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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1954)
Ministerial Association Re-organizes Thursday AT THE CHURCHES . . . The ministers of four local churches, F. M Knoll of the Evangelical United Brethren church, Ervin F. Leake of the Christian church, Harry Burk of the Nazarene church and L. A. Shelton of the Assembly of God church, met at the Christian Church parsonage last Thursday, November 18, to re-organize. Such a move was necessary be cause of the moving away of so many of the pastors in recent months who had been instru mental in the functioning of the group. Elected to lead the group as president was F M Knoll, with L. A. Shelton as vice-president. H. F. Burk is secretary-treasur er. The main purpose of the group is to unit the efforts of all the churches toward making a better city both spiritually and moral- I a ta.* lb reuM THg . ntestinb »^ srsew M4A„cé is E xtensa tv user fry Twe **CüöT<> AÊ» A FIXATIVE KACfTTW PfARCS it IS THE H?ST RTKlOM t KIAM.P v TAABN FRCM TMEfrEA aasen s » wcvtm up tp l a am auMíéf 9:45 a m. — Sunday school. Ralph Lais, Supt. 14:00 a.m. — Morning worship. 6:30 p.m—Young Peoples service. 7:30 p.m. — Evening service. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. — Prayer meeting. rw/rrv rs ST. MARYS CATHOLIC Rev. William Delplanche First and second Sundays Mass at 7:30 a m. Third, Fourth and Fifth Sundays Mass at 11:15 a.m. VERNONIA BRANCH LDS 10:00 a.m. — Sunday school con venes under supervision of Henry Hudson. 11:30-12 — Priesthood meeting. 7:30 p.m. — Sacrament meeting commences under direction of Earl P. Genzer. 7:30 Tuesday — MIA meetings at Buxton. Tuesday evenings — Primary children group meets under supervision o' M. Erline Olson. 2:00 p.m. Tuesday — Branch Re lief society meets in Vernonia Erlene Olson, presid nt. Visitors cordially welcomed at all meet ings. St. Mary’s Altar Society met at the Parrish hall November 18. A business meeting was held during which a Christmas party was planned, to be held Decem ber 15 with exchange of gifts. GEMS OF THOUGHT A tablespoon of vinegar added to the water after beets have been peeled and diced wdl keep their color a bright red. WHALE OF A I NAZARENE CHURCH Harry Burk. Pastor Altar Society Plans For Christinas Party THANKSGIVING O give thanks unto the Lord; for he. is good: for his mercy’ tndureth forever. —I Chronicles 16:24 Let never day nor night un hallowed pass but still remem ber what the Lord hath done. —Shakespeare God has two dwellings: one in heaven and the other in a meek thankful heart. —Izaak Walton Accept my thoughts for thank«; 1 have no words. —Hannah More Gratitude is much more than a verbal expression of thanks. Action expresses mor .* gratitude than speech. —Mary Baker Eddy Heap high the board with plen- teous cheer, and gather to the feast, And toast the sturdy Pilgrim band whose courage never ceased. —Alice Williams Brotherton THAT'S n FRET ' I • 1 , , j ■ i i» »-nties c* ao.av incnan * LMIU IN THS UUNÍLÍÍ Bevivi A. MÛT CNB OF WHOW has ExeesetXtN.'T«es AKE ftXN WITH A THROAT ANP VIXAl. ÍOW PEPECT 1 WHICH WAKES IT i*P06SiBl.e ’OC THE« TC I UTTSR A WORD/ tí SAFER THAN CASH! ivw m oau Vlúte ASSEMBLY OF GOD 2nd and Maple Pastor. Rev. L. A. Shelton S5. Supt. Mrs. G. Wells U ÜAVIM6Í AKE ACTUALLY SAFER TWMM C A6M. IF A S.V tS LOST OR STC\EN YAM jovcenment will PROVIDE SUBSTITUTE BONDS IN ACCOROANCE WITH Ä>ERN NS LAW. u RON PEOPER PRCVF OF LOSS OR theft * aro F/Mf A /A/Vrsr/Mf ATT ai AAvwBs mmps ? ÖVM »H DH THE EAGLE. VERNONIA ORE. THURSDAY. NOV 25, 1954 Husband In Portland While Wife Hospitalized Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meets at Masonic Temple. Stated Communication first Thursday of each month, st 7:30 p.m. Merle Cline, W.M. Walter Linn, Sec'y. 1-55 V. F. W. Regular meetings: 2nd and 4rh Wednesdays. 8 P.M. V.F.W. Hall. Ralph Hartman, Commander Leland Pugsley, Adjutant AUXILIARY—2nd and 4th Tues. Maeva Brimmer, President Shirlee Vike, sec'y. 4-55 VERNONIA LIONS CLUB MEETS EVERY MONDAY EVENING Vernonia Country Club Ari Gardner. President George Hahn. Secretary 3-55 Vernonia Lodge No. 246 Meet» Every Tuesday 8 P.M. Chris Fowler, Noble Grand Jim Davies. Secretary 155 Columbia Encampment No. 89 will meet the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at the ».O.O.F. hall. Homer Gwin. Chief Patriarch Wm. D. Shafer. Scribe 1-55 American Legion VERNONIA POST 119 Meets First and Third Monday of each month. AUXILIARY First and Third Tuesdays 1 S$ Keasey Route Hopeful Of Getting Telephones KOCK CREEK — Word .as been received from Mr J M Goodrich. Wester Division Com mercial Supervisor of W st C a:>L Telephone Company stating that their Engineers are now in the process of surveying a project to determine the requiremi its for the telephone line exten-.on along Keasey Route. They ex pect to complete their engin-•> ing within thirty to sixty days and when completed will an nounce the results. People a ng Keasey Route hope they will find the report favorable as they are badly in need of phones. Mrs. George Martan with daugh ters Janis and April motored to Vancouver, B.C. last Thursday to attend the wedding of Mrs. Mar tan’s neice, Trudie Biuck’r to Ronald Brown. Janis had the J honor of being flower girl. It was interesting to see how dif ferent Canadian wedding custiiris are than those followed h *rc. : Andy Hicks and the Holleys | are adding new porches to their houses. New Daughter Arrives Saturday i LODGE AND CLUB NOTICES A. F. & A. M. The Vernonia Seventh day Ad ventist church elected lay mem b?rs to fill positions in the church for 1955 on Saturday, No vember 13. Heading the slate ot office* ♦ are S C. Hanson, Buxton, Oregon and Ira H Peterson, Mist, Ore gon. church eiders. By a unanimous vote taken at the Saturday morning church service, members accepted tne report of the nominating corn nutter, which served this yeai under the chairmanship of Ira H. Peterson, Mist, Oregon Mrs. May Krieger, Vernonia, is the new superintendent of t:ie Sabbath school with two assis tants m adult and children’s di visions. Other church organization lead ers are: young peoples- society, Mrs. Ira Peterson, Mist, Oregon; Dorcas welfare society, Mrs Den ms Davis, 1178 Clatsop St.. Ver nonia. Denuis Davis, 1178 Clat sop St, Vernonia was elected deacon. Deaconesses are: Mis Dennis Davis, Vernonia and Mrs. William McCutcheon, 1050 Ave., Vernonia. Additional church officers in clude: Mrs. H. C. Lines, 956 W ■••d Ave., Vernonia missionary secre tary; Mrs. S. C Hanson, Buxton, Oregon, Sabbath school and church pianist; Mrs John Dani elson, Buxton, Oregon, press : ec retary. Mist Circle Elects Officers CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST (Colored) J. C. Foster, Pastor FIVE YEARS AGO 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. From The Eagle. Nov. 24. 1949 11-12 a.m. — Morning worship. SUNDAY The celebration of the Silver 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 6:30 p.m.—Young Peoples service Anniversary of Nehalem Chapter 11:00 ‘ Morning Worship 1 8 p.m. — Evening worship. 7:45 pm. Evangelistic Service I 7:30 p.m. Tuesda; and Fridays— No. 153, O.E.S., was held Sat Prayer Meetings. urday night at the Washington 10 30 p.m. “Revivaltizpe” I Welcome to «*11 to worship with us Grads School auditorium with six on KEX Portland. of the 20 charter members pre WEDNESDAY SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST sent. Eighteen past matrons and 7:45 p.m. Midweek Service Ed H. Webb. Pastor 10 past patrons also were present. A warm welcome awaits you at Fifty-five 4-H achievement pins the Assembly of God church Services on Saturday: were presented to 4-H club mem and Sunday School. We also 9:30 a.m. — Sabbath School. invite you to tune in our radio 10:45 a.m. — Preaching, mission bers Monday night at the IWA hall. broadcast. ary programs or Bible study. The Little Theater group pre- | VERNONIA BIBLE CHURCH sented three plays at the Wash- i Pete Raney. S. S. Supt. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH ington Grade School recently. Ervin F. Leake. Pastor 9:45 a m. — Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship 9:45 a.m. — The Keystone Class "Abe Smithers,” "Exclusive Mo- I del,” and “Mind Over Matter.” I service. will have charge of the open The school census just com 6:30 p m. — Classes for every age. ing assembly of the Bible pleted lists 903 betwesn the ages 7:30 p.m. — Evening worship school. of 4 and 19 inclusive. service. 11:00 am. — Morning Church 7:30 Monday evening — Young Service. Sermon theme, "The TEN YEARS AGO people’s class at the parsonage. Blessed Man of the Bible.” From The Eagle, Nov. 23. 1944 7:30 p.m. Wed. — Bible Study Nursery. Odd Fellows awarded 25-year i and prayer meeting. 6:30 — Youth meeting. membership jewels on Tuesday I 7:30 p.m. Thurs. — Men’s and 7:30 — Evening church service. evening were Lum Brown, women's prayer meetings at the Theme, "The Fatal Mistake oi Charles Uhlin and Ernie Herman. various homes Letting Go.” Announcement has been made Wednesday evening, 7:30 — Mid that the recent election vote es- RIVERVIEW — Mrs. Lena week service. i tablished a herd law in precinct Gardner of Drain is visiting at VERNONIA EVANGELICAL ■ No. 4 which makes it unlawful the home of her sister, Mrs. ,1. UNITED BRETHREN I for stock to run at large on high- M Peachey. Rev. F. M. Knoll i way 47, Beaver Cre?k road and Mr and Mrs. Adam Koch are Order of Eastern Star Sunday, November 28, 1954 < Timber road. the parents of a girl born Novem- Nehalem Chapter 153. O. E. S. 9:45 a m. — Sunday School. The council issued a warning her 19 at St. Vincent hospital in Regular com 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. to parents of children of 11, 12 Portland. The baby weighs Sermon, “Christ’s Invitation, , and 13 years of age that allow seven pounds, six ounces and her munication first ‘Come, Take, Learn’.’’ ing them to attend dances with name was not learned. and third Wed. 6:30 p m. — Youth Fellowship. of each month out parents and go home alone Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Solomon at Masonic Tem 7:30 p.m. — Evening service was contributing to the delin and son Billy of Fortuna. Cali- Topic, "The Silence of Love.” quency of a minor. ple. All visiting forma visited from Tuesday until sisters and broth, Wednesday, December 1 — Thursday at the Tom Solomon 1:45 p in. W.S.W.S. at horns of FIFTEEN YEARS AGO ers welcome. and Jewell Solomon homes. From The Eagle, Nov. 24. 1939 ' Mrs. Dan Cason. Florence Brunsman. W.M. Mr and Mrs. W. W. Wing ¿>t Vernonia was plunged into Mona Gordon. Sec'y. 1-55 Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. darkness Tuesday evening at 5:30 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Clifford Fowler and Mrs. C<|ia when a blue heron flew into elec Knights of Pvthias Biggs Sunday. 9:45 a m. — Sunday school. tric light wires in front of the Hardings Lodge No. 116 Mr and Mrs. Marvin Callister 11:00 — Morning worship. Oregon Gas and Electric com Vernonia, Oregon of Toledo spent Sunday at the 6:30 p.m. — Training union. pany offices. The heron was se home of his brother and family, 7:30 p.m. — Evening worship. verely burned on both wings. The Meetings 1.0 O.F. 7:30 p.m. Wed. — Pra.v.r service. trouble was soon found and cor Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Callister. Hall. Second and Week end guests at the home of rected. Fourth Mondays Mr. and Mrs. Claud - Gibson were Viola Hokenson Dial was award- | Each Month Mr. and Mrs. James Lange of Thanksgiving Dinner ed fourth prize in the Oregon Eugene and Mr and Mrs. Walter Enjoyed With Daughter Division of the National Thanks Oren Weed. Chancellor Barnett and sons of Tidewater. Commander MIST — The C. O Hansens giving Poetry contest. Vernonia high school received Oscar G. Weed. Secretary and the Norman Hansens will a new government grant last I have their Thanksgiving dinnner Pythian Sisters "Friday tenned work experienced I in Portland with the former ’ s Vernonia Temple No. 61 daughter, Mrs. Tom Ford and project which is to be used in I Meetings: I.O.O.F. Hall RADIO — TELEVISION the high school library. The in Second and Fourth Wednesdays family. APPLIANCES dividuals benefiting from this Mr and Mrs. George Jones of each month I Come in and «ee th« NEW 1955 grant will be a graduate student were callers at the Austin Dowl Lesta Garner, MEC. ! line in TV with th« ALUMI and will received $15 per month Doris Garner. Secretary 2 55 ing home Saturday. NIZED DYNA RAY 270 inch I picture. Small down payment. Mrs. L. P. Wikstrom, Mrs. T. EASY TERMS. Vernonia F.O.E. Dyer and Mrs. Joe Roeser were BEN’S BARBER SHOP (Fraternal Order of Eagles) in Vernonia Saturday. PHONE 744 | SALES SERVICE Mrs. Martin was down from Expert Tonsorial Work Portland last week visiting the Meets ! OAKES RADIO SHOP Vernonia, Oregon Garlock family. Every Friday 8 P M. YESTERDAYS Adventist Church Elects Officers TREHARNE — Ray Stanley went to Portland Saturday to be near his wife who is in the hos pital following an operation Word received by friends Tues day is that she was beginning to improve Mr. and Mrs. Martin Peterson are doing the chores for the Stanleys. Mr. and Mrs Jerome Whitmire were Portland business visitois Saturday spending the night there with their son. Mr. and Mrs Harve Whitmire and family They went down to Lebanon Sunday to visit relatives and returned home that evening. Mr and Mrs. Byron Kirkbride were Saturday evening visitors of Mr and Mrs. Robert Pollock and family. Miss Virginia Huntington of Hillsboro and S N Keith Kelly of Tongue Point were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kirkbride and family during the week end. MIST — The Mist Helping Circle met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Chas. Hansen. A few members were absent, but there was a good attendance. A most delicious chicken dinner was served at noon. A large birthday cake honored Dorothy Jones. After the meal the business m ’et- ing was held. Elecpon of offi cers resulted as follows: Myrtle Mathews, president; Eleanor Li bel, secretary-treasurer; Jane Hansen, vice-president. The next meeting will be a week before Christmas, a week earlier than usual, at the home of Mrs. Robert Mathews with Mrs. L. B East man entertaining It will feature the tree and the disclosing of secret pals and drawing of new ones. All members should attend that can. Best wishes w’re sent to one member who has gone to Arizona for better health. Friday evening Mr and Mrs. George Salmi and Georgeline from Marshland, and Mr. and Mrs. Orvelle Benson and son Jimmy visited the C. O. Han sens. 7 . ADMIRAL 158 1st Ave. Vernonia W. N. Noakes. W. P. Chas. Cedarburg. Sec'y. 7-55 MT. HEART REBEKAH LODGE Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday i I evenings of each month in the 1.0 O.F Hal! Alice Buckner. Noble Grand Evelyn Thompson. Vice Grand Gertrude Schalock. Rec. Sec'y. Hasel Cook. Financial Sec'y. Verda Cook. Treasurer 3 $S IKS FROM NEHAVtM PAIR*' _ | ■ | I I I i 1 Joy begins with the letter ‘ J”— Drink plenty of OUR MILK tach day— Your cheeks of roses sh.a n< bright Will prove to you that we e right. NEHALEM OniRV PRODUITS (0. . Grade A Pazteurizod Milk & Cream PHONf 471 ________ • ¿¡HZHZHZHZHZHZMZHZMZMZMZMZHZMZH^HZHZHZMZMXMXHZMZMZHJ H LOOKS SO GOOD, TASTES SO GOOD BE SURE OF THE BEST WITH M Z ! NEW ENRICHED S g NUCOA THE MARGARINE THATS ALL NUTRITION NBC Products 5 M x RITZ CRACKERS — TRIANGLE THINS * SNOWFLAKE CRACKERS — COOKIES HONEY GRAHAMS -SHREDDED WHEAT H Available fit w Featured fit Z H Free |teli«ery M z FIXE Groceries Z H Meet* - Vegeta Wee Phene 7tt H Z M ZHZHZHZHZMZHZHZHXHZNZHZHZHZHZZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZMZNl SAM’S FOOD STORE