2 THURSDAY, NOV. 4, 1954 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. OR£ TOPICS OF THE TOWN have rented their home on Weed Avenue to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wantland and are moving to Cannon Beach where Mr Kim- ball is employed with the Van Vleet Logging Company. Mr. and Mr». Lo«l Robert» and Mrs. John Grady left Sunday for a week's visit in Los Angeles with Mrs. Robert's mother and a brother of Mrs. Grady and Mr. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence New returned last Wednesday from a months vacation trip through Oklahoma. Kentucky and Ohio. DANCE. Nov. 13. I.O.O.F. Hall. Cedar Music by Swingsters. Chest Drawing. Rebekah Social 4412. Club. Mr. and Mrs. George Hahn spent the week end at Sheridan as guests of Mr and Mrs. Harold Ladd The Hahns were formerly residents of Sheridan Word received here last week from Mr and Mrs. Sid Sorensen is that they have now moved into a lovely new home in Rose. Mrs Sorensen had been I burg, called to Texas by the serious illness of her father. REBEKAH SOCIAL Club will have a pot luck benefit dinner at the I.O.O.F. Hall Nov. 10. li:30 a.m. Public invited. 44tlc Wilbur Davis and Lou Crovalto went to eastern Oregon elk hunt ing last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis visited Sunday at Clatskanie with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Graves were in Clatskanie Monday of last week to attend funeral ser vices for Fred Graves who was killed the previous week end in an automobile accident. He was a great nephew of Mr. Graves. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Miller were in Seattle last week end to at tend the football game between University of Oregon and Uni versity of Washington. CHICKEN NOODLE dinner 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. Sat., Nov. 6. Vernonia G.dnge Hall. Adults 51.25. child ren. 5.50. Square dance a'- er- wards. 44tlc Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Hawken and Lyman Hawken Jr. were in Portland Friday to attend a luncheon at the Multnomah hotel and the preview of the 1955 Ply- mouh cars at the auditorium in the afternoon. Calling on Mrs. Louis Car michael Sunday to wish her a happy birthday were her daugh- i I and Bill and Ron Vuysteke of I Tillamook visited Sunday with ¡ I Mrs Pearl Wilkerson Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Graves were at Dayton Sunday to attend the 90th anniversary observance at the E.U.B Church there. Mr. 1 Graves was the oldest person present who had been bom in Yamhill county. His former ■e-ighbor. Dr. Gates, was the speaker for the day and an in teresting feature was that one young woman wore a dress which had been worn by her great great grandmother at the church dedication 90 years ago. CHICKEN NOODLE dinner 6:30 te t 00 p.m. Sat.. Nov. 6. Vernonia Grange Hall. Adults SI.25. child ren. $-50. Square dance afeer- Mr. and Mrs. Burford Wilker son and two children, Marjorie i i 44tlc wards. Johnson and his two cou sins, Richard Rice of North Plains and George Johnson of Dilley, were among successful elk hunt ers Sunday, bagging two in the Cecil party. Joyce Jones and Loren Muis who are both attending Oregon State College at Corvallis spent •ast week end here. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Kimball BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon Laundry and Dry Cleaning IN THURSDAY BACK THURSDAY Jring To— BEN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP Jregon Laundry and Dry Cleaners The Long-Selî LUMBER COMPANY Vernonia Division I Always Pay By ter, Mrs. Victor Berg from Bir I kenfeld and her son and wife. Mr and Mrs Bill Carmichael and family from Treharne. REBEKAH SOCIAL Club will I have a pot luck benefit dinner at th* I.O.O.F. Hall Nov. 10. 11:30 i.m. Public invited. 441 1c Mrs. Jun* Willis spent Sunday in Portland attending Portland Market Day at the Benson hotel selecting spring merchandise. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lantz and daughter from Homer. Alas ka visited last week end at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs Frank Lentz and helped Mr. Lentz celebrate his birthday. Word was received Monday by Mr and Mrs. C E Pierson of the death at Eugene of Mr. Pierson s sister, Mrs Carns Ph'-lps, who was also an aunt of Mrs. Loel Roberts. Funeral services are to I day, Thursday. DANCE. Nov. 13. I.O.O.F. Hall. Music by Swingsters. Cedar Chest Drawing. Rebekah Social Club. 44t2c H. V. Holcomb visited Sunday in Portland with his son Robert and his family before leaving this week for Bogalusa^ Louisiana. Hs planned to stop at Roseburg for a visit with his sop Holly and his family, also Eugene E. Dove and Darrold Proehl were in Portland Satur day to attend a meeting of dis trict superintendents held at the O.E.A building. Men from bc<h the grade school and high school faculties were at Clatskanie Monday evening to at tend a meeting of the County Schoolmasters Association. Attending Friendship night at Kellog Chapt r, OES. in Portland last Friday evening were Mr and Mrs. Pete Brunsman, Mrs. Pdul Gordon, Mrs. Wilbur Davis, Mrs. Sam Hearing Sr., Mr. and Mrs. I Sam Hearing Jr.. Mrs Bert Brunsman and Mrs. Frank Sera fin. Mrs. Charles Wall plans to mov ■ to Gardner this week end to join her husband who began work there this week. Birkenfeld School Has Hallowe'en Parties BIRKENFELD — Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Garceau called on Mr. and Mrs. Fay? Mills at North Plains Tuesday and on Mrs. Mills sisti r at Yankton Wednesday. The Birkenfeld school had a Hallowe'en paity in each room Friday. Th > children received treats from Mrs. Beach and the^r teachers. Mrs. Fred Larson and Mrs. Ted Bellingham assisted Mrs. Marshall in entertaining the lower grade room. Mrs. Herbert Rodgers and girls and Mrs. Francis Larson wer.- shopping in Vernonia Thursday. Mr .and Mrs. Gus Janisch of Disston stunt the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beach. Mrs. Janisch is a sister of feloyd Beach. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Mills went to The Dalles and H ’rmiston to attend some cattle auctions. They were gone Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Garciau who have been visiting the M. P Mills home left for Yakima Monday. Mrs. Harold Davis of ■astern Oregon is her; visiting her sisters. Lorraine and Patricia Ridout and their grandmother. Mrs W. F. Reeves. Mrs Eugene Itzen of Corvallis 'P nt two days here last week, visiting relatives. | Sunday Visit Made To Two Ill Brothers Fire Destroys Vacant House Former Resident Wed Saturday RIVERVIEW — Mr and Mrs. Virgil Powell spent Sunday in Portland visiting his two broth- BIRKENFELD — Carol Dawn BIRKENFELD — Fire from an ! ers, Ora Powell who is critically Lousignont, daughter of Mr. and undetermined source destroyed a ill in the St. Vincent Hospital, vacant house belonging to L. H. and Will Powell who is also ill Mrs. Darrell Lousignont of Clats- , kanie, formerly of Birkenf“ld and Jepson Friday. It was located at the home of his daughter. John Lawrence Johnston, son of quite close to Mrs. Richardson s Mr and Mrs Roy Foster and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Johnston I house now occuplied by Mr. and children of Bay City spent the were married Saturday. Atten I Mrs. Eddie Wallace and it was thought for a while it might take week end at the home of their dants were Norma Norman of both houses. Through the efforts son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jewell and John Hopkins. After a short honeymoon they will live of several hunters who stopped Gene Foster. Robert Fowler, son of Mrs. Leo south of Birkenfeld. to lend a hand, Fred Udey, Don from Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thomp ald Jepson and Minnie Beach, Violette came recently | they managed to save Mrs. Ri Cleveland. Ohio to make his home son and children spent last week here with the Jepson families chardson's house without any with the Violettes. Dale Clark and Otto Barnell serious damage. Forestry fire Mrs. Archie Adams of Cathla trucks arrived later and put the Sr. of Hillsboro and Ed Ruediger met, Washington. Mrs. Tieo of hunted elk on Saturday, killing fire completely out. Clatskanie and Mrs. Jane Fid a cow and calf. cock of Fishhawk road called on Mr. and Mrs. Bill Udey of Mrs. J. R. Bennett Thursday Corbett spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Udey. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Fisher Birthday Club Members ar? visiting their son and family Mrs. Julia Vadnois is here visit Enjoy October Meeting ing her sister, Elsa Richardson in Minnesota. TREHARNE — Mrs Carl Sny and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Belling Mr. and Mrs. L. Harrington ham. She will help Mrs. Richard der entertained the Birthday spent the week end here at then son run the store while Mr. and club members at her home on place on D?ep Creek. Mrs. Art Bellingham go duck Thursday, October 28. There Mrs. Jane Holbok? has moved were 25 people present which hunting at Klamath Falls. included Mr. and Mrs. Linwood back into the valley after spend Norman Mills celebrated his Reynolds and sons, Michael and ing several months in Portland. 21st birthday Thursday Just the David of Tillamook. family, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mr. and Mrs Don Reynolds GOT SOMETHING TO SELL— Garceau and Mr and Mrs .Cecil and children and Mr. and Mrs. Sell it with an Eagle classifiadl Elliott were present. Chuck Harders were Sunday Mrs. Buster Benson visited her dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Carl Snyder and sons. Johnston over the week end She Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falconer came to attend the wedding ot and Mrs. Nell Thacker were din NOV. 4 5 her brother, Lawrence Johnston. ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cai i THURS.. FRI. TANGANYIKA Mrs. Ted Bellingham took her Wienecke Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Van Heflin - Ruth Roni, i sister, Mrs. Barbara Landers to Arnold Wienecke of Hillsboro SATURDAY NOV. S St. Helens Friday. also were Sunday afternoon visi VICKI Sewing club met with Mrs. tors of his brother and sister-in- Jeann Crain - Jean Pettis Fred Busch last Tuesday even law. SUN.. MON. NOV ’ I Mr and Mrs. Wm. Shafer of THE HIGH AND THE MIGHTY ing. Six members were pr 'sent. The next meeting will be No Buxton visited their cousins Mr. (Color) vember 9 with Mrs. Clair Devin». and Mrs. Carl Wienecke Monday John Wayne - Claire Trevor afternoon. Joy Theotrv Final Rites At Brush Prairie • » • • . • * If "People believe in Maytag” NATAL — Mrs. Mickey, Mrs. 1 I I Waddell.s mother, passed away last Thursday at a rest home near Vancouver. Th.- funeral was held at Vancouver with the final rites at Blush Prairie, Washing- ton. Sympathy is extended to the family. Mr and Mrs. Hal Vicors of Portland were week end gu.sts at the Hershey home. Mr and Mrs Max Ob ack were Rain, r visitors on Monday. Mrs. Jake Neuer was hostess for a Stanley party given at her home on Tuesday morning. Maxine Oblack spent the week end at her home from Forest Grove. Her parents took her back to Forest Grov? Sunday evening. Ethel Waddell of McMinnville spent the we k 'end here With parents. The Ira Peterson and Noble Dunlaps end Robert Lindsays all attended th * funeral in Portland last Tuesday for the late George Hallooman. I ' i j I | I Maytag automatic -fte Ohlu Double SpinTubs WONDERFUL TRADE-INS! EASY TERMS! Automatic Water Level Control for small, medium and full loads | I ' ’ i SUNDLAND'S ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE 786 Bridge Phone 581 Vernonia » IKS That way, avoid arguments «there’s no arguing with a cancelled check'. Save time 'pay all monthly bills in ten minutes flat'. Know exact ly where your money goes and for what Know to the |X'nny how you stand financially.. How about you? Gain begins with "G"—you'll find The finest food for humankind Vernonia Branch I I I Commercial Bank et Oregon Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Is OUR PURE you grow— MILK—it helps ! As all the wise physicians know. NEHALEM 0HIRV PRODUITS (0. Grade A Pasteurized Milk A Cream PHONf 471 ,.<j THIS WHISKEY IS 4 YrARS OLD • 86 PROOF • THE 010 HERMITAGE COMPANY, FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY