4 1 V Ladies Called To Tacoma By Illness Of Father Wonderful Time’ Report on Trip Anderegg Wins NATAL — Mrs Bill Pringle Special Award and her mother. Mrs. Nettie Titus , BIRKENFELD — Word re­ ceived by their daughter, Mrs. Darrel! Baker tells that Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stinchfield are having a wonderful time. They had been to Canada, Maine and were in Washington, D C, when, last heard from. Mrs. A. C. Lolley of Vernonia spent Tuesday evening of last week with her daughter, Mrs. Ted Bellingham. Mrs. Cecil Elliott was a sup­ per guest of Mrs. Art Bellingham and Mrs. Elsa RichardsoA last Thursday. were called to Tacoma on ac- I Ronnii Anderegg was in Cor­ The window of the Steers Va- count of serious illness of Mrs. I vallis Decemb ?r 1 in response to nety Store holds an ìmpresiive I Titus’s brother. They left on Sun- a special invitation to attend the array of red, blue and purple rib­ day. meeting of the Oregon State Hol­ bons won at the county and the At the home of Mr. and Mrs. stein Association. He was pre­ state fairs in 1954 by m-mbers of Robert Lindsay recently were Mr. sented with an award from the the Maple Meadows Calf Club and Mrs. George Brown of Van­ association by Don Anderson, Ex­ Also, centering the display is the couver, Washington. trophy bearing the inscription. Week end visitors at the Clyde tension Dairy Specialist, in re­ Rat«;. Champion 4 H Henderson home were Mrs. Hen­ cognition of his showmanship in "Bob derson’s sister, Mrs. Goode, and Holstein competitions at the Ore­ showman, Columbia County Fair. Mrs. Goode’s son-in-law and gon State fair. 1954." daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Clems of The young people of this club Ronnjy is a member of the Portland. have done outstanding club work Maple Meadow ’ s Dairy Club and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson were I for several years and have Portland motorists on Tuesday. i has been in 4-H club work for Mr. and Mrs. Dee Vere Hershey six years. He has earned several brought home many honors They are the new owners of a TV set. scholarships to summer school have been a real credit to the Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap sessions and has many ribbons community and deserve the con­ called on Mr. and Mrs. L. B. East­ to testify to the quality of the gratulations and commendations man on Sunday. work he has done. of everyone. Winema H.E.C. met with Mrs. Ethel Larson Tuesday instead of Mrs. Helen Nordstrom as had been announced. A pot luck lunch was served at noon. Fol- lowing their business meeting, gifts from secret pals were dis­ tributed and pals were revealed. Cecil Elliott sp >nt Sunday even­ ing and Monday in Birkenfeld. He called on Mr. and Mrs. Dar­ rell Baker while here Mr. and Mrs. Don Jensen and family of Hillsboro and Mr. and Mrs.. Cecil Elliott visited Mr. and Mrs. G W Parmon of Scappoose Sunday. Ted Bellingham has been fight­ ing a bad case of poison oak on his neck. However, it was much better when they left Saturday for their trip to D itroit with Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Jepson and Valerie. Mr. and Mrs. Don Jensen visit­ ed friends here Thursday. Mary Ann Nordstrom won the dramatics award again this year. She won it last year, too. Mr. and Mrs. Erven Harshman and children spent Friday Portland. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Mills were in Newberg and Hillsboro on business Saturday. Do not stop with doing neces­ sary kindness; the unnecessary ones are of far greater impor- tance. \DPI ES from MEHAVtM PAIR* - ’L" stands for laughter — it’s health bubbling o’er That is exactly what OUR'MILK is for. Drink lots of it for Vim and for Vigor If you are small, ‘twill make you grow bigger NEHAL l>4 DAIRY PRODUITS CO. Grade A Pasteurized Milk & Cream PHONE 471 I Trophy. Ribbons Grace Window THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE. THURSDAY. DEC », 1954 THE VERNONIA EAGLE AT THE EAGLE OFFICE— Official Kewsp.ifwr of -w Vernonia, Oregon Typewriter and Adding Machine Ribbons for Most Machines. THE VERNONIA EAGLE Printing Office Supplies Marvin Kamholz Editor and Publisher Entered as second class mail matter, August 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 Subscription price $3 00 yeariy In the Nehalem Valley. Else­ where $3.50. and other rectal disorders, * oCOLSN AND STOMACH A IL IHN IS •IMFTUIE .5* tema) liNtM Wi'.hMt KKW C J I »eau. M 1» Our 1- “. 1er IMS IMS OpaitM ED FC Descriptive Booklet ■ ■ Write er Cell THE DEAN CLINIC Open 10 until 5 Monday through Friday Until 8 p m. Monday, Wednetdcy ond Friday. Chiropractic Physician» ... In our 43rd year.. 2026 NORTHEAST SANDY BOULEVARD Telephone IA »I 391 8 Portland 13, Oro, TEA TIMERS • WILSON • CAMPBELL • BLOSSOM DEL MONTE • LALANI • HIGHWAY • JELL WELL IVFR - SUNNY DAWN TIME^^Rr^SA^C- WESSON • MIDV LIBBY • IVORY xST FOODS FLUFF! M. HOI^ MO, SOM DEL MC CHERUB • HOOD RIVER • SUNN1 uavv N T|MP 7iOON FEATURING THE FOOD "STARS" YOU CAN DEPEND ON. Here’s a terrific value event built around all your “friends’’ on Safeway’s sh 'Ives. Manv of them you’ve met in newspaper and magazine ads, and on Radio and Television . . . Some of them may be new to you. If I h< y are, be sure to give th>m a try this weekend to- sure, and you can bet they’ll be on your "steady’’ list in the future. Cane Sugar Instant Pudding Pineapple Pineapple Juice Buttermilk Shady Lane Butter AA" Large Eggs 55c Ice Cream 89° Cragmont Beverages « 2 Qts 35e Morrell Snack 39< 10-Lb. Sack Victorias 1 Limit 1 * « Package Jell-Well No. 2’2 Cans Highway Half Slices Snow Star 46-oz. Cans Lalani 2 Local Quart Local Fresh Per Pound Fresh Dozen Qt. Lunch Meat Quarts Vz-Gal. C 12-oz. 1 Old Fashioned Mix, Roxbury candy, lb. 39c Filled Mix, Roxbury Candies 1-lb. 39c Marshmallows, Fluff-i-est 1-lb. 31c Carton $1.73 Cigarettes, Reg. Size 19-oz. pkg. 33c Parade Detergent 46-oz. 55c White Magic Soap AIRWAY Raisins. Blondie-bleached COFFEE $1.00 Mince Meat. Empress NOB HILL Radiant Fruit Mix COFFEE Brazil Nuts, in shell EDWARDS Mixed Nuts, in shell COFFEE Chocolate Drink. Lac Mix 14b 25c 28-oz. 53c • ’.k’ 1-lb. 49c 1-lb 49c SAFEWAY PRODUCE VALUES . 6Í0UND 8EÊF CARROTS lb. 5c Sweet, tender and young — Uniform Size« Ground fre-'.h daily from whole beef —No trimmings — Guaranteed! PARSNIPS , 29c Pound . . . meaning longer mileage for your footwear — plus com­ fort and satisfaction Of these you are assured with one of our shoe repair jobs. TURNIPS HEBRON'S SHOE SERVICE Also—McCulloch Saw Parts and Service BEEF POT ROAST Arm Cut Blade BEEF ROUND STEAKS BOILING BEEF Plate Cut Cut LB. LB LB. 3-lb. 25c Crisp and fresh — Nice Sizes ARIZONA WHITE Scientifically aged to bring out tenderness and flavor BEEF POT ROAST 3-lb 25c Garden Fresh — Full of Flavor "U.S. CHOICE" GRADE VALUES IN YOUNG BEEF! PER PAIR 5 Grapefruit 59c 55c 79c 19c Prices ad are effec- live through Sunday, De- .-ember 12. CALIFORNIA—SEEDLESS Navel Oranges « lb bag 49c I I