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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1955)
4 THURSDAY. JUNE 9, 1955 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA, ORE. ABOUND THE FARM BY DON COIN WALROD County Extension Agent Three Golfers Beat Furgol Birihday Celebration Calls Families Together TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Reynolds and children and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rey nolds and Earl had cake and coffee with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver and family Saturday in honor of Paul Lin's birthday. gested, but Howell indicates that the station will provide milk and coffee at noon. I Tour Set for Astor Station Are your children buying Sav and clover and the mowing of ings Stamps regularly at school? The annual field day for the Last Saturday, June 4, was na the first crop for silage each It ’ s not only good thrift training. John Jacob Astor branch experi- year, the thistles are gradually, tional golf day and golfers all Stamps scon grow but Savings ment station at Astoria is sch ’ d- becoming weaker and less abun- over the\ country were comp?t- ul?d for Saturday, June 11, and Bonds. into Savings dant. ing with open golf champion. Ed is scheduled to start at 10:30 am. Moran, Vernonia, and Furgol who played that day on Jim FOR ATHLETES FOOT are the Lake course of the Olympic This field day should be of Archie Colvin, Clatskanie, May Registers Frosts particular interest to Columbia Use T-4-L for 3 to 5 days. Watch both planning to spray some country club at San Francisco. Weather facts for the month of county folks, says County Agent the old tainted skin slough off tussock and were doing some Entering the competition here leaving healthy, hardy skin. If materials. wer» Russel Stuve of Mist. Dud May as compiled by Oakley Don Coin Walrod, because of the not pleased with powerful, in checking in control Cripps show a total rainfall of similarity of climate at the sta stant drying T-4-L, your 40c back Tussock has some other names, ley Nickson and Cliff McClana- I by the way, and we hear It cal han of Portland, and Lyle Fraz- 2 39 inches. Low temperature tion and most of Columbia coun at any drug store. Today at— led such things as tules and ier, Ben George, Loel Roberts was 23 degrees on May 9 with ty. Much of the work going on VERNONIA DRUG CO. May 22 a close second with 29 there is applicable to farms oi swamp grass. This particular and Lloyd Quinn of Vernonia plant is readily killed by 2.4-D The il fees paid here and else- degrees. High was 74 degrees on this younty. sprays applied during May and where were all split between the May 12. Herb Howell, superintendent THE VERNONIA EAGLE June or when the plant is mak national golf fund and the Amer of the station, reports that Dr Official Newspaper of ing good growth. The recom ican ift-d Cross who allocated Harold Schudel, farm crops de SCRIBENER'S Vernonia, Oregon mended spray rate is three their portion to victims of re- partment, Oregon State college, Marvin Kaniholz pounds of the ester form of 2 4-D cent tornadoes in Kansas and will be present for the field day LOG SCALE BOOKS plus five gallons of a light oil Oklahoma. to assist with forage crops wo(k Editor and Publisher Waterproof. such as stove oil and water to and Dr. Jim Oldfield of th? an- Entered as second class mail Russell Stuve, Ben George and From 12 to 80 Feet. make 100 gallons of spray. imal husbandry department of matter, Augast 4, 1922 at the Lloyd Quinn ail beat Furgol. Only 50c. OSC will be on hand to help post office in Vernonia. Oregon The oil in the spray serves as a wetting agent and thus gives Rumor has it that the dog hfcf THE VERNONIA EAGLE with matters on livestock nutn- under the act of March 3, 1879. j tion. the 2,4-D a better chance to do been relegated to Second place Subscription price $3.00 yearly Printing — Office Supplies Inasmuch as there are no lunch in the Nehalem Valley. Else its job. However, if oil is used ’Tis said that "man’s best friend" PHONE 191—VERNONIA, ORE. j ' facilities close to th? experiment where $3.50. in this manner it is necessary is now the United States Sav ings | station, sack lunches are sug- that the spray then have a mech- Bond. anical agitator, as the oil will not mix with the water. There NOTICE OF BUDGET MEETING are commercial wetting agents IS HEREBY GIVEN that the budget committee of the city of Vernonia, Columbia County, Oregon, a municipal corporation has that can be used if the oil can filed NOTICE in the office of the levying board, to wit: the City Council of said city, its detailed estimates of the total amount of receipts and also not be used for lack of a mech the total amount of money proposed to be raised by taxation and expended by said municipal corporation for all purposes for the period anical agitator. We have tried from July 1, 1955 to June 30, 1956 which estimates are as follows: ........ ... . ____________ some of these materials and have EXPENDITURES had good success in killing tus sock with a hand sprayer wjth Estimate for Current year them. Tussock is adapted to and Budget Fiscal year Actual for Actual operation for year ended usually grows only on ground for July 1, 1955 to first June 30, June 30, June 30, that is wet. If possible to drain Fund and Classification total year June 30, 1956 rix months 1952 1954 1953 the area involved, the tussock is GENERAL FUND less likely to come back again 'Vr Recorder following spraying 2.4-D is non- Salary $ 9 i>7Q nn $ 2,079 00 $ 1,039.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1,980.00 $ 1,980.00 poisonous and so no danger to Supplies 250 00 52.25 $ 250.00 108.96 92 24 251.34 Treasurer livestock pasturing in the area ik Salary 900.00 involved. 450 00 780 00 858.00 858 00 $ 900.00 Supplies s io no 10.00 4 70 4.37 • Attorney Salary 600.00 $ 600 00 600.00 300 00 600.00 600 00 Legal service 1,000.00 $ 500 no 1,500.00 75 00 300 00 Buildings and Grounds 1,200.00 914 47 S 2 200 00 1.577.20 888.73 1,219.93 Elections and publications 200 00 236.13 179 97 70.97 170 46 -. . $ 200.00 A good grass pasture controlled 500 00 $ 500 00 476 50 Audit 476.50 476.50 476.50 Canada thistle for Cliff Multanen I Debt Service: r , 1 ( U Clatskanie Before planting the Sinking Fund $ 7 000 00 m i nW tiff • 1 , “The unmatched natural flav paotur.*, Cliff says that the area Interest on Bonds $ 3.400.00 or of butter is an important fac was nearly solid with thistle, Police department Salaries and wages oat after planting grass and tor in the popularity of this dairy 7,228 56 9.009.00 8,370.99 8,409.43 4.412.52 $ 9 009 00 Other expense 796 29 1,000.00 750 34 305.42 835.53 $ 1.000 00 eiover the thistles gradually dis product," John Talleshaug. Rain ier, chairman of the June dairy Fire department appeared Cliff used Alta fescue Salaries and wages 216 00 500.00 month, commenc'd in connection 119.00 314.50 188.20 $ 750.00 -ad white clover, but other spec Other expense 718.95 2,000.00 641.31 712.90 327.56 $ 1 000 (10 ues would probably work just with the national observance of • Street and sewer as well. The important thing is June dairy month. Salaries and wages 42 33 110.00 $ 110(10 Talleshaug said that consumer Uiat the pasture be vigorous. Other expense 1,618.88 1,700.00 5,778.12 254.75 924.65 S 1 7OO (VI Sinking fund 3,000.00 surveys have revealed that more 1,000.00 4,000.00 5.000.00 $ 4 son no Joe Baker, manager of Hudson- Library unwell company, Scappoose, al- than 70 per cent of the families 900 00 990 00 1,039 00 990.00 Salaries and wages 519.54 $ 1 089 no •v aid rated on the pasture tour throughout the country use but 194 03 209 93 Supplies 200 00 209.55 65.65 $ 200.00 ter today. Butter ranks high in .ast Saturday that a good pas- 60 00 60.00 Health Officer 60.00 $ 60 no sore would control Canada this. importance in American homes 6,088 53 1.017.34 474.36 Park 501.52 1,500 00 $ 1,000.00 both as a spread and as a cook- 638.74 478.51 249.01 Cemetery 441.51 1.000.00 tie Joe says that between the i non i 144 21 258.77 404.90 82.77 500.00 «•appetition offered by the grass ing ingredient. Miscellaneous $ 500 no • ; ; ; 115.72 60.84 60.84 60.84 League of Oregon Cities There are many other advan- $ 60 81 656 22 997.60 743.85 562 92 1,000.00 Bonds and insurance $ 1 sno nn tages butter can boast besides 779.03 1,562.14 833.70 466.51 925.00 Employee’s Retirement Fund $ 975 QI) flavor. It is easy to digest and 70 22 326 72 217.72 480.00 Social Security $ 500 (Ml creates desirable conditions for 453.70 1.000 00 Emergency $ 1 non (Hi the digestion of food. $31,822.84 TOTAL 543.542 8» It is unexcelled as a rich source WATER FUND $ 3,751.08 $ 3,407 69 $ 3,719.84 $ 1.969.02 of natural vitamin A This vita $ 3.938.00 Salaries — Superintendent $ 3.938 00 1,800.00 1,980.00 1,980.00 1,039.50 2,079.00 Salaries — Collector $ 2 079 OQ min is necessary for growth, 15,021.57 6.586 27 9,362.02 19.435.97 8,000.00 Supplies and maintenance $ 5 000 00 healthy ey“s and skin and main- 361 48 478.07 225.81 119.16 230.00 Employees’ Retirement Fund $ 250.00 tenance of healthy tissues for re- 14 07 67.19 39.72 125.00 Social Security $ 160.00 sistance to infection. 1,232.10 1,884 98 1,625.09 1,183.24 2 250 00 Miscellaneous labor $ ^250.0-1 1.500 00 6.500 00 10.000 00 Butter was first made quite 7,000.00 Sinking fund $ 9.000 00 by accident more than 2,000 $f2.677.0() TOTAL 5.203.51 8.994.26 5.239.25 5,103 35 9.044.85 years before the Christian era. STATE TAX STREET FUND $ 9,000.00 4.443.91 4,800 20 116 07 7,367.93 One hot day a Nomads goat ROAD DISTRICT NO. 16 FUND $ 2,500 00 $58,248 36 $66.083.14 $59,961 29 $43,148 25 $71,857.62 $77,719.84 Expenditures—All Funds skin of milk became churned from jostling and the heat as he RECEIPTS rod? a swift horse across the des Current Estimate for ert of the middle east. When the ‘1 i f .■ Actual operation for year ended Actual for Budget Fiscal year. Nomad tested the "butter" as June 30 Just like 2x2 or ABC, first June 30 June 30 for July 1, 1955 to started to take a drink of 1952 1953 1954 six months total year Fund and Classification June 36 1956 my taste for milk comes he milk, he found he had a product naturally. It tastes as good of fine flavor, stimulating to the GENERAL FUND Cash balance — as anything could, for a taste. He told his friends about $ 6,694 32 $ 3,985.70 $ 3,704 34 $ 477.39 $ 2,637.29 Beginning of year $ 3,020.00 the discovery and the news yick-me-up you see, 6,496.77 6,061 96 6,383 27 2.302.03 4,000.00 Fines and licenses $ 4,000.00 spread over the civilized world 1 080 00 1.125.00 1.150.00 590 00 1.140.00 <and that's why milk’s Rent and sale of property $ 1,200 00 425.65 2,210 95 425.00 1.834.70 500.00 Before the butter was widely Miscellaneous 500.00 $ for me) 241 25 342 50 451 25 192 50 150.00 Cemetery 200 00 accepted as a food, it was re $ 2.039 91 1.669.75 2.265 56 610 86 1,400 00 State liquor allocation $ 1.400 00 garded as an indication of wealth 117 50 141.50 119 20 100 00 County dog license fees 100 00 $ in some countries. -It was stored Less estimate of in the ground for years and a tree ( 1200 00) uncollectible taxes 12,477 82 9,781 63 11,431 46 was planted to mark the spot. 1,771 05 11,822 13 Revenue from gen. tax It vv TOTAL ... Grade A Pasteurized WATER FUND Natur-* takes care of her foolish Cash balance — Milk & Cream sons by providing wives to watch $12,210 55 $12,903 85 $ 3,704 34 $ 7,642 16 $10.895 42 Beginning of year * PHON I 471 $ 9.069.00 over them I 24,472 75 24.942 30 24.060 15 11,655 99 24.000 00 Water rentals $24.000 00 Sewer Use Charge $ 8.400.00 Connection Fee $ 3,000.00 TOTAL $44.469 00 STATE TAX STREET FUND 8.633 09 10.087 64 5.178 48 4.346.20 9.044 85 Allocation from State $ 9.000 00 1,462 26 1.739 50 10,541 82 258 23 7,367.93 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 16 FUND $ 2.500 00 $76,980 71 $75,362 44 $70,824 57 $30,271 41 $71,857 62 Receipts — All funds $77,719 84 7 SUMMARY That the past few weeks have aot been hay-making weather axiuld be apparent to most any not bothered one, but it has those dairy and livestock people •eer the county who have been uusily engaged in filling silos. Occasionally, the rains will stop she ensilage making, too, but for the most part there has been jttle hinderance. Recognition of the value of •ilagc continues to grow as ev- jdenced by the numerous new tilos that we have around again •.Ins spring. However, there is no particular uniformity in the type of new silo that is built Gener ally, there seems to be more in terest in the trench silos, as •here seem to be more of that particular type being construct ed than any other. Some are iibove ground and some are dug into the ground where conditions are suitable. Dick Richards, manager of the Joe Fisher Ftereford Ranch, told as about something that they tried to reduce the amount, of -spoilage and unpalatable silage •n the top portion of their trench i silo« which does not have a roof. Dick says that after filling their trench, they poured molasses •ver it. This molasses helps to I teal the top of the silage and at | .’he same time it keeps the upper j ■ poition« of the silage palatable it is carried downward. Ken Asburry. Bachelor Flat, is filling a new trench silo that is dug partly out of the hillsid1*. The walls of this silo are concrete .and there is also a concrete floor Plans are made to put a ¡roof over this silo. Ken plans to •elf-feed his cattle from this french and already has the feed- -m: racks patterned after a pub- .tshed plan from OSC. Butter Flavor Is Unmatched RT> OBIRV PRODUCTS (0. From where I sit Joe Marsh Sad Note From The Bugle All ef it» on the (’ferien were alarmed to learn (lyo our prin cipal rirai in the Hen »paper Held — the Raletrillr Rupie —might hare le »hut down. Cropa wen* bad in Balesnlle last year and one of their fac tories more«! out of town. Just tern po ran rttiard times, of course need» help now -but the Rup/e J if it’s to survive. Bo, thin paper is going to arrape up a little money to help tide them over, and we hope other local concerns will do the same. We've seldom agreed with them editorially over the years but we want their competition to keep us on our toes. From where I »it. this country need» papers with different point» of view —just a» it need» ptoplr with different idea» and ta»t«n. You may prefer iced tea as a hot- weather rooler ... I generally choose a cold glass of hcer But if either of u< couldn’t express his opinion, and act on it. that would he "had news" for the whole commui.ity C.optnght. I9»j. I nttrtl Slatti Hittr'l Ffniiliot I i I I Proceeds from sale of Sewer Bonds Expenditures authorized for Sewer construeu n Estimated expenditures — General Fund Water Fund . . State Tax Street Fund Road District Ito. 16 Fund Estimated Receipts (except from taxation) — General Fund Water Fund and Sew *r Fund State TaiC Street Fund Road District No. 16 Fund ■Amount to be raised bv direct tax WITHIN «°. LIMITATION IN EXCESS OF 6 LIMITATION $85.000 00 $85.000 00 $43.542.84 $22.677.00 $ 9.000 00 $ 2.500 00 > 9.220 00 $44 46900 $ 9 000 00 $ 2,500 00 $12.530 84 = « TOTAL $77,719 84 A TOTAL $65.18900 _________ >77,719 84 $12 530.84 NONE And notice is hereby given th? said City Council of said City sitting as a levying board, will hold a meeting in the citv hall in the City of Vernonia. Columbia County. Oregon, on Monday evening. June 23. 1955 at the hour of 8 00 o'clock p m standard time, at which time and place all persons who shall be subject to such tax levy, when the same shall be mav appear and be h*.ard in favor or agamst s«id tax levy, or anv part thereof Dated this 18th day of May 1955 ' ATTEST: Sam L. Hearing, Recorder A. L. Kuliander, Chairman. Budget Committe- Lyman Hawken, Mayor ______ Tom Bateman. Clerk. Budget Committee