Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, October 21, 1954, Image 1

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    Lit-ary, U of 0
Clinic Due
November 2
S lator Guy Cordon, candidate
foi re-election to the United
States senate on the Republican
ticket, called briefly in V rnonia
M'nday afternoon on his swing
through Columbia County.
rr‘. with a group of constituants
at the Legion hall and answered
qui lion» and discussed inform­
ally th? issues of the campaign.
From here. Senator Cordon
w t into Washington county and
had only Curry county yet to
vi5 • to complete coverage of the
state in his campaign.
PTA Frograms
On KOAC List
nersons who will tun ■ .heir
s to KOAC at 2:00 pm
Wednesday afternoons will be
p- leged to hear programs pre-
s 'ted by the Oregon Congress of
Parents and Teachers in a series
er ..led
' Guidance As Thuy
” The first Wednesday of
ea - month will place emphasis
on ::ie pie-school child: th? sc-
ccr>d Wednesday will be primari­
ly for parents and teachers of
the school age child; the third
w. deal with subjects particul­
ar: y significant for parents and
ter. hers of adolescents and the
fourth will deal with special ser-
vic's in Oregon for parents and
The next program to be heard
w..l be next Wednesday. October
27 a’ 2:00 p.m. on the topic "Coin-
mu tty Dental Health Program”
and will be present'd by Dr.
Witter, director of
Dental Health Program for the
St.-'.c Board of Health.
Local Boy Gets Office
W.i'aam Braun, son of Mr. and
Mrs. W M. Braun, was elected
last week to the office of vice-
pi sident for th? freshman class
at Pacific University at Forest
Greve. He graduated last spring
frr,-n Vernonia high school and is
ma.oring in mathematics at Pa­
There will be an immuniza­
tion clinic at the Washington
grade school Tuesday, November
2. for the purpose of giving the
children in the kindergarten and
first thre? grades immunization
shots for diphtheria, whooping
cough and tetanus and vaccina­
tion for smallpox.
The clinic, sponsored by the
local P.T.A. with financial aid
from the Lions’ Club, will be
conducted by the local doctors
with the assistance of nurses ana
volunteer workers. The reason
for the clinic is that many child­
ren have not had such shots
in the first year of life as recom­
mended by health authorities or
have omitted the follow up boos­
ter shots recommended to be
given when children are five or
six years old.
Parents must give consent for
any ctiild to have the shots and
cards are being sent out through
th” school. Parents of children
who will enter school next year
may reouest cards. It is recom­
mended that small children re­
ceive this care form their own
Where possible, parents are
asked to contribute 25 cents per
child for this service. The coun­
ty health dipartment has no
funds for such work but can as­
sist by getting supplies from the
Oregon State Board of Health.
Aid from the Lion’s club and
volunteer services make th.? small
fee possible.
Preliminary plans for the clinic
were made at a P.T.A. health
committe* meeting held last Fri­
day at the home of Mrs. James
H. Ellis. Those attending were
Mrs. L. L. Wells, Mrs. Charles
Wall, Mrs. Walter Linn, Mrs.
Stephen Waite and Miss Grace
Roumagoux. Columbia County
health nurse.
Teachers Attend Workshop
Teachers from both the grade
and high school attended a work­
shop at Seaside Monday and
Tuesday which was for all teach­
ers in Clatsop and Columbia coun­
ties. The workshop theme was
centered around the social sci­
ences and speakers were present
from Oregon State College, Pa­
cific University, Lewis and Clark
College and Oregon College of
Education as well as a represen­
tative from the Portland school
system and Miss Allison of the
British Consulate in Seattle.
Pirates Bow Friday to
Logger Gridmen 32 to 7
The Vernonia Loggers continued Higley doing the kicking
their winning ways last Friday time count stood at 13-7 with
evening when they met Neah- Vernonia in the lead
During third quarter play the
kanie on the local turf in their |
Loggers scored again in the clos­
sixth grid contest of the current | ing minutes of that period Hig­
seas n and defeated that eleven I ley took the credit for this six
points with a plunge over the
Once again the Loggers got center of the line from two feet
oft to a flying start the first time out. Try for point failed.
they got their hands on the ball.
In the beginning minutes of
Or. the first play from senm- the fourth qbarter Johnny Dani­
rrac the local eleven scored from els blocked a Pirate punt on the
their own 40 with a 60-vard latter’s 20 which was pick”d up
jaunt by Hoisey. Vernonia speed­ by Pat Lloyd and run all ftie
ster. The try for point failed. way for a TD The try for point
Not to be outdone the visiting failed making the score 25-7
Near the end of the game the
Neahkanie Pirates took the ball
<-- their own 32 and drove all Loggers again tallied six points
the way downfield for a TD The | which was s”t up by an inter­
".rates scored on a 30-vard run cepted Neahkanie pass
f- md right end by Dupr”e The scored from the visitors’ 27-yárd
The try
try for point was good making line, skirting left end
•’’> score stand at 7-6 in favor of for point was good with a pass
from Hoisey to Ray tallying The
the visitors.
In the last 48-seconds of the games' end saw the Loggers on
half Vernonia scored their se- the Pirates’ 11-yard stripe
The Loggers will journey to
c nd TD which was set up by a
The score wa.- Warrenton Friday afternoon to
P.rate fumble
made by Bush who plunged over engage that squad in their sixth
LCL game of the season Game
ram his own two-yard stripe
T*-e try for point was good with time will be at 2 00.
Two donation t > this area's part
of th ■ United Fund drive have
already been voted bv the mem­
bers of two organizations and ar­
rangements for parts of the drive
program are almost complete
Dariold Proehl said Wedn'sdav.
He is head of th? drive for this
Donations have been voted by
both IWA Local 5-37 and the
Natal Grange he indicated and
also said that arrangem nts for
Scheduled to speak here Thurs j
donations from Long-Bell mill
day of next week will be Ait employees are being handled
Steele, Republican candidate for through the office.
The house-to-house canvass is
legislative representative for Co­
lumbia county, who will appear slated to being early next week
with the following people to act
at the IWA hall. His talk at that
as chairmen for the several dis­
time will be made at the IWA tricts in town and the valley:
Governor Paul Patterson payed
local union hall at 8:00 p.m. and Mrs. Grace Mathews, Mist Bir­ a surprise visit to the annual
will be for union members only. kenfeld: Mrs. Floyd Bush. Corey "wreck" held in Vernonia Sun­
Steele has appeared h 're set - and Capital Hill; Mrs. Nell Thom­ day by La Societe Des 40 Hommes
as. north of Bridge Street in Ver­ et 8 Chevaux. Washington-Col­
eral times, the most recent being
nonia, Mrs. L. L. Wells, River­ umbia Counties at the American
Monday evening when he spoke
view; Mrs. James Smith, Pitts­ Legion hall.
to Lions club members. Attend­
burg; Eugene Dove, high school;
Governor Patterson was a can­
ing the meeting with him Mon­
Ralph Hartman. Columbia Tree didate for initiation into the or­
day was John W. Whipple, coun­
Farm and Bill Wilson, W'*st Ore­ ganization and was given no time
ty Judge.
gon Electric. IWA members will for political speeches but was put
arrange for soliciting the business to work on the job of cleaning
up Vernoma by wielding a broom
Columbia county people have on the streets and in various
received considerable help from business places, including the
many of the ag°ncies included in bank and Ma Vike’s cafe.
the list of organizations to which
Highlight of the day was a
drive funds are devoted. Among mullingan stew feed at the hall at
Columbia county Democrats
those mentioned specifically by noon.
have formed a Steele for Repre­
Miss Grace Roumagoux, county
sentative committee as the re­
health nurse, arc Salvation Army
sult of a meeting last week held 1
White Shield Hom", Portland
at Clatskanie with about 40 pre­
Center for Hearing and Speech,
sent. Included on the committee
Mental Health association, Port­
are men from seven other county
land Association for Retarded
communities in addition to the
Children, American Cancer So­
men and women from Clatskanie
ciety ¿nd Heart Association
The Industrial Forestry Asso­ >
who will work for the election of
ciation has just announced the
Art Steele as state legislator.
certification of 36 new tree
Earl Chartrey, Clatskanie, heads
farms, 22 of which are in Oregon
the committee as chairman and
in 12 different counties, and 14 of
members from that area are:
which are in Washington in se­
Verl Anundi. Richard Carlson,
ven different counties.
In all,
Jewett A. Bush, Edna Bradley,
they comprise 141,956 acres which j
Al Canham and Dr. Kent Ma­
Next Thursday night, October brings the total tree farm acre­
28. at 8:00 p.m. there will be a age included in this permanent I
Vernonia members are: Lyman
meeting at the high school of private forest managem”nt in |
Hawken, Sr., Guy Thomas, Mrs.
the Columbia County Highway western Oregon and Washington
Haze) Shipman, Floyd Bush, Mel.
Life Saver's committee which 1» to 4,415,430 acres.
vin Schwab and Lou Choate
a division of the Highway Life
Of special interest here is the
From other county towns ar”;
Saver's Committee of Oregon certification given Flank Floet'i
Arbie Lawrence, Lee Pennell and
Citizens Chris T. Nvland of for 637 acres in Columbia coun­
Doc Mason, St. Helens, Forest
Scappoose is chairman of the ty under the name Care-Ann.
Sanders, Bob Dickson, Gilbert
county group and will have
Urie, Scappoose; Irving Kallunki,
charge of the meeting
Kenneth Huycke and
arrangements ar? being made by
Bloyd. Rainier; Lawrence Jep­
Bert Brunsman, Vernonia repre
son. Birkenfeld and L. A. (Red)
sentative on the committee.
DuBois, Columbia City.
Members of all fraternal and I
civic organizations as well as all I
The Columbia County Histori­
individuals inter-sted in making cal Society will meet at Birken­
the highway safer are urged to feld on Tuesday. October 26th,
attend this meeting and hear the with the program based on the
plans mapped out for carrying history of the Mist and Birken­
out the program.
feld area being arranged by mem­
bers in that area
Second Lieutenant John A
The annual election of officers
Berg of Birkenfeld is now sta­ Firemen Attend Meeting
will also be held at this time.
tioned at the Columbus Air Force
Dick Gwin and Larry Garner
There will be the usual potluck 1
Base in Columbus. Mississippi.
He recently arrived ther” from represented the Vernonia Fir? de­ meal at noon, and all who are
Lackland Airbase in San An­ partment at a meeting of the interested are welcome.
tonio, where he had been sta­ county association at Raimer last
tioned for approximately three Wednesday night at which Rai­
weeks. In Columbus h? will re­ nier becam? a part of the county
ceive further training and will organization Jim Hicks was pre.
in his training be initiated into sent from the State Fire Mar­
shall's office to give further in­
the flying world.
formation on organizing for civil
Robert King was appointed
S/Sgt. Donald P. Cline, son oi defense.
to the board of directors of the
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Cline, is
> Vernonia chamber of commerce
| now at Yuma. Arizona where he
at its meeting held at the West
i is on duty with the 4750th Air
Oregon Electric office October
Defense Wing . at the Yuma
Fire of undertermined origin
King will fill the vacancy
County Airport and is assigned broke out Tuesday morning in a 13.
caused by the resignation of
to the 4750th Supply Squadron
down stairs apartment at the George A Remnant a short time
His wife, Beverly and small Cherry Tree apartment house.
son. Donald S are at present re­ Starting apparently from a waste ago.
Thu appointment was part of
siding in Vernonia
'basket, it burned into the floor
board’s first meeting this
and wall before extinguished by
Mrs W J. Lindsley and Mrs. firemen by the use of pyrene
A national affairs committee
Dewey Hunt and sons and Mrs
Damagi” was estimated to be
was also set up with Wesley Bol-
Kenneth Lindsl”y motor-d to Ft
about $100
meier as chairman and Jim
Lewis, Washington S a t u r d ay
Smith. Guy Thomas, Bill Hom,
where they met Cpl Kenneth
Booster Night I* Planned
Dave Brunsman and Henry An-
Lindsley and brought him home
Vernonia Grange So 305 has deregg as members. Guy Thom­
for the week end. Cpl. Lindsley
arrived in Seattle Friday from issued an invitation to the public as. president, was appointed as
Korea where he had spent the to attend its Booster Night this national councilor.
A committee. George Remnant,
Last 3 months. He is to be dis­ Saturday evening at 8 00 pm
Jack Thompson and Marvin Kam-
A special program is planned.
charged Wednesday.
Demos Organize
County Group
Floeter Tree
I Farm Certified
Life Savers
To Meet Here
County Society
Slates Election
Home Canvass Voters to Act on Road Oil
To Begin for Levy Proposition Nov. 2
District Chairmen
Named by Drive Head
For Vernonia Area
Details Explained
For Program io Take
Place Next Month
10c COPY
By order of the Columbia coun­
ty court, dated September 8, 1954,
there will be referr d to the
voters of Columbia county at th?
forthcoming election November
2, 1954, the question of raising
a special road oiling fund The
fund would be in th? form of
a four-mill levy and would run
for three consecutive years
acted on favorably the
road oiling fund will raise ap­
proximately $67,000 annually for
the fiscal tax years 1955 56. 1956.
57, and 1957-58. or a total of
Th? court decid 'd to submit
this measure after being request­
ed to do so by the Pomona
Grange, the Farm Bureau and
different civic organizations as
well as many "good road enthus­
iasts” in the county.
At present it takes practically
all of the general road fund as
set up in the annual county bud­
get to keep up with the mainten­
ance and repair of the county's
present road system and bridges
Consequently but little if any is
left for new surfacing or oiling
Columbia county has 664 miles
of county roads to maintain and
over one half of the same have no
oil or other hard surfacing, ex­
cept gravel.
Each of the six
road districts have approximate­
ly 50 miles of roads that need
either oiling or resurfacing ac­
cording to the court and there
will be no way to get th *se
roads out of the mud and dust
except by means of a special oil­
ing fund
Columbia county had a simi­
lar special road oiling fund dur­
ing the years 1949, 1950 and 1951
and with that funds most of its
present road oiling and hard sur­
facing was accomplished. How­
ever, for the past two y ’ars the
county has been without such
funds and due to the excessive
traffic and heavy hauling many
roads are rapidly wearing out
and within a short time several
of such roads will hav? to be
completely rebuilt unless funds
are made available to properly
repair and surface them now
The court states that a special
feature of this road oiling fund
will be the fact that 30 per cent
of all monies raised by said fund
in cities will be spent within the
limits of those cities, based cf
course upon their assessed valua­
tion. This should be of parties -
lar interest to Vernonia as it
would mean that Vernonia would
have available for road and street
oiling and surfacing a fund that
it has not heretofore had.
Van Vleet Buys Arcata Co.
George Van Vleet who is well
known here becaus • of his lug­
ging operation in this area, has
purchased the Durable Fir Com
pany at Arcata, California and
has organized the Van Vle-t
Wood Products Company.
plans to move to Eureka, Cali.
fornia in the near future.
present he is logging in the Hum­
bug area of Clatsop county.
Member Named to Fill
C of C Board Vacancy
holz. is actively engaged in ar­
ranging material for a brochure
of the area
Many inquire s
have come in for material of this
Jack Thompson, chairman of
the retail merchants committee,
gave a good report on the work
his committee is doing. They
are having handbills printed giv­
ing the specials listed by mer­
chants of the chamber, to be dis­
tributed throughout the valley,
urging trading at home
Guy I. Thomas, president. Mr.
Paul Gordon, manager, and Mr
and Mrs. Bill Coldwell, of the St.
Helens chamber, attended the
Oregon Chamber Executives con­
ference at Gearhart October 13,
14. and 17.