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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1954)
Trips Made East For New Cars THE BIRKENFELD — Arthur Bel lingham left by plane for Chicago and points east Sunday. He will drive a new Jeep pickup home. Mr. and Mrs. M. P Mills and children spent Saturday in Hills boro . They called on Mrs. Cecil Elliott and Mr and Mrs. Don J snsen while there. Mrs. Guy Bellingham, Mr and Mrs. Arthur Bellingham and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Tjd Bellingham and children and Mr. and Mrs. George Bellingham went to As toria Thursday to have Thanks giving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Trenholm. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jepson and Denny entertained their family at a Thanksgiving dinner Sunday. It was also Christmas for Mr. and Mrs. D. Jepson, who. with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Belling ham, are leaving this week end for Detroit, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Jepson are spending the Christmas holidays with her parents there. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bellingham are going after new car. Winema Grange H E C. meet at the home of Mrs. Francis Nordstrom this year for then- annual Christmas meeting. Pot luck lunch at noon, December?, followed by business and social meeting. Ronald Nordstrom, a student at OSC at Corvallis was home for Thanksgiving with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham had her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. D. Sherbeck of Buxton. here for Thanksgiving dinner. Harry Murray who is staying with the Cunninghams is moving to New Mexico with his family from Montana. The move is due to his father’s health. I I I Winifred Hult and Nancy and Karen from Portland. Mr and Mrs Joe Lonnquist, Mr and Mrs. Arby Mills met at the Ro- bert Berg home Saturday for a pot-luck dinner of turkey and all the trimmings. Mrs. Lynch, Mrs. Mathews and Mrs Turtek spent Monday with their sister. Mrs. Lloyd Beach. Claire Bellingham was a guest of Mr and Mrs. Fred Udey on Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burkholder and boys spent the week end with Mrs. Burkholder’s parents, and Mrs Fred Udey. Mr. and Mrs Fritz Mills children spent Sunday with and Mrs. M. P. Mills. i her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John White over Thanksgiving. Mrs. White has been quite ill. She spent five weeks in a hospital in Portland and just came home recently. Their youngest daugh ter, Shirley, has taken a leave of i absence from her job in Portland to be home and take care of her mother. The Mist-Birkenfeld Mission ary group will have its annual Christmas meeting at Mrs. Chas. Hansen’s at Mist December 8 at 1:30 p m. Anyone interested is cordially invited to attend. Patricia Berg returned to New York Friday evening after spend ing several days here. She finds her work as an air stewardess very interesting and had several I VERNONIA. OREGON Saturday, Dec. 4 When waiting for traffic lights to change, don’t be a “gutter stander,” stay on th? curb until the light is green. TREHARNE — Thanksgiving day guests of Mr and Mrs. Chas Justice and Mr and Mrs. George Kirk were Mr. and Mrs Glenn Justice and Miss Ann Page from The Dalles, Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Justice and children from Portland, Edwin Justice and fa- mily, Mr and Mrs Art Kirk Mr and Mrs. Ed Schaffer daughter from Mist Mr. and Mrs Don Reynolds children and Mr. and Mrs Chuck Harders and Carol had Thanks giving dinner with Mr and Carl Snyder and boys. Mrs. Harold Shipley and Robert Pollock were business tors in Forest Grove Monday. THURSDAY. DEC 2. 1954 —......... -...... Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon Marvin Kamholz Editor and Publisher Entered as second class mail i. August 4 1022 at «Le post office in Vernonia, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price $300 yearly In the Nehalem Valley. Else where $3.50. Pork Loin Roast Pork Loin Roast Young Pirk Loin Pork Loin Chops Lean Sliced Bacon Rib End Cut 2'--3'- Lbs. Loin End Cut 2'--3'- Lbs. Whole or Half LB. 49= LB. 53= For the Freezer LB 60= Tender Center Cut LB. 79= Standard Pack LB 49= Suzanna Brand Jell-Well 3Vi>-lb. Pkg. Pkg. 39= 5C 2 No. 2'a Cans PORK & BEANS Taste Tells 2 14-oz. bottles 29c DEL MONTE CATSUP 2 Lb $2.03 NOB HILL COFFEE 1-Lb $1.02 2-Lb $1.99 AIRWAY COFFEE 1-Lb $1.00 ,.L $1.07 2-Lb $2.13 EDWARDS COFFEE COFFEE MJB. HILLS. FOLGER S cc $1.09 2-Lb $2.17 AMERICAN CHEESE Dutch Mill 2-lb. pkg $1.11 Apricot Halves Highway Carn Highway * Brand Cream Style No. 303 Can COTTAGE CHEESE Blossom Time MARGARINE Sunnybànk FRESH BUTTER Shady Lane "AA" LARGE EGGS ICE CREAM sn„. s,„ Quart EVERGREEN BROOMS MARSHMALLOW CREAM Kidds Hard Candy, Roxbury lb. 29c 00 No. 2’2 Cans 10= 29c 1-Lb Carton 30c Per Pound 65c Dozen 55c Half Gallon 89c EACH $1.39 Pint Jar 29c Pint Carton Kitchen Craft Flour 10-lb $1.05 Sandwich Spread, Lunch Box Pint Jat 39c 4 BIG MATCHES Marshmallows. Fluff-I-Est 1-lb. Salad Dressing. Duchess, qt 55c Sponsored by American Legion Aerowax. self-polish BUFFALO BILL ▼». BILL COX KATHIE STAR. Worlds Champ pkg. 31c qt 59c MARIA GARIBALDI Royal Satin Shortening 3-lb 87c 19-oz. 33c Cheer. Detergent 21-oz. 33c Crisco, All purpose . Shortening 3-lb. can 93c I 28-oz. size 53c Instant Coffee. Edwards 6-oz. size $1.59 Mince Meat. Empress SLEEPY HOLLOW SYRUP ▼t. MARS MONROE Reserve Gen. Adm. Children $1.25 $1 Inc. Tax 50c 35 c Tide, Detergent VIOLET RAY GIRLS TAG TEAM MATCH Tea Garden Syrup, Nice consistency 24- ok Ivory Soap, personal 4 bars 22c Sliced Pineapple LaLani No. 1'♦ flat 19c ▼s. - THE VERNONIA EAGLE Chocolate Drops, Roxbury 1-lb. pkg. 39c 8:30 P.M 5 •w Pancake Mix Lemon Pie Filling LEGION HALL Denver, but next month hopes to be able to extend her flight from New York to San Francisco and Los Angeles. Mr and Mrs. Francis Nordstrom The Birkenfeld grade school is getting ready for their Christ mas program which will be at the school gymnasium December 22. Mr and Mrs. Clinton Jeremiah are the proud parents of a new little boy. born Tuesday, Novem- ber 23 named Edward Neal. Mother and baby returned home Saturday. - ,a Pork is big news this week at Safeway! Our markets are loaded with some of the finest roasts, hams, and chops we’ve ever seen. So we’re putting on an old-fashioned pork sale! Wonderful values —like those listed below. It’s a good time for you to enjoy your pork favorites—often And here's a serving tip: Pork with cooked apple dishes. A natural” now with apples at peak season goodness . .. and prices low. GIRLS! * ORE. c V & WRESTLING VERNONIA. Big meat value event at SAFEWAY! GIRLS! GIRLS! EAGLE, i Daughters Visit With Ill Mother Iff 1 Guests Present BIRKENFELD — Mr. and Mrs BIRKENFELD — Hulda White interesting experiences to tell. E. L. Hoff Jr , E. L. Hoff Sr., as she is known here, now a nun She has been flying from New and On Thanksgiving Johnny and Courtney Hoff. Mrs. in a convent at Spokane, visited York to Chicago. Omaha Saturday Potluck Party Enjoyed by Many Folks 24-Oz. Bottle c Hi Ho Crackers 1-lb 35c Tea Timer Crackers 1-lb 35c Tea Bags, Canterbury 1G bags 21c Potato Bread. Skylark 1 ‘--lb. loaf 28c Fruit Cake, Curtsy Bar 14-oz. 79c Prices In This Ad Effective Through Saturday, December 4. We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities. No Sales U> Dealers.