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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1955)
Parents Reveal Wedding Date OES Members Attend Grand Chapter Sessions JUNE'S STYLE CENTER Some in and Register for free Merchandise , ADMIRAL i ! Radio TV Appliances J * Low Down Payment | * 12 Months to Pay. i We Have Just Added Picture • Tube Rebuilding Equipment to! io Save Your Old. Weak Tubes | GUARANTEED SERVICE ‘ 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. — All Makes [ ! ♦ J ( ♦ ; OAKES RADIO SHOP « Phone 774 — j Riverview | | ■ | i Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Spencer spent last week end at their beach home at Sunset Beach and were assisted with the celebra tion of their 43rd wedding anni versary when friends came in Saturday evening bearing gifts and again on Sunday when an anniversary dinner was held. Attending the two occasions were thSr beach neighbors and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kaspar and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Richards of Vernonia. Mrs. Richards baked the anniversary cake for the party. — Guests Surprise Nehalem OES Nehalem Chapter, O.E.S. was given a surprise visit last Wed nesday evening by a group of people from Portland who came especially to extend a welcome home to Mr. and Mrs. Pete Brunsman who returned recent ly from an extended trip abroad. They were Irene McKinley, jun ior past grand matron; Amelia Steele, grand representative to the state of Ohio in Oregon, Barney and Margaret Thorn burgh, Lillian Borland and Ade line Raugh. During the evening, Mrs. Mc Kinley entertain.d with whistl ing numbers, including, by re quest, the ever popular Mock ing Bird Hill number. Following the meeting, delici ous cream, pecan and blackber ry pies were served by the re freshment committee, Florence Messing, Elsie Sherman and Er ma Kent. « The next meeting will be June 15 and will include observance of Father’s day. second quarter birthdays and the hearing of ' Grand Chapter r"ports. - Market H X Riverview H At the Mile Bridge X H X M X H X H X H X H ümxhxhzhihxmxhxhxhxhxhxhí : Youth Must Be Served THE BEST OF FOODS Buy them at Kings And Remember — YOU RING — WE BRING I-------- Transportation Furnished I Sign up with Austin Corll or Phone 1676 "TELEPHONE (Olimi ?HXHXHXHZMXHXHXMZMXMZHXH3HXHXHXMXHZHXH H X SNXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXH^ wanted for Asburry farm, St. Helens area Wedding Invitation Do-Si-Do Dance Club ífytáxuí Ji The LOng-Bell LUMBER COMPANY Vernonia Division Berry Pickers 3 Rainbow Girls Seat Officers Parties at Beach Home Celebrate Anniversary X KING’S Grocery H 91 X Phone "Where Your Money Buys More” H £ H X H X H X M X H THURSDAY. JUNE 9. 1955 THIS IS SUSAN.'' Mrs. Lois Clark and Mrs. Louise Thomas presented 29 piano students in a recital in the auditorium of Jhe Evangeli cal United Brethren church at 4:00 o’clock last Saturday after noon. Those presented were: Shirley Pace, Delbert Bush, Janet Wat son, Judy Brady, Diana Minger, Bonnie Campbell, Judy Math ews, Janice Martan, April Bel lingham, Marion Mathews, Lai- ry Larson, Christine King, Shar on Brunsman, Martha Bush. Rita Fav Carlson. Diana Magoff, Ge neva Sullivan, Ronnie Hotrum. Vicky Serafin, Grace Knoll, Car olyn Garlock, Kathy Weller. Jan ice Jones. Louis Jones, Roy Rey nolds, Marjorie Jones, Mary Steen, Joyce Sullivan and Bai- bara Weed. A well filled auditorium of parents, relatives and friends greatly appreciated the excellent program of solos, duets, duos and eight hand numbers. »■ THE EAGLE. VERNONIA, ORE " hi , MOMMY- Music Teachers Present Pupils Leiter from Alaska Enjoyed by Past Chiefs Friendly Pinochle Club Meets at Forest Grove Members of the Friendly Pin Slates Jim Kindred Issued to Friends ochle club went to Forest Grove Jim Kindred will be the caller Friends are welcome to attend The Trinity Luthem church at last Friday to meet with a form for the Do-Si-Do square dance the wedding of Miss Mary Tapp, Hillsboro was the scene of a er member. Darlene May. in her I club when they hold their reg daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J E. wedding at 3:03 o’clock Sunday lovely new hitme on Comino ular meeting this Saturday night Tapp of Cornelius, and Scott F. afternoon. May 15, at which Lois Drive. She served a delicious Jun1» 11, at the VFW hall. In ad Frank, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. dition to the u;ual evening of McDonald of Lakeview at th- dessert luncheon to Margie De H H. Frank of Vernonia, became [ dancing, there will be a short Evangelical United Brethren Hart. Julia Davis, Margaret Van- the bride of LeRoy Sprecher, business meeting to decide about church next Sunday, June 12, derzanden, Marie Shafer, Cora son of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. dancing during the summer. at 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon Lange. Eleanor Thompson and Sprecher of Beaverton. The im DeLoris Webb who played for pressive double ring ceremony i was read by Reverend George | Mane Sauer. The afternoon’s play resulted Reule in a setting' of candle light and baskets of white snap in high score for Mrs. Lange and dragons and pink carnations .n low for Mrs. Davis. This was the concluding party the presence of 200 relatives and for the club for this season and friends. meetings will resume again in The bride, given in marriage the fall. by her father, wore a floor length wedding gown made with Chantilly-t.vpe bodice with long sleeves and pleated tulle and lace skirt over satin. Her finger tip veil was held in place by a tiara of seed pearls and sequins. Her pearl necklace was a gift Dorothy Gwin was installed as of the groom and she carried a worthy advisor for the Nehal cascade bouquet of pink roses and stephanotis centered with em Assembly No. 18, Order of ..“ everything was real FINE AND I a white orchid. She also wore Rainbow for Girls, at installation a spray of orange blossoms ceremonies at the Masonic Tem DIDN'T LOSE MY TICKET-AND THEY'VE which had been worn by her ple May 23. Outgoing worthy ad GOT A REAL LIVE BABY CALF AND I CAN grandmother at her wedding. visor, Harriet Heath was instal FEED HIM — ‘BYE! I LOVE YOU • GRAN'MA Maid of honor was Mrs. Don ald Cline of Portland and brides ling officer and was assisted by WANTS TO TALK TO YOU NOW!" maids were Mrs. Roy Frank of Joyce Akers, recorder; Margaret Dufur, Miss Pat Schmelling of Cook, chaplain; Patricia Stiff, Hillsboro and Miss Mary Anne marshall and Mrs Frank Sera Clark of Portland, all of whom fin, musician. Who else, for goodness sake? It isn’t every Officers seated with Dorothy wore floor length gowns of aqua day that small daughters go traveling while satin and net and lily-of-the-val- were: Bertha Keasey, associate mother anxiously awaits the word that "every Patsy Wildt, ley head bands and earned cas worthy advisor; thing's fine!" Ray, hope; cade bouquets of pink carnations. charity; Virginia Flower girl was Carol Sprecher Sharon Gwin, faith; June Jones, It’s the warm, personal closeness that makes of Gladstone, neice of the groom, drill leader; Priscilla Hickman, Long Distance mean so much to those who who wore a floor length gown chaplain; Marjorie Reynolds, as mean so much to you. I-ong Distance calls are of dotted yellow nylon, and ring sistant drill leader; DeAnn Cook, fast, easy-to-make—and so inexpensive. Reduced bearer was Kenneth Frank of love; Carol Ray, religion; Janie? rates are always in effect after 6:00 p.m. week Aldrich, Vernonia, nephew of the bride, j Hoyt, nature; Sharon days and all day on Sundays. Best man was Joa Cameron of immortality; Nancy Lloyd, fidel Hillsboro and ushers were May ity; Carolyn Heath, patriotism; Wouldn’t someone—somewhere—like to nard Sprecher of Beaverton, Darlene Bernardi, service; Jan ice Garner, musician; Judy Cant, hear your voice today? brother of the groom, and Wes ley Thoms of Portland and Mur- well, confidential observer; Julia Waite, outer observer; Carol Mc- vel Frank of Vernonia. Kenny .choir director; Marie Don Becker of Hillsboro sang Stager, historian and Mary Mil- "A Wedding Prayer” and “O VAND INEXPENSIVE, TOO’." lis, recorder. Perfect Love.” Organist was Harriet Heath was presented Robert Germ?oth. with her white Bible by Mr. Typical Rates from Vernonia Fo: Following the ceremony a re $1.30 ception was held in the social Walter Linn. Entertainment LOS ANGELES*..................................................... hall of the church. The yellow numbers were given by Roberta $1.75 CHICAGO*........................................................... and white wedding cake topped Lloyd $2.00 NEW YORK*........................................................... with the traditional bride and I * Rates for 3 minutes, number-to-number, after 6:00 p. m. weekdays I groom ornament was cut and and all day Sundays, not including 10X Federal Excise Tax. I served by Mrs. Rose Kramer, Nehalem Garden Club Calls Important Meeting aunt of the groom, and Miss Gussie Sigler, aunt of the bride. The Nehalem Valley Garden Comploto your call» fattori Would you liko a handy ‘ Bluo Coffee was poured by Mrs. Lar club will meet at the homte of Book of Tolophono Numbort"—your own portonal diroctory of ry Brown of Sweet Hom»?, sister fho local and long dutonco numbort you call motl oftonf Jut! of the bride, and punch was Ethel Larson next Wednesday, drop a card or call our Butinott Ofhco for your froo copy. June 15 at 1:30 p m. All members served by Mrs. Murvel Frank assisted by Mrs. Pete Raney and are urged to be present as im Miss Alleen Jackson Mrs. Elgus portant business is to be con sidered. T < Frank had charge of the guest book. Middle age is when you don’t For the wedding trip to Cal care where you go, just c . 'ong ifornia the bride wore a powder > as you're home by 9 p m. blue suit with white accessories and her white orchid corsage. The couple is now at home at Hillsboro. , Among those from here at tending OES grand chapter ses sions in Portland this week are Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Tomlin, Ne halem chapter worthy matron and patron; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hearing Jr, associate matron and patron; Mrs. Wilbur Davis, conductress; Mrs. Sam Hearing Sr., associate conductress; Mr. and Mrs. Pete Brunsman, Mrs. Paul Gordon and Mrs. William Bndgers. The Tomlins and Hearings par ticipated in drills and Mr. Bruns man acted as page. Mr and Mrs. L. E Stiff have announced August 21 as the date for the marriage of their daugh ter, Patricia, to Earl Martin Ray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ray and plans are underway for a wedding at the Evangelical Unit ed Brethren church here. The young people both gradu ated frorp Vernonia high school last year and both had been ac tive in student body activities, including extensive sports activ. ities for Mr. Ray. Since gradua tion, Miss Stiff has been employ ed at the Vernonia Branch of the U. S. National bank and Mr. Ray has attended Pacific University and plans to continue his studies there. The Past Chiefs club met Mon day evening at the home of Edith McFarland on Rock Creek road with nine members present. During the business session, a contribution was voted to help in financing the trips of th-’ high school band to the Rose Festi val. An interesting letter was read from Mrs. Earl (Georgia) Smith, former Vernonia resident and Pythian Sister past chief who now lives at Grayland, Washing- ton. At present she is in Alaska with a crab canning boat and reported a most interesting trip and experience. Delicious refreshments were served by the host ss. The host ess prize was won by Grayce Bundy. Luthem Rites Unite Couple I Williamson to Call for Nehalem Squares Friday Leonard Williamson of Seaside ■ will be the caller for the Nehal em Valley Squares when they meet at the Birkenfeld gym on Friday, June 10 Visitors are welcome i An inexpensive way to add 1 more milk nutrients to the d«e! 1 is to use nonfat dry milk solids in cooking and bakinp Use Rainier Maid butter .. . You’ll taste its big difference even more on hot foods! Butter is churned from lOO'*» real cream i RAINIER CREAMERY s Z H H COLUMBIA COUNTY'S FINEST DAIRY PRODUCTS X Z H KZHZHXHZMXHXHXHXHXMXHZHXHXNZHZHXHXHXH»