pro ducts. dent of the new corporation Harry Coon of Clatskanie, secre tary-treasurer; Ray Garlock, Don Jensen, Ted Bellingham and Cecil Elliott directors. G. W. Parman will be millwright. A house warming for Mr. and Mrs. Don Jensen was held October 1 at their new home in Warren ton. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Parman, Mr. and Mrs. Art Bellingham, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bellingham, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott, Laurence Jep- son and Mrs. Keith Elliott and Debbie. Johnny Hopkins came home from Kenai, Alaska for Lee Enne berg’s wedding He left last week end for a few days in Cali forma. When he returns he will enter the hospital again for more surgery on his foot. Take time to keep your watch Couple Married at Longview Rite Monday time Mrs. Minnie Kilhan became the bride of George Davis Monday, October 10 at a wedding cere mony performed at Longview. The couple was accompanr'd by Mr and Mrs. C. D Bushart. Don’t wait till your watch goes wrong! A watch check-up takes so little time —and saves you money by preventing future breakdowns. Let our Service Department inspect your watch today! Mt. Heart Postpones Ham Dinner to Dec. 10 Mt. Heart Rebekah social club has postponed the ham dinner scheduled for October 22. The dinner and the awarding of the cedar chest will be at the IOOF hall on December 10. Portland Church Group To Pay Annual Visit A. L. Kullander WATCHMAKER — JEWELER The Twentieth Century class (Young Adults) of the First Christian church in Portland will make its annual visit to the Chris tian church in Vernonia. Sunday, October 16. Official Watch Inspector. B.P &S. Ry. We uee only genuine factory- approved parte in eervicing all fine Swies Watchee PULPWOOD & SLABWOOD Ä. Second Growth Fir, Hemlock, Spruce or White Fir Pulpwood, With Bark. Four or Eight Foot Lengths B. Slabwood, Bark Free, Same Species As Above Two Foot to Sixteen Foot Lengths JUST LIKE A FURNACE . . . BUT WITHOUT COSTLY, DIRT COLLECTING PIPES AND REGISTERS! PRICE » $1 EOO Per Cord A W DELIVERED AT MILL X Qipciffpji WRITE. PHONE OR CALL IN PERSON AT OFFICE PATENTED AUTOMATIC OIL HEATERS THi SOfrOM O* TMI oto now paoai USH FURNITURE— Vernonia, Ore Easy Terms at Portland Prices Phone HA 9-3345 FIR-TEX INSULATING BOARD, INC ST. HELENS. OREGON MONEY BACK 3 Warrenton Lumber Co. Mill Nears Completion; November Start Hoped Nehalem Chapter No. 153, Order of Eastern Star, met Wednesday evening, the 5th. Plans were made for a practice for officers, as there will be ini tiatory degrees given for two candidates October 19. Lucille Tomlin, Worthy Ma tron, announced that she had se cured the new film of the Masonic and Eastern Star Home at Forest Grove to show during the meet ing in November when she plans to honor the Masons and wives, and Past Matrons,- Past Patrons and charter members. Mrs. Jens Hermann of Seaside, member of the endowment committee of th ? Grand Chapter, will speak brief ly on the Home Endowment Fund Phene HU 9-5352 THURSDAY. OCT 13. 1955 THE EAGLE, VEKNONIA. ORE. Chapter Plans Degree Practice GUARANTEE Phone 704