THURSDAY. OCT 13, 1955 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. 30-INCH COOKING CENTER FOR TODAY'S COMPACT Beautiful Decorated Coo kies Jars. $2 25 Special 50 KITCHENS A Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 13,14,15 up for floor prizes on our second floor. Many special values during this sale! SIGN UP FOR FREE FLOOR PRIZES 59c VALUE I Famous 'TÜiâd Cologne A GREAT NEW FRIGIDAIRE "THRIFTY-30" ELECTRIC RANGE if you’ll come in and see the new V U Here’s big range luxury in only 30-inches of space! But it's full of everything that counts—with an oven that goes clear across, big enough to bake 6 pies. Cook- Master Oven Clock Control turns oven on and off automatically while you’re away, New styling—choice of colors! See it right away! v FRIGIDAIRE DEALER’ That’s ell there is to it. Ccme in. See the new Frigidaire Ap pliances, and get your free bottle of nationally famous Tweed Cologne made by Ler.- theric. Come in todayl See the new values on our 9c table. 9c Each for any of these items. Announcing the first and only complete automatic sewing machine — PFAFF ! Model Shown RV-38 30" RV-45 40" Range RV-25 40" Frigidaire Range • NEW 1955 FRIGIDAIRE SPECIAL 9-CUBIC FOOT FREEZER REFRIGERATOR À BUck uses Water Glasses $4 95 Folding Laundry cart with nylon wheels Special $998 No discs io change, even threads itself. Automatic dial-a stitch. Just dial to sew hundreds of decorative stitches. Auto matic needle threader. Just press a lever and your Pfaff threads itself. Fingertip lift. Just press a button to swing your Pfaff into sewing position. I Soft Plastic Glasses Goulds Amazing NO-TANK PUMP I Hot Pads Assorted Colors Green or White bowls Model SDV-91 Spcl Full-width Freezer Full-width Porcelain Hydrator Full-width Chill Drawer • Removable Door Shelves • Tall Bottle Space • Egg Server Butter Compartment Quickube Trays Famous Meter-Miser Mechanism 24 HOUR THERMOSTATIC DEMONSTRATOR WILL BE HERE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Simmons All-Metal Roll-Away Bed with Innerspring $4 Mattress » the Lowest Price in Frigidaire History Complete Water System. No Tank Needed Priced At A Beautiful d curated bowls Can be used for soups, cereals or giavy dishes Reg 29< Special Spec. Sale Swing Rockers from $39.50 Table Lamps Floor l^irnps $14 95 Value s19935 Should build but one fire a season, refuel on average every twelve hours, remove ashes three times monthly. Ashleys are popular in our coldest states — many heating entire homes, schools, stores. Hardwood recommended, all types wood successfully used. See your Ashley dealer. Simmons Mattresses and Box Springs $39 95, $49.50 and $69.50 Each 2 For 95 s239 s38995 95 s299 Saves You $60.00 = = i 1 = I; Fan-Gio Heataire Electric Heater. Both radiant and reflecting heat Three-speed con trol Only 21 $1 75 Embrocie Scissors Special 75* 79< With Thermostatic Control Only All Metal Ironing Boards $5.95 $7 95 - $10 95 ■ $13 95 Ironing Board Pad and Quilted Cover Neoprene rain Coats Neoprene rain Pants !8 ’8 Trays With Rack c r acht Mops Large Cellulose Sponge Yacht $ 1 6!» Mops 1 Cone Wringer Mop IQ Special AND O NEW 1955 MODELS Amana Freezers UNCLAIMED NUMBERS 70528 34-Pc. Pyrex dinnerware set with 22K gold bands in flamingo red or lime green. Reg. $37 50. Com plete with handy cupboard stor age rack. Special New Frigidaire Thrifty Pair ROLL ROOFING Gleaming White Toil et Seat Special Butcher Knife $4 75 Value. Set Special •> 5 ear Old Crib and Deluxe Mat ■ » * » I I • I rtue Walnut Charcoal Dinette Set with Azune Saigon Chairs Sp<-cial Virtue Gray Pearl I Table With 4 Green Pearl Chairs. Special Virtue Red Pearl Table ’ With « Red Pearl $ Chairs Special 79 79 45 lb. 55 lb. 65 lb. 90 lb. Red or (■reen 79c Air Freshener Spray Cans c ZHZHZHZH FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS and FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGES HARDWARE — SPORTING GOODS — GUNS - AMMUNITION PAINTS — LINSEED OIL — TURPENTINE — ELECTRIC WIRING — NAILS ■ ■ $4.35 ZHZHZHZH BRUNSMAN Hardware and Electric ? $2.60 $2.$5 S3.55 Model Shown, fully automatic washer with live water washing, float-over rinsing, rapid-dry spin. Sé— ~ 95 Porcelain finish on top. lid and drum 95 • adapts I'. ITS A PRIVILEGE AND A PLEASURE TO LIVE IN VERNONIA 229 179 Special $30 Allowance on Your Old Washer on this Big Double Walled Speed Queen Washer With Pump 50 Only BEBSBBH 179