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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1955)
6 THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1955 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE FOR SALE—General WANTED FOR SALE: Used Wstinghouse electric roaster with some dishes and cabinet. $20 Inquire of Bob Spencer, 242 B St. Phone 422. 23t3 WOMEN Address, cards at Belmont, with good handwriting, mail advertising post home. Write Box 152, Massachusetts. 22t3 FOR SALE: Good used radios with guarantees. Burns TV and Radio Shop. Phone 1312 23t3c 50 BERRY PICKERS to pick it Cornelius. Start June 10 Trans portation furnished. Call 846. 21t3 FOR SALE: Used chain saw/. Ted’s Saw Shop, Riverview. 22tfc LCGS WANTED: 16 to 24 feet, Cash $45. 24 to 40 feet, $47. 19tfc weekly. Mist Lumber Co. FOR SALE: 7Mi HP. Elgin out board motor, $75. Also, hot water tank, $5 Bertie Bassett, 10th St. Hiverview. 21t3c LOGS WANTED: Mist Lumber Co. Check at mill for prices. Mist Lumber Co., Mist Oregon. letfc FOR SALE: 3 milk cows; 1 guern sey; 1 milking shorthorn and 1 milking shorthorn and whiteface. E. Sied ’lman, Pebble Creek Rd., Vernonia. 21t3 MOTORS, generators, refrigera- tor», re wound, repaired, Motors for sale. Barger Electric Re- pair, Stoney Point road, Ver- 6tfc noma. CASH PAID for furniture, live stock, «lachinery, tools any time Forest Grove Auction, L. R. Senfi and C. W. Christiansen, owner:, and auctioneers. Phone 7615. lftfc SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill dirt. Call 3811, A. G. Ostrander. 26t52c FOR SALE—Real Estate WANTED BERRY PICKERS BOTH HILL AND MOUNTAIN BERRIES Transportation furnished, Excel- lent berries, Register by post- card to ROLLING HILLS FARM Star Rt., Banks. Oregon CUSTOM sawing and planing, lumber for sale, logs wanted. J. H Smith, mill at Pittsburg. Phone 4313. 12tfc HIGHEST cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone 126. 14tfc Pioneer Picnic Set For Birkenfeld Sunday Cub Scouters Given Awards By Lloyd Quinn BITS ABOUT COLUMBIA COUNTYS ONLY GOLF COURSE The J. A. Bush Jr. Spring Han- dicap is now history for this year. Jack Anderson with a 15 handicap shot a steady 42-43-85 which won the event with a net 70. “Old Pro” Bill Johnson came in for runner up honors with 39- 42-81 and a 10 handicap for a net of 71. Following close be I hind with net 72’s were Pete Norris, Joe Taylor and another "Old Pro” Ben Bnckel. Only 17 contestants entered which was somewhat of a disappoint ment but several were of neces sity out of town. We must again apologize for a change in plans. Independenca will not be available for the team match this week end but definitely will appear here later this year. That is the latest word from Kent Bauersfeld who is making the ariangem-nts on the other end Percentage wise we showed very good against Open Champ pion Ed Furgol. Of seven players paying their $1 charity entry fee on National Golf day, three will be awarded medals. Russel Stuve of Mist head ’d the pack with a net 64. Ben George came home with a net 70 and yours truly had a net 68. The money is now in Chicago and the med als should not be too long in ar riving. The Bush Handicap tro phies also have been ordered through Kullander’s Jewelry and will be her * shortly. In addition to his trophy Jack Anderson >■111 have his name permanently engraved on the perpetual trophy which remains at the club house. Keep an eye on that fellow. Loel Roberts. He is working hard with that set of new irons and should be extremely hard to catch one of these days. New clubs glso are being sported by Fete Norris. Ron Paris and Jack Woolard. Skeeter Gill came in on an exchange of irons and has a new driver on order. These beautiful evenings are just right for a round of golf aft- er work. How about you getting in a few extra licks while weather is good? Our welcome this week to Glen Hawkins family and to Henry Andereggs, our newest club members. OFFICE SUPPLIES AVAILABLE TO YOU AÏ- MIST—Next Sunday is the an nual meeting day of the pioneers THE VERNONIA EAGLE to be held at Birkenfeld as usual At the May pack meting of the The nice weather promising a Printing I — Office Supplies Cub Scouts which was held Mav fine day should bring out a good PHONE 191—VERNONIA. ORE. school, crowd. A fine program is prom 20 at the Washington awards were given as follow:-: ised The Columbia Cordsmen. a Carter, chorus of some 25 male voices Badges — Wolf: Jon James McDonald, David Panka- should be an added attraction to nin, Richard Hawken and Ter the program. There will be other ry Dübendorf; Bear: Bill McKen- I fine numbers also. Everyone is ny, Roy Reynolds, Nicky Miller invited to come and bring pot and Grant Bowermaj); Lion: luck dinner and greet old friends Chuck Vlcek and Lester Cham The Robert Wiesters spent the bers; Arrows — Gold: Bill Mc week end in Seattle with friend Kenney, Jon Carter, David Pank- The J W Howreys were in Roy Reynolds, Chuck Vic' 1 !? anin, Markley, vited out Sunday to a chicken Louis Violette, Joe Mike Shulke. Ralph Anderegg, dinner. Several people from the vil- Leon Welch, Darwin Welch, Ben ( Fowler and Eddie Kamholz; Sil lage are joining the pickers in ver: Bill McKenney, Jimmy the strawberry fields now that Lindsay, Steven Gibson, Jon there’s promise of good weather Carter, Roy Reynolds, Chuck Among them are Mrs. L. P Vlcek, Joe Markley, Philip M?y- Wikstrom and Paul, Kathy er, Mike Shulke, L"on Welch, Roeser, the Claude Kysers and Darwin Welch and Eddie Kam some of the* Clarence Kysers. The holz. Denner award went to Jim berries will probably be ready my McDonald and assistant in a very few days. omelste denner to Jon Carter, both of The Beaches, Mathews and Model 17 Chain Saw Den 3.Den 6 won the mom and George Jones went to Chehalis No other 5*w so light ... so easy dad award. and visited Louis Bachman and to handle . . . packs as much Dens 3 and 4 put on skits. his sister, Mrs. Susie Ramsey, power. Enough power to zip through an 18 inch tree in 18 Mi the- of Den 6 served refresh early settlers of the valley here. seconds. Enough power to cut ments and dads of Den 6 super Roy Hughes was in Portland trees 4 feet or more in diameter vised the boys play while the on business Monday. .Virginia and to stand up without costly maintenance under steady pro parents had refreshments. Johnson and Janice Garner went duction cutting. Try it . . . this up with him. No pack meeting is to be held mighty mite of chain saws . .. the H. Jepson spent a night with I new Homelite Model 17, today. in June as the field day at Banks I took the place of it. In July a I his daughter, Mrs. Freda Foster, trip to Baker Point lookout is out at her place on the Tidelands planned and in August there will last week. Mrs. Charles Hansen is on the be a pack picnic at Roger’s park. Riverview at 1st All cubbers will be notified of sick list with a severe cold. Perry McGee was here from the time of these events. Vernonia, Oregon Washington last week visiting I relatives. It's the Mighty Mite H TED'S SAW SHOP ZHZKZHSKZHXH Garden Club Memebrs Visit Weed Iris Gardens FARMS BIRKENFELD—Mr. and M MODERN 4-room house on < 2 Art Bellingham, boys and Mrs. -».ere j, wired for range, , new WANTED TO BUY: Livestock, all for Elsa Richardson spent Memorial pressure system, main high- kinds, by head or pound, your Midway Com- week end at Madras visiting Mrs. way. Price $5000. Good terms. place or mine, Julia Vadnais. 25 acres, 10 in cultivation Young munity Auction, Clatskanie 23tfc Six members of the Nehalem orchard, modern 5-room house phone 2437 Valley Garden club went to Bea v. ith utility and fruit rooms, SEE YOUR LOCAL MATERIALS DEALER verton Wednesday to see the < .1 Boor furnace, wired for CARD OF THANKS manufactured by Weed’s Iris Gardens. They stop range Garage, barn and chick I WISH to thank everyone who i ped on their way home to see house Puce only $8500. sent cards and were so kind to Portland Concrete Pipe & Products Co. Mrs. Cecil Elliott and they also Modern 4-room home, half acre, me during my recent illness. 5819 S.W. Macadam Portland. Oregon called on Mrs. Don Jenseji. They -i Nehalem river Wired for Bruce McDonald range, electric heat. Carport. were Mrs. Tom Hopkins, Mrs. I . ice $3650, terms. I WISH to thank everyone who Francis Larson, Mrs. Walter Carl. was so kind to m? during my HOMES Mrs. Francis Nordstrom. Mrs. Darrell Baker and Mrs. Art Bel NEARLY new 5-room house, wir- stay at the hospital. The cards, * lingham d for range Hardwood floors, letters and visits did me so much attached garage. Close in. Only good and are deeply appreciated Vila G.Smith $4940, very good terms. SEE MFI for farms and acreage. LEGAL NOTICE Introduction of milder, lower-priced, S6 Proof DON BAYLEY, BROKER Pi aee Cafe Bldg. Phone 172 IN THE ClRCUiT COURT OF bottling as a companion to world-famous too Proof 23tlc THE STATE OF OREGON FOR Bond brings forth unprecedented public demand! COLUMBIA COUNTY FGICED REDUCED WILLIAM BENJAMIN WHITE. Our Loss — Your Gain Plaintiff, M cern 4 year old. 2 bedroom vs. home- all rooms larger than ay- erage—990 sq feet of living space CLARICE WHITE. Defendant LEGAL NOTICE M80 4/I SUMMONS pl:, .tied for easy houseke 'ping. Interior redecorated Attached TO: CLARICE WHITE, Defend NOTICE Applications now being garage Fireplace, picture win- ant. IN THE NAME OF THE ceived by the City of Vernonia COMPLETELY dev. , extra flue for oth *r heat- An J available at alivayt $385 STATE OF OREGON, you are at the city hall for the position ing and witvd for electing heat 100 PROOF • BOTTLED IN BOND Approx I acre rich soil, fine hereby required to appear and of city lifeguard at city park COVERED? Both Kentucky Straight Bourbon U'htkiet well, ample water to irrigate pro- answer the complaint filed against pool. i 23t2c pi rty. 3 miles south of Banks on you in the above entitled Court i DRIVING today is full highway to Forest Grove, Im- and cause on or before the expir I THE OLD CROW DISTILLERY CO., FRANKFORT, KY NOTICE of hazards. Even the mi a.ate possession. $8250. terms. ation of four weeks from the date All property owners not pres of the first publication of this most careful driver can Wm. F. Jenkins summons; if you fail to so ap ently connected with sewers Phone F. G 17105 be innocently involved should place a stak * at the part 22t3 pear and answer, plaintiff for in a crash which wrecks want thereof will apply to th" of these houses where the main his car, the property of FOR SALE Four-room modern above entitled Court for the re drain comes from the house so others . . . injures or kills hou ■ »* on Rose Ave. very reason- lief prayed in his complaint, to- a.s to install the "Y” connection ab)< See Vein Sykes 2113c wit: for a decree of this Court in the proper place in the lateral. his' passengers or those What this country really needs is We Have the New Bridgeport Spot Weed Killer. No Mixing— 23t2c that the marriage contract here a good five-cent nickle! in another car. FOR SALE 4 room house. bath No Stooping. Kill* Dandelion. tofore and now existing between and fruit room 1008 Weed Ave. BEN'S BARBER SHOP Dock. Ivy th? plaintiff and defendant be 98 Inquire at 575 3rd St Is your Automobile In 2lt3 Etc. dissolved; that the 1953 Ply- Home Owners, in these days of Expert Tonsorial Work surance ready for such mouth. 4 dr Sedan. Cranbrook the 42c dollar, do you realize that FOR RENT an emergency? Model, bearing Oregon license 98 the home you bought for $5.000 Gardening Vernonia, Oregon FOR RENT Deluxe Apts Suit number 794729, Title number to in 1940 would cost over $12.000 to Gloves ab < f>r I or 2. No children or 2038988. Motor number P24- replace today? Are you sure you pet? Inquire of l.ulah Fullerton, 310710, and Factory number 255- carry adequate loss insurance on Denim for Garden Aprons 4'.!’ Rose Ave Phone 837. 23t3c 75257 be awarded to plaintiff Yard your biggest investment? Come Reg. 79c as his sol? and separate property, in — Insure today — Be Sure To FOR RENT Neat completely and for such other and further WE GIVE SAH GREEN morrow. — and othar rectal di$ea»e« furnished smtill modern house. relief as to the Court may seem • COLON A STOMACH AILMENTS STAMPS I 162 A St Available after Juha meet and proper treitri without Hospital operitlM. I 1«. Phone 912 23t3c CNEDIT TO RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE This summons is published by VI *R Of i Bill J. Horn, Agent SI »Viet E E E E * •’ FOR RENT 4 large rooms and order of the Honorable John W. r n K E i Whipple. County Judge, during i b;,t’ electric water heater. Spark I DEAN CLINIC Phone 231 — Vernonia t oh heater and drapes. Inquire the absence of tfye Honorable Ho Op«R 10 a m until • p m Mon Wed Fri. at 573 3rd St 2113 ward K. Zimmerman, Circuit 905 Bridge Street 10 a m. «•»♦»! Sp*. Yv«$ and Tt»vr$. Phys 10th«'api»t$ Chirop'oc Lc Fhyv.>an$ Judge, from Columbia County, 7OÏ6 N I SANDY BOULEVARD F'OR RENT Small house suitable Oregon, and made and entered I AM 3B1B Portland IÎ Or •«•ex **1 > for couple Wired for range and on the 1st day of June, 1955, di- wat- r heater See Mrs II D Eby r -« ting that such publication be or phone 901 20tfc mad“ once a week for four sue- cessive weeks from the date of BE SURE OF THE BEST WITH NBC PRODUCTS— APARTMENTS FOR RENT Fur the first publication thereof. ni’hed Electric stoves and hot Date of first publication: June water heaters 117 North Street 2, 1955 Haven Apartments 37tfc Date of last publication: June H SERVICES_____________ 23. 1955 DAVID O BENNETT DONALD EWING. registered Attorney at Law- lar d* surveryor Property corner, St Hol *ns, Oregon subdivisions, plats, topographical I CLASSIFIED RATES u: veys. roads, excavation quan I tit.»« general drafting Contact MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 T» rr> at Dick's Tav *rn 22tfe CONCRETE PIPE Sewers Culverts — Drains HISTORIC RECORD! RIVER - VIEWS POLLY SAYS T $1 I VERNONIA INSURANCE BELL-HUDSON Polly's Variety INSURANCE Ph 773-Riverview ^MXHXHXHXHZHZHXMXHXHXKXMZHZHZHZHXHZHXHXM^H^HZMZHZH^ H “ Z H H H Snowflake Crackers Rih Crackers Triangle Thins H H H 1 I'LL SERVICE Hereford and J>: • > mixed calf On week days aft« r > pm $3 00 at the gate Morris Falconbury. near 10th St in Rim view 22t1 words or les*. Words over min imum. 2c each. Three inaer- tion* for the price of two. CARD of Thanks k Notices: 80c. POETRY accepted only as paid matter. Rate Sc per typ? line. H H Honey Grahams Cookies Shredded Wheat H z H ALL MADE BY THE NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY GET THEM AT YOUR FAVORITE GROCERY— FINE Groceries Meat*—Vegetable* H H SAM’S FOOD STORE F ree Delivery H Phone 7S1 ;s;42HZM3H« *