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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1954)
6 THURSDAY, DEC. 30, 195: THE EAGLE. VERNONIA oPF. Bowling Results Oregon Bark Uses Many INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE I VV.on Lost Mill Market 34', MH Dessy’s 31 29 Oregon lumbermen are looking Long-Bell 27'i 32'i ' for ways to market the whole j tree, including the bark, to outdo Bob’s Union 27 33 FOR SALE—General I LEGAL NOTICE i the stockmen who market th? CITY LEAGUE 1 whole pig except the squeal. i EOR SALE: Nice large Ayer- NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Lyle’s Barber Shop 43 17 I E. F Kurth, head of the chemi 30 ■hire cow, coming with third calf; Notic? is hereby given that the Pete’s Place 30 cal research division of the Ore- Oake ’ s Telv. 26 34 To freshen about January 1. No | undersigned as administratrix of | gon For’-st Products laboratory, Radiant Cleaners 21 39 faults. Charles Schmidlin, six : the estate of Paul A Girdon, de- ' says bark from Oregon's forests nnles south of Vernonia on Port- ; ceased, has filed her final ac- WOMEN’S LEAGUE can yield a variety of products 35 25 which this country now imports land highway. 51t3c i count in the county court of the Dessy’s Vernonia Drug 32 28 With an annual production of CASH PAID for furniture, live- 1 state ot Orep>on tor Columbia Brunsman's 28 32 some 10,000,000,000 board feet of stock, machinery, tools any time J county, and that Monday, Janu- Sam’s Food 25 35 Douglas fir lumber in Oregon and Forest Grove Auction, L. R. Senfl ' ary 17, 1955 at the hour of 10:00 Team high game and serie Washington, more than 2,500,000 and C. W Christiansen, ownert ' o’clock in the fore noon of said went to the Vernonia Drug 1 tons of Douglas fir bark would und auctioneers. Phone 7615. . „ ... „ , . ' day an<l the court room of said with 784 and 2228 respectively. ' be available. lotfc I Researchers at OFPL haw1 made -------------------------------------------------- i court has been appointed by said Celeste Poetter scored high in SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill I court as the time and place for dividual game and series with a chemical inventory of the bark [ dirt. Call 3811, A. G. Ostrander. ■ the hearing of objections' thereto 193 and 507. Splits were picked of nine Oregon trees. These in up by: Lyla Rauch, 3-7-10, and clude Douglas fir, grand fir, white 26t52c I and the settlement thereof. Marguerite Burton, 5-7. fir, western red cedar, Port Or Dated and first publication De ford cedar, incense cedar, pon- FOR SALE—Real Estate cember 16, 1954 derosa pine, sugar pine and red Date of last publication Janu FOUR-ROOM house with shower alder. and outbuilding. All good con ary 13, 1955 Unless tannin is recovered from tree bark, this country will soon dition. $300 down, $30 month. Mona M. Gordon, Administratrix become dependent upon imports Also 50x115 corner lot, $50 John L. Foote, St. Helens, Ore gon Attorney. 50t5c for nearly 100 per cent of the down, $20 month. Owner, 1332 Prices that Oregon families natural tannin supply, Kurth j tat* Av Phom’ 273 50t3 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS will nay in the year ahead will be added Tannins are used for tan- I CITY OF VERNONIA, OREGON , THREE bedroom modern house Construction of Concrete Curbs much the same as they have b? n, ning leather and in oil-w.?ll drill- • with electric water heater. Wired Sealed bids will be received by | according to Mary Beth Minden, mg. Oregon State college extension for range. Riverside Drive Call This country imports annually the City Recorder at the City Hall, . about 30,700,000 pounds of car 7710. . 52t.3c Vernonia. Oregon until 8:00 P.M i home menagem nt specialist. For the past three years, con nauba and bees’ waxes. The bark P.S.T, January 3, 1955, for the FOR RENT sumer ’prices have not varied waxes from Douglas fir and white construction of approximately much, she said. The rise in fir are considered by some wax FURNISHED Apartments witn 5800 feet of concrete curbs at the [ consumer prices nationally has t chnologists to be superiiM- to < lectric stoves and refrigerators. locations shown in the plan. been only a little more than one beeswax and equal to carnauba In front of Union hall, 376 North The bids will then and there oe per cent since January, 1952. Miss wax for many uses. Ft. L. M. Porterfield 50tfc publicly open -d and read aloud. Minden foresees very little Fiber products can be produced Bids received after the time fix change in the year ahead from consolidated wood and bark F ■ )R RENT: Fivcroom house ed for the opening will not be Farm families can exp’ct gen mixtures without the use of any . rout 3 miles south of Vernonia considered erally a little less net income bonding resins. These experi < n Highway 47. $25 per month, Plans, specifications, and the next year, sh» said. Many other mentally made products are as inquire of Antone Smejkal, Tim form of the contract documenls families will have a shifting in ‘strong and as water resistant as ber Road 50t3 will be available on and after come, with no general up or fhose prepared from whole wood 1 T’RNISHED Apartment for rent. December 13, 1954, at the office down pattern. For safe plan fiber and added resins and sizes. Also sleeping room. Riverview of the City Recorder, Vernonia, ning, she suggests families con Manufacture of paper to take A.pts. 49tfc and at the Engineer's office, N.W sider chances for less income. the place of more expensive ma llaner & Associates, Education With these possibilities, it wJl terials is another use of bark. THREE ROOM new apartment. Center Building, 220 S. W. Alder modern. Electric hot water Street, Portland. Oregon, and may be even more important for fami Examples are roofing and insu n.’.d wired for lange $25 rent. be obtained upon a deposit of lies to do a good job buying and lating felts, boxboard, car lines said. and sheating. Atso large, modern house, $35 $5.00 which will be refunded planning. Miss Minden Many of them will need to con The research laboratory, located rn< nth. Owner , 1332 State Ave. upon return of the same within i on the Oregon Stat.? college cam Fnone 278 50t3 10 days after the opening dat’. I sider how to stretch their money The home management special pus is financed largely by the Each bid shall be accompanied APARTMENTS FOR RENT Fur- ist recommends a three point pro forest products tax on logs cut by a certified check, cashier’s gram for the family’s "pocketbook 1 •hed Electric stoves and hot in Oregon. check, or surety bond made pay planning.” It includes income. I water heaters. 117 North Street. able to the City of Vernonia in Haven Apartments. 37tfc prices and how to manage. an amount not less than 5f< of “Planning, scheming, and spend- | Marketing Specialist the bid amount. CARD OF THANKS know-how are all tools which I Named at Oregon State No bidd.'r may withdraw his J WISH TO take this means to bid after the hour set for the help us use our money and other New extension agricultural ec wisely," she com thank all the people who voted opening thereof, or before the resources onomics specialist in marketing for me in the recent Vernonia award of the contract, unless said mented. "Using these tools to at Oregon State college will be advantage can make a difference Drug bicycle contest. award is delayed for a period Paul O. Mohn F. L. Ballard, Robert Weidman exceeding 30 days. The success in our living in the year ahead.” associate director of the agricul Miss Minden discusses outloox ful bidder will be required to tural extension service at OSC, I SINCERELY thank all those in prices for food, clothing, home execute a performance bond. said that effective January 1, people who voted for me in the furnishings and equipment, ser By order of the Mayor and Mohn will succeed Paul Carpen Vernonia Drug company contest vices, and housing in a new exten Council, City of Vernonia, Ore ter, retired. and helped me win one of th? sion publication, "The Family gon. The specialist had been a grad prizes. Looks Ahead, 1955.” This leaf S. L. Hearing. Recorder uate research assistant in agri Ed Kamholz 5211 let is available through county ____________________________ 50t3c cultural economics at OSC the extension agents or Oregon State past year. He graduated in agri WANTED______________ NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT college. cultural economics from Kansas Notice is hereby given that TIMBER and logs wanted. 8 foot. State college in 1911 and received $36; 12 to 24 foot, $40; 24 foot or the undersigned as administratrix his master’s degree at Mississippi OSC Extension Service longer, $43; or will take by cord. of the estate of Ernest H. Steen, State college before coming to At mill previously known as Gar deceased, has filed her final ac Adds Clothing Expert Oregon. ic ck and Closner Mill Now Mist count in the county court of the He worked for a time as a vet Appointment of Miss Mary Lumber Co. Sltfe state of Oregon for Columbia Routh as clothing specialist for eran’s on-the-farm training in county, and that Monday, the structor in Kansas and had com ('ASH PAID for any number or lQth day of January. 1955 at the Oregon State college extension k nds of cattle, pigs, feeder or fat hour of 10:00 o'clock in the fore service is announced by F L. mercial experience with a pipe line company in Missouri. hnj. Walt Altman, Auctioneer. noon of said day and the court Ballard, associate director. Mohn is married and has one Miss Routh has been working Writ? or phone 7612, Forest room of said court has been ap in a similar position with the < child. Grow._______________________ 3tfc pointed by said court as the time Texas extension service. From HIGHEST cash prices paid for and place for the hearing of ob 1940 to 1943 she was a county JUNE’S STYLE < ream and eggs at your door— jections thereto and the settle home demonstration agent in , ment thereof. p > ked up once or twice weekly— Texas. CENTER Dater and first publication De .all or write Forest Grove Cream She received her bachelor’s de ery. Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone cember 9, 1954 CLEARANCE SALE gree in home economics from Date of last publication Janu Texas State college for Women,* 12«_____________________ 14tfc EXTENDED ary 6. 1955. and her master ’ s degree in tex WANTED TO BUY Livestock, all Rose Steen, Administratrix tiles and clothing from Columbia kinds, by head or pound, your John L. Foote, St. Helens, university Teachers college She place or mine Midway Com Ore , Attorney. 49t5c is president of the Texas Home munity Auction, Clatskanie Economics association. phone 2437 23tfc Miss Routh will work with Murle Scales, who is the other CLASSIFIED RATES OSC extension clothing specialist. 865 Bridge St. Phone 172 MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 The appointment is subject to words or less. Words over min approval of the state board ot imum, 2c each. Three inser RIVERVIEW — Christmas high education. tions for the price of two. guests at the Ben Barker home CARD of Thanks At Notices: 80c. were Mr and Mrs H E. Ras Marriages may be made in THE EAGLE assumes no finan mussen and son of Seattle and heaven, but man i* responsible cial responsibility for errors Mr. and Mrs. E J Rasmussen of for the maintenance work that may appear in ads pub Yakima lished in its columns, but in Guests at the W J Lindsley JHIHIHXHIHXHXHIHXHXHIHIH case where this paper is at home over the Christmas holiday A tault, will reprint that part of were Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Lind- M an adv in which the typo sley and son of Sweet Home. Mr. H graphical mistake occurs. and Mrs. V. M Lindsley and fami W Phone 91 Riverview NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ly. Mrs Dewey Hunt and family At th» Mile Bridge H ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED and Tom McCloud M “Where lour Money Buys Mere” AFTER WED NOON EXCEPT Guests at th? R.-x Normand H FOR NeXT WEEKS PAPER. home over the holiday were Mt H NO information on clpssitieds will and Mrs. Richard Goodman and be given out until after paper family and Mr. and Mrs. Beryl I H is mailed. Normand and family, all of Pros- I K BLIND ads with answers to be pect. Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Lind- H handled by the Eagle: Mini sley and son of Sweet Home. Mr H mum charge 80c. No informa- and Mrs John Normand and | t on given relative to such ads. family and Albert Helland H H Mrs. W J Lindsley and Mrs ATTORNEYS Dewey Hunt and family were H Stamm F. Johnson H supper guests at the J R Sanford Commercial Bank Building heme in North Pla ns Tuesday Fridays only 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. m h evening HER-’t HOW . . . MAKE A TELEVISION TUHH T*«l« A television table with ro | inch center hole. Edge glue tation top allows the aet to be narrower stock to produce a surface from which the plates turned to best advantage. All lumber used is 1-inch may be cut. Sand the plates stock. The legs are shaped smooth on both faces. Insert a 5-inch carriage bolt from 1 bv 4-inch boards, as are the leg supports. A slot in the center of one plate. Bore is cut in the center of each sup a hole in the center of the port and the pieces are glued under side of the tible for the into a right-angle cross. The bolt head. Fasten the plate be dowel holes are H-inch in di neath the table top with glue and I1,*-inch screws, enun’er. ameter. Complete the leg assembly sunk. Mount the other plate on the by inserting and gluing the dowels and clamping it until leg assembly with glue and the glue sets. Then bore a screws. The table-top assembly is %-inch hole down through the placed on the leg assembly center of the leg support. The turn table plates are 18 ( with the bolt serving as a pivot. inches in diameter, with a S- I Lubricate the plates with soap. TOP pivorgoLT 1 1 L2 S3 Consumer Prices To Remain Stable Seattle, Yakima People Visit Here Vernonia Bargain House FURNITURE New and Used KING’S Grocery - Market MAY WE TAKE THIS OPPOR TUNITY TO WISH OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR L XHXHXHXHXHXHXHXNXMXHX " National Lumber Manufacturer» Association MAKE TOY CONSTRUCTION BLOCKS A set of large construction blocks can be easily made by the home craftsman. With six large blocks and about ten smaller ones, the small child can build structures in winch he can actually play. Finished lumber, % by 8 inches, is used throughout the set. By purchasing finished lumber, all the same width, the craftsman may make the set with a minimum of sawing. All boards should be care fully measured, using a rule and square; and all ends should be sawed even and square. The top and bottom boards of each block are fitted with a hand hole made by boring two 1-inch holes and cutting the slot between them with a key hole saw. The edges of the hand hole should be smoothed with a rasp and sand paper. The blocks are assembled with glue and 4-penny nails, toed in. Nail heads should bo sunk beneath the wood surface. Before enameling or var nishing the blocks, round all sharp edges and corners. The craftsman should con sult his local lumber dealer to learn the woods best suited for the blocks, and for assistance in selecting inexpensive grades from which short, clear lengths may be cut. A bellows adds useful an tique charm to the home fire place. Using ^-inch lumber, first draw a pattern and cut out two bellows boards. Clamp them together, and drill a ‘■i-inch hole in the end so that half the hole is in each piece. The hole is 3 inches deep. Cut off m inches of the tip of one piece and glue it to the other, form ing a tube. The 1-inch intake holes are drilled in only one board. For the metal tip. make a pattern on .030 metal. Cut out the metal and roll it into a cone, lapping the edges inch before soldering. Shape the large end of the cone into a square, and shape the end of the bellows with a knife to fit the square. Fasten the tip into the square with glue and %-inch brads. A leather web is cut from soft hide. From the scrap cut two flipper valves, 2 by 2 inches. These are stretched under the intake holes and fastened with a tack at each corner. Fold the edge of the web to produce H-inch double thick ness, and fasten to the boards with ornamental tacks. Another piece of scrap leather is glued over the metal tip. and studded with orna mental tacks. MAKE A DOG HOUSE A sturdy, weatherproof house the joints at the back corners for the family pet is built with are staggered. This eliminates a removable top to facilitate cleats or framing. cleaning and airing. The removable top is made Three 2 by 4-inch sills, treated with preservative, as mown, with interior cleats raise the floor above the to hold it snugly in place. ground. The rest of the lum Building paper and shingles ber il 1-inch stock. are added to the roof. The Note that the lower back house may be finished to match board is 6 inches wide, so that i the garage or dwelling.