8 THURSDAY. OCT 7, 1954 THF EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE. BRUNSMAN Hardware and Electric FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS and FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGES SPORTING GOODS — GUNS — AMMUNITION HARDWARE ELECTRIC WIRING NAILS LINSEED OIL — TURPENTINE PAINTS STEAM IRON Hunting Supplies Neoprene Ram Coats and Pants $20 Sleeping $ 7-Piece Virtue Dinette Set. Large table with Duncan phyfe legs. 6 rubber foam cushioned chair* with handles. Gray, red, or yel- $14950 Value for Only— Simmons Roll-away Bed with Coil Springs and Iinnerspring Mat­ tress Only Pin-up Lamps New Exotic Type Si 93 $3.50 Value Relaxon-Aire sacks. Assorted Colors Large Size, Light In Weight. Spring filled. 95 $16.00 $ Value Other Storage Has- sacks. Assorted Colors Some with Back Rests $9.50 - $9.95 - $10.95 $15.95 - $18.95 $•• th* difforonco Livo-Wator Action makat. Rolling, penetrating currant» of wdiy water waih clothe« trough and through. No yanking or pulling. New Imperial WV65 Automatic Washer Special ¿4 V Floor PLYWOOD Coleman Camp Stoves Lamps $12.95 and $22 50 4x8x14” $3.95 New Imperial DV65 Dryer New WV35 Thrifty Automatic Washer New Shipment Bedroom Sets in Fall Sty’. Blond or Walnut - $132.95 $149.95 - $159.95 Model Shown CTD84 8.4 Cu. Ft Pictures Of Europe Viewed NATAL — Mi. and Mis. Emi! Messing of Vernonia and Mr. and Mrs Robert Lindsay and Mr and Mrs. Noble Dunlap all enjoyed Wednesday evening at the Ira They showed Peterson home their guests pictures ot Norway, Sweden and Holland which were sent home l>y Corporal Vernon Peterson who », stationed in Ger­ many and has visited the other countries. Mr and Mrs Jake Neuer were in Hillsboro one day last week where Mr Neuer consulted an optician. Mr. and Mis Ira Peterson mo- to red to Aurora on Sunday to visit Mrs Peterson's sister and brother Ann and George Beer- man. Mrs. Sam I* vine accompanied Mrs Ed Danielson of Banks to Gresham mid Portland on Mon­ day While m Gresham they visited with Mi and Mrs. Joe Dallowitch. Mr D a 1 1 o witch taught school at Sw -detown sev- rial years ago She was the for- $ S S s $ INVEST IN THE FUTURE Buy Chinchilla* today. A South American fur bearer. We have market tor all you raise. All inquiries answorod. Reuben E. Tipton. Box 293. Vernonia. Oregon. $ $ S S $ $ Full-width Cooking-Top Lamp • New Cook-Master Oven Control • Exclusive Radiantubo Surface Unit* • Automatic Appliance Outlet • Full-widlh Storage Drawer • High-Speed Broiler BLANKET SALE s $ Model 94 32 Caliber Special 69 Lincoln Car Batteries Exchange Price 55 $ .00 and up 104 104 T09 ALL SIZES OF AMMUNITION $238.95 $391.95 Yellow Vater Glasses Linoleum Paste Gal. $1.25; Qt. 45c Remington Game- Beautiful Selection of master Model 760 9x12 Deluxe Congo- 30-06 27x45 and 30x54 Lido 95 $ Caliber Throw Rugs, red green leum white, brown. 98 Rugs------------ 300 Sa­ Values to $4.65 vage Cal. Gold Seal Linoleum I. .arge Clothes Per Yard c Reck. Beautifully 300 Savage Only Sanded. Special Model .00 99 • Lifetime Porcelc*! finish inside and out—with choice of white or 2 colors on the exterior $333.95 Coleman Lanterns $1195 and $13.95 $1.98 Several Hunt Last Week End TREHARNE — Jim Drips and daughter Myrna of Portland spent the week end with the Gene Drips family Jim. Gene and Bobby went hunting. Forrest and Donovan Reynolds and Harry Weaver hunted Sat­ urday and Sunday getting two deer to their credit Mr and Mrs. Fred Drips of Portland visited Mr and Mrs Gene Drips. Bobby and Sine Col­ lins Friday evening. Mr and Mrs Lester Tiding of Portland and Irene Thacker of Centralia. Washington called at lta»..WUtour TiacMOBT* NeU ”' Thacker homes Sunday, Irene stayed over with Nell and went home Monday evening Gold Seal Bel-Nor Blankets. Wool, Cotton and Rayon Beautiful Assort- ment of Colors. $ |95 $5.95 Value Purrey Reversible Wool and Rayon blan- kets. Beautiful Selec- tion of Colors. Each Side a Different Color $12.95 Value ROLL ROOFING 45 lb. S2.6C 55 lb. $2.95 65-lb. $3.55 90 lb. Red or Green $4.35 Gold & al Roofing Tar 5-Gallon $8.25 Bamboo Lawn Rake Gallon $1.89 69c Value c Plastic Roof Cement Special Gallon $1.35 Fan-Gio Heataire. Electric Heater. Both Radiant and Reflecting Heat. 3-Speed Con. trol Only IT'S A PRIVILEGE AND A PLEASURE TO LIVE IN VERNONIA Briiiners Welcome New Son Saturday mer Jean Lent Mrs. Dean Porter and children of Waldport called on the Devine family and the Shalmon Libels on Sunday. Maxine Oblack spent the week end at her home here. Word was received here by friends of the Ernest Kyser fa­ mily of Coos Bay that their daughter Ethel has been ill and underwent an appendectomy a week aRo Tuesday, She is back home now and improving satis­ factorily. I Winchester 30-30 Caliber • Combination broiler and roasting pan SPECIAL SALE ON 1953 MODEL FRIGIDAIRE Model Shown REFRIGERATORS RT 38 DS90 9 Cu. Ft. was $379 95 RT 60 Stratford NOW ONLY $315.34 Unclaimed Profit Sharing Numbers í Only *5o" wide Refrigerator Defrost* itself Roll-