Gift Shower Given Baby D.O.K.K. Team Due Here Monday Night Dorothy Gwinn and Marcia Garner were hostesses for a party at ths H' mer Gwinn home last Wednesday evening at which Mrs. Dick Webb was given a shower of K*fts for her little daughter, Madeline Jessie. The baby who only w: ighcd two pounds, nine ounces at birth has been in the incubator at Dornbecher hospital in Portland but they expect to be able to bring her home in about two weeks. Aftsr an ev'ning of games and edm.ring the gifts, the hostesses served refreshments to the 26 guests present. Philatelists Schedule Friday evening Meeting Vernon.a Stamp collectors will meet Friday night. November 19, at the city hall for another session of stamp talks and ex­ change. Anyone merest ?d is wel­ come to attend. BEAT THE RUSH! Shop now at A. L. Kullandar Harding Lodge No. 116, Knights of Pythias, will entertain the D O K K drill team from Port­ land next Monday night when they came here to assist with conferring the Knight rank on Cjarance Hebron, Glenn Harmon and Leslie Logan. Other visitors are expected also from St. Helens and North Plains. THE EAGLE. ORE. THURSDAY, NOV 18. 1954 VERNONIA, Dr. Attends Convention At Multnomah Hotel I THE SM&!5SO.5iS, A TWO MILLION SQUARE MILE ‘ISLAND" OF FLOATING 5tA WEED IN THE ATLANTIC OLEAN, HAS BEEN LNOWM^e----------- SINCE THE COLUMBUS t/OVAGE IN 1492. >Si?' Pythian Sisters Enjoy Dinner CARRIED Of MAI ARIK Vernonia Temple No. 61. Py- Sisters and members of their families and friends enjoy­ ed a pot-luck dinn'r last Wed­ nesday evening in the IO.OF. dining hall preceedmg their reg­ ular meeting. Arrangements for •W»* WOSES***£*'MAt4 CE t & of malaria occur throughout the world mittee composed of Edith Mc­ land at least 2 million reople die foe Farland, Faye Davis, Alice Lind­ i its effects. say and Rose Poetter. During the meeting which fol­ OES Social Club Plans lowed. the charter was draped in Annual Christmas Party memory of Jack Heenan. Since this was homecoming and The Nehalem Social club, OES, roll call night, the re-obligation met last Wednesday evening at The Vernonia Study Club was ceremony was exemplified and -’ntertained by Mrs R. D. Eby the entire membership roll was Thursday ev -nine. November 4. th’ home of Mrs. Herman Dick­ called with each member res­ Mrs. William B Johnson was son with Mrs Sherman Fisher welcomed as a n< w member of and Mrs. Norman Hamnett as ponding as she saw fit. The next meeting will be No- the organization co hostess's. most interesting presentation t ember 24 and will be the first of A contemporary Reports wore given of the suc­ short ■ t >ries and nomination of officers as well as I their authors was mad? by Mrs. cess cf the rummage sales and the Thanksgiving party. Darrold Proehl. Sh - used the O'Henry Prize Stories of 1951 the fact that all articles not sold •md Best Amrrirnn Store's as had been donated to the Good Announcement Made Of background material, reading Will Industri >s. from Miriam Rugel's "The Daughter's Marriage Refreshments were served to I Flower" and the O'H nry First the 26 members present by the I Mrs. J. E. Jones of Vernonia Prize winning "The Indian F a- is announcing the marriage of ther" by Thomas Mabry. Amus­ hostesses after th? meeting ad­ ner daughter Shirley to Jack L. ing and helpful hints wnre given journed. The next meeting, December Hinze, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. to prospective story writers. The hostess for the Nov 18 8. will be the annual Christmas R. McNair, on Saturday, Novem­ meeting will be Mrs. Marvin party and will be held at the ber 6 The wedding was solomn Kamholz with Mrs Emil Messing I Masonic Temp! ». The jewelry îzed at the Presbyterian church reviewing "Not as a Stranger" by l in Camas, Washington in the pre­ Morton Thompson, a best selling drawing will also be held at that time. sence of members of the family. novel. After the ceremony the couple left on a honeymoon trip to Reno, Nevada where they visit d with the groom’s sister, Mrs. R. P. Conway. Upon their return here, a weduing reception was held for them at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. McNair Monday even­ in, November 15. Dr D E Hampton attended th? annual convention and clini­ cal symposium of the Oregon As­ sociation of Chiropractic Physi­ cians held at the Multnomah ho­ tel, Portland, Ort gon, November 5, 6 and 7. Guest lecturer was Dr Joseph Janse, President of the National Coll?ge of Chiropractic, Chicago, Illinois. Other speakers included Dr M. I. Higgens, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, Executive Director of the Nation al Chiropractic Association and Dr. John J Nugent. New Haven. Connecticut, Di, 'ctor of Educa­ tion for the National Association. SEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia. Oregon Book Reviews Heard By Club i Invitation Issued For Golden Wedding Reception Friends of Mr and Mrs John T Becker of St Helens are in­ vited to attend a golden w 'dding reception in their honor at the Yankton Grange hall Sunday, No vember 21, from 2:00 to 4.30 p.m. Old gardeners never die; they just spade away. I ADMIRAL i I I I ♦ | I I | I i | I j RADIO — TELEVISION APPLIANCES Come in and see the NEW 1955 line in TV with the ALUM1 NIZED DYNA RAY 270 inch picture. Small down payment EASY TERMS. PHONE 744 EALES SERVICE Prtcej Inez. * lai. S.P.&S. RY. ane, Portland and Seattle Ry. For Fast, Dependable Service For Careful Handling For Convenient Schedules to all Major Points in the U. S For information call Spokane, Portland and Seattle Ry. C. L. JOHNSON. Railroad Station General Office*: American Bank Bldg., Portland, Ore. SPOKANE, POUT I.A Ml and SEATTLE RAILWAY SYSTEM Ship and Travel 'The Norlhwcil'i Own Railway" Witcb The Friendly Pinochle Club en­ joyed the afternoon at the home ot Mrs. Art Davis last Friday, November 12. A delicious des­ sert luncheon was served at 1:00 pm. after which the guests all enjoyed playing pinochie. High score was held by Margaret Van- d‘>rzanden and low by Marie Sauer. Faye Davis and Aileen Cagle filled in for Cora Lange and Marjorie DeHart. The next meeting will be Fri­ day. November 1 m a. lae home vi Marjorie DeHart. For him the ELGIN OCEANSIDE. Shock ond woter* resistant case. $59.50 •Provided origino/ teal it properly restored after opening for servicing. TME ELGIM HOUR” on ABC TV THIS YEAR GIVE AN ELGIN FROM A. L. Kullander P.E.O. Sisterhood To Meet Next Tuesday Evening WATCHMAKER — JEWELER Offic’al hidfòi Watch Inspector, S.P.&S. Ry. inra £ Chapter BS. P E.O. Sisterhood will meet next Tuesday evening, sovemoer 23 at the home of Mrs. Wm. Nelson on Washington Street. / HISTORIC DEMAND! Tremendous public call for Old Crow reaches record heights with the introduction of milder, lower-priced, 86 Proof bottling—companion to the world-famous 100 Proof Bottled in Bond! New Dodge Custom Royal V-8 4-Door Sedan with 183-hp. Super Red Ram V-8 Engine—Extra Powered to 193-hp. at slight extra cost. I I New Ï5Ô DODGE < at your dealer’s now! For months the word has been getting around: “Dodge has done it! Wait and see!” Now the new ’55 Dodge is here . . . and the promise is fulfilled. You’ll know it from your very first glimpse of its sleek silhouette—longer, lower, and far more beautiful than anyone dreamed! Here is a car that captures the flair of the future in the bold forward thrust of its hood, in the sweep of its rear deck and twin-jet taillights. Here is a car that introduces the new ontlook in motor car styling, with a swept-back New Horizon windshield that surrounds you in a glass cockpit. Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey rvOU -TW O GREAT BOTTLINGS1 8« PROOF Oktnud OU Crow-bghr«-, miid« .nd lower pneed then the too Proof Bottled m Rood • Here is the car of a hundred surprises, whose taut and eager beauty is matched by exciting new developments that put the future at your fingertip*. A Dodge has done it! See the new ’56 Dodge today. $ A ~ X /[ * alipad inf",!-»! Do4f» D m *»'-. preset D bb » y rbomBi tt * »oem ter Detty. ’ ABC TV Bert Pfrkt ib N Break Tke Bank. ABC TV • Way ABC tMn I*”' BOTTLED IN BONO • 1OO PROOF The moer famous of bonded bowboa. «eodoUe SB omoi C * 7 Q Jjv* »• HAWKEN MOTORS • 968 Bridge Street Phone 501 THE OLD CROW DISTILLERY COMPANY FRANKFORT. KY. J • • ! i • ‘ ; OAKES RADIO SHOP • I ___ Margaret Vanderzanden High Scorer Friday For her the ELGIN LOTUS. Attractive styling of low cost. Nylon cord. $39.75 3 I VERNONIA, OREGON