< munse a y oct m . :» m the eagle , vtrnonia . ora Th e Forum 4-H Leaders Elect Officers Mr*. Aider. Ashley. M-st. »a; re-elected president of the Colum bia county <-H Leaders Assoc .a- taon at their meeting on October 25. at the Quincy grade school Mrs Earl Hanif.n. IX-er Island, was re-elected vice-president and Mrs George Harper Y’anxtor was electee secretary' Burton Hutson, state 4-H club ■-od*r Corvallis, spoke to the leaders on the importance of their >obs as 4-H club leaders He com plimented them on the fine job rk- Amaury Xavier. Brazil. no» living m th;« country a* ar. in- trna'jon»! Farm Youth Exchange delegate, told something about life tn Brazil He showed the group p.ctures :>t h» horns, live- stock osi his farm, and points oí interest -n Braz., Mr Ashley reports a good at tendance for the meeting wh.ch is the first 4-H leaders meeting to be h?ld at night. Vnti] this year, leaders association meet ings »ere be.d on Saturday I ! i i • i 1 I * , i I "Yep' said the Old Man on the Hill "I’m going to vote for Joe Carson for governor of Ore- gon ” Why* Well in the first piace I think he is the best man we hav? for the job and besides, hs H as a cjt-ar. record If there had ever been anything question - ¿ole in n«.s past as & private citi* zer. or in his official capacity as mayor of Portland the opposi- tson would hate ferreted it out and paraded it before ths public long before th» L ook what they did < to D.ck Neuberger went back into hu school-days trying to oig up some mistakes to dis- materials used by the people of w the United State Th 16 in< d infer mb r and s.ze 1A Li on and harvest of f fi k production < -d lected farm fac Farm Census Begins Friday ♦ Field wo •f Agncuit aU v ton* '54 f Agr.cul- The 19M ft ¿d that mes of na- ture is th? 1 6th — j their farm ope: man «lions, dr farm en f, d to the Ceni f f uhtrh was conducte he 1 in absolute ex Bure iui of Arricui < A¿.ry Federal Laxen at f. mf< I P w ^ hxhihzhzhxhxwxhihzhihxh : ma __ H for H H H H X H ELMER 3. LOYD H Here is a man L H County Court. 1 cal experience p H ministration. H For the past 8 months he has been a working com H H H missioner. His record reccmmends him. LETS KEEP HIM WORKING FOR US! ELECT ELMER LOYD COUNTY COMMISSIONER NEXT TUES. VOTE id « Close* every Oregon coasui port south of Astoria to com mercial salmon fishermen « Grabs for a fe* a resource that belongs to all the people of Oregon. r X NO - 1, A. s 2UC. Bazsd^t, Or««va Fn uu H H X H X H H H H H J H County Centra H < Interferes *ith Oregon’s pro gram to consent and maintain the salmon resource. ar X H X H X H X N X H X H H H here’s why 6 E Ï FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER * Garden Club met Fn.. Oct 15 at the home of Mrs Mabel Graves with »even member* and one visitor present. There were interesting discus sions of cactus and geran.um culture by the various members Also some good pointers were offered on grafting and prumng fruit trees The next meeting of the Gar den club will be November fifth at the home of Mrs H H. Sturd- vant. "7” WON ’T WORK ;ppiy club readers in Quincy And M¿j - gtr. Garden Club Studies Cactus. Geranium Culture II Flair-Fashioned . . , ^ZHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXK SENATOR ¡ Coming November 17 during the month of February when steelheads are the only fish running. Washington state sports men council and Washington game commission have both ob Vernonia, Oregon I jected strenously to the practice October 25, 1954 of Oregon fishermen catching steelhead planted by Washington game commission and headed foi \ ernonia Eagle Many arguments pro and Cen Washington riv *rs. They put a c incsrning fish bill No. *“ 1" have limit of two dozen clams of any appearing in our larger size on clam diggers. This they stated was necessary for conser papers. Opponents to this fine conserva I vation However, commercial dig t.i n measure would have us be- gers compete with th ■ sport dig bive that it is not necessary. gers and take any and all the However as one who has spent clams they can take. They also the last 25 years in Vernonia and turned a deaf ear when Gearhart watched our salmon runs decline suggested reserving a section of to the dangerously low point of the beach for amateur diggers the present time I think such backed fish bill asures as No. "7” are definM.'- measures donation of $50. ij in order. backing with Logging operations L amed for declining runs of sal mon. No doubt this has been contributing factor However lar c~: 1» ixooino tg operation on Nehalem and its tributaries long since gone, Both the | commission and fish commi ■ been clearing jar t Creek and Wolf Co-op in cooperati game co jmmission blew the >ey dam; Crown Zellerbach hr! helped clear smaller streams in th 'ir relogging operations yet • he Nehalem has gone down hill along with the other coast streams. Obviously sion” has ove of biological facts . . t ouwners (by nettinj S'op returns.” This has been proven time an i...ain in every food fish jui rounding the U.S. and Alaska. One of our larger newspapers suggests, instead of approval of No. “7,” the prodding of our fish commission to further restrictions on the netters. Lets look the record of our “Fish Commi sion" on measures of conserva tion. They fought to the ut most (against every sportsman organization to d"feat ”312" wnlcn stopped netting of our streams for steelhead, considered by many as our finest game fish, even going so far as to send their mast . fish warden to lobby against the measure in the legislature. They refused close the Columbia Mr Steele has spent 16 years as City Mayor of Clatskanie. Ore gon, he is President of the Lower Columbia River highways associ- many ation. ? past other years Let t’s put a good man in our represent us. state legislature not j just ; he is another candidate wht vill make great promises to g into office, and after he is the forget all about US. We want man in as State representative of C< Columbia Coun- ty who will give us the best representation of any man I know of. Vote for Art Steele in the November election L. E Odle Former Mayor of Rainier Vernonia Rod and Gun Club. THE PEOPLE SPEAK ! To The Editor. Also to th" voters and Citizens: of Columbia Coun ty. Oregon I Lester Odle of Rainier have served four years as Mayor of Raimer: during those four years I had the pleasure of working with Art Steele who now is run ning for Election in the State Legislature as a Representative of Columbia County. Oregon. Mr. Steele has worked faith fully with me and my followers in the reduction of the tolls on the Longview-Rainier bridge. Mr Steele deserves your sup- port no matt"r what your politi cal faith is. He is truly a can didate to represent all the people of our County. If Steele is elected I am sure we can look for strong support for th- speedy completion of the Lower Columbia River highway October 15. 1954 Editor Kamholz: are rapidly approaching limax of a very importan in. Durin at SAFEWAY this weekend À Freestone Peaches Cheese Food Kraft Velveeta Cottage Cheese Candy Bars Coldbrook Margarine Boody's Peanuts Sleepy Hollow T Medium Eggs 4 N“ Cans .2'= r Sundown Salad Size 2-LB. PKG 2-LB. PKG CARTON OF 24 9 £ 77/ • Record: Farmer counties, I would like to re-state my basic political philosophy. I believe with Fisherman Thomos Jefferson thot ‘Government is simply on instrument by which the peo Teacher ple seek to effect their safety end happi ness ' During my three legislative ses sions I have tried to cast my vote on Parent Businessman every issue on its merit as indicated by the evidence presented. If I am re elected, I shall continue to so vote. Professional Man VOTE 110X FOR SENATOR BOB HOLMES Selected bv Oregon Education Association ' Cftnen of the Year ' Named as One of the Top Three Legislators t>v AF of L ond CIO Homed os One of Top Ten Legislators br Oregon State Grange Named as One of Top Seven Legislators by Oregon Newspaperman Oregon* School People Consider Senator Holmes One of Oregon's Most Important Legislators! The R eward For His R ecord is R e -E lection HOLMES FOR SENATOR COMMITTEE—244C CEDAR ASTOfVA. OREGON BONEDESS TOP SIRLOIN STEAKS BONELESS TENDERLOIN STEAKS CENTER CUT ROUND STEAKS MORRELL S PRIDE CANNED PICNICS GROUND BEEF ire FREH FRYERS, par LI LB. SI.19 LB. S1.43 LB. 79c LB. 75c RUMP ROAST AIRWAY EDWARDS COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE SI.02 S2.03 1- LB. 2- LB. SI.03 SI.99 Trick or Treat Pops, 60 pops in each pkg. 39c Harvest Mellow Cream Mix, a colorful treat 29c All Regular 5c Candy Bars, Ctn of 24 98c Fluff-i-esi Marshmellows, 1-lb pkg 31c pkg 5c Crackerjacks, prize in every package 3 pkgs 10c Bright, Crisp Northwest Delicious Extra Fancy—School Bdy Size 4-LB. BAG All Purpose Jonathans Extra Fancy—School Boy Size Apple Cider w Tasty Donuts Melrose Cookies 4-LB. BAG Full Gallon Jug est Fair 1 ! Dozen SI.07 S2.13 NATIONAL BRANDS COFFEE 1- LB. $1.09 2- LB. $2.17 14-ci. Iced Vara tv SAVE UP TO 30c Tea Timer Crack 4-oz iJ- Sl.09 51.59 Graham Crackers, Gold 35c C’.ieez-it Crackers, Sunshine 6-0 19c Fresh Butter, Shady 1 ne lb 65c Ice Cream. Snow Star Qt. 45c 30c Dole Pineapple Juice Canvas Gloves 4 FLORIDA ORANGES All You Can Get in Toter Bag at Display Minimum Weight 7-lbs. 79c 23c TENDER AND JUICY NOB HILL 1- LB. 2- LB 43c 45c LB. SI.09 T-BONE STEAKS 12 to 14-lbs —lb 53c 39c Potato Bread, Skylark l --lb. loaf 28c Holiday, sliced. 4-oz 15c Fruit Cake CAREFULLY TRIMMED Whole or Full Half Trick or Treat Mix, free mask on each pkg. 69c Nu Made Mayonnaise 69= Best Foods Mayonnaise • ft 55c Salad Dressing. Duchess 55c Miracle Whip, Kraft Pineapple Juice, LaLani 46-oz 29c Pineapple, LaLani, sliced 2 can 29c Mrs. Wright's Bread 1 U.S. CHOICE GRAIN FED BEEF SWEETHEART BRAND 25c 55c Arm Cut, HAMS Orange and Black Gum Drops, fresh and soft DOZEN ( V Shldr. Roast Shldr. Roast Leg or Rump Roast Round Steak Breast for Stew FANCY — SKINNED SUGAR CURED 29c Edwards Instant Coffee 2-Pound Jar 43c yeivspaper Comment: Ai C lotto« count, i Senator he • i nHuent.ol in all lef'ilat'OR on fisheries " — Portland Oregon Journal Obseners at the 1953 session reodilr concede that Senator Holmes corned a heo»» load and d-d a creditable ,ob tor his count, end the state " —Salem Ceprfol Journal. Holmes has mode hisfor. in Oregon politics He is the lint Democrat in half a Centura to represent Clatsop count, os Senator Alone among the senate ■ present tear Democrats, he speaks Ur a ' downstore * counts heo.ll» rural tn population He is one ot the leu Democrats *ho avee heeded the committee on education TH Bob Holmes is not a rabid partisan He takes people as he bnds them He works with oH «roups «e »0 io h.s direction That direction usuoll. points to better schools end colleges lor Oregon s • ounger operation That is wh» he ts work.n« n herd for Portlond State Colleye os he is lor >ood pnmor, .nd seconder, schools That is wh, he is Oregon EdMcetioa « ' crtnen of — id-tonal Portlond Oreyon Journal 89 24-OZ. [-/*.- BOTTLE 3UV - Plum - Apricot apple Preserves U. S. CHOICE CALF SALE Orange and Black Jelly Beans, extra fresh Sugar Crest SHASTA PRESERVES Recognition: Roxbury Trick or Treat Candies Crunchy Äpples for Bobbin Spanish or Blanched Choiiwo* Senate Educe! ea Cowir.Hee Vice-CKoirmoR, Natural Resources CewR'Itte Membar. Wave and MeaR* Committee Member, OregoR Interstate Co-operot>on Ccmmittea Member Columbia Bairn Compact Commiinon "For the voter* in Clatsop ond Columbia c POUNDS FOR NO. 2', CANS Labor C ALL GO FOR X THESE PINT cur MOON BEAM PUMPKIN by: 00 Goblins, spooks ánd kids Wrigley's Trick or Treat Gum Table Svrup Endorsed THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE. THURSDAY. OCT 2< ISM sion of the le lature it was my obtain to guide our sti to become acquainted tremendous growth privileg I m with Joe Dyer who represented hope that the people of di your district in the Hous* tnct will have the wis ana As a member uf Ways and vision to elect Joe -Dye| Means and the State Emergency xt state senator. Board, I have had th? oppor- Your very truly, tunity of observing Representa- George A Ulett, Sen tive Dyer in action and have Eighth District been tremendously impressed Coos & Curry Countie with his integrity, his grasp of state affairs and his very eam- est attet tion to matters of lm- THE VERNONIA EAGLE mediate „•oncern to your district, Official Newspaper ot As a succe sful businessman Vernonia, Oregon and an important emp Marvin Kamholz labor, he understands tt Editor and Publisher lying principals of good management which are Entered as second class mail sarv in making vital matter. August 4, 1922 at Mid for our state governme post office in Vernonia, Oregon, The problems comin under the act of March 3. 1879. th" 1955 legislature will be Subscription price $3.00 yeany important to the people In the Nehalem Valley. Else and we need the m< where $3.50. 69c BY THE POUND Large Avocados Lettuce Squash Pumpkins Grapefruit 19c POTATOES It u 15c 4c 1¿C ECONOMY PACK SIZE A 25-LBS. SELECT lOLB.’^»7 PREM. SELECT PREM. LB. ShW’iS) 5^5 WAY