f -2 THURSDAY, OCT 13, 1955 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mr«. Ora Bolmaiar, dean of girl« at Vernonia high school, went to Yachats Friday to at tend a dean’s conference. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Dove visited relatives in Springfield last week end and on Saturday Mr. Dove attended the Oregon-Colorado football game. Kerry Moran ac companied them to Eugene and he also attended the game. TUPPER WARE partyl Public Invited! VFW hall. Oct. 14. 8:00 p.m. Proceeds for kitchen. 40t2c Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Garner were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Thomas last Friday at a birthday dinner honoring Mrs. Garner. Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Anderson of Riverview have received word of the birth of a great grand daughter, Lea, in Panama Sept ember 20. Parents are Pfc. and Mrs. Richard S. Ingram, now sta tioned in Panama and grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. Eben John of Portland who formerly lived here. Pvt. Rick Fulton was home last week end after completing sea school at San Diego. He was en route to Bremerton where he will be stationed on the carrier York town. Representing Vernonia Temple Jog Theatre THE FAR HORIZONS Charlton Heston SATURDAY OCT. 15 SHOT GUN Sterling Hayden OCT. 16-17 SUN., MON. EAST OF EDEN Julie Harris - James D.-an No. 61, Pythian Sisters at Grand Temple sessions at Medford Sun day, Monday and Tuesday were Silvia Wolff, grand representa tive and Edith McFarland, alter nate. Harding Lodge was repre sented by Oscar Weed and Ed ward Gamer, both of whom were accompanied by their wives. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Minger spent some time last week sight seeing in the Eugene and Vaughn areas. CORRECTION—Mrs. Bill Fer guson provided transportation for the five Vernonia cheer leaders who attended the conference at Canby last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dial and Mrs. Maggie Lauden, all of Spo kane, and John Stark of Waukon, Washington were visitors Thurs day of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schalock in Riverview. Mr. and Mrs. William Lindley spent the latter part of last week at Central Point with his daugh ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Ackley, and their two daughters. Mrs. Ruby Smith visited all last week at Jacksonville with her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Norris, and their three children. Bob Munroe of Warren, Mani toba arrived here Monday to stay this week and part of next at the home of his uncle, George A. Remnant. TUPPER WARE party! Public Invited! VFW hall. Oct. 14. 8:00 p.m. Proceeds for kitchen. 40t2c Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bergerson are the parents of a son, Craig Olaf, born at the Tualatin Com munity hospital. He weighed eight pounds, 11 ounces. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bass visited I ORDER Whole Egg Mayonnaise li YOURS TODAY MAKE A FLOAT FOR SWIMMING A «turd j float is made of himber 2 inches thick. First make a frame, as shown, fastening it securely with 8-inch galvanized spikes. Space the floor boards M inch apart and fasten with 60-pen- ny galvanized nails. Two inside stringers are placed to fit against the drums and are spiked in place. Fasten the ladder to the frame with four J4 by 6-inch RIVERVIEW — Olof Jacobson suffered a heart attack Friday and is somewhat improved at this time. Sunday visitors at the Robert Wyckoff home were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gatchet and children of Portland and Mr and Mrs. Robert Masterson and children of Ver nonia. carriage bolts (with washer« beneath both heads and nuts) spaced 2 inches from the top and bottom of the frame. Fasten the drums in place with ft by 2-inch steel straps, fitting snugly against the rings on the oil barrels to prevent slipping. Use % by l$4-inch lag screws to hold the straps. Add galvanized tie-rings to each oorner te complete the float SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE WITH THESE VALUES’ Shurfresh Cookie Jar Creme Cookies Full Pound Garden Sweet Peas 3 35c No 303 Cans Morrell Snack Lunch Meat |C 12-oz. Cans 69 2 Ajax Cleanser, Giant Size 2 National lumbar Ma iufarturera AaaoclaMort 33 Cans Sweetheart Toilet Soap Week Spent at Salt Lake Home 4 Bath Size Bars 36 Friskies Dog Food 27 Nucoa Margarine Pound 29 2 1-Lb. Cans Bunch Celery, nice and Crisp Lb. Tokay Grapes Fancy THESE PRICES GOOD AS LONG AS PRESENT STOCK LASTS 2 MILL MARKET i AND LOCKERS Deliveries Twice Daily 10 A.M. & 3 P-M.—Ph. HA 9 3492 CHZHZHZHZNZHZHXHXKHZHXHXHXHXHKHZHXH9 AND FRESH FALL FRUITS DATES TO REMEMBER Eastern Oregon Trip Taken for Hunting HERE 'S HOW . . . Thursday, October 13, 1955 Washington Relatives Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge — Visited by Family I.O.O.F. hall, 8:00 pm. TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. Vernonia Extension Unit—EUB Church, 10:00 a.m. Oregon H. E. Bender spent the w.?sk end in Skomokawa, Washington with Sweets. RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. District C.WF. meeting at First her father and mother, Mr. and Everett Kouva spent fast week at Mrs. Fred S. Nielsen. Christian church, 9:30 a m. Mr. and Mrs. Murkling of Ver Salt Lake City where they visited Friday, October 14, 1955 I her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Austin F.O.E. — Eagles hall, 8:00 p.m. nonia »ailed on Mr. and Mrs. Rice, and other relatives. National Assembly, Washington Jerome Whitmire Sunday. Mrs. Dewey Hunt and children Mrs. Peter H irinckx and child school, 1:00 p.m. Public wel ren and Mrs. Kent of Wilksboro of Richland, Washington spent comed. Football — Vernonia at Wy’East. i visited the former's uncle and last week at the home of her par Mist-Nehalem Extension Unit— aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wienecke, ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lind- sley. On Sunday Mr. Hunt came Home of Mrs. Norman Hanson, Thursday. and the family returned to their 10:30 a m. Oregon Sw >ets. home that evening. Saturday. October 15, 1955 Helping Circle to Mr. and Mrs. Bud Larson left Natal Grange party night — Na Plan Annual Program Tuesday on a hunting trip east tal hall, 8:00 p.m. Public wel MIST — Shalmon Libel wnt of the Cascades. comed. I to Seaside and brought his mother Monday, October 17, 1955 Lions Club dinner — V.F.W. hall, up for a few days visit with rela ROYAL tives here. 7.00 p.m. The World's First The Mist Helping Circle will American Legion — Legion hall, TRULY MODERN meet the 26th at the home of Mrs. 8:00 p.m. Portable Typewriter PT.A. — High School, 8:00 p m. I. E. Knowles. All members City Council — City hall, 8:00 should be there to plan for the THE VERNONIA EAGLE annual program and sale which p.m. Ph. HA 9-3372 — Vernonia, Ore. Extension project leaders train will come under discussion. ing meeting for Vernonia, Kea- sey. Timber Rt. and Mist-Ne- hal m units—Washington garde school. Topic, Gift Wrapping. Tuesday. October 18, 1955 Boy Scouts — Scout cabin, 7 p.m. American Legion Auxiliary — Legion hall, 8:00 p m. Odd Fellows — IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. Wednesday. October 19, 1955 Nehalem Chapter O.E.S. — Ma sonic Temple, 8:00 p.m. WHY NOT BEST FOODS their sons and families, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Bass and Henry Bass, at Monmouth Sunday. They re port that Henry has been elected president of the freshman class at Oregon College of Education. TUPPER WARE party! Public Invited! VFW hall. Oct. 14. 8:00 p.m. Proceeds for kitchen. 40t2c Mr. and Mrs. Morris Falcon- bury spent last week on a vaca tion trip that took them to Reno, Nevada and Alameda, California. Returning here with them from Alameda we it? their daughter, Mrs. Jaunita Stipes, and her two boys. She will make her home here during the time her hus band is in the navy. People claiming their numbers at Brunsman Hardware up tj Wednesday morning wera Stan ley Patterson, Helen Jones, Wm. R. Hall and Mrs. Joe Medges. Rev. and Mrs. E. F. Leake drove to Hood River Saturday to at tend the 50th anniversary event of the Christian church there, of which he is a former pastor. They returned here Tuesday evening after he also attended a meeting of the Hood River Lions club. Eugene Dove and Harold Mc Entire attended the fall confer ence of the Oregon Secondary Principals held in Salem on Mon day. lie Friendly Store where Qualify Costs No More FROM NEHALEM MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone HA 9-6341 the appointment of Hahn Hardware as Vernonia dealer for BENDIX laundry equipment and CROSLEY ranges and refrigerators. NfWI SWIVEL SLEEVE FOR COMPLETE ACTION FREEDOM1 Your Clothes are SAFE-DRYED Not BAKED DRY with the All-New NEW I lUTTON-UF COLLAR] FOR WEATHER FROTECTiONi J Bendix Superfast automatic dryer. Safe low heat — high airflow. DOUllE FREEDOM WITH HEATED DOUBLE YOKE ON SHOULDERS TWICE RS FAST RS ORDINARY DRYERS Drys 18 pounds of wet clothes in half the usual time. At last you can dry clothes as fast as you can wash them. new “action-design! BIG CAPACITY — drys 18 pounds of wet clothes faster than any other * HIGH AIRFLOW — Low-heat drys dryer. even most delicate fabrics safely — • CLEAR VIEW PORTHOLE DOOR Does NOT Bake clothes! Automatically stops action when * EXCLUSIVE CRISS-CROSS BAF opened. Drying resumes automati FLES — tumble, unfold every gar cally when door is closed. ment for faster, more even drying. HARDWARE HOME TOWN BENDIX — CROSLEY DEALER PAINT — BUILDING MATERIALS 854 Bridge Si.. Vernonia — SPORTING GOODS Telephone HA 9-6131 FREE ’n EASY with new swivel sleeve! The most exciting jacket we've seen in year» . . with the exclusive Buck Skein Joe “action design" Swivel Sleeve allowing complete free dom of mocement. Free 'n Easy ia precisely tailored of Luttraihern — fine soft combed cotton with the luxurious luster and feel of rich imported broadcloth It's Zelan water- repellent! Its snug button-up collar protects you in •ny weather! In smart outdoor colors! Sizes 34 to 46. ter • Wethfof • • Wwklaf • OerrfeeMf • flthlxf IXHZHZHZHXHZHZHZHXMXHXHXHXHZHXHXHZH1