Library, U of 0 • • I FFA Course Postponed By Directors Church Dedication Sei The Shoreline Evangelical U";ted Brethren church in Seattle <7 which Rev. Paul D. Sisler is pastor will be formally dedicated 1.-..S coming Sunday. May 22, with the Rev. Dr. Ira D. Warner. bish- < . of the churches Pacific area in cfcarge of ceremonies. Jlev. Sis-' l^r went to this new area from V^ftionia and made the initial survey and preparation for build­ ing the church this year. The building has been used for ser- s res since March 27. DUNLAP TO BE CD SPEAKER THOSE WHO ARE IN IT I A2c Allen Hibbs arrived Wed­ nesday. morning for a 20-day fur- lough here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugen? Hibbs, He comes from Finley Airforce sta- lion at Finley, North Dakota where he is a radar op-rator. He will accompany his mother and brothers Ronnie and Jimmy to Greenleaf. Idaho Saturday to at. tend th? graduation of his sister, Doris, from Greenleaf Friends Acadsmy. • Awards Assembly Due Grad: school students who have won awards for various ac­ tivities will receive them Friday, May 20, at tne final assembly of the year. ‘Awards will be pre­ sented for: safety patrol, basket­ ball, track, poppy poster winners and the marble tournament. 10c COPY Graduation IVeeÀ Affairs Planned e • Vernonia p?ople will have an opportunity to hear an ey? wit­ ness of the recent atomic tests Graduation week activities for in Nevada tomorrow night (Fri­ , 43 seniors at Vernonia high day) at 8:00 p.m. at a meetkig ar- ' ( school will begin at 7:30 Sunday ranged by the local civilian de- J ’ ev mng with the baccalaureate fense committee at the Washing *| ' services at the Evangelical United ton school. Brethren church at which Rev. Leonard Dunlap, civil defensi Ervin Leake of the First Chris­ director for Forest Grove, wil. tian church will deliver th - ad- be guest speaker for the meeting •dress and pastors >f the other and will tell of his impression' I churches will also participate j when he was a guest of the Unit | Special music will be furnished ed States governm »nt for "Op I by the high school choir. This eration Cue.” All civil defense will be the seniors first app-ar- chairmen and all oth»r persons ance in thcir caps and gowns interested are urn d to be pre Tuesday evening. evening, the seniors sent and hear this imformativ: will be honor guests at the annual talk. I banquet sponsored, prepared «nd [ served by the American Legion Auxiliary with financial assis- | tance from other organizations, I This will be held at the Legion • hall. Thursday evening at 8:00 I o'clock, graduation ■ xercises will Staff Sergeant and Mrs. Tom- 'j I b? held in the high school audi- my Holce arrived home Tuesday, 1 | tonum with Mrs. Goida P. Wick- May 11 from Fairbanks, Alaska ' ! ham. associate director (if student .where he has been stationed , I affairs at University of Oregon as with th.? air force. They will ! | commencement speaker. «pend a 30 day leave here and The nam"s of seniors who will then go to his new assignment in receive diplomas will be found Massachusetts. in an article elsewhere in this is. Vote on Boundary Change Scheduled For Friday, May 27 At the meeting last Monday c ?ning of the high school board of directors, intensive attention was given to the inclusion of agriculture courses in the high school curriculum but final d?ci- < on was that it would be impos- s.hle this year due to the fact that an effort to find an instruc- t-who could handle both agri, culture and shop classes had fail­ ed. Harlow Hotrum headed a com- rr rtee which made an initial sur- vtfy of agriculture possibilities here in order to g?t state approv- i. of adding such courses; He t d Don Bayley were present at t>.e Monday night meeting to p (-sent th"se facts and they will b used in an effort to work out such a program for the 1958-57 school year. \ budget hearing was held at St Helens yesterday concerning c'.indary chang"s which would trinsfer certain areas from this district to St. Helens in exchange f r others in order to give each ¿ strict the areas ntbst accessible to th’m. Voters of the district are re- rr. "ded that Friday, May 27. will be the date for the election here consolidation of the Birkenf"ld h -h school district with Ver- r na. Hours for the election arc f.- m 2 to 8 pm. at ths high - ool building. .'line 27 will be the annua] sc.’.ool election at which one di. rector will be elected. The term cf Claude Johnson is expiring. poppies symbolize those on Flafi ders field A perc"ntage of th? moncy raised from this sale is kept here for child welfare work, a percentage goes to the D?pai t ment for hospital ¡ era I logging supplies, they stud. Salk Vaccine Gets Okeh Salk vaccine for use here has received an ok?h and shots will and be given to first and grade children at both the Wash mgton and Lincoln schools next Wednesday morning. May 25 be tw.-en 9 and 10 a m. MARGARET BUCKLEY These five students have been chosen as those having the high­ est grade average for th -ir four years of high school work. Track Meet Postponed Th- grad e school track meet originally scheduled for May 14. has been postponed to Saturday. May 21. Should there be rain that day. the event will be postponed again to Monday, May 23.