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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1954)
Menlo Park, California Couple Visits Here Savings Bond Sales Increase In both the agricultural and in dustrial counties of Oregon sales of U.S. Savings Bonds continue at a large increase over previous years. In figures just released by E C. Sammons, Chairman of the Oregon Savings Bonds Commit tee, November sales of E and H Bonds in the State amounted to $2,645,070. This is 22 per cent greater than sales of the same Bonds in November 1953. For the eleven months of 1954, the people of Oregon have purchas ed $33,280,831 worth of E and H Bonds, which is a gain of 27 per cent over the year 1953. Sales in Columbia County for November 1954 amounted to $24. •71. Sales in Columbia county for the eleven months of 1954 amounted to $317,151. Volunteer workers from the U.S. Treasury's Saving Bonds Division are par ticularly pleased with the man ner by which people are retain- ng their matured E Bonds under the Treasury's automatic exten- lon privilege. November sales throughout the Nation exceeded redemptions by 44 million dollars. YESTERDAYS RIVERVIEW — Sunday visi FIVE YEARS AGO tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. From The Eagle. Dec. 22. 1949 Herman Wood were Mr. and Mrs. Under sponsorship of the Bert Wood and Paul Wood and Lions’ club, Santa Claus, alias children of Portland Tiny Mitchell, appeared on Ver Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Rourke nonia streets Saturday and gave of Menlo Park, California arrived balloons to the children The following officers were Wednesday to spend the holidays at the home of their daughter named by the Townsend club: and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Don Bayley, president; Mrs Emil Messing, vice-president and A. A. Brunsman. i Johnson, secretary. Mr and Mrs John Normand The St. Mary's Altar Society spent the week end in Portland visiting at the home of Mr. and named as officers Mrs Reuben Pederson, president; Mrs. Alois Mrs. Edward Skach. Sauer, vice-president and Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Lind- Ben Meiwes, treasurer. sley and baby and Pat Normand The Girl’s League at the high moved to Sweet Home recently, where Mr. Lindsley obtained em school held a tea Thursday for the mothers of the community. ployment. Mrs. Clyde Aaron of San Fran TEN YEARS AGO cisco visited her mother, Mrs. From The Eagle, Dec. 21, 1944 The Vernonia Loggers opened Artie Buckner from Tuesday un til Sunday. While here Mrs. Aaron the season with wins over Forest and Mrs. Buckner spent several Grove. 28-23, and Amity, 22 to Team members were Byers, days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ray 10 Sturdevant, Rollins, Nance. Lar Buckner at Hillsboro. Mrs. P. L. Welter returned sen and Millis. home Tuesday after spending Lillian Laird, sophomore at three weeks with her daughter . Oregon State College, was one of and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert the girls chosen for membership Abney at Wishram, Washington. in Alpha Lamba Delta, a scho Mr. and Mrs. Don Reeves of lastic honorary for sophomore Portland w>re Sunday afternoon women. Officers elected by the Evan- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glen ' gelical Missionary society wer ■ Hawkins. Minnie Malmsten, president; Ruth Baucom, vice-president; Helen Roland, secretary and Annie Rig gins, treasurer. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle. Dec. 22. 1939 Joanne Nichols. Timberline edi tor, won national acclaim this week by being named as one of 10 winners in an editorial writ ing contest sponsored by Quill and Scroll. Pupils at the Pleasant Hill school gave a birthday surprise party for Mrs. E. L. Sehorn Fri day. Dorothy Webb received her Majority Degree at Rainbow Girls' Monday with Alice Baker acting as Worthy Advisor for the | degree. Lillian Hedman had • charge of the Christmas program • which was presented Joann'1 ; Nichols sang and Frances Childes [ gave a reading. A safe Christmas is a Merry Christmas Check all wires and connections for home decorations to see that they are in good con dition. Don't plug too many cords into one outlet. N-'v?r leave tree lights burning when no one is home or when everyone has ' retired for the night. And our sincere best wishes. ::: I THE Dairy Cows Require Plenty Of Fresh Water EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE, THURSDAY. DEC 23. 1954 3 OSC Students Aid Study Fund Free access to plenty of fresh water may increase dairy cow Home economics students at production four to eight per cent OSC raised $218 0) during the compared to watering twice daily. fall term as part of a “foreign Heavy producing dairy- cows may aid" program of their own. require as much as 40 gallons of The money will go into a foreign water each day per head points student scholarship fund to help out Don Coin Walrod, County- a home economist from another Extension Agent. ! country come to OSC for study. Water that is too cold can cause In addition, the home econo a drop in production as well as mics club voted a $100 award insufficient quantities, as ani from its treasury to finance home mals and poultry generally will | economics studies at Ewha Wo- not drink enough to maintain top I mans university in Seoul. Korea. production. for home economics laboratory Animals prefer water that is equipment Most of the univer around 45 degrees or warmer. sity's belongings were confiscated During periods of freezing wea and destroyed during the war. ther. heating water is desirable. Students in every women's liv Water heating is not usually ne ing group on campus participant! cessary in Western Oregon, indi in the "Dollars for Scholars" cam cates Walrod. although some live paign. They did special house stock operators have used the hold duties such as serving break practice and say they feel it fast in bed, giving manicures, worthwhile. sewing, snack making, typing themes and running errands. In past years, the club has giv Timber Route Unit en scholarship aid to foreign stu Has Painting Lesson dents from South Africa and The Timber Route Extension Unit met December 14 at the Vernonia Grange hall with the TYPEWRITER lesson on Textile Painting given FOR SALE! by Mrs. Joe Baker and Mrs. Floyd Shulke. There were 15 Vernonia Eagle regular members and one visitor. Mrs. Oren Weed requested sug gestions for program planning for next year's meetings. Mrs. Ed Crawford played the piano and led the singing of Christmas carols for the Christmas party. Hostesses for the day were Mrs. Richard Meyer and Mrs. Donald Reynolds. The next meeting will be “Ap petizing Meals" with the lesson given by Mrs. Bob McDonald and Mrs. Richard Jensen. Riverview Family Moves To Portland Japan. Charlene J. Moore, senior m home economics from Eugene, .a president of the OSC Home Econ omics club. Miss Grayee Coertz, assistant professor of foods and nutrition is adviser. Daughter Here With Parents RIVERVIEW — Mrs Joan Ha i on and children have moveci her • from Eureka. California. At pro sent she is staying at the horn.1 of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Normand Mr and Mrs. Albert Schalock spent Sunday at the horn 1 of his son and family, Mr and Mrs. A H Schalock at Woodburn. Mrs. Dewey Hunt receive I word that her husband. CpI. Hunt arrived at his station in Panam i. December 14 after spending sev eral weeks here. Mr. and Mrs. Art Kouva and son made a trip to Utah, leaving Saturday and returning Thurs day night. They visited her pai ents, Mr. and Mrs Austin Ric1 at Farmington, Utah and the Mormon Temple at Logan. Utah i RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hunt and family moved to Portland recently. Mr. Tom Mc Leod of Vernonia, Mrs. Hunt's father, also went to Portland to live with his daughter and fami ly Mr and Mrs. Louis Huntley visited Friday through Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ger ald McCool of Bonny Slope. 8 1 1 A X X X X A Most Merry Christmas Season Be Yours A A Sam's Food Store 1954 BUCK AND ALVILDA Vemonia Drug Company ALICE AND SADIE / Julelide! A1 X X 1 9 I JIM AND SLEEPY JACK AND JERRY THOMPSON HAZEL SHIPMAN IRENE WILDT 1 Merrv X A Christmas A May this Yule be 2 happy like ones of old. 9 g Nehalem Dairy I Vernonia Service Station j I O ’ A s A Á X t 4 CHRISTMAS & And our best for a happy holiday. Kullander’s Jewelry Store A A Á A A A A * A w A i A I A I A Í X WISH for H Essie Nance Beauty Shop * AT MILLER'S STORE Essie and Adrienne £ X ' Hahn Hardware I ». GEORGE AND LOUISE | * > ».»»»».».».>£