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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1954)
Dental Expert Suggests Care One of the best New Year's re solutions parents can make any ■year is to “safeguard their child- ten’s teeth,” an Oregon State col lege dental expert believes. And Dr Gertrude Tank has a six-point program to follow in doing it. The six points are a well-baiaa- ced diet, restricted uses of sweets, proper use of the toothbrush after eating, early and frequent visits to the dentist, talks with the den tist about decay-control treat ments such as sodium fluoride, and prevention and corrections of irregularities of teeth. Dr. Tank, who has specialized in children's dentistry for nearly 40 years, recommends regular dental service for children from the age of two. The feeling that “baby teeth are unimportant be cause they will drop out eventu completely ally anyway" is wrong, she says. A child, just like an adult, needs a complete set of teeth if he is to chew his food properly and the roots of the baby teeth hold the developing permanent teeth in their proper position, she ev- plains. Dr. Tank also points out that severe tooth problems can influ ence the shape of the child’s mouth and face and influence his Drivers Warned of Danger Of Carbon Monoxide Leaks Winter driving provides drivers physical and emotional well be with at least one unseen hazard ing. . At 5*s, the child has more teeth —carbon monoxide, Secretary of State Earl T Newbry warned to —48—showing and forming in his day. jaws than he ever had before or Accidents stemming from car will have afterwards, according to Dr. Tank Twenty-four teeth— bon monoxide poisoning increase six of them permanent—begin to each winter when many drivers develop before birth After birth, keep cars tightly closed. If ex the buds of additional permanent haust systems are defective, the teeth begin to form one by one colorless, tasteless and odorless and continue to do so until the gas created by the car’s motor is capable of, in a short time, re child is eight. ducing a driver's mental func Recommended “toothbrush tech tions to a point that coordination nique" is to brush upper teeth of his muscles and his ability to down, lower teeth up, the inside react quickly is below minimum out with a sweeping motion, and safety requirements. biting surfaces with a scrubbing j Surest way to prevent this motion. | from happening is to have cais checked to insure there is no Christmas Cards and Gifts possibility of the gas seeping into the car Have Ancient Origins Under normal conditions, a car There is some controversy as to window should be partially open. when the custom of sending In heavy traffic recent tests have Christmas cards and letters of shown that use of the car's ven greetings began. Examples from tilating system may add to the as far back as 1450 have been danger by drawing in the fumes produced, but the practice started from other cars. to become general about a cen tury ago. The practice of gift giving is said to go back to the ancient Romans, who exchanged gifts at a mid-winter festival denot ing the return of longer days. Community committeemen elected for the Agricultural Sta bilization and Conservation Com mittee for the Nehalem Valley in the election held recently are as follows: Joe Banzer, Chairman; Fiank Schmidlin, vice-chairman; E T Johnston, regular member; Cha.-: L. Waddell, first alternate and J C. Moran, second alternate. These committeemen will as sist the Columbia county commit tee in administering the 1955 pro gram and also will help formu late the 1956 program. The com mitteemen of your community play a big part in presenting the conservation needs of your com munity. The delegates to the county convention will meet at the ASC office in St. Helens on December 27, to elect the county committee for the program year. This com mittee has the responsibility of administering the ASC as directed by the State Committee. Preliminary sign-ups will be taken at the ASC office in St. Helens until January 4 A farmer wishing to participate in the 1955 program may sign up any time during the year. If the farmer will wait until he is sure of doing the work and then about two weeks in advance come in and sign up, this will enable the com mittee to give firm approval to those who need assistance and en able the farmer to go ahead with his practice. Local Men Get Agriculture Jobs THE Christmas Tree Is Fire Hazard EAGLE. VERNONIA ORE. THURSDAY. DEC Thailand Teachers Study At Oregon State College Five staff members from Kaset- sart university in Thailand will Guard your Christmas plea start a year's study at Oregon sures by taking adequate safety State college m the winter quar measures to prevent fire hazards ter. to your home and loved ones, Their training here is part of urges Don Coin Walrod, County the OSC technical assistance pro Extension AgeaL The traditional Christmas tree gram to the South Asia institu is, unfortunately, a rather serious tion. Four members of a plan fire hazard unless certain pre ned six-man team lof scientists cautions are taken It is not prac from OSC are now at Kasetsatt tical to make the tree completely university helping m the develop fireproof, but it can be made ment of an expanded program of much more fire resistant. A teaching and research The five staff members from freshly cut tree does not normally burn very readily because it is Thailand include Pairoj Bougsu- green and contains a lather high wan, plant pathology; Sukuni As- I percentage of moisture. This per savzsna, botany; Seree Trairut, centage of moisture in the tree I chemistry; Sutharm Areekul, I can be maintained, along with the t zoology, and Songtat Bukkavesa, fire resistance, by keeping the poultry. tree in water. Some commercial Seven other Thai teachers are tree holders have this feature, but scheduled to come to this coun other methods can be used. Plac try for training under the con ing the tree with its stand in a tract between the two insitu- large bucket of wet sand works tions. well. The water supply will Wilbur Cooney, assistant dean need to be replenished quite fre of agriculture, is campus coordi quently. nator of the program and will Using chemicals to make a work closely with the Thai staff Christmas tree fire resistant members in the development of a still better method of playing their programs. Ammonium sulfate — the safe Dr. Ira S. Allison, chairman of same as is used in fertilizing gar the geology department, is chief dens and fields — is about the adviser of the OSC team in Thai best material, and it is cheap and land. easily obtained. To determine the amount of ammonium sulfate to use, weigh your Christmas tree and use one fourth as many pounds of the chemicals. Each pound of the chemical is dissolved in one and one-half pints of water, Make a fresh cut, preferably at an angle and put the stem in the solution. A fresh cut Lee will take up most of the solution and then will be very fire resistant. 23. 1954 Busy Bee Club Plans Party The members of Th ■ Busy Beo 4-H club met at the home of Dar lene Tucker on November 18. A letter was received from Mr. Black in reply to ones sent him by the girls. The girl’s all went to Millei s store m Vernonia where Mrs Su. livan showed them different ma terials and explained the diffei ent threads and weaves to then After this meeting, refresh ments were served to the girls by Mrs Wilson On December 8, the club met again at the home of Connie Bur ness. Connie, the only Just So girl present, finished her p.n cushion and the Sew It's Fur girls started on pot holders. Plans were made for a Chris’ ■ mas party to be held on Decen. ber 16 at the home of Mrs Ash ley, club leader. Refreshments were served t, the girls by Mrs. Bui ness. To keep your Christmas merry, be sure your tree is safe froi ' fire Put it in a container of water or wet sand. Discard it when the needles dry and start t fall. Use of Christmas Trees Originated in Germany It is the general belief that use of evergreen trees in relation to Christmas started in the 8th century in Germany. Martin Luther is said to have be ’n one of the first to light candles on a tree Today the Pacific North west is the source of a great number of the Christmas trees used in this country. SEASON GREETINGS ADMIRAL RADIO — TELEVISION APPLIANCES Come in and see the NEW 1955 line in TV with the ALUMI NIZED DYNA RAY 270 inch picture. Small down payment. EASY TERMS. PHONE 744 SALES SERVICE OAKES RADIO SHOP And the season's greetings Vernonia Insurance Exchange BILL J. AND REATHA B. HORN JUDY AND BILL JR. AND MISS FAYE MILLIS «To all our customers this holiday season. *♦♦*****♦*♦*♦* MERRY CHRISTMAS Iri itc C hristmas 7W54 A A A Nehalem Market and Grocery WAYNE AND LOWELL HIEBER • ri a A 9 Vernonia Bargain House JOHN AND VERNA HARRIS